Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume8 The Fifth Question

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The Fifth Question

Please read the following paragraph before answering the next question.

He’s such a serious person, so he should be bothered now, right?

Sachiko continued to ponder as she remained restless, and couldn’t help but knock on his door.

“Heisuke-san, I’m going in.”

Without waiting for a response, she entered the room, and found that Heisuke was completed naked (sekishin, せきしん) and in deep thought.

What’s with that look of yours?”

Heisuke continued to remain in his own thoughts, completely oblivious to Sachiko’s existence.

Please write down how Sachiko was feeling as described from the underlined words.

Himeji Mizuki's answer

'Sachiko was completely shocked to see Heisuke's not wearing clothing and still deep in his own thoughts.'

Teacher's Comment

That’s how it is. In kanji, ‘赤身’ is mostly read as ‘akami’[1], but it can also mean ‘sekishin’. This has the meaning of ‘not wearing any clothes at all’. Thus, Sachiko was shocked to see Heisuke not wearing any clothing.

Tamano Miki's answer

‘It’s rare for him to wear a skirt, yet there’s so little frills, which angered her a lot.’

Teacher's Comment

Sensei is really shocked by such an answer that's not thought of before.

Yoshii Akihisa's answer

His necktie was crooked, so she felt really awkward.

Teacher's Comment

Is that what you're worried about? A naked man still wearing a tie?

“They’re here, Akihisa! To the left!”

“Got it!”


I rushed forward and exchanged punches with Fukumura-san, but my attention was already on my summoned beast.

“Damn it…can you please stop dodging around?”

C Class, Touyama Heita, Biology, 115 points.


F class, Yoshii Akihisa, Biology, 72 points

Facing the attack of C class’ summoned beasts, my summoned beasts dodged aside easily. As I’m moving about on my own, I can’t fight, but it’s not hard to dodge.

“Sensei! Noguchi from C class want to join in the biology battle! Summon!”

At this moment, C class had reinforcement. There were 4 more pursuers from C class. This isn’t good…


“Got it! Activate!”

Just when 3 members of the FFF were chasing and fighting against Yuuji, Yuuji shouted out the keyword. At that moment, all the summoned beasts present disappeared.

“Ku…! Is this interference?”


Since there’s no need to concentrate on the summoned beast, I can focus completely on the opponent in front of me. I rushed in and slammed into Fukumura-san’s chest was blitzkrieg-like speed and smashed my fist into his chest.



I responded to Yuuji’s call and tugged my right hand hard.

“Oh? UOOOOH!?”

An enemy who rushed in between Yuuji and me was tripped by the metal chain and lost his balance.


Yuuji raised his left fist and slammed it down. The enemy flipped in mid-air before landing hard on the ground, and is unable to get up again.

“Sensei! Please cancel the summoning field! I’m going…summon!”


As Yuuji was using the platinum bracelet, he couldn’t take part in the battle, and I could only call my summoned beast out to fight against them. 2 v 1…no, those 4 behind them will join in the fight, right? In that case, it’ll become 6 v 1. No matter what, it’s a little too much to fight against so many people at one go.

“Akihisa! To the new school compound!”

“Got it!”

As our summoned beasts fought against each other, Yuuji and I ran to the new building and kept a distance from our battling enemies.

“What…you’re too despicable!”

“Isn’t that running away from battle?”

Once we pull away for a certain distance, we’ll be out of the effective range of the summoning field, and the summoned beasts will disappear. At that moment, we won’t be able to fight.

This looks like running away from battle, which is illegal, but the rules of the summoning war clearly stated that ‘if the side who’s declared to battle is unable to fight back, they will be deemed to be running away from battle and disqualified’. However, I did fight the opponents for a while, so it’s not against the rules, and Yuuji, who created the summoning field, was just running as he wasn’t taking part in the battle. To be honest, this really is a somewhat despicable act of flirting with the rules, but there’s no time to worry about this. We’re in a tough spot too. Besides, we won’t hesitate about using despicable means.

“Yuuji, how many times can you use ‘interference’?”

“About 7 times or so. I have to take part in battles too, so maybe there’s fewer chances for me to use it.”

But there’s a flaw to such a strategy. Every time Yuuji uses his platinum bracelet, his points will decrease, and there’s a limit to the number of times he can use it. The more times he uses it, the more his points will decrease. When Yuuji takes part in a summoning battle, this will become a really disadvantageous factor. It’s really a means we don’t want to use unless we were surrounded by a few people.

“Found him! It’s Sakamoto!”

“Yoshii’s with him—hey, why are those two cuffed together?”

“Is this a show that they will never break up…?”


The F class members who were running up and facing us are actually saying that!

I knew that this misunderstanding would spread around, but I still feel somewhat powerless that it’s futile to explain. Once we get through this safely, I must give something even more intense and horrible for those guys to remember!

“Yuuji, your bracelet?”

“Still activated.”

“Got it—summon!”

I re-summoned the summoned beast that disappeared as I ran out of the field. They’re F class classmates, and to be honest, there’s no need to decide this with my summoned beast. But—

“Che! That Yoshii summoned his summoned beast!”

“That guy’s summoned beast is the unique Punishment Inspector ability, right?”

“He even beat Ironman when we peeped on the girls’ bath! This isn’t good!”

They’re right. My summoned beast is a unique version, so it can touch physical objects and humans. It looks a little small, but those guys from our class will tremble in fear after seeing a summoned beast that’s stronger than a human by several times.

(Akihisa, once they call our their summoned beast, get out of the range to avoid battle.)

(Got it.)

Yuuji whispered to me.

