Zero no Tsukaima:Volume14 Chapter5

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Chapter 5: Six Thousand Years Ago

Part 1

But at the same time, his conscious said otherwise.

Brimir and Sasha brought Saito to a village called Junitabelio.

Despite being brought there, as soon as he walked past the gates, the village appeared before him. With a Nidabelian name, it seemed to undoubtedly be a properous market. With that kind of mindset, he found that what he saw did not fall within his expectations.

It was a small village filled with moveable tents placed along the sides of nameless hills. One round tent was made of wood and cloth. On one side of the tent, there were a few goats eating long strands of grass.

The whole scenery looked just like the nomadic Mongolians living in their daily lives—something that he had seen in a community textbook.

Finding his breath taken away by this foreign place, Saito stood there dumbfounded.

“My house is just over there. ”

Brimir led him to one of the highest tents in the village. A blue flag flapped atop the tent's canopy. Wasn't Brimir a founder? Someone like Christianity's Jesus, Islam's Mohammed, or Buddism's Sakyamuni? Essentially some incredible person! While thinking, Saito entered. He's living in this kind of run-down place? Is this really Brimir himself?

The furniture inside was simple; crude. A thatch bed was placed further inside. A carpet that resembled Middle-Eastern carpets covered the ground.

“But this really shocked me.”

Standing in the house, Brimir excitedly said,

“Where is your owner anyways? Near Midagade? I just really want to meet him.”

Saito found himself recalling an animated film before he had seen before. Because the protagonist returned to the wrong time period, he got to directly interact with a hero. "I'm Tokugawa Ieyasu, Japan's first commander general." It seemed that as he said that phrase, he was introducing the Battle of Sekigahara in a friendly manner.

What he could see right now was completely different from that. No matter how he saw it, this was just an ordinary person.

Although, you can't really say that that's the absolute truth.....after all, legendary people are still people. The mere fact that he's in such a place and is seeing Brimir as an ordinary person is far more unimaginable. He should be paying close attention to this.

Saito coughed with an "ahem," then faced those two.

“That's absolutely impossible.”


“That's.....well what you two believe to be a trifling matter happens to be something that I can't possibly do. I actually come six thousand years from the future." He never thought that he would find himself saying something that sounded like it came out of a sci-fi show, regardless as to whether he was on Earth or Halkaginia.

Unsurprisingly, Brimir and Sasha faced each other and laughed. "Hahahaha.”

“What you said was indeed hillarious.”

“Sorry, sorry. I understand how you want you protect your master. Especially during this kind of chaos. Very few people use this kind of "odd system" of magic. It would be terrible if the Balliag knew. Why don't you tell me when you feel like it. “

Brimir laughed lightly.

Odd system was referring to 'Void' right? In this era, the term 'Void' must be non-existent.

“What's the Balliag?”

Saito asked.

“……You don't know? Those guys are a group of devils that employ frightening tactics." Brimir responded with a pained expression.

Saito felt a bit reluctant to believe what he was hearing on the topic of the Founder's enemies....those weren't the elves, who used ancient magic, were they?

“By Balliag, are you referring to elves? ”

Saito's head got hit hard with a “clang.”

“Ah, that hurts....”

“Why would we be those kinds of barbarians? ”

Sasha was put off by what Saito had said.

“They and us are of completely different races. In this wide world's other places.....have completely different cultures.”

“So it's like that.”

Brimir took ahold of Saito's left hand.

That's why I engraved this inscription on her. Gandalfr. In our old language, it means 'the lowly person who controls magic.'

"So you're the one who engraved this inscription. ”

"That's right. Yet your owner didn't?”

Saito shook his head. The inscriptions actually engraved 'themselves'. But according to Brimir, inscriptions in this era had to be engraved. “Nope. Although, 'the lowly person who controls magic' ── Gandalfr doesn't actually use magic.”

“That's because you're a mere human. Looks like ordinary humans can actually become familiars. I had thought that only beasts, magical creatures, or creatures of a different race could. Essentially, the magic that she uses isn't what I use.”

“Ancient magic?”

He asked, but Sasha shook her head.

“What's that? Please don't use another other odd expressions. Call it “elven powers” all right?”

Saito began to realize serious history was. A Gandalfr was 'the lowly person who controls magic.' And the Gandalfr in this era was an elf. He just felt that all of that was a bit hard to believe.

After having stared at Sasha for the whole time........he felt reality crack, as though he was seeing his own ancestors. Just some kind of undescribeable feeling.

“Why didn't you use magic during that time?”

