Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance:Volume4 Chapter8

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It was evening, the ceremony of the Blade Dance started at the castle that was the lodging for the representatives.

There were already many guests of honor assembled and having friendly conversations in the grand hall of the castle.

There was elegant music flowing about. Chandeliers that arranged lavishly with spirit ores.

Extravagance seafood, meat, and fruits were laid out on a table lined up in the center.

Those invited to the ceremony were spirit contractors representing various countries and high-ranking royalty and nobles.

“This time, my country’s representative will be getting the victory.”

“What, the most superb spirit contractor is in my White Knights, you know.”

Even while they behaved politely on the surface, they unfold a fierce war of words. In a suit, Kamito set a gaze at those nobles, expressing that he’s completely fed up.

(…Geez, it’s not like you’re presenting the blade dance…)

On the other side, the girls participating in the Blade Dance had nervous expressions.

They were equally competent top-notch spirit contractors selected by the major nations of the continent.

They were about the same age as Kamito, and that was because the participating condition for the Blade Dance was regulated for princess maidens to be 20 and below years old following the oracle by the elemental lords.

This wasn’t restricted to the Blade Dance. Most of the important ceremonies of dedicating to the spirits had the same condition. Spirits liked young pure maidens as the offerings the best.

“…Anyway, they are still not here, huh?”

Holding a plate of a sauté of duck meat, Kamito looked around his surroundings relentlessly.

He still couldn’t see his teammate Ojou-sama.

Perhaps, they might have come across difficult in wearing their dresses—but what was in his mind was whether Claire, who he quarreled with, was coming.

After all, he wouldn’t be able to meet up with her in the castle later.

Looking at the entrance of the hall, he caught sight of one princess maiden being on a spot.

“Please don’t bring your animal inside!”

“Um, it isn’t a beast! this wolf is a friend of the forest!”

“Even if it’s a friend, no means no!”

…It seemed like the Druid girl was leading a wolf into the hall.

Although she was from a different team, it was a little embarrassing as they were representing the same academy.

Sighing in resignation, Kamito cast his sight downwards.

“Est, do you want get something?”

He asked the sword-spirit girl holding a plate.

“I’ll like fish next, Kamito.”

“Hn, you’re a good girl for not being picky. All the Ojou-sama have unbalanced diets.”

*Suri-suri* *Nade-Nade*

While he praised her, he stroked her head, and Est squinted.

Wearing a pure-white dress, Est was lovely almost like a snow-fairy.

“…Est is cute.”

Stroking her head, he subconsciously let out his voice.

Est’s small ears twitched.


“Ah, it’s nothing…”

Kamito scratched his head in an attempt to dodge her question.

…That was a little embarrassing.

“Kamito, please say it once more.”


“Once more.”

Est was gazing intently at Kamito with her mysterious eyes.

“E-Est is cute.”

“Kamito, once more.”

“You’re cute, Est.”


“You’re cute, Est.”

“Kamito-kun, what are you doing?”


Turning around—Fianna, dressed in a white dress, was staring at Kamito with reproachful eyes.

“Erm, that was, err…”

Upon trying to explain in a fluster—

“Before that, don’t you have anything to say?”

“Eh? A-Ahh…”

Even Kamito wasn’t such a quiet unsociable person to not notice that. No, as he didn’t notice until it was pointed out, he might indeed be a quiet unsociable person.

Kamito gulped.

It was a white dress, with a big opening at her chest area. Despite the daring design showing off her skin, the reason he could feel a sense of graceful elegance was because she was a real princess.

“…W-White also suits you.”

“Is that all?”

Seeming peevish, the princess pouted her lips.

“…Erm, you’re using pads.”

“I’m going to get angry, you know?”


Fianna puffed out her cheeks. Kamito shook his head in a fluster.

And then—

“…You’re really pretty.

He finally put his honest thoughts into his mouth.

“Hn, you pass. Kamito, your suit also suits you well.”

“…Why you. You made me say embarrassing things in public.”

“Fufu, it’s a punishment for not praising me at the start.”

Kamito could only sigh at Fianna, who impishly smiled.

“Hn, that reminds me, where’s Est?”

Before he knew it, he noticed that Est had disappeared.

Looking around his surroundings, he saw Est moving towards the dessert corner while holding onto her plate.

Upon meeting with Kamito’s eyes, she quickly turned her face away.

