Ochitekita Ryuuou to Horobiyuku Majo no Kuni: Volume 3 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Conclusion of the Alliance

Part 1

The head of Sraymeyer household, Vita, lived in a fort inside the black forest.

Ais and Lela travelled there with the intention of visiting her. The path which they both walked inside the forest was well maintained, and it wasn’t that hard to move on it. The two of them wore their usual thin clothes. Ais guessed that meeting Vita would be a difficult task by itself, however, as soon as they stepped into Sraymeyer’s territory, one of their members, Eliushune, appeared. Both of them were previously acquainted so once Ais told her the reason why they’d come, Eliushune promptly answered to their request as predicted. Still, there was one thing that took them by surprise.

“That’s because Mother said that you would be contacting us soon. Like that, she’s been waiting there.”

Or something like that? Ais and Lela looked at each other’s face unconsciously.

“So she anticipated we would come talk to her because we had won the battle against Cassandra’s ar-my….?”

As Lela whispered, Ais nodded as if saying ‘I see’.

“Right now, Mother is on the 2nd fort. I was told to bring you there, were you to come. I’ll guide you, so you may follow me.”

Saying so, Eliushune turned aside adroitly and walked into the dark forest. Ais and Lela looked at each other’s face once more.

“Vita-san, who’s known to be a sourpuss, is being way too upfront. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

“Ais, I think it’s better not to….”

Eliushune stopped and turned around, staring at Ais.

“I can hear you, Ais.”

“Yes? About what?”

“This girl…”

Eliushune glared at her for a while, then finally sighed and loosened her expression.

“Well, I guess it’s fine. Even I can’t deny that aspect about Mother. Rather, I’d agree with you.”

Speaking her mind, Eliushune looked around hurriedly.

“But don’t tell that to Mother.”

Ais cracked a smile and replied.

“Obviously, I won’t, Eliushune. After all, I don’t want both of us to be killed.”

“…..Follow me.”

Turning around once more, she continued to walk. Ais and Lela followed her.

Part 2

Eliushune led them and reached one of Sraymeyer’s forts, Ais and Lela were then guided into Vita’s residence, the inside of which, made them look about curiously. Even if it was the residence of a clan, it was a basic construction similar to a hut with erected pillars. Eliushune stood in the doorway and announced,

“Mother, I’ve brought with me Harrigan-dono’s messengers, just as you told me.”

As she called out loudly, a languid voice responded.

“Who are the messengers?”

“It’s Ais and Lela.”

“Fufun. To think that Harrigan would send those two, it seems like she’s serious this time. Fine, you may enter.”

Eliushune opened the door and urged them both to enter.

“Forgive me for interrupting, Vita-san.”

“Excuse me for distur-bing you.”

Ais and Lela stepped inside the building. What they saw was a spacious living room. The room had a transparent glass ceiling and wooden walls. It was no different from the residence of Ais and the rest. The windows in the room were closed with wooden shutters. From the inside, two candles were burning on candle stands, however, their flame was weak, making the room dimly lit. Vita was laying on her side on a thick mattress on top of a raised step inside the room. Besides her, there was one more witch who acted as her lap pillow.

“I apologize for neglecting to remain in contact, Vita-san.”

As they both bowed down in front of her, Vita suddenly sat up.

“Ahh, long time no see.”

Vita, who was wearing a cute outfit that matched her small body, beckoned Ais and Lela to come closer.

Once they did so, Vita directed her sight toward the witch next to her.

“Dora, bring those two folding stools.”

“Yes, Mother.”

The girl who stood up wore a long dress with multiple notches. She wasn’t as tall as Eliushune, however, her body lines were refined and her curves looked much clearer than Eliushune’s. Unlike her, Eliushune wore a long, loose mantle, which made it harder to grasp her body lines. The girl called Dora lined up the stools on the floor.


“Thank you very much.”

“Ais, you better sit gently.”


“Otherwise, the stool will break if you sit violently.”

  • Snap* – Ais’ face became stiff.

“No no, I, there’s no way that I’m that heavy.”

“Is that so? Then I guess it’s fine.”

(As always, she’s one rude person)

Hiding this thought inside her heart, Ais carefully sat.

As soon as Lela did the same, Dora and Eliushune secured their places on either side of Vita. Vita, who sat cross-legged on the thick mattress, fixed her eyes on Ais. It was a sharp look that didn’t suit her child-like face and her small body.

“Before I ask you about the purpose of your arrival…. answer me this one question, Ais. Is it true that there’s a man in your group?”

Being questioned by Vita, Ais smiled positively and replied.

“There’s a single man by our side, but I’m not sure whether it’s accurate to describe him as a human guy.”

Vita narrowed her eyes and directed them at Ais. A dangerous light was dwelling inside them.

“What? What do you mean by saying so? I don’t much like people that express themselves in riddles.”

“No, that’s not a riddle, Vita-san.”

“Then what?”

“Naga-san, he’s……”

As Ais was about to speak, Vita interrupted.

“What about the Dragon King?”

“It’s that person’s name.”

“Dragon King? Isn’t it quite a proud name?”

Ais continued to speak while ignoring Vita’s banter.

“In the end, is Naga-san a human guy or not? It’s still not clear for us…. This is what I mean.”

Vita slightly tilted her head.

“I don’t get it. If he’s not a human guy, then what are you saying he is?”

“Perhaps… he might be the Dragon King just like his name implies.”

Once Ais said so with a prim look, Vita opened her eyes wide.

“It could be as well…. that he’s a messenger sent by the Dragon King.”

“Are you, sane…?”

Ais suddenly smiled.

“It may be that I’m not. To think that we could even consider facing Cassandra’s army of 2000 with barely 20 people while hoping that we could win…”

'That’s it!' – Vita clapped her hands together.

“In other words, that man, named Naga, was the one who guided you through the previous battle?”

“Yes, I think it’s fine to have you think that way.”

Vita leaned slightly forward and said.

“Why is someone like him at your place? How did you repel Cassandra’s army that consisted of 2000 soldiers? Let me hear in detail.”

“Yes, that would be—-”

Part 3

Ais briefly explained the whole story from when Naga appeared till the present to Vita. Listening to her, Vita made a difficult face while folding up her arms, but,

“….And well, this is how it went.”

As soon as Vita finished listening to Ais’ explanation, she slightly groaned and looked fixedly at her.

“Talking about things like a man suddenly falling from the sky…. I know you’re not the type of girl who would joke or say things on a whim, but it’s a story that is hard for me to believe.”

“I guess so. Not even we would have thought about winning against an army consisting of 2000 soldiers.”

“Right? Even so, this style of fighting is strange for both humans and witches. But….hm?”

Naga03 Illus-01.jpg

Vita, who tilted her head while folding up her arms, suddenly raised her head.

“And what’s the reason for you visiting our place on this occasion…?”

“Yes, that’s right. We came here as Naga-san’s messengers.”

“Hou hou, interesting. That Naga person, what does he want to convey to us?”

“Then, I shall pass on Naga-san’s words.”

