Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume8 The Fourth Question

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The Fourth Question

Question: Please fill in a suitable English word in the blank.

Bread is made from ____.

Kirishima Shouko's answer:


Teacher's Comment

Correct answer. The meaning is 'Bread is made from ___'. 'Be made from' would be a passive way of saying 'make A from B', which means that 'A is made from this thing B'. Thus, if you answer 'toaster' it would be an equipment instead of ingredient, which wouldn't be correct. Please take note of this.

Yoshii Akihi'sa answer

'Happy White Powder'

Teacher's comment

Happy White Powder. This won't do, not at all.

Himeji Mizuki's answer

'Potassium Carbonate

Teacher's comment

To think that Himeji-san would know of such a difficult term called potassium carbonate. But this is a raw material for making glass, not for making bread. Did you mistake bread for bead? Though they are similar looking white powder, it'll be a huge disaster to use potassium carbonate to make bread.

But nobody will use such a thing to make bread anyway (laughs)

“I suppose everyone should understand this well, but today onwards, you can start your summoning battles. This is a good chance to test out your progress in the first term, and I hope every student will take part enthusiastically.


“Also, there will be pipe lying in between the first and second level in the old campus, so—”


“And I'll have to talk to you about the student exchange module—”

“““Yoshii, Sakamoto...we'll kill you!”””

Ane-san's punishment yesterday (in the end, broken fingers weren't enough to appease her anger) made me lost consciousness in pain, and I finally managed to reach the classroom before I was late, at the homeroom period. While Ironman stood on the podium and reported a few things like usual, Yuuji and I were exposed under the killing intent and curses of our classmates.

It wasn't just Yuuji and me as everyone in class were in position, ready to rush out from their seats. As to why it is so, it's obviously so that we can all take action the moment Ironman leaves. At this moment, it's because of this powerful force Ironman controlling things that everyone could at least remain calm. If not, this classroom would become a dangerous and terrifying execution ground like yesterday. Is this the so-called imminent situation?To Yuuji and me, if everyone goes crazy while Ironman's around, Ironman can step in to exterminate a few enemies...

“That's all I have to report today. I hope that everyone can study hard and improve themselves.”

He used the same words to end again. Once Ironman leaves, our escape game will beging, and the bloody deathmatch will start--


“Sorry, please excuse me.”

At this moment, someone knocked on the classroom door and slowly walked in. Eh...

“Koyama from C class. What is it?”

“Sorry, Nishimura-sensei, I have some things I want to say to the students of F class.”

After saying that to Ironman, Koyama-san turned around to face every one of us in F class.

She took a little breath.

“We, C class, will start a summoning battle against F class.”


We couldn't help but call out in shock. What? How did this happen?

“Koyama, is this really good? You won't get any benefits from declaring war on a weaker class.”

“No, Nishimura-sensei, that's not the case. Of course we do have benefits! Like irreplaceable experience and...”

Koyama-san answered Ironman's doubts honestly.

“And—three months worth of peace.”

One of the rules of the summoning war is that 'the defeated class can't take the initiative and declare war for the next three months'. In other words, C class' aim is to take away our right to declare war. S they had this experience of defeat in the summoning battle before, C class wouldn't let go of the opportunity when we're fighting amongst ourselves. Perhaps they might be thinking of getting rid of any worries.

“You're rather good, Koyama, reading the meaning in my words like that...”

Yuuji muttered in a bothered manner. Reading his words...what did that mean?

“What's going on, Yuuji?”

“It's simple. Once we sorted out the situation of the classes, our F class today was supposed to declare war on C class. But it's because of this thing that they were able to make the first move.”

Yuuji said.

If our class was completely prepared, we would surely ask for the enemy to declare war on us first. But in the current state, our class is really in a bad shape and can't even fight against other classes anyway!

The reason why we ended up in such a disadvantageous situation isn't a coincidence no matter how we think.

“Using the tactic of heterosexual relationship...and declaring war on us once you understood our current situation...I never thought that Koyama would be such a manipulative person...someone helped to plan that out, right?”

Yuuji grumbled and muttered to himself.

Perhaps Koyama-san heard what Yuuji muttered as she looked at him and responded with a mocking smile,

“Oh my, don't you know? Don't look at me like this—I'm from the Tea Ceremony Club.”

The moment she mentioned the tea ceremony club, my mind immediately remembered a certain sempai.

“Tea Ceremony Club—that 3rd year sexy looking sempai guided you.”

The 3rd year sempai from the tea ceremony club who looked really sexy...isn't that Kogure Aoi-sempai who wore the kimono and the leotard during the test of courage tournament? That person did look like she had lots of plans, and she belonged to A class, so she should be rather smart. The impression she gave was that she really knew how to use relationship between different genders in her strategies.

“That's all I have to say, please excuse me.”

After bowing lightly, Koyama-san turned around and walked to F class' door.

Just when she was about to leave,

“Sakamoto-kun, what I told you wasn't a lie.”

Finally, she left these words behind. What she said before...what was it?

“Oi, did you hear what she said?”

“She should be talking about that rumor yesterday, right? So that's true...”

“Unforgivable...we're about to start the summoning battle. I thought that we just needed to catch that damned Yoshii we're so jealous f and execute him...”


The killing intent in the class just got stronger. I just felt that I missed something...but even in such a critical situation, I still can't escape my fate?

“isn't this good? You can take part in the summoning battle immediately. Get ready to battle then.”

Ironman followed behind Koyama-san and left the classroom.

The moment Ironman's front foot stepped out, angry growls that would make hairs stand rang throughout the classroom.



Those are primitive roars full of hatred, not for the summoning battle—but at Yuuji and me!