Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume30 Chapter1 1

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Scattered Sunshine. Part 0.[edit]

A certain day in March (Sunday).

On that day, at 10:30am, the group of ten youths that had appeared, as though by prior arrangement, greeted each other sheepishly with "Gokigenyou." It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that, amidst the couples and excited children that flock to amusement parks, this was the only group that didn't look jubilant.

Scattered Sunshine. Part 1.[edit]

Just where to start this story?

Right, right, they had held their private farewell party for Sachiko-sama and Rei-sama after the send-off assembly for all the third-years yesterday, on Saturday.

The first-years had done party performances, they had danced and had a wonderful time, but of course that kind of joy could not last forever and it had ended when the security guard had cautioned them to leave as he did his rounds.

Such is life.

Everyone was finding it hard to leave, not wanting to say "I'm going home," so it was probably just as well that there had been some external impetus. If not, they may have stayed at school until 7 or 8 at night.

One thing led to another, and as they were heading home it looked as though everyone would be joining Yumi and Sachiko-sama on their date at the amusement park the following day. They had decided that it was only proper that they should invite the other participants from the Christmas party, so had stopped at a phone booth near the school gates and called Takeshima Tsutako-san and Hosokawa Kanako-chan.

"Huh? What? What do you mean?"

Tsutako-san asked, on the other end of the phone. Perfectly understandable. Even the people who had been present at the farewell party when Sachiko-sama had made her sudden announcement hadn't understood immediately.

She'd said that they were going to the amusement park tomorrow, so if anyone else wanted to come along they were welcome. However, they weren't going to arrange to meet so everyone was free to do as they pleased.

See, it'd make you question your hearing. It's not the kind of thing you'd usually be asked over the phone.

"You see."

Yumi persevered with her explanation and, eventually, Tsutako-san started to (somewhat) understand. Although she'd apparently forgotten that the idea that they all go to the amusement park together had been floated during last year's Christmas party.

"I wasn't sure when it happened, but I do remember a conversation about going to the amusement park."

Yumi was initially skeptical but decided Tsutako-san was probably telling the truth. After all, Tsutako-san had been the first to respond during the Christmas party when Sachiko-sama suggested that they all should go together sometime. She'd loudly and enthusiastically endorsed that idea.

"Although I'll have to find out if I can go once I get off the phone."

Yumi responded with, "Of course." Since everyone was free to do as they wished, there was no need for an RSVP or anything.

"So, is it okay if I bring someone else?"

As she was putting the telephone receiver back on the hook, Yumi thought that Tsutako-san was probably going to invite Shouko-chan.

Next she called Kanako-chan but she wasn't at home. Her mother must have been out as well, because the phone rang about ten times and no-one answered.

"I'll call her when I get home."

Touko offered, and they all agreed to leave it to her. Originally, Touko and Kanako-chan had seemed like natural enemies, always at loggerheads with each other, but at some point there had been a thawing in their relationship and they now had a quiet friendship. Even their mutual classmate, Noriko-chan, trusted Touko on this.

"What shall we do about Nana-chan?"

Shimako-san looked at Yoshino-san. It wasn't as though she was Nana-chan's patron, but since Nana-chan was the closest thing there was to Yoshino-san's petit soeur, it seemed like she should be the one to ask.

"About Nana – "

Yoshino-san hesitated. She glanced at Rei-sama, but then quickly looked away. In contrast, Rei-sama was looking directly at Yoshino-san. Staring, even.

"We were inviting the people who were at the Christmas party, right?"

Sachiko-sama asked Yoshino-san. Implying that they should obviously invite Nana-chan as well.

"But Nana's situation is a bit different, don't you think?"

Even if she was just about to graduate, Nana-chan was still a middle-school student. Their school buildings were located only a short distance apart, but the invisible wall that separated middle-school students from high-school students was both thick and tall.

"That's true..."

High school students taking a middle school student out with them. It did make you question whether it was okay or not.

"And since it's a private get together, she'd have to pay for herself."

So they couldn't just ask her without thinking about it. Yoshino-san's hesitation had some merit to it. Even so, it seemed a shame that Nana-chan was the only one they weren't going to invite.

"I'll give her a call after I get home."

There was unanimous agreement with Yoshino-san's statement. It was better that the conversation occur somewhere quiet, rather than with everyone crowded around a telephone booth. And they were willing to leave it up to Yoshino-san to see how that conversation played out.

Yoshino-san was the one who thought the most about Nana-chan out of all of them. And everyone agreed that Yoshino-san was the one that Nana-chan thought about the most.

"Just for reference, what time were you planning on arriving at the amusement park tomorrow, Yumi-san?"

Yoshino-san asked as they walked past the school gates, the brightening of her demeanor as abrupt as the change in topic.