After she coughed at once deliberately, Ais corrected her sitting posture.

“In order to create a new world where both the witches and the humans can live in peace and harmony with each other, won’t you join us in fighting together?’ In other words, joining together with Harrigan’s Clan.”


Vita became speechless. That’s because the content of Naga’s words were far from rational.

(Not for defending the black forest nor driving away the human army, he wants me to join him in……creating a new world? That man, is he sane?)

“Do you think these are nonsensical words coming from a lunatic? Or perhaps just a random dream of a man who came from another dimension and possesses no knowledge regarding this world?”

At this question, Vita lifted up her head and gazed at Ais in front of her. As she did so, their eyes met.

“…..Well, is this a joke, a dream, or maybe a realistic idea? I want to meet this man.”

Ais’ expression broke out into a smile.

“Yes, we too thought about having you meet and discuss things with Naga-san.”

“What’s the date for that?”

“Since it’s best to do it as soon as possible, how about tomorrow?”

“I don’t mind. And the place will be?”

“We shall visit you here.”

“Is that so? Then, tomorrow… that’s right, how about at noon?”

“Fine, then we would be happy to.”

“Yeah, I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Speaking of which” – Vita lowered her face and gazed toward Lela who sat next to Ais.

“Haven’t you been quite silent for a while, Lela?”

“That’s because I’m not that good in dealing with conversations.”

“Kukuku, is that so? Then, will you answer me this one question? How do you see that guy named Naga? Does he look like the Dragon King to you?”

“Not sure whether or not he’s the Dragon King, bu-t, at least I believe he isn’t someone from this world.”

“Fumu. I want to give that person some thorough questioni…no, I remember you mentioned about him losing his memories.”

“Y-es. But once he regains them, we plan to question him thoroughly about the world he came fro-m.”

'Kukuku' – Vita laughed pleasantly.

“It would be nice to see that man regain his memory, Lela.”


“Excellent. Then, we will be waiting here for you tomorrow at noon, Ais.”

“We are looking forward to it.”

Soon after Ais bowed down, the interview concluded.

Part 4

Leaving Vita’s place, Ais and Lela were on the way back to their fort. Walking with their fast pace along a lane inside the thick forest, Ais called out to Lela.

“It went smoother than we had expected.”

“Tru-e. It seems that Vita-san took a liking to Naga-sa-n. What’s more, that woman is a witch who can understand the tru-th. Rather, among all the witches, she’s the one who possesses an eye to look towards the futu-re.”

“That’s right. She’s an ill-tempered, bigoted, and sarcastic person, but her ability to think and judge is pretty firm. In addition to that, the way she thinks is flexible.”

“Since we ain’t in the presence of that person, you can talk about what you want to your heart’s content, right Ai-s?”

“Of course you dummy. Isn’t it obvious to speak boldly about her when she isn’t around? Only complete fools would express what they think in front of the real person.”

Lela stared fixedly at Ais.

(It might be a sound argument, still…)

“But, I’m glad. I was worried about our encounter with Vita-san.”

“After all, we didn’t know what would have happene-d.”

“I worry that the talk between Vita-san and Naga-san won’t progress smoothly.”

“Why do you think s-o?”

“It feels like something is going to happen.”

“I se-e.”

“Providing Vita-san cooperates with us, we may be able to bring down Fort Ein.”

“I wonder about th-at. Won’t she get mad if Naga-san tells her about such a pipe drea-m?”

“Don’t fret. Surely, it should be okay.”

“You’re quite positive, aren’t yo-u?”

Fufu – At Lela’s retort, Ais laughed once she stopped walking and turned around.

“I have the feeling that something will happen. Look, til now, haven’t you felt at a loss, not knowing when things will start or end? But now, our vision is clear and our path has been revealed to us. Despite the other side looking dim, we can still see the future. This is how I feel.”

(It’s just as she says, bu-t….there’s no doubt about that small light of hope appearing for us, who were going down the path of destructio-n. Could it b-e….)

Lela recalled Naga’s words. About one victory being only the beginning of the next one, and about the war continuing from now on. There may be a future of endless battles waiting ahead of the witches. For the sake of the witches’ future, there might be those who will fight and fall.

(I wonder if everyone is aware of th-at)

Is what Lela felt a little anxious about.

When hope for the future is in sight, everyone will want to fight for it. Among the members of the Heindler Clan, who had been stagnant for a long time, a new, better life was born. Everyone’s faces were shining with newfound hope.

(This is certainly a sign of something good….I gue-ss. If this is a dream, then perhaps it would be nice for it to rema-in.)

Lela wanted to continue this dream, even if it was only for a short while.

(That’s because, I can sense a hope from watching this dre-am. For the time being, should I thank Naga-san for letting us see th-is drea-m?)

“Ara, isn’t it rare for Lela to be in good mood?”

“Eh? You think s-o?”

“That’s right. It’s not common to see you with such a happy face.”

Lela didn’t plan to change her expression, but Ais, who had sharp eyes, wouldn’t let that moment slip away. If she says so, then it’s certainly like that.



“What do you think about Naga-sa-n?”

“Eh? What are you asking all of a sudden? T-There’s no way for me to answer that straight away.”

Seeing how she flapped her hands with a blushing face, Lela again gazed fixedly at Ais.

“Uhm….that’s not what I mean. I wanted to ask whether you consider that person as the Dragon King or the messenger of the Dragon King, bu-t…..”

“Ahhh, t-that’s right. Umm……”

Ais, who stared a bit into space finally came back to herself and smiled.

“I don’t know.”

“I see.”

“But, isn’t it fine anyway?”

“I wonder if it’s really s-o.”

“That’s because whether or not that person is the Dragon King or the Dragon King’s messenger, the truth about him giving us a hope remains. Therefore, I have decided to follow that person.”

“I…..guess you’re righ-t.”

(Indeed, Ais is a strong girl.)

In this case, Lela didn’t mean Ais’ body, but her spirit. The reason for that wasn’t merely because of Ais acting as a big sister or because of her terrific fighting strength resulting from the enhancement of her body, but her ability to brace everyone mentally. If Harrigan and Ais say they will follow Naga, then nobody among the members will oppose it.

(That’s right, even I…)

“Lela too is probably thinking that way?”

Since Ais said so while looking into her face, Lela unintentionally averted her eyes. Lela who had difficulty with being honest then muttered: “It’s just because I’m interested in that per-son.”

Is what she replied with.

“If that’s the case, we ought to at least follow Naga-san til he recovers his memory, right?”


Ais smiled sweetly and broadly.

“Let’s do our best.”


“Well then, let’s return back quickly and arrange an interview for Naga-san and Vita-san.”

Part 5

Being accompanied by Harrigan and Ais, Naga rode his horse through the black forest toward the fort in which Vita was awaiting them.

Naga was thankful that, since they had extra time today, no one had asked him to run. Even though he was riding on a horse, Naga was reluctant to dash with all its might inside the dim forest and along an unclear path. Apart from the 2 previously mentioned witches, Lela and one more witch, named Langeais, who was previously entrusted with the 2nd fort, tagged along with them. The four of them went on foot. However, even their walking speed was rather fast, therefore, not having to deliberately slow his horse down was a great relief for him.

