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  • I'm a Japanese native speaker.
  • Because I'm not good at writing, you may think my remark is awkward. It's natural. Let me know that.
  • I want to practice writing. Inevitably, I tend to be argumentative if needed.
  • I'm not an ordinary person. Thus, I and haruhi like each other :D

In Baka-Tsuki

I'm a QCer


I'm still an English learner. Thus, It's too difficult and time-consuming to write translated text in English from scratch. On the other hand, I'm native Japanese. thus, I almost completely understand the grammar and structure of Japanese. Consequently, I can with relative ease, correct the English sentence structure to match to the corresponding Japanese one.

I have Japanese cultural knowledge as much as an ordinary Japanese. Although I'm a native speaker, Haruhi series may require tons of knowledge to correctly translate it with translation notes. By the way, when I read them, I just skipped unknown words. But I have dependable friends: Japanese Google and Wikipedia, and etc, So I don't have a fear of translating them.

I'm a translation adviser

You can query any japanese-related translation difficulties. This is my top priority in my contributions. There are many ways to conntact me, for example just write in my talk page or tell me an URL where your problem is written on Official IRC Channel or my talk page.

My guideline of QC

I'm a newcomer. My guideline is still under construction. So the following may be suject to change.

I'm a QCer. I'm neither a translator nor editor.


My definition of QC is to compare translated text and original text to find mistranlations. And If I find it, I inform it via the corresponding talk page or forum. Thus, I basically don't edit text directly. Another work of QC is to answer questions from translators and editors.

I think it is inherent in tranlation that there is the problem which to tranlate text in original or target language-like way. It is difficult to answer the problem generally. And we should address each problem, considering the contexts. The discussion is beyond my work from the definition of QC. Basically, I only supply information. The discussion suits target-language native speakers, if they can get enough information from original-language native ones to decide which way is better.

less correction, wider range of proof-reading


I checked few parts of translation. I'm unsure about it, but apparently, some trivial detail meanings are dropped in the translation process all over the project. There was no choice. If A translator had worked on each translation of a sentence until he/she had made it flawless, enormous time would have been consumed.

I also would spend as much time as them, if I should do the same thing. I think it is better to proof-read the entire project in order to eliminate mistranslation, skipping such small details.

Priority of my work

  • Answering Japanese-related questions from everyone
  • Which do you want?
    • primarily proofread vol.9
    • equally proofread from vol.1 to vol.9
    • other project


... And write the reason here.

Studying English

However small the advice is, don't hesitate to tell me it! Because I want to study English, everything is greatly welcomed.

  • For example...
    • typos
    • grammatical errors
    • Which is more better expression? Delete the other. (<<- I'll get back to this one after I give it a little bit more thought, :p )
      • Exapand my library of collocation words
      • Learn a more fluid method of using collocation terms
  • To past the time
    • more English-like texts of mine (<<- This one too. :3 )
    • cool paraphrase to expand my vocabulary
    • advice to repair my written mistakes


  • I prefer lower cases, than upper cases. The correct method to spell my name is "akiha" rather than "Akiha".
  • My Webserver
    • This site requires linux or unix knowleage.

Memo (no need for correct. They are planned to be re-formatted)

impotant suggestions

This is still an idea without thought carefully. I don't have any responsible for misunderstanding this. After a careful thought, I'll suggest it to Baka-tsuki admin.

  • In haruhi project, splitting pages with chapters is too long, resulting in less wiki blessing.
    • when it is unstable, we should split down into pages with smaller unit, for example 10 pages on the novel. And if it becomes stable, we merge it into pages with chapter.
  • The haruhi v9 forum in Baka-Tsuki Forum outght to have sub-forum!
    • If this condtion continue, the forum may become a mess in the future.
    • no page is cause of misuse of wiki coding.
      • Shall we quote a help document on media-wiki site?
        • need to check compatiblity of Baka-tsuki's instance of Media-wiki with Media-wiki, in other words, version.

useful Japanese tools

web application

If you have a major web browser, and Internet connection, you can use this tools anywhere, anytime on most OSs instantly, because they don't require installation!

Key assignment
Alt-o or Ctrl-9 on/off IME
space hiragana to kanji
space followed by space open a mini kanji selection window
return decide the hiragana-to-kanji conversion
F9 hiragana to katakana
F8 hiragana to alphabet
Windows IME tips

Windows IME has also a handwriting input method.

my software-developping idea

I think a wiki does not suit the tranlation project by many people. A more advanced versioning system is needed. For example git, which is patch-based one employed in linux-kernel. wiki for each articles; translation for each sentences and words

A "comment to any part of tranlation" feature is needed.


tranlator -> me(QCing) -> editor but I may not be able to have enough time...

unsure the goodness of argument affair of In Japan, discusses between members are discouraged. I dislike the custom. How about Baka-Tsuki? Shall I be moderate?

Potential possibilities of stop of the project. If I work very hard, The translation may be beyond the fan-sub, and Haruhi's copyright holders would claim their copyright. So far, I'm very eager to work on this project. But I think because they AGREED(o.O) fansubbed anime in public, it is unlikely... This also applies to whatever I commit a contribution to...

  • Cultural differences
    • haruhi novel : delibrately break grammar and length sentences to be difficult to read
    • English novel : do not the thing Japanese one do???