Zero no Tsukaima:Volume14 Chapter5

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Chapter 5: Six Thousand Years Ago

Part 1

But at the same time, his conscious said otherwise.

Brimir and Sasha brought Saito to a village called Junitabelio.

Despite being brought there, as soon as he walked past the gates, the village appeared before him. With a Nidabelian name, it seemed to undoubtedly be a properous market. With that kind of mindset, he found that what he saw did not fall within his expectations.

It was a small village filled with moveable tents placed along the sides of nameless hills. One round tent was made of wood and cloth. On one side of the tent, there were a few goats eating long strands of grass.

The whole scenery looked just like the nomadic Mongolians living in their daily lives—something that he had seen in a community textbook.

Finding his breath taken away by this foreign place, Saito stood there dumbfounded.

“My house is just over there. ”

Brimir led him to one of the highest tents in the village. A blue flag flapped atop the tent's canopy. Wasn't Brimir a founder? Someone like Christianity's Jesus, Islam's Mohammed, or Buddism's Sakyamuni? Essentially some incredible person! While thinking, Saito entered. He's living in this kind of run-down place? Is this really Brimir himself?

The furniture inside was simple; crude. A thatch bed was placed further inside. A carpet that resembled Middle-Eastern carpets covered the ground.

“But this really shocked me.”

Standing in the house, Brimir excitedly said,

“Where is your owner anyways? Near Midagade? I just really want to meet him.”

Saito found himself recalling an animated film before he had seen before. Because the protagonist returned to the wrong time period, he got to directly interact with a hero. "I'm Tokugawa Ieyasu, Japan's first commander general." It seemed that as he said that phrase, he was introducing the Battle of Sekigahara in a friendly manner.

What he could see right now was completely different from that. No matter how he saw it, this was just an ordinary person.

Although, you can't really say that that's the absolute truth.....after all, legendary people are still people. The mere fact that he's in such a place and is seeing Brimir as an ordinary person is far more unimaginable. He should be paying close attention to this.

Saito coughed with an "ahem," then faced those two.

“That's absolutely impossible.”


“That's.....well what you two believe to be a trifling matter happens to be something that I can't possibly do. I actually come six thousand years from the future."

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