Langeais, whom he met for the first time, seemed to be older than Yuuki and Lela, but a bit younger than Ais. She had black hair, which was rare for the witches, and a cute face. Furthermore she seemed to be an emotionless and unsociable witch. For some reason, she also gave the impression that she was a foreign person.

(Speaking of which, she seems a bit melancholic. I wonder if it’s because of her black hair.)

While thinking so, Naga recalled the time when he greeted her.

{Are you Naga? My name is Langeais. Please treat me well from now on.}

She answered simply, and no matter what, would show almost no reaction afterwards, even if Naga was to start talking to her.

“This girl, could it be that she dislikes me?”

Naga asked Ais secretly, she replied.

“I don’t think that’s the case. Langeais, has been always like that. It would be fine to say she doesn’t hold any interest toward others?”


Why did they invite such a witch to participate in the discussion with Vita? – Despite these thoughts, Naga believed that Harrigan had her own ideas about that. However, since he wasn’t in the position where he could inquire excessively about her household’s matters, Naga decided not to ask any further.

(Anyway, having an interview with the witch who controls the household of Sraymeyer is our top priority. I’d rather have Langeais take an interest and somehow cooperate with us, but…)

Before the interview started, Naga had Harrigan tell him various things about Vita. While managing the horse reins, he asked Harrigan to once again describe Vita.

Part 6

According to Harrigan…

“She’s a biased, gaudy, haughty, uncooperative, self-righteous, and spiteful person who acts according to her own whims. She’s also much older than me.”

“She has no good points at all?”

As Naga retorted, Harrigan nodded seriously.

“Umu, she doesn’t possess any.”

“You’re not denying this?”

“That’s because I’m not very fond of Vita, you see?”

“She seems like a person that’s hard to please. Doesn’t it seem like it’ll be very difficult to convince her….?”

“Well, I wonder about that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Since she’s an eccentric person, maybe she will get along with an oddball like you.”

“Please stop that. I don’t think I’m that strange.”

“I’d say that being able to calmly respond to being called an oddball is what’s strange about you.”

“*hmmm*…is that so?”

“Judging from Ais’ talk with her, it appears that Vita has taken an interest in you, so you shouldn’t be driven away. The rest will be down to luck.”

“….I guess so. Speaking of which, what type of ability does Vita possess?”

“If I were to describe that woman’s magic with few words, perhaps that would be weight control….?”

“Weight control?”

For instance….- Harrigan gave an example to Naga who seemed confused and doubtful.

“If you mention her age or something similar like that, you will most likely worsen her mood.”

“Oi, it’s indeed an unpleasant example. By the way, I’m not that thick headed.”

“That’s why it was just an illustration. Listen to me before you talk back.”


“Before you realize it, your weight will double or triple, and you won’t be able to move your body.”

“Is that true?”

“It is. Back when I was small, I’d abuse and make the children of Sraymeyer’s household cry or something along those lines. With that ability of hers, she would hold me down by sealing off my movements and slap my ass…. ah….”


Naga grinned.

“Weren’t you quite a naughty kid back then?”

Harrigan’s hair rose into the air and took the form of a big mallet.

“Don’t you think it’s in both of our best interests to forget what I said just now?”

“G, Got it. I’ll forget about it thoroughly. I heard nothing in the first place.”

“Then, it’s fine.”

Once Harrigan’s hair relaxed, Naga exhaled a sigh of relief.

“Besides, I’m more interest in that weight control, you see. Will it work on anyone? Or on multiple enemies? Can it be applied everywhere?”

“Information about how strong one’s magic is, or its range and conditions of use, are all undisclosed, especially for those from other families. Therefore, I too, am not knowledgeable about her magic.”

“I see. So it’s about weight? Weight… weight, indeed.”

Part 7

Naga made such a statement, however, at that time, he had a hunch it could be used in different ways. A detailed plan didn’t cross his mind, but Naga had the feeling it could be applied for another purpose.

(This is another reason that I have to be careful about bringing her to our side.)

As he was deep in thought, they had neared their destination before he realized it.

“Naga, we’ve arrived. The fort of Sraymeyer’s clan lies in front of us.”

As soon as Naga lifted his head, he understood the forest in front of him had ended.

(Well then, I wonder what kind of woman this witch Vita is.)

Naga trembled with excitement, feeling that this interview will influence their future.

Part 8

“I see, so you’re the man who holds the name of the Dragon King in jest? Indeed, you seem to look odd.”

Immediately after facing each other inside the residential building of the fort, Vita uttered those words without letting them finish their greetings. The girl, named Vita, sat on a folding stool on a raised step. Naga and the rest who were in front of her on the lower floor were given a row of folding stools.

(You as well. Should I say you are strange, or perhaps strange-looking? Are you supposed to be older than Harrigan with that childish body?)

Despite thinking so, Naga felt it was better not to touch that topic and instead asked.

“Do I really look that odd?”

He held himself back from being insulting, however the witches to the sides of Vita became agitated.

“You, how dare you speak to Mother with that tone!”

“Did that lowly human just say something that was supposed to ridicule Mother?”

After that, Vita quickly lifted up her hand and held back her daughters.

“Stop yapping so noisily. Are you both dogs? Be silent.”

“M, My apologies, Mother.”

“Well then, shall we introduce ourselves?”

As Vita stood and spoke, Naga got up from his stool. She threw her chest out as if projecting her flat chest.

“My name is Vita Solskjaer Sraymeyer. I’m the head of Sraymeyer’s household”

“I’m…. ah, I’m currently called Naga.”

“What’s with that ‘currently’?”

“Forgive me. I think you’ve already heard about me, but I’ve lost my memories from before I fell into this world. The only thing I remember is my own name.”

“And that would the one….. called Naga?”

Fufun – As she laughed through her nose and sat, Naga and the rest reseated themselves as well.

“Then, Naga, it appears that the Heindler Household has gained victory over 2000 soldiers from Kasandora’s army thanks to your strategy, but is that true?”

“Saying that it was thanks to my strategy isn’t quite correct.”

“Hou? Then how did you win against their forces?”

“That’s because Harrigan and the rest followed my plan, you see.”

(Is he trying to emphasize his own achievement? Is he a confident person? Or perhaps just a self-conceited fool?)

is what Vita thought, however, she wouldn’t reveal that.

“Harrigan, aren’t you blessed with excellent daughters?”

What Vita uttered seemed to be sarcastic words toward Harrigan, but nevertheless, Harrigan couldn’t tell if they were sarcastic or not from her tone. The girls who sat next to Vita’s side made a dissatisfied expression.

“Then, Dragon King, what’s your business with us? I hope you didn’t come just to boast about your victory. What kind of talk do you wish to have with us?”

“Well, it’s true that I want to boast about myself some, but let’s leave that aside.”

Naga fixed his gaze on Vita as she came to grips with the man in front of her.

