Rental Magica Volume 1: Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - End of the Magician


"Well, at least you're safe, right?" Nekoyashiki said in a tired voice.

As he did, he raised Itsuki's arms above his bare upper half.

"Owowowow... Don't move them... Ack!"

His bent arms raised a screech. The bruise he had received when he had fallen into the ocean of the <Night> was still causing him pain. In addition, several sutras had been scrawled across his arms and legs. His face hurt and tickled, and he was preoccupied with churning it into multiple expressions.

That is to say, right now, Itsuki's entire body excluding his ears was covered in scripture.

"--Please bear it for now. Since you were in such thick spell wave pollution, we at least need to inspect you and lay out protection."

"But... don't monks normally do this sort of thing?"

"Ah, you probably think that because of societal stereotypes. Onmyoudou is good with dealing with curses and such, but it isn't meant for contamination like this. Mikan-san is also not equipped to deal with a situation as specific as this. Though if this were long ago, and we had Sekiren-san with us, this would have been no problem."


The black cat on Nekoyashiki's shoulder--Genbu-kun--gave a yawn of agreement.

They were in the <Astral> office's nap room. Itsuki sat up on the white bed in the corner of the room.

It was past three in the afternoon.

It had already been two hours since Itsuki had awoken from his coma. After they hauled Itsuki to the office, it seemed that they had gathered up the completely exhausted <Goetia> magicians.

"I guess it's to be expected. Since long ago, summoning magic has been known to require much rougher exertion of the body than other types of magic. Especially if the evocation fails, a boomerang effect occurs, sapping many times the usual amount of vitality from the body. I suppose it's a best case scenario, since none of them died," Nekoyashiki expounded.

It seemed like all the magicians aside from Adilisia had their energy totally consumed after the intertwining magic circle had been destroyed. It seemed that some of them had already collapsed before when Honami defeated the Shax, but Itsuki figured that they deserved it.

"Hmph. In any case, it doesn't seem like any symptoms are occurring due to the spell wave pollution. Your spiritual resistance must be higher than I thought, president," Nekoyashiki lauded after putting the finishing touches on the sutras across Itsuki's body.

"Hah, I guess that's a relief."

"It seems that way for the time being, at least. There are times when spell wave pollution associated with a taboo erupts after a while."

"W, what happens then...?"

Nekoyashiki made a meek expression, and stroked Genbu-kun on the head.

"... Are you sure you want to hear about it?"

"Hu, huuh?"

Letting out a sigh, the young man shrugged the shoulders of his haori.

"For example... after several months' time, your eyes will grow farther apart, your hands will become webbed, and you'll start yearning for the sea..."

"Th, then, almost becoming a monster..."

"Aside from that... you could turn into a corpse and forever be enamored with loitering around mansions... you could turn into an insect with the rising sun..."


Itsuki's cheeks became stiff.

Just as his scripture-covered face was about to turn from blue to white,

"I'm just messing with you."

"N, n, n, Nekoyashiki-san?"

"Perhaps I overdid it a bit. Ahaha. In any case, the truth is that I don't know for sure what will happen if the spell wave pollution remains in your body, but I don't see anything unusual, so I think you're all right."

"--If that's the case, please say so from the beginning," Itsuki said, almost in tears.

At that point, the sound of the door at the entrance opening could be heard.

"I'm heeeere!"

Spreading out the sleeves of her miko outfit, Mikan looked like an airplane as she ran inside.

Running straight into the nap room, she looked at Itsuki's face, and blinking her large eyes, fell into a fit of laughter.

"Aah, president onii-chan's face looks funny~"

"D, don't laugh!"

"What's the matter?"

Honami, who had just entered the room, blushed as she saw Itsuki's upper half--and then put her hand over her mouth to hold in her laughter as she saw his face.

"E, even you, Honami?"

"I know, I know, but your letter-covered face is just... ahahahahah!"