“I didn't want to use elven powers at that kind of place," Sasha said.

“Did you know that to use magic, elves have to learn it?”

“That's a widely known fact, after all.... but what do you mean by the Balliag's frightening tactics?”

Brimir looked at Saito in bewilderment.

“Do you honestly not know about the Balliag?”

“That's right.”

“I sure envy you; there's actually someone on this world who doesn't have the Balliag's shadow treading upon their land. Oh, I understand; your owner must be intentionally hiding it from you.”

As though he was very satisfied, Brimir nodded his head. Saito could only watch in bafflement.

“That scary.......just what do those tactics look like?”

Brimir shook his head sadly.

“You'll probably understand in a moment.”

Heavy silence fell on the room. Unable to stand the silence, Saito looked around the inside tent. On a normal basis, there wasn't anything attractive. The entrance revealed a child's nosy face, though. A cute little girl that was around ten years of age.

She wore something that resembled a work uniform with a thin brightly colored belt on her waist.

Part 2

“Lauren, it's fine. Come here. “

The little girl called Lauren, who was holding a ceramic pot, took went over there with small steps. She placed the pot on the stove outside the tent.

“Ah, bring me the Bass Tres. Thank you. ”

Looks like the thing called Bass Tres was a object. The girl who brought that took out a staff and began chanting a spell.

“Wow, you are using magic, despite how young you are. Impressive. Is everyone here a Noble?”

“A Noble? I don't really understand what you mean. We are of the Markey race. We don't use magic for granted. “

Having said that, everyone living in this town were mages? This situation would have even had nobles shocked! As Saito exclaimed, a young man broke inside.

“It's the chief! Oh no!

Brimir rose with a thud. The girl called Lauren fearfully gripped the corner of her robe.

“Coming already? That was quick. You've already found this place, haven't you?”

Then, he whisked away what Lauren had broguht.

“What is this? What is this?” Saito was bewildered.

“They came. The Balliag.”

Sasha explained.

“Hey, what exactly is this?”

“We'll discuss that later. Just grab this. “

Sasha grabbed the gun inside the tent and handed it to Saito.

Understanding nothing, Saito darted outside. Just who are these feared Balliags? The villages are mages, but their feared enemies are......?

The village was in a state of chaos. In the empty center of the village, the young man held a staff in his hands, forcing Brimir to gather in the center. As Sasha, and Saito, who was standing on the edge, made their way there, Brimir gave them instructions.

“Lagunaru, the village you're watching is west. Shigulsier, the aiding group from the North will help you guys early. Group Brimir, are you ready too?”

Ten young men raised their arms.

“All right. Let's crash into the enemies' positions to buy time. Sasha, go.”

Brimir ran to the other side of the hill. Saito then followed Sasha, running two hundred meters over the hills.

Seeing the circumstances...., Saito stopped breathing.

Over there.......was an army.

Actually, it would be more accurate to say that it was a scene that would be difficult to describe with 'army'. A lot of people were baffled. In a place that was about four hundred meters long, there were several organized armies.

At the front were horse-riding troops. They wore frightening horned helmets and chest armour. Following that were troops on feet. Holding four meter long spears, similar corps uniformly stood there motionlessly.

“......That's the Balliag?”

If that was their enemy........He had no idea how many thousands or millions of people there were. We, on the other hand, only have a few mages. Even if they were mages, they were incapable to defeating such a large number of enemies.

Besides, just what inside the frighting helmet and armour? As their name happened to be Balliag, Saito had thought that they were ghost-like scums.

Despite having held up against this type of army before, this time's opponents weren't moving, and were organized and prepared for battle. A prepared opponent has no openings. If you directly faced the enemy from the front, you'll get stomped on by the enemy like an ants.

The first general to ride over was on mounted on a horse. He slowly raised his right hand, then lowered it. The troops slowly moved forward. They stopped every ten steps or so, and howled like beasts.

“That's the enemy? “

Sasha nodded at Saito's question.

“So it's like this? Really, why must the incompetent me face these kinds of enemies.......”

Complaining at the same time, Sasha gripped the gun in her hands tightly. She looked at the troops without taking her eyes off them.

“This isn't the entire military, right.....just what should we do?”

While he distractedly gazed at the circumstances, Brimir could be heard chanting from behind.

Eoru-Sunu Yarunsakusa-

It was the “Void” magic that he had heard countless of times. The troops before them were slowly approaching.

Osuonu waruyu rado

Louise's "Explosion." But....this should be the earliest form of it.