Vita noticed a strong will burned in his eyes. No element of anxiety, fear, or hesitation could be felt from them.

(This guy, despite being a human, doesn’t fear witches? What’s more, he’s surrounded by this many. No matter how well he’s acquainted with Harrigan and the rest, for him to be this bold….. Could this guy really be from another world…?)

Ignoring her unrestrained and possibly rather rude gaze, Naga spoke powerfully.

“So you said you’re Vita, right? The head of Sraymeyer’s household.”


“Won’t you join together with us in making a new world where both the witches and humans can coexist, Vita-san?”

Fufun – Vita again laughed under her nose.

“I heard about it from Ais, who requested an audience with me the other day, but it’s quite an ambitious ideal of yours. No, rather than saying ‘ambitious’, shouldn’t I say ‘reckless’? It would be magnificent for such a world to exist, still, isn’t it just an impractical theory you came up with while sitting around? Just how on earth do you plan to carry out such a grand plan? Do you think it’ll happen once you’ve won a single war? If so, you’re just a simpleton.”

Listening to Vita’s tirade, Naga became both astonished and pleased at the same time. That’s because he once again understood the reason why people said Vita had an eye for predicting the future.

“That’s right, it’s just like you say. My aim isn’t just a half-hearted plan that will finish with a few victories, and I know that.”

At Naga’s reply, Vita became surprised.

(Is he trying to come up with an explanation after hearing what I just said?!)

“Then, what type of plan did you come up with for realizing this ideal of yours?”

“First, we are going to establish a country of witches in which I’m going to implement my ideals.”

Vita started to say something as she moved her lips; nevertheless, she made up her mind and didn’t say anything, then urged Naga to continue speaking while folding her hands.

“Once we establish the country and gain a proper populace, the extent of its territory will continue to increase. Obviously, this won’t be simple. We will have to fight many great battles. However, that’s a trivial matter as long as we are victorious. The real problem lies in increasing the population and the size of the territory. The witches will be the ones to control the populace, and our success will depend on whether or not they can govern them skillfully.”

(As long as we are victorious…. he says?)

Vita stared at Naga dumbfounded.

(The way he’s talking, it feels as though victory is something natural for him. Is this guy sane?)

Because even Vita looked surprised and bewildered, the other witches looked at Naga with ridicule, or to be more accurate – scornful eyes, rather than being amazed. The only ones who thought what Naga said were obvious or reasonable, were the witches from Harrigan’s party.

(No, in the first place it’s strange for people to think that what he’s saying is obvious or easily achievable… Could it be that Harrigan and the rest were swept up in his grand ambition? Or maybe, they are all suffering from a fever?)

“Still, there’s no other option than to try and see how it will work. After all, it’s a plan of trial and error. However, since the witches have no experience governing a structure as big as a country, we will need human advisors at all costs, I think. As soon as we gain control over a human country, we should employ its officials and perhaps—-”

“No no, wait a moment.”

Unable to endure, Vita interrupted.

“What’s the matter?”

“Rather than saying ‘What’s the matter?’, shouldn’t you be saying ‘What should we do?’……..”

Vita closed her eyes rubbed her forehead with in circular motion using her thumb.

“Sorry for cutting you off, but there are few things I want to ask. Would you mind if I do so, Dragon King?”

“Fine. Ask me however much you want.”

Opening her eyes wide, she gazed at Naga and leaned in a bit.

“You talk about establishing a country of witches, but how do you plan to do so?”

“That’s easy. Just announcing that we have ‘established’ one is plenty.”


“It’s not like there’s a special requirement to make one. I think it’s fine to advance towards the human lands and declare that the witches have banded together to make a new world.”

“…..How will I benefit from that?”

“For the time being, there won’t be any benefit.”

“No benefit, you say…”

Vita made a miserable face.

“I think being able to continue to live in the future is a good enough reason.”

“Still, if we declare our intention to establish a new country, the humans will most likely become more cautious.”

“Well, it might be so. However, that too is a trivial matter.”

“T-Trivial matter….”

(Just what’s going on inside this guy’s head?)

As one would expect, Vita was troubled and confused and was unable to consider his thoughts as logical.

“Anyway, it’s inevitable that we will need to capture the humans’ forts one by one. Even if we don’t announce our intentions to form a new country after we attack, they will still become more alert and cautious.”

“That may be true…. nonetheless…”

“What’s more, if you increase your territory and your dominion, rather than being cautious, every human country will probably band together against us.”

“And if we continue to win?”

“It can’t be said for certain that we can continue to win, but assuming we strive to win with everyone’s strength, we’ll probably be able to cut our way through sooner or later.”

(Is he a realist with high calculating skills, or an idealist who’s unaware of the current state? Perhaps, he’s just a foolish optimist? The more I listen to him, the less I can understand.)

“What’s the matter? Isn’t that grimace spoiling your lovely face?”

“Mu…. looks like you’ve got quite a discerning eye there.”



(That guy, as I expected, he has a few screws loose, doesn’t he?)

Once Vita stared at her witches, who whispered things like that to each other, the place immediately turned silent.

“Do you have any other questions, Vita-san?”

“A, ah, right.”

Pulling herself together, Vita again faced Naga.

“It’s about increasing the territory and the number of people inside the established country. Once the declaration is made, do you plan to inhabit the forest by bringing the humans? Or perhaps, by taking them as prisoners of wars?”

“Let’s see, let’s see.”

Naga tilted his head from side to side in contemplation.

“Even if we are to make a country here inside the forest, it won’t be possible for us to expand it. Isn’t there a habitable place for the humans in the steep mountain district behind us?”

“You’ve got a point. Then, where would you suggest we make it?”

“I wonder if we should choose an area on the border of the Kasandora Kingdom.”


As one would expect, not even Vita could avoid being taken aback. The girls who sat next to her also had speechless and stunned faces.

“Why are you that surprised? After all, we are supposed to create a new world for both sides. Unless we go to the human world and defeat them there, the goal will be far from reach. First, we need to get ahold of an area along the border, form it into a country, raise the population, and establish a good administration.”

“G….Good administration, you say?”

“Right. After we do so, we will create publicity by telling the humans to spread a rumor about this country being a place where both humans and the witches can live in harmony.” “Will that change anything?”

“In the future, it will be easier for us to gain control over other countries when conquering them. Even if they are occupied by our witch country, there’s no reason for their citizens to be slaughtered or enslaved. Rather, if we have everyone think that they can live more peacefully than before, capturing a castle will be an easy thing. There might even be cities that will open their gates for us. Not to mention, it will be easier for us to rule as an occupying power. Aren’t there nothing but benefits?”

Vita’s body was flooded with astonishment and felt numb.

(T-This guy, could it be that he’s an absurd realist while being a ridiculous idealist at the same time?)

“To be more accurate….What I mean to say is it’s hard for me to complain about this and that since I’m not yet too knowledgeable about how the governing structure works in this world. But, assuming it’s natural to impose lighter taxes on citizens, perhaps we should start to work on abolishment of checking stations, stopping the collection of tolls, arranging main roads and extending their width, or suspending bridges over rivers.”