As she held her sides, tears began to form in her Ice Blue Eyes.

Itsuki held back his complaints, not wanting to interrupt Honami's rare smile. It was then that a third person entered from outside.

"My my, you have quite a keen sense of fashion."

The newcomer, Adilisia, blushed as she let out a chuckle.


Somehow, she still seemed desperate. Itsuki hastily threw on a shirt. He wished he had some face washing cream with him.

When he got up from the bed,

"Er, were there any issues with the spell wave pollution?" Adilisia asked.

"No, I'm fine. How about you, Adilisia-san?"

"I told you before. I was a magician the moment I was born. I have not slacked in my training to repel the effects of the spell power of others."

"... Well I'm just a normal person," he pouted, pointing his lips.

Actually, since his father was a magician, he might be just the same as Adilisia, just with a hundred times less experience.

As he splashed his face with water, a knock came from the entrance door.

"Is it a customer?"

Wiping his face with a towel, he left the washroom.

Honami had already opened the door.

And then, the atmosphere became stiff.

"Well, it seems the two leaders are here, so would it be alright to allow me to perform a confirmation of progress right here?"

A person from the <Organization>--Kagezaki--stood still before them with a vacant smile.

Several minutes later.

In the reception room, which was just a desk, with the rest of the room separated by a partition wall, everyone had gathered.

Kagezaki of the <Organization>, Adilisia of <Goetia>, Nekoyashiki, Honami, and Mikan of <Astral>--and Itsuki.

In the middle of the desk, Kagezaki set out a thick stack of documents, and continued speaking.

"For these reasons, the <Organization> has recognized the <Night> from yesterday as having risen from second to third class spell wave pollution. Since it appears that neither of the groups that were tasked with destroying its core have succeeded, it seems the <Night> will occur again in a nearby area. During that time, the 'job' contract will continue to be valid."

His voice seemed to not hold any sort of emotion.

Itsuki made a frown.

"Again... You're saying something like that <Night> is going to happen again?" he moaned.

"Yes, that is of course, if we are talking about a normal <Night>."

Kagezaki looked toward Adilisia questioningly.

Itsuki's shoulders quivered.

However, not one muscle in Adilisia's face budged.

"Is there something you want from me?" she asked with a blooming smile. It was an artful grin, as if begging to be framed and hung on a wall. Though, even if it was pretty, it made Itsuki's stomach hurt.

"No, there is just something I would like to confirm with <Goetia>."

"What may that be? I do not mind if we speak here," Adilisia prompted, crossing her slender fingers together.

"If that is the case, then I will not hesitate," Kagezaki said, then continued, "There are rumors that a magician of <Goetia> has secretly broken a taboo."

Yikes! Itsuki yelped inside his mind.

Adilisia's smile did not falter.

"Unbelievable. A taboo is something absolute. It does not seem befitting of the <Organization> to lend their ears to such playground hearsay, does it?"

"Those are strong words. Well then, please allow your attention to fall to these reference documents."

Kagezaki, making a nod, brought out a new stack of papers. There were several sheets and photos in it, including some satellite photos.

Itsuki scowled.

"What is this photo...?"

"It is an aura-reflecting Kirlian photo. In the <Organization>, Kirlian photography is also used to specify ley lines."

Kirlian photography--a type of photography used for the purpose of detecting life signs, employed in many magical groups as a technique for capturing images of spell power. However, the only magical association with the scale and idea to take Kirlian satellite photos was the <Organization>.

"As you know, a <Night> is a storm of spell power that flows ley lines. If you investigate the flow of these ley lines, you can predict when and where the <Night> will emit spell wave pollution. That is why we are able to conduct these offers." Kagezaki continued his explanation. "The spell power that this <Night> originated from has been traced across mountains and seafloors, leading us all the way to ley lines far off in Europe. If you follow the source, the lines go to England, near Wales, four months ago. A workshop of <Goetia> should be located on these ley lines."


