HEAVY OBJECT:Volume1 Prologue

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Ultimately, wars will never come to an end.

Even in the age when every inch on the planet of earth had been unearthed by development projects, when high-power laser could easy shoot shuttles into the space, and when certain persons-in-authority could build villas on the moon, it seemed to be impossible to fill up the cracks in the hearts of people.

No, even though it was true that companies that specialized in providing digitalized "healing" and "spiritual supplements" were far from rare, at the end of the day, there was no way to remove the inter-competing mechanism that lied in people's minds.

Isn't the fact that rules of war changes with the introduction of new weapons no more than a perfunctory salvation to mankind? Or even worse, shouldn't it be regretted as a sign of further retrogression?

Yes, there were changes.

Even to mankind, which was into worthless killings among themselves, had changes brought upon them.

The ultra-sized weapon - OBJECT.

The hull alone had a total length of 50 metres. If the length of the gun was also counted the total size was even larger. This new weapon overturned all common knowledge regarding wars. It is not even a stretch to say that it had become much more meaningful to let the troops to focus on preparing the OBJECTs to be deployed to the battlefield in perfect condition, instead of letting them to kill each other in battles.

Tanks, fighter jets - weapons which had been playing major roles in wars were then called "Old Generation Weapons".

Even rifles, cannon rounds and missile were then treated as no more than peashooters and peas.

The combat strength of the ultra-sized weapon of OBJECT was of such an astounding scale.

A certain island nation which introduced the weapon caused fear from all around the world. The test model of OBJECT, having a surprise attack launched upon it by a joint expedition of fourteen nations, defeated all the intruders. By the end of the battle it received a nuclear attack in the Pacific Ocean. With half of its body melting like ice under strong sunshine, it still managed to sink the combined fleet with its remaining armaments. Images from such a scene were even published in history textbooks.

One can understand how strong the OBJECT was as a weapon, from the fact that the said island nation had still maintained the top position in regard of OBJECT development.

Of course, since then the term OBJECT had become a synonym for war.


How about other people?

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