(There’s no doubt. This guy can keep his feet on the ground, even while looking into the distant future. He’s a fearsome realist. At least, there should be nobody in this world who can come up with such reasoning. Even those small, influential feudal lords should, at least, be able to figure out that paving roads and erecting bridges will make it easier for them to attack, but at the same time leaves them open to invasion.)

As she suddenly lifted up her face, her eyes met with those of Harrigan.

(What do you think? Isn’t he an interesting fellow?)

Vita felt as if Harrigan’s eyes were telling her so.

(Fun, he’s indeed a compelling man. However, just because he’s compelling, it doesn’t mean I’ll expose my daughters to danger.)

Both Harrigan and Vita exchanged glances.

“By the way, Dragon King, it appears you plan to take over the Kasandora Kingdom and establish a country there, but, how do you plan to do so? There are just 20-30 people in Harrigan’s household, and the same goes for my family. Provided we temporarily lent you a hand, you’d be able to mobilize at most 40-50 people, right? How do you intend to gain control over the Kingdom?”

“Regarding that, we are going to do it using straightforward methods. In other words, by capturing castles one by one. In this world, castles and cities seem to bear the same meaning. If I were to say if it will be fast, it will be fast. Will it be difficult? It will be difficult. Well, still, it depends on how quick we progress.”

“That’s easy for you to say. There are more than a thousand guards and probably many thousands of other citizens who can arm themselves to protect each city. How are the 50 people we have supposed to capture it?”

“Perhaps it would be impossible under normal circumstances, but, if it’s us, especially you, then it should be feasible. That’s because you’re witches who possess special abilities.”

“Then, then how?”

“Since it’s difficult for us to bring down a city all of sudden, I think we should first practice on Fort Ein.”

“Saying that this and that is simple. Whenever I hear your talking, I get the feeling there’s nothing that you think is impossible.”


“It was supposed to be sarcastic!”

Vita retorted, then pulled herself together and continued to speak.

“Indeed, rather than bringing down a city, it might be easier for us to capture a fort. Still, with 40-50 of us, I think the task is next to impossible.”

“I’m aware it won’t be easy, but I don’t consider it to be that hard.”

Despite having just recovered from her surprise, Vita couldn’t help but to feel increasingly astonished.

“Not hard?! You sure are confident.”

“However, there’s a ‘but’. In order to do so, I need your cooperation.”

“Hohou? So are you saying it’s only doable with our power?”

As Vita questioned without replying to him, Naga gave a seemingly unrelated question.

“Vita-san, it’s true that you can control weight using your magic, correct?”

“Ah? Ahh, so you heard about it from Harrigan? True, you can consider it that way.”

“That ability of yours, won’t you show it to me? While we are at it, how about you try it out on me?”

“Oi, Naga, don’t do anything reckless.”

As Harrigan tried to stop him,

“Silence, you titty monster.”

“I-I’m not a titty monster, you flat, little girl.”

(Uwaa, it’s started~)

Ais and Lela made a sour face.

(I was wondering if it would be fine, since Ane-sama has been quite obedient today, but…)

(Well, I guess she has been enduring pretty we-ll)

Good grief – The witches next to Vita shook their head and sighed in agreement.

“Isn’t your overweight chest the reason you stagger when walking?”

“Even if you were to be unable to control weight, your body seems small and light enough to float, doesn’t it? That’s because your lack of chest makes your body light.”

“Harrigan, you rascal, it appears you’ve become quite big-mouthed toward me. Even though I used to be in charge of changing your diapers whenever you would piss your pants.”

As soon as Naga directed his sight toward Harrigan, whose face turned red, she snapped and pointed at Vita.

“That was back when I was still a baby!”

“Don’t you understand? This is the difference between you and me.”


The room swayed and its construction groaned.


Before Naga realized it, he was lying on the floor.

Part 9

“W….What’s happening……?”

Naga, who tumbled to the floor, tried to lift himself up by putting his strength into his limbs, nevertheless, his body didn’t move as he wished.

“W….What’s the meaning of this….oh, that’s right, is this your magic?”

Once he desperately turned his head around and checked the surroundings, everyone from the Harrigan and Sraymeyer’s households were crawling on the floor. The only one to be standing was Vita herself.

“True. This is my magic. People call it ‘Song of Gravity’. How’s that? You probably can’t move.”

“I…I cannot move.”

“Mother, please….keep your power… down.”

One of Sraymeyer’s witches said it as if being in pain.

(Speaking of which….why is she repressing her own members…hey, that’s right!)


“Hou? You’re still able to talk? Certainly, you’re a big deal. Then, what do you want to know, Dragon King?”

“Y….Your power isn’t working just on a specific person…..but equally on everyone within its range…..right? You cannot choose….your target….on your own…right?”

“Hohou, so you were able to figure it out with a single look?”

(Despite him probably being in agony, he’s got a good discerning eye)

“It’s just as you say, but,”

Her power which suppressed Naga suddenly loosened up….or rather, wouldn’t it be more accurate to say his body became lighter?

(Did my body get lighter? It may be that it just returned back to its normal weight, but…)

Those who regained their movements squirmed with their body while trying to lift themselves up. Suddenly, Vita jumped up lightly. Dancing high in the sky with no resistance, she landed calmly and gently in front of Naga.

“I can do things like this too, but well,”

Once she said so, Vita placed her hand on his head.


Naga gasped as if all the air in his lungs had been shot out and lay on his belly on the floor. His limbs wouldn’t move even if he tried, and his organs felt oppressed, like they were being squashed.

(This is….There’s no way for my muscles…to move. As one would expect, it’s the result of my body turning heavier.)

Naga recalled the miserable appearance of a frog squashed on a roadside that he had once witnessed.

(Hey, it isn’t time for remembering that…..if you have time for that……think of something more useful….!)[talking to himself]


Not being able to endure, Naga leaked such a groan.

“How about that? I can also aim for specific people?”

With the weight of his body alleviating a bit, Naga somehow managed to raise up his head and looked around him. The other witches were lifting their bodies and standing up with confidence.

His eyes met with Harrigan who seemed to be worried about him. Sorry – She put up her right hand and bowed down as if saying so.

“…No wait. Why are you placing your hand on my head? Could it be that you need to touch your target in order to mark it with your power?”


Vita suddenly burst out in laughter.

Withdrawing her hand, she turned on her heels while laughing.

(….I can move! Speaking of which, my body returned to its original weight. Then, it means I was right.)

Naga raised his head and stared at her back. Vita, who returned to her stool, turned her expression back to a serious one after she stopped laughing.

“You’ve caught my eye, Dragon King-dono. Hey, don’t just lie there, stand up.”


Naga lifted his body, which had returned to its original weight.

“Hm? Harrigan, are you able to stand up with that heavy pair of breasts? If so, wouldn’t it be fine for me to caress and lighten that unreasonably large chest for you?”

“It would be too much of a favor!”