As opposed to the panicking Itsuki, Adilisia elegantly waved her hand.

"It is natural that our workshop would be constructed on ley lines. That does not amount to any sort of evidence."

"Haha, indeed," Kagezaki nodded, as if agreeing with her.


Itsuki ran his hand across his chest in relief.

However, he had been too soon.

"Looking further inward--four months ago in Wales, the day that the <Night> first appeared, the representative leader of <Goetia> and his trusted adeptus minor both died unnaturally in their workshop. Do you have anything to say about that?"


Adilisia sank into silence.

She wasn't using her right to remain silent. It was the sort of silence in which one wondered how someone was aware of something.

"Yes, you managed to cover that one up fairly well. --Do not worry, I'm not accusing you of anything. After all, magicians dying unnatural deaths during ceremonies isn't the kind of thing you want to have in a newspaper. However, to have written the deaths off as the result of a mere heart attack and stroke in your report to the organization makes me a bit wary about your intentions."

"That is..."

"Do you have some sort of excuse?"

His words seemed accusatory, but the color of blame wasn't the least bit present in his voice.

It simply seemed like he was trying to uncover the facts.

"--Well, the reason that you became the leader of <Goetia> was because of this incident, wasn't it? You also quit the academy which Honami-san here was attending as well."

His words had a terrifyingly slow, characteristic rhythm to them.

It almost sounded as if he were using hypnosis.


Itsuki looked at her from the side. The leader of <Goetia> kept her head down.

"U, um, is it okay if I ask a question?"

"What is it?" Kagezaki implored.

"I, if something like that were to have happened, why would the magician have traveled to Japan along with the <Night>?"

As Itsuki finished his question, Kagezaki leaned back in his chair, as if to say "Oh, is that what you're wondering about?"

"Just as an example... Like if a magician were to have committed a taboo? If they were to have turned into magic and melted into the ley lines?" Kagezaki traced a river in the air with his finger. "There are several kinds of taboos to be broken, but the easiest to understand, and the most troublesome method would be that. One literally changes his self into magic. This is nothing but an example, but--if we are talking about summoning magic, the user's body would end up shifting between the demons themselves as they were summoned."

Itsuki's chest froze.

The old man that had turned to mud.

A lump of several demons that was once a magician.

If a monster like that were to exist, it would be able to melt into the ley lines and eventually become the storm of spell power called a <Night>.

Wouldn't it?


Looking at Itsuki, who was at a loss for words, Kagezaki shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, as it is now, this would not suffice as evidence."


Kagezaki made a light, wry smile.

"That is why I came to make sure of things."

"Then, why are you..."

Kagezaki shot a look at Adilisia in response to what Itsuki was about to ask.

And then he sighed.

"Because if the only one hiding the taboo is the leader, then all guilt would fall upon them."

In an instant, the color of Itsuki's face changed.

After that sentence, he understood what Kagezaki wanted to say.

"However, if all of <Goetia> knew about this, then everyone involved would receive punishment."

... That would be too much.

That is, Kagezaki was telling Adilisia to become a scapegoat.

If she alone were accused, then they would turn a blind eye to the other members of <Goetia>.


Adilisia bit her red lip. She was probably searching for some way to respond.

But it was no use.

She was trapped.

Even Itsuki knew that.

"--I am the temporary leader of <Goetia>. The responsibility for any taboos committed would naturally fall on me."

"... Yes, this body of mine is a crystal of magic fostered through the ages. It is natural to take the responsibility that accompanies this power."

That was the kind of person she was.

Different from Itsuki.

She wasn't simply a figurehead, she was a truly cool person who knew what it meant to stand above others.

"Well then, how shall we handle this?"

Kagezaki slowly drew closer. His words seemed ready to lunge in for the kill.

"If you give us your confirmation, the I will have people dispatched directly from the <Organization>. Tell me the name of the magician who committed the taboo, and I assure you we will not let him escape our might."