"What time … "

The truth was, they hadn't yet decided on a specific time that they would meet. Yumi shot Sachiko-sama a glance that said, "What should we do?" and in exchange Sachiko-sama answered for her.

"I was thinking we'd be there when the park opens."

Ohhh. Typical of Sachiko-sama, her fighting spirit wasn't just constrained to the announcement.

"Copy that."

Yoshino-san grabbed hold of Rei-sama's arm with her right hand, and gestured a salute with her left hand.

"Wouldn't it be better if you didn't copy that. Do you want to impose on Sachiko's date right from the start?"

Rei-sama said, freeing her arm. She then flicked Yoshino-san on the forehead, telling her that she was getting a bit carried away.

"I was only asking as a reference – "

"A reference, huh. And then we'd probably leave home in time to catch the same train as them, I suppose."

It was very much like watching a lover's quarrel – "We'll be bothering them," "If we run into them by accident then it's no problem," "Just because you say it's by accident doesn't mean it is."

"I'd say there's absolutely no chance of that happening."

Yumi said, interrupting the Yellow Rose sisters.

"Well, I suppose the chance of us being in the same compartment is pretty small."

After saying this, Rei-sama made an inquisitive face. Apparently she'd latched on to Yumi's phrase 'absolutely no chance.'

"Yumi and I are going by car."

This time it was Sachiko-sama that spoke. Then, without a moment's pause, Yoshino-san responded.

"Say what? You two are going to be chauffeured in one of the Ogasawara household's shiny, black sedans?"

"No, no."

Yumi shook her head and waved her arms simultaneously.

"So, a taxi!?"

As though any healthy high-school student would take a taxi when they went out. Not even the daughter of the elite Ogasawara family would do that.

"We're going with Kashiwagi-san."

Kashiwagi-san was a student at the neighboring Hanadera University. Even those who hadn't driven with him had heard tales of his bright red car and dynamic driving technique.


After the initial slump that greeted their exposition of the trick, and having some time to ponder Kashiwagi-san's presence, Yoshino-san said, "Oooooh," as though playing along with a joke.

"So it's not just going to be the two of you? Why are you three going?"

"No, it's not us three. My younger brother is going as well."

"Yuuki-kun too? What's up with that?"

Adding Yuuki in while they were still trying to figure out Kashiwagi-san's role was only ever going to lead to confusion.

"Is it a double date?"

Noriko-chan asked, joining in with the Yellow Rose sisters.

"Keeping it in the family?"

On the one hand you have Yumi's younger brother, and on the other hand you have Sachiko-sama's cousin. Neither would have been romantic.

Basically, it was all a part of Sachiko-sama's revenge. She was trying to recreate the same circumstances as their trip in autumn so that she could correct her mistakes, and that meant inviting Kashiwagi-san and Yuuki.

She skipped over this, as it was a matter of pride, instead stopping the explanation by saying that the group that went last time had agreed to go to the amusement park again.

"Well, if you're going in Kashiwagi-san's car then I guess we won't be traveling with you after all."

Rei-sama chucked at Yoshino-san. Well, that's true. He wouldn't be able to take everyone unless he had a minivan. Perhaps that was another reason why Sachiko-sama had said that everyone else was free to come and go as they pleased.

"We'll have to have our own private get-together then."

The competitive Yoshino-san was already looking towards Monday.

"What will you do, Touko?"

It'd be impossible to take everyone, but there was still room in the car for one more. She might even have heard about this before today, since their driver, Kashiwagi-san, was her cousin. And when they went in autumn, Kashiwagi-san had originally invited Touko and not Yuuki to accompany him.

"Don't worry about me. I won't know whether I'll be able to go or not until I get home."

"Ah, right."

Already Yumi had pictured them going for a drive with Kashiwagi-san in the driver's seat, Yuuki in the front passenger seat and the three Red Rose sisters chatting merrily in the back seat. But since they had only told them today about going out tomorrow it obviously wasn't going to be as simple as that. The normal course of action for a high school student would be to get their parent's permission. That's what Yumi had done, talking with her mother and father about it.

"Ah. The bus."

Shimako-san said softly. Looking down the road, Yumi saw a bus with "M Station" on the front glide towards the bus stop. Everyone except Rei-sama and Yoshino-san suddenly broke into a run. Luckily there were some other students already waiting so they didn't have to frantically wave the bus down.

"Well then, see you tomorrow."

"Yep. See you there."

As they called out, both those within the bus and those without were undoubtedly thinking, "Will we actually see each other?"

Tomorrow was Sunday, all across Japan.

On top of that, the forecast for the Kanto region was clouds followed by sunshine.

The absolute best weather for an outing.