Harrigan had been watching attentively and anxiously, the exchange between Naga and Vita, before she sprang up.

“Despite that, Harrigan, you came to me in order to ask for a favor, didn’t you? Not to mention, I’m your great benefactor, right? Then shouldn’t you be more prudent in your actions? Hm?”


Harrigan, who was searching for the right words, finally hung down her head in disappointment.

“I am sorry.”

“No Harrigan, you don’t have to go that far.”

At Naga’s words, Vita ogled him.

“Should I understand that you don’t need my support, Dragon King?”

“No that’s not what I mean” – Sitting on the floor, Naga waved his hand.

“Your assistance is indispensable for us. I’m more and more interested in your power now that I’ve just witnessed it. However, you see, it’s not like we are here just to beg you for help.”

“…Then, for what other purpose?”

“I’ve already told you, but we want to create a new world together with you. That means, we are going to cooperate with each other on equal terms. It’s not the matter of who’s more superior or inferior nor does it matter who’s the one making the request.”

Naga, who said so, stood up and folded his hands in front of his chest. Striking a daunting pose, he gazed at Vita.

“I’ll repeat it one more time, Vita-san. Won’t you join us in making a new world where both the humans and the witches can coexist with each other in peace? This is the only way to create a bright future for the witches.”

“The only way.”

A spark rose in the air as their sights collided with each other’s.

Part 10

The witches from Sraymeyer’s household whispered to each other while making troubled faces.

(T, This guy, despite him knowing how fearsome Mother is, he still has the guts to talk back.)

(He will be definitely killed by Mother.)

(Even if he’s together with Harrigan & the rest, he won’t be able to escape from Mother’s spell.)

(Since it seems our side here will be involved as well, I’d rather have him pardon us.)

(He’s, indeed, a bothersome man.)

And then,


Because Vita abruptly started to laugh, her daughters tilted with their heads unintentionally. Continuing her burst of laughter for a while, she finally ceased to laugh.

“I like you. I really like you, Dragon King-dono.”

Rising up, she stared again at him.

“Despite suffering from my magic, you were still able to calmly judge your surroundings and see through the nature of my ability. It was a splendid work, but what fascinates me the most is how you can grasp and calculate the situation without losing your composure.”

While the members of Sraymeyer’s household were taken aback, Harrigan put her hand on her chest with relief.

(It seems we were able to please her.)

(As one would expect from Naga-san.)

(It’s because he possesses a strange talent for captivating his listene-rs.)

Harrigan, Ais, and Lela thought about that; however, Langeais:

(I’ve heard rumors about him, but he’s even stranger than the rumors say.)

Such was her personal evaluation.

Descending the steps, Vita once again walked in front of Naga.

“Since you’re saying ‘on equal terms’, there’s no way for just me to be in a high position.”

“Oh? Then, it’s fine to consider our request as being accepted?”

Vita, who stood in front of his eyes, looked up at him without replying back. Naturally, it would make him look down from above.

“Even though I said so, there’s a difference between our heights. This fact doesn’t make me keen on working with you on equal terms. Oi, Elysio.”

“Yes, Mother?”

“Bring me a stepladder or anything similar.”

“Yes, right away.”

Elysione waved her long mantle, ran away, and immediately returned back. Once she placed a small box-like thing under Vita’s feet, Vita stepped on it. However, the top of her head could still only reach Naga’s shoulders.

  • Whack*

The soles of Vita’s feet sunk into Elysione’s face, blowing her backwards.

“As always you’re one useless girl, you rascal. Are we supposed to be on equal terms like that?!”

“M, My apphologies”

Elysione held her nose and stood up, then tried to bring another stepladder-like thing once again.

“That’s fine, you don’t have to. Become my stepladder instead, you rascal.”


Elysione warped her face miserably.

“Do you have any complaints?”


“Then come here quickly.”


Elysione dashed with a tearful face and crept on all fours in front of Vita.

“O, Oi, Vita-san….”

“Ahh, do not mind, Dragon King. That’s because this is a ceremony where we need to be on equal positions in order to join our hands.”

Saying so, Vita tried to step on Elysione’s back with her right leg.

“Yea, I got that, I got that. By the way, I’m still not familiar with your customs, but if you say we need to be on the same height to form an alliance, I can just lower myself.”

“Hohou. Are you raising an objection against what I do?”

Vita stared at him; nevertheless, Naga didn’t pay attention to that.

“For now, I’m probably your guest. You shouldn’t make your daughters that uncouth in front of your guests.”

Elysione, who was on her hands and feet, looked up at Naga with a strange expression.

“Fuumu. Unlike your appearance, you seem to be quite good at being considerate.”

“There’s probably nothing wrong about my appearance. From the way it looks, I’m most likely a gentle and considerate person!”

“Where do you see that?”

“……Then, what am I in your eyes?”

“That’s right. A careless, reckless, unrefined…. pervert?”

Because Harrigan, Ais, and Lela nodded deeply in agreement, Naga snapped and pointed at three of them.

“Hey there! Don’t nod at the same time!”

“Kukuku, it appears my judgement was no mistake.”

“Nono, it’s full of mistakes. Speaking of which, don’t you all have a negative opinion about me?”

“Won’t you start showing us your good side? Since we’ll be fighting together as allies from now on, there will be plenty of opportunities for that.”

Naga couldn’t help but drop his head with a dissatisfied face.

“Well, I guess you’ve got a point.”

“Hey, Elysio, you can stand up now.”

“U, Um, am I really allowed to do so?”

“It’s for making Dragon King look good. If you want to express your gratitude, say it to this man.”

Elysione stood up and bowed down deeply toward Naga.

“I’m thankful for your consideration.”

“Yeah, it’s fine, it’s fine. Don’t mind.”

“Even though I thanked you, I don’t particularly mind.”

Once she said it bluntly after raising her head, Naga made a pitiful expression.

“Yeah, you’re right. Well, guess that’s fine, so”

As soon as Naga faced toward Vita, he kneeled down on one knee and lowered his back. With that, the height of their heads turned equal. She held out her hand.

Hm? – As he made a doubtful face, Vita too became suspicious and withdrew her hand.

“Ah, that’s right, didn’t the Dragon King fall from another world…?”

Vita who muttered shifted her eyes toward Harrigan.

“You still haven’t told him about that?”

“Ah, true, I still haven’t.”

What you talking about? – Naga looked at them alternately.

“In other words, you see,”

Vita again stuck out her palm.

“Putting our palms on top of one another’s is the sign of forming an agreement.”

“I see, so this is how it works here?”

(I wonder how it would be done in my world. I have the feeling it would be something like putting a seal of blood on a document, or passing someone on as a hostage. Nevertheless, a traitor is bound to betray others, I guess. Anyway, if it’s about the form of agreement, this method here is far more convenient.)

Naga tried to recall his past events.

Making an obviously sarcastic smile, Naga tightened his face in a hurry.

Hey, stick it out – As if being in a rush, Vita urged him to place his already spread out right palm on hers.

“With this, we are now formally allies, the so called – alliance treaty. It’s fine for you to call me Vita.”

