Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi: Volume 3 Chapter 1

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Status: Incomplete

30% completed (estimated)


Chapter 1 - The Month of Gemini's Selective Training Camp

Part 1

An eye is staring at Eco in the dark.

Its blood red pupils are blazing like a burning torch.

One, two, three...... the number of eyes are increasing.

"Don’t ...... Don’t look at me!"

Eco ran wildly as if to escape the ominous sight.

She was wandering in the dark without any direction.

But regardless of how far Eco ran, she couldn’t escape those eyes.

The blood red eyes were like moons hanging up high in the sky, staring at Eco.


Eco who usually didn’t show sign of weakness shouted out loud for help.

Because her overriding fear has long exceeded her self-esteem limits.

"Ash…Please help me!"

Even when she had shouted a name that she rarely mentioned, there was no response.


Eco suddenly fell to the ground and hit her face hard. There seems to be something wrapped up at her right ankle and that’s the culprit that tripped her.

"W-What is this......?"

Eco wanted to quickly stand back up, but this time, even her left ankle was caught.

"No...... Don’t!"

Even when Eco was struggling to cling to the ground to avoid being pulled away, her effort was in vain.

Her fingers can’t cling to the dark slippery surface and the feeling is like the skin of a soft animal.

In a few moments, Eco’s hands had also been entangled and she lost their freedom.

In the next second, she was easily raised in mid-air.

This frightening feeling, Eco had experienced it before.

"This is a...... Necromancia?"

Soon, the object with nine eyes appeared in front of Eco. Its eyes became the only light source, dimly lighting up its surrounding.

The initially black shadow had finally revealed its true-self.

It was a shocking space cover with a dense creepy purple earthworm.

But those creepy objects are no ordinary earthworms. Each of them is a tentacle which is thicker than Eco’s arm.

Those countless tentacles are facing Eco.


Eco kept on struggling. If this continues, her body will be the sacrifice for those tentacles.

However, the more struggle, the more firmly the tentacles gripped her hands. Not only that, the rest of the tentacles had launched series of attacks by tearing Eco’s clothes.


Those frightening tentacles were squirming on Eco’s naked skin.

Such as her chest, tummy, and inner thighs......

The frightened Eco was having goose bumps.

"S-Stop- how dare you look down on me!"

Even though when she shouted with all her might, those tentacles attack became more intensified.

"I've had enough... this is.... too cruel...."

In the end, Eco who was covered in rags hanged in mid-air.

She felt like a livestock who was going to be slaughtered.


The humiliation Eco received made her furious, almost as if her blood is boiling. However, the tentacles were not even bothered by her and continued to wrap her body.

"Why...... didn’t you came and save me?"

Ash face emerged in Eco’s mind

Why did he sit back and watch his master experiencing such miserable and yet refused to rescue her?

No, in fact, Eco had long been aware that Ash is her master, and she is the one that is being reared.

But, because of her self-esteem, she is unwilling to admit that Ash is her master. Also, she in turn treated Ash as her pet dog.

Is this karma[1]? If this is the case, such fate can only be blamed on herself.

"I'm sorry ...... I'm sorry ......!"

Eco is in tears. Unfortunately it was too late. Even if she shouted with all her might, Ash would not show up.

Eco was aware of that and she shut her eyes.

No matter what kind of punishment God bestowed, she intended to accept it with her heart.

The tentacles swarm on her body and gradually have her covered-

Right at this moment, a low sound that is originated from the ground can be heard all over.

'This time, let’s us have our stuff settled for once and for all- ‘Daughter of Avalon '

References and Translation Notes

  1. The original meaning is something like a decided fate cause by her pervious actions.

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