They’re not opponents from C class, and if we fight against our F class classmates, we’ll be killing each other. Having considered the need to win this battle, we’ll be hurting ourselves without cause if we beat down our comrades’ summoned beasts. If we’re going to fight each other, I can only let my summoned beast disappear. Besides, the enemies’ summoned beasts can’t touch me even if they attack, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

“Damn it! They’re just 2 guys! There’s nothing to be scared of!”

“You’re right! We have 3 people here!”

“That’s the way! We won’t lose if we really have to fight!”

As they set their ready positions in front of us, the three of them shouted.

Ahh, , this is really—


A perfect Death Flag set.

“What’s with these guys? They really had no spirit when fighting.”

“Humph. Looks like it was already decided before we fought.”

It’s hard to tell whether they knew that we’re going to run away. But F class’ really F class…ah, I think I’m from F class too.

“Oh yeah, Yuuji. Have you thought of any new plans yet?”

“I haven’t thought of anything yet. Anyway, just stick to the original plan and continue to run! We can’t hide, so there’s no other way other than to run around.”

If we can’t allow ourselves to be spotted by the enemies, we’ll just have to continue running when we’re spotted until the enemy can’t catch up to us. That’s what he meant. Looks like it’ll be tough from now on…

“Why must we run around?”

“To increase the number of allies! If we’re successful, we should be able to get rid of the misunderstanding everyone has about us!”

Yuuji said that he hadn’t thought of any new plans, but he was thinking after all. Even if he’s all rotten inside, he’s really called ‘genius’ in the past by everyone, and that’s really reliable.

“Then we’re going to keep running until someone’s willing to help us out!”

“That’s the way! We’ll just let the heavens decide our fates!”

We continued to run to the new campus without turning back. There shouldn’t be too many enemies gathered here---

“Welcome, Aki, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time here.”

Just a little bit! There’s only a little tear in my eyes!

“Shimada…perfect timing.”


In front of the last boss-like Minami, Yuuji just said something I couldn’t understand. What does he mean by Minami being here at the perfect time?

“Yuuji, were you referring to Minami when you mentioned people who will help us?”

“That’s right. It’s her.”


“Aki…it’s unforgivable that you and Mizuki are living together, but you ignored me completely! Saying that you’re more interested in Sakamoto and Kinoshita more than me…I won’t forgive you. I’ll definitely not forgive you this time!”

Seeing Minami reaching her limit, I don’t think that she’ll be willing to be our ally?

“Nonono, it’s really easy to let her be our ally. Once she kills you, she’ll listen to me. Where can you find such a reasonable ally? It’s low risk and high reward. There’s no one more suited than her.”


“What’s wrong, Akihisa? Don’t show that you’re going to cry and refuse her.”

It’s only low risk to Yuuji, but to me, it’s a deal that bets my life!

“Okay, Shimada. Once you’re done with Akihisa, just listen to me.”

“Really, you.”


“Fufufu. Aki, you’re really stupid. Obviously, no one will come and save you. Who will pass by here randomly during lesson time—”

“…May I know what you people are doing here?”

“Ah, Fuse-sensei.”

Someone at least passed by here!

“Sensei! Things aren’t good! It’s a murder scene! She’s carrying out school bullying!”

I immediately asked for assistance from sensei. That’s great. At least someone’s willing to save me…

“Ah…I see…”

Fuse-sensei looked around at us, seeing who the people present were,

“Then, I’ll leave it at that first. I still have to head for lessons.”

Leaving behind these words, Fuse-sensei left without turning back. Erm…



“Everyone knows that no one will come and save you. Who will pass by here randomly during lesson time?”

“You just repeated that again! And didn’t someone pass by here!? Didn’t Fuse-sensei just pass by here!?”

Even though I was completely ignored by him.

“Stop yapping about! Just let me crush your hip bone if you don’t want your brain to be drawn out alive!”

“No, Minami! This isn’t a case of whether a girl should say this, but that your thinking’s really abnormal in a peaceful country full of humans!”

Even in mangas or light novel worlds, it’s not common to see such bone-chilling words. At this moment, a female classmate of mine would say this with such a serious expression. It’s really horrifying! This is a precious experience, but I’m not happy at all!”


“This is the first time I’m seeing someone who’s going to get his brain drawn out alive.”

Not only did he abandoned his ally, he’s even gleefully looking forward to my execution! This guy’s not human!

“Okay, Aki. You should be ready for this, right?”

Minami cracked her fingers. No matter what, this girl’s not going to dissect me with her bare hands, right?

In that case, I can only take off my pants to distract her again! Just when I was thinking about this,

“Please wait! Let go of everyone’s idol Aki-cha—Yoshii-kun!”

Suddenly, an extremely strange sentence barged into our confrontation.


Minami looked away from me and searched for the owner of the voice. Standing in front of the corridor and putting her hand in front of her chest as she looked at us was,

“Ta, Tamano-san? What are you doing here…?”

The person who came was Tamano-san, the girl with 3 braids. That’s strange. Why do I feel that there’s going to be even more trouble…

“Aki-cha—Yoshii-kun…I couldn’t sleep soundly last night and flipped around my bed, so I couldn’t get up in the morning and was late, but you’re letting me see sucha scene…”

Tamano-san looked completely intrigued and answered my question.

This can’t be helped. Anyone who hears a girl from the same school saying that she’s going to ‘draw my brain out’ will be completely shocked.

“Aki-cha—Yoshii-kun! How can you cheat on others!? I won’t allow that!”

“Tamano-san, please calm down. Anyway, you have to stop calling me ‘Aki-chan’ from now on.”

“It’s okay, I’m really calm! Aki-cha—souuke[2], -kun!”