Vita uttered with satisfaction.

However, Naga stared at their palms seriously.

“What? Is there something you’re not content with?”

“No… I just thought your palm looks cute.”


“Your appearance is also cute, but your small palm is soft and lovely as well. Yet you’re telling me you’re older than Harrigan, I can’t believe it.”

(Ah, are you a fool? If you touch upon Mother’s age….)

Elysione averted her eyes while imagining Vita bursting in rage.

(She’s going to get angry! Very angry!)

“Fumu. Naga is indeed quite an honest guy.”

(Eh? She isn’t angry? Rather, she seems to be in a good mood?)

Elysione turned back her face with a surprised expression.

Certainly, it looked like Vita was laughing humorously.

Elysione felt that Harrigan had a discontented face, but she touched her chest in relief at the fact that Vita didn’t get mad at Naga’s unreasonable words.

“I’m honestly not sure how should I say it, but you and Harrigan probably look like parent and daughter.”

“Haahaha, you mean so, you mean so? Parent and daughter? Then shall I refer to Harrigan as Mother from now on?”

Harrigan’s face turned much more displeased.

“When it comes to that, wouldn’t Harrigan be the mother of Elysione’s mother, in other words, her grandma?”

  • Startle*

Elysione’s body turned stiff.

“Hey, Elysione, how about you call Harrigan grandmother?”

“Eeeh? N,n,n,n,no, no, um…”

Harrigan’s hair squirmed in the air, which was greatly ominous. Once her eyes met with Harrigan, who was staring fixedly at her, Elysione felt her body tremble.

If you dare to call me grandmother, I’ll pulverize all your bones.

Harrigan’s eyes seemed to say.


“Hey, what’s the matter? Won’t you quickly call her ‘grandmother’?”

Was Vita in a good, or perhaps a bad mood? She said an unreasonable thing with her usual manner.

And then, getting herself dragged into quarrel was the same as usual for Elysione. Elysione searched for an escape in the surroundings with bloodshot eyes, but she understood there wasn’t one from the very beginning.

The other witches averted their eyes and looked at the ceiling as if telling her not to come over, there was no courageous person who would try to save her.

Ais and Lela looked at each other with a trouble face, whereas, Langeais wasn’t concerned about it.

Harrigan’s eyebrows twitched upward more and more.


Putting a stiff smile on her face, Elysione wondered whether it would be more painful to die from getting punched by Harrigan’s solid hair or squashed by Vita’s magic….such was her thought. Then, a rescue came from an unpredicted place.

Naga stood up and called out.

“Oi, Vita-san.”

“That’s why I told you it’s fine to call me Vita.”

“Then, Vita.”


“Don’t pick on your own daughter like that.”


“And Harrigan too.”

“W, What?”

“Your expression looks scary.”


Harrigan covered her face in a hurry with both her hands.

“Starting from today, we’re going to be allies, so get along with each other.”

“Mu…true. I’m of the same opinion.”

“A, Ahh, I’ve no objections….”

Despite saying so, both of them couldn’t hide their blatantly dissatisfied faces and attitude, but Naga didn’t care about that.

Hey hey – He called Harrigan.

“It won’t do if it’s just me and Vita. Harrigan and Vita as well, unless you two show that you approve of the alliance, it will be hard to demonstrate that to your daughters.”

“Mu? Still…”

“No, that’s……”

As they both had sullen faces and didn’t feel inclined to reach out their hands, Naga stretched out his arms horizontally and kneeled on his knee once more time.

“Hey, Vita this way, then Harrigan, this way.”

“W-What do you intend to do?”

“That’s why, if you dislike putting your palms on top of each other’s, just place them each on mine at the same time. At this rate, it will make me some sort of a mediary…. but, with this, we should be able to form an alliance between both households.”

“O…Oh, indeed, that’s true.”

“Right, if that’s the case…”

Saying so, Vita placed her right palm on Naga’s left and Harrigan placed her left on Naga’s right.

“Excellent, with this, the alliance between the households of Sraymeyer and Haindora is formed. From now on you will be fighting together as allies…. Isn’t it nice, Vita, Harrigan?”

“U, Umu, that’s right.”

“Well, so it came to that, I guess.”


Naga, who said so, took his arms back and stood up.

“It might be sudden, but Vita,”


“There’s something I’d like for you to tell me.”

“Is it about my magic?”

“Yes. Your ability will be the key for capturing Fort Ein.”

“Using my ability for capturing Fort Ein… you say? Fufun, interesting. Then, should we hold a strategic meeting and get dressed up?”

Naga03 Illus-02.jpg

Once Vita moved her sight toward Elysione, who restrained herself in a kneeling position, Elysione trembled in fear.

“How long do you plan on sitting there, Elysio. Go and prepare seats for the meeting. But this time, use the nicer ones.”

“Y,Yes, Mother.”

It looked as though the storm passed Elysione without hitting her. Standing up, she bowed down toward Naga.

Part 11

Everyone sat on the folding stools placed in a circle. On the right side of the circle, there were Naga, Harrigan, Ais, Lela, and Langeais taking up their position, whereas, on the left side, Elysione, and then witches whose names were Nemumone, Dora, and Karamaya sat behind Vita.

Summing up, there were 10 people together, discussing the plan to capture Fort Ein.

“First, we’d like to know more about Vita’s ability to control weight.”

is how Naga started the discussion.

“Primarily, I don’t tell that to other clans, but well, fine by me. To begin with, it’s not like I didn’t anticipate we would have to get along with Harrigan and the rest. Not to mention, we are going to be allies starting from today.”

After a short introduction, Vita explained her magic. Listening to her talk, Naga tried to sort the facts inside his head.

“In other words, it can be summarized like so:

・The effect of her magic will work on those inside a specific range, with her being in the center.

・The range can be adjusted to a certain degree by Vita using her magic.

・Once the magic is activated, the range cannot be changed. In order to do that, she needs to cancel it first.

・The magic can be used to either increase or decrease the weight of a target.

・However, when it works in an area of effect equally on every target, she cannot aim for specific people.

・In case Vita wants her magic to work on a specific person, she has to touch that person.

・If there’s a short distance between her and the target, the magic will still continue to work.

・The magic will work well on living things, but poorly on inanimate objects.

・She can control her own weight at will.

Is it okay to understand your magic this way?”

“Hohou, you understand it quite easily, don’t you?”

(No, that’s mainly because of your indirect explanation.)

“Is there something you want to say?”

“No, nothing.”

“Fumu, that’s right, it’s fine if you understand it like that.”

“Is that so? Then, we might be able to use it.”

“That’s why, I’m asking you for what.”

“Basically, you will sneak into Fort Ein and activate your spell there. Once you do so, not a single guard will be able to move, right? Well, it will also depend on how wide the fort is, but…”


“What a plan!”


Voices of admiration were heard from here and there.

“Even without sneaking in, we can place you just before the fort’s walls and immobilize the guardians inside. By doing that, all our members can enter confidently without worrying about the enemy’s attack. Later, I’d like to steal the fort without sustaining any injuries, so if it’s this method, there should be no casualties on either side.”

