User talk:R

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 04:48, 22 August 2011 by (talk)
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All changes seem proper to me. Take care not to change too much however, I for one feel that some 'misses "reflect the flavor of the written style". Hope you can relate to this even as a native speaker. Great creds to you however! Please keep up the good work. -- 10:10, 21 August 2011 (CDT)(novium, on an iPhone way out in the boonies)

Translator here. Looks fine to me, too. But I beg to differ on not being too aggressive: a translator should be as transparent as possible IMO. So feel free to change any passages that flow poorly or have mistakes in them. For an example, that's how I personally love my edits, since it sounds English and I can brush up my own use of English and translating by comparing with my original translation, but that's just me. And, for that matter, it also depends on what kind of story we're talking about. EusthEnoptEron 15:48, 21 August 2011 (CDT)

I'd like to clarify that I believe that flow should almost always be highest priority. What I meant to warn against was losing the inherent quirkiness. Feeling>flow>grammar imo. Not that I don't believe that is what everyone does - just pointing it out in case. ~novium