The Balliag troops reached about three hundred meters from them. The range corps started shooting arrows. For a split second, a storm started to form, much like a natural one in the sky. As soon as they reached their destination, several hundreds of arrows were sucked to the ground by gravity as soon as they reached Saito and the others.

The wind mage by Brimir started chanting wind magic. That was probably the “wind wall' that Tabitha normally used.

Thousands of arrows that flew at them were blown away by the wind magic. They met and pierced all over where Saito had been waiting.

Be-ozusu yuru svyuru kano oshiela

Ten seconds later, the storm of arrows attacked again. The same wind magic was used to blow them away. Around where Saito was waiting, it caused the arrows stuck on the ground to become like plants on a rice paddy.

Along with Brimir's chant, Saito's fear slowly disappeared, replaced by overflowing courage.

The troops were now about a hundred meters ahead of them.

The mounted general once again raised his arm, waving it.

Stationed in the front row, heavily armored troops with pikes on foot cried out loudly in unison and suddenly attacked. If someone was able to weave through heavily armored assault, are they even human? Just what kind of monster is beneath that armour?


Thousands and millions of cries echoed across the land──────

Sasha nodded at Saito.

Generally speaking, seeing this organized army and hearing their terrifying war cries, people would be too scared to keep their backs straight.

But a Gandalfr that hears its master chanting from behind has no chance of fear.

A Gandalfr exists to protect their master as they chant their spells.

They are weaponry experts capable of rivaling a thousand troops.

Part 3

“What we see right now is a proper stance.”

Saito was brimming with courage.

Keeping their fighting stances, Sasha and Saito charged over there.

The enemies on foot uniformity raised their pikes. As such, Sasha and Saito used the guns in their hands to fend off those numerous pikes. Then, waving off the pikes, they dashed towards the enemy troops.


Sasha and Saito were like windmills waving off the weapons on hand. Relying on the Gandalfr's power. The enemy troops were sent flying off like scarecrows.

Suddenly, someone's armour got hit off by a pike. Catching a glimpse of the creature below , Saito found himself shocked.


Neither side were like ghosts nor scums; just live humans. Just how much rough training did these people endure, to be able to run and march uniformly in such heavy armour?

But right now, there was no time to be awestruck. The skilled soldiers had already surrounded Saito. They held onto and thrust their pikes.

Sasha and Saito were standing back to back, watching each other's backs while shaking away the pikes. Sooner and sooner, they were praying for Brimir to finish chanting his spell.

“Is the magic still not done! Hurry! We can't fend them off for much longer!”

Each second they endured felt like a minute under the endless pressure. The pikes attacked with a whoosh.

Jella Isa Unju Hagaru Beo Kun Iru

“Void” has finally been complete.

Brimir waved his wand at the heart of the army.

A white ball of light started to form before Saito's eyes.....then, created a giant explosion. The explosion engulfed the enemy troops. Rays of light spread all over the place, causing destruction and chaos.


With loud cry, Saito was also blown away by the wind produced by the explosion. The damn situation was like getting swollen up by a Tsunami

“That hurts!”

Saito bumped into the ground. For a split second, he nearly lost his senses. While whispering, he supported his body. Looks like he wasn't hurt particularly badly, but his entire body still felt numb with pain.

Suddenly, someone grabbed Saito's wrist. He looked up. A mud-splattered Sasha stood there.

“You also all right?”

“N-no, not good at all……it had unexpectedly wrapped us up in really was scarier than Louise.....”

“Alas, nothing can be done about it. After all, this was the most effective method.....”

Sasha said without the slightest sign of complaint.


Looking carefully, this place has already transformed into portrait of Hell. Thanks to the gargantuan explosion, the heavily armoured soldiers in front were all blown off. Right now, they were all thrust onto the ground, moaning. Despite having gone through sufficient training, their bodies were inevitably that of a human's. Remaining troops slowly retreated.

“Is everything all right?! I'm sorry! Really sorry! I'll definitely apologize to your master!"

Brimir exclaimed as he ran over to Saito. Saito finally stood up.

"In any case, I'm still alive. Forget about apologizing.....”

“Is that so……I had always wanted to greet your master too.”

“It's impossible. Forget about it.”

“In this case........I'll just apologize for now, and say these things later. All right, it's about time that that side of the village is done preparing. Let's retreat before the enemy reorganizes itself like before. “

Brimir ran off. Saito and the others immediately followed.

“Thank you. You helped us greatly. Had you not been here, the incantation might not have been completed.”

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