“I, I see.”

“What a fearsome resourcefulness.”

“As one would expect, you aren’t the Dragon King for no reason.”

Such things were said among the Sraymeyer witches who were full of admiration.

“Wait a moment, Naga-sa-n.”

Lela lifted up her hand.

“Certainly, I think that method should work if you put Vita-san inside the fort, or perhaps, near the fort. Still, how do you plan to do that while being unnotic-ed?”


Elysione and the rest looked at each other’s faces.

“True, herein lies the problem.”

Naga said while scratching his head.

“Did you not think about that?”

Harrigan retorted.

“It’s not just that. There are various other problems to consider. Rather, aren’t there too many of them?”

Vita took a glimpse at Naga.

“Yeah, that’s right. I know there are lots of things that need to be solved.”

“Hearing that from you, it makes me a bit anxious.”

“Um, Mother.”

“What, Elysio?”

“If it’s about hiding Mother inside the fort, then I can help.”

Hearing her words, Naga reacted.

“What do you mean?”

“This girl, you see, Elysio can move between the space where her mantle was previously put… things like that.”

“What on… so there was such a convenient magic? You’re incredible indeed.”

As soon she was given words of praise, Elysione’s face turned a bit red.

“Ah, no, it’s not something I should be praised, for……”

“Ain’t you praising her too much, Naga? This girl tends to get carried away quickly.”

Elysione dropped her shoulders in disappointment.

“Isn’t that fine? You ought to admit that something is incredible whenever there are things like that.”

“Well, I’m ready to accept that about her magic, but it’s not like her power is almighty or anything.”

“Ah… is that so?”

“Right, Elysio can fly to places where she prepared mantles. In other words, she can only fly to those places.”

“Ah, so it was like that?”

Hmm – As if understanding each other’s words, Naga and Vita slightly groaned.

“Still, there’s the problem of how we should place the mantle inside or near the fort, right?”

“Indeed. Once it’s done, we will be able to travel easily. Is there any idea that crosses your mind?”

“No, I can’t think of anything out of the blue.”

Vita looked at him with cold eyes.

“It’s no good when it comes to important points? Guess you ain’t that great, Dragon King.”

“Don’t say it like that. I’ve only received the explanation about your magic just now, so there’s no way for me to come up with something that easily.”

“Well, you’re right about that.”

“Uhm, Mother.”

“What, Elysio?”

“You’ve mentioned it before, but what kind of other problems will there be besides this one?”

Since Nemonumo, Dora, and Karaimaya nodded as well, it was clear they had no clue, just like Elysione.

“You girls are truly simpletons.”

Vita exhaled a blunt sigh.

“Naga, you can probably understand it, right?”

“It’s still not clear what we are going to do after the enemy soldiers are restricted with your magic, right?”


Elysione clapped her hands together.

“Mu, indeed it’s as you say.”

Harrigan too nodded down.

“I want to apprehend the enemy soldiers when they are unable to move, but the moment we enter inside the fort, we will also be seized by Vita’s magic.”

Naga shifted his sight toward her.

“What should we do?”

“Don’t ask me about that.”

“No, that’s why I was thinking if there’s anyone among your people who can move when your power is in effect.”

“There’s nobody. It’s because my magic is the strongest and so I can’t choose the target. Be it humans, witches, enemies, or allies, everyone is influenced. Uhahaha, are you giving up now?”

“E…Even though it’s not the time for throwing out your chest.”

Naga put on a fed up face.

(To begin with, Mother doesn’t have any chest to throw out.)

“Elysioooooo, is there something you want to sayyyy?”

  • Shivering*

Elysione shook her head from side to side with all her power.

“What’s more, there’s also the problem of choosing the right place to put the mantle, I guess.”

The moment Naga asked, Elysione braced herself and asked as if trying to escape from Vita’s sight.

“Naga-dono, what do you mean?”

“You see, with Vita’s magic centering around her, its effect will probably just cover a fixed range. Saying so, if we don’t place the mantle near the inside of the fort….no, wait. Rather, wouldn’t it be better to put it near the fort’s walls? Hm… I have to investigate the fort’s surroundings a little bit, or else…. As one would expect, I’d like to have more information on its territory.”

Naga, who folded his arms while pondering, immediately lifted his head.

“Whatever the case, the plan won’t succeed as long as the enemy spots the mantle. They might be suspicious of it, but even if they aren’t, they will probably consider it as garbage and tidy it up.”

“My mantle is…. garbage…”

Elysione looked down at her body with a face indicating her being in shock. Because she appeared to be honestly shocked, Naga hurriedly made an excuse.

“Ah, no, I didn’t mean to say it’s dirty or anything in particular, you see?”

“Good grief. Wouldn’t it much better to destroy the fort? We already don’t use our own forts really, so their forts would also be useless, so destroying it would be almost the same as taking it.”

With Vita saying so, Harrigan continued.

“I agree with what Vita says. It’s probably the fastest way.”

However, Naga clearly denied that by shaking his head.

“In order for us to advance toward the Kasandora Kingdom, we need a military position at all cost. I want to capture the fort without sustaining any damage if possible. Not to mention, if we can’t take over a single fort, there’s no way for us to bring down a fortified city.”

“Well, I understand what you want to say.”

Vita shrugged with her shoulders.

“I’ll manage to come up with a method. Fret not, I’ll certainly do so.”

Naga remained positive til the end.

“You mean it? If it’s someone like you, who was able to play with an army of 2000, then perhaps you will. What’s more, do you expect anything from us, or is there anything else you need?”

“Needless to say, I need more information about the inside of the fort. Just knowing about its territory makes a huge difference in how hard the capture will be. Is there anyone in your group who can sneak inside?”

“If there was, we would probably be able to place the mantle.”

“Ah, that’s right!”

Holding his head, Naga looked up.

(Will this guy be okay?)

Vita gazed at Harrigan as if saying this.

Harrigan smiled clumsily.

“I, It will be fine… I believe.”

Is what she responded.

“I can’t really say it makes me feel at ease.”

“Vita, won’t you give me a single day?”

To Naga, who fixed his posture and made such a request, Vita nodded slightly.

“I don’t particularly mind.”

“I’ll come up with something no matter what, and return here the day after tomorrow.”

“Fumu, in that case, shall I also try to think of something?”

“You mean it? It feels reassuring to know that you guys will help.”

“No, the one to think will be me. That’s because…”

Vita jerked her chin and pointed at Elysione and the rest who were waiting.

“…They’re basically idiots who are bad at thinking.”

  • heads dropping in disappointment*

Elysione and the rest hung down their heads in dismay.

“Rather, wouldn’t it be faster to have Lela assist?”

“I originally planned to have her help, but well…”

“If we gather both of our thoughts, we might be somehow able to find a key to our solution. At least, do your best. I’ll do mine as well.”

With that, Naga and the rest promised to meet once again the day after tomorrow and left the fort of Sraymeyer.

Translator's Notes and References

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