Unconcerned, he laid out the facts.


Adilisia opened her lips.


"... know nothing!"

Those words were not Adilisia's.

Kagezaki turned to their source.

"President Iba?"

"I... Itsuki, what are you?"

"I'm saying... I don't know of anything like that. I was underneath the ocean of the <Night> with her, and I didn't see any magician like what you were talking about. That's why Adilisia has nothing to hide."

Itsuki curled up his fists tightly, strongly, trying to push away fear, but still strong.

He endured, staring straight into Kagezaki's gaze.

"--My goodness." Kagezaki let out a breath of surprise. "I see. If the president of <Astral> says as such, I have no choice but to respect it. Well then, let us put an end to this discussion. --However, I have heard that almost all of <Goetia>'s magicians are debilitated for the moment. Do you think you can carry out the offer like this?"

He threw off the direction of the conversation. After all the work he had done prying into <Goetia>'s matters, it seemed his intention was to pry, and nothing more.

"That is..."

"If you need magicians, we're all right here."

This time, a dignified voice rose up from behind Itsuki.


Combing her short chestnut-colored hair out of the way, Honami narrowed her eyes.

It was a matter-of-fact motion.

"President, did you forget? <Astral> is a company that rents out magicians. There's no reason we can't do business with our competition, though. It might even be a good thing pro forma, seeing as to how we're doing the same offer as <Goetia>."

"Uh... y, yeah!"


Adilisia, taken aback, looked at Itsuki, then Honami. She had an expression as if she had suddenly turned back into a child.

"It's our job. We've got some stuff between us, but let's ignore it. How about it? Wanna contract with us, Addie?"

Honami gave her a light wink.

Adilisia turned red.

"... I, I do not mind forming a contract with you," she said in a subdued tone.

"Alright then, contract settled. Got any complaints, Kagezaki-san?"

Honami, who had stood up, pushed her thin-rimmed glasses up.

"... No, I have none."

Shaking his head, Kagezaki returned his disarrayed documents to his attache case.

He then bowed and gave an empty smile that left frighteningly little of an impression.

"Well then, this concludes my investigation. Thank you, and to greater magic."

After the suited figure left the office, Itsuki had fallen back into his chair when Mikan ran into him, bumping their heads together.


"President onii-chan, you were amazing! You made Kagezaki oji-san go away!"

Mikan jumped up and down with an excited face.

Behind her, Nekoyashiki, covered head to toe in cats, held his cheek with his hand.

"Mm, you picked quite a fight, president."

"H... huh? I didn't mean to--"

"No, since you jumped in after Kagezaki-san had pushed Adilisia-san so far, you ended up ruining him quite brilliantly. That's the first time I've ever seen Kagezaki-san so angry, you know."

"He, he was mad?"

Itsuki had never been able to read his facial expressions.

"Yes, and quite."

Nekoyashiki nodded with a smile.

From their positions on his knee and shoulder, Byakko-kun and Genbu-kun each gave a "mee-ow" in agreement.

Somehow, Itsuki felt as though he was a patient who had just been just diagnosed with a fatal disease.

"--Well then, you managed to ride the mood this far. What now, president?"

Honami looked at him with delicately cold eyes.

"What do you mean?--We're going to capture the magician in that <Night>, right?"

"But if we don't have the support of the <Organization> it'll be difficult to pinpoint where the <Night> will show up next. At best we would only be able to narrow it down to a few options."


Darn it. He hadn't thought of that at all.

Honami let out another small sigh, putting her hand on her waist. Rather than angry, she seemed more tired.

Even though it was another thing that Itsuki had overlooked, it seemed to make her just a little bit happy, too.

"Iccha--I mean, president..."

"You know, something like that is quite simple."

Adilisia interjected from the side.


She focused her gaze.

This far in the game, the golden-haired girl was not about to hesitate, and instead she placed her hand across her chest.

"Use me as bait."