“It looked like you offended Miss Fairy.”

“Why is Est offended?”

“Fufu, you’re not allowed to praise another girl in front of a girl.”

Fianna morosely poked Kamito’s chest with her finger.

“Ka-Kamito-san, so here you are.”

This time, it was Rinslet, who came in a dress.

It was a striking marine-blue dress. Her glittering platinum-blonde hair was tied up, and that appearance of hers was akin to that of a snow queen reigning over a country of ice.

Her cheeks were faintly flushed and redden, and there were her glamorous rose-color lips.

Her usual uniform appearance was indeed lovely, but—

This dressed-up Rinslet was beautiful that he almost let out a sigh.

“Rinslet, you’re pretty.”


Rinslet widely opened her eyes.

Her face turned red in the blink of an eye.

“Fua, wh-what are you saying?!”

The Ice-Snow Queen’s face melted in an instant.

“Hmm, Kamito-kun, you say these things to anyone, do you? As expected of the demon king of the night.”

“I only did as you advice, Fianna!”

Kamito glared with reproachful eyes at Fianna, who pouted her lips unhappily.

“That reminds me, is Claire with the two of you?”

“She returned to the room just now. Kamito-san, you have not met up with her, have you?”


It seemed like when Kamito went to look for her, they passed each other.

“Geez, that girl, she was really troublesome since the past.”

Rinslet puffed out her cheeks.

(…This means she’s still angry.)

Kamito made a heavy sigh in his mind. If she came to the dance, he’ll even bear with her cooking later, or something— That was what he was thinking.

“…E-Erm, Kamito-san.”


Rinslet bashfully called out to Kamito.

“Erm, since we’re here, err…”

*Cough* *cough* The Ojou-sama coughed several times.

Then, like she gained her determination—

“Would you like to dance with me?”


Kamito was perplexed.

“…Is that not okay?”

“No, I’m happy that you invited me, but is it alright for it to be me?”

“Y-Yea, I’m a little afraid about dancing with the other men.”

“…I see. However, I only know the basic steps.”

Kamito was taught the dance steps by Greyworth 3 years ago.

Honestly, he couldn’t say he was confident, and they were certainly not in fashion now.

“I-In that case, I’ll teach you!”

However, Rinslet let out her voice happily.

“Hn, is that so? Rinslet, if you’re fine with it, I’m counting on you.”

Kamito was also a boy of age.

To be able to dance with such a cute girl like Rinslet, his heart was honestly pounding.

He gently held Rinslet graceful hand covered by a white glove.

“…Th-This is Kamito-san’s hand….”

Rinslet blushed.

“…H-How sly, me too.”

Then, Fianna grasped his other hand.

“H-Hey, Fianna!? We can’t dance like this…”

“That’s right! Quickly release his hand!”

Fianna and Rinslet were pulling Kamito’s hands.

Both of their breasts touched his arms and he was flustered.

…Before they knew it, the three of them were basked in the attention from their surroundings.

“I wonder what they’re doing?” “A fighting scene?” “They look like the representatives of the Areshia Spirit Academy.” “Don’t they even know the manners at a ball dance?” “That’s that male spirit contractor.” “Ah, that—” “Forcing unwilling girls to…” “To collect the two as his targets.” “He’s surely collecting his night targets as well.” “What infamy!” “But he’s kind of cool…”

There were the voices of whispers being exchanged.

(Eh, why is the reproach only concentrated at me….)


“Y-You three! Don’t disrupt the public morals in the presence of the elemental lords!”

A gallant and serious voice came flying over.


The one running over was Ellis in a dress.

Ellis pulled Kamito’s arm, and skillfully pull him off the two ojou-sama.

“Kyaa, what are you doing?”

“Captain, what are you doing?!”

“No, what are you two doing, good grief…”

Placing her hand at her waist, Ellis strictly scolded the two who complained.

“We came here to represent our academy. You should be more self-aware.”

Then, she glared at Kamito this time.

“Kamito, you too—“

She became stiff at that point.

“What wrong, Ellis?”

Thinking that he was going to have a sermon, Kamito was let down.

Ellis slightly blushed, and entwined her fingers bashfully in front of chest.

“E-Erm, even a suit suits you surprisingly. I guess that what they mean by clothes make the man.”

“Is that so? I’m no good with a suit no matter what, but—“