Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance:Volume2 Chapter2

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Status: Incomplete

The young ladies’ afternoon

Part 1


STnBD V02 049.jpg

Claire Rouge was stuffing a cream bun down her throat.

It was an unusual scene for her, who took it as a creed – that nobles are always elegant.

“Don’t binge, you’ll get fat, you know.”

Kamito glared with his half-opened eyes and Claire struck the table like she was frustrated.

“But, but, urggggh!”

“Claire. That’s my jam bun.”

Est protested calmly.

This place was a salon café that was inside the academy.

From the opened terrace, the soft daylight was shining in.

The three of them were sitting and taking a slightly late lunch at a round table near a window.

Inside the bamboo basket placed right in the middle, there was a pile of jam buns, melon buns, sausage buns and etcetera, all kinds of buns.

Any students could use the café and on top of that the freshly baked buns were all-you-can-eat. Coffee and black tea also were free flow.

There was also an eatery in the academy but as it charged a fee equal to a high-class restaurant in the imperial capital, for Kamito, who was not even a noble originally, and Claire, who had her fortune and territory confiscated, they simply could not use it.

“Our team ranking dropped again.”

Claire lay prostrate on the table and groaned.

“We were matched up with a superior team. It can’t be helped.”

“That may be true… but our true strength is absolutely greater.”

Claire tightly bit her lips closed. Although they were at a disadvantage in number, she seemed to be unable to understand and accept losing to lower rank spirit contractor opponents.

It was certain that their level as spirit contractors was superior.

The cause of their defeat was that they did not execute the coordination between the both of them well. Claire over-relied on her strength and chased her opponents too far and Kamito too could not rely on Claire in a definite scenario.

With just the queen piece, it was not possible to win – in other words, it was something like that.

“Despite that it’s not the time to be stumbling at such a place…”

There was a reason that Claire binged on the buns to the extent that she looked to be in a hurry.

The regulation of the blade dance held in two month was different from the individual battle three years ago, if they do not put together a five-member team, they could not participate. And then, only the top three teams of the inter-school rankings could participle from Areishia Spirit Academy,

Kamito, who had just come to the academy, had no achievements that raised his ranking.

To raise one’s ranking, one had to win a formal practice match like this morning’s or complete a task assigned by the academy; however, he had not achieved either of them.

Defeating the giant spirit the other day, dueling with Sylphid Knights leader Ellis Fahrengart or even battling the frenzied magic spirit, those were all informal battles and did not reflect in the rankings.

On the other hand, for Claire, who should ne superior and tower above the rest as a spirit contractor—

It was especially surprising that she somehow had the result of the lowest class.

There was only one reason. It was because she was completing all the tasks alone.

She failed when she challenged the tasks that should be originally completed by a team and she was defeated when she challenged upper classman opponents alone in a championship match. If she did such a thing, even no matter how superior she was as a spirit contractor, there was no way her ranking could raise.

There was a reason that Claire was isolated in the academy.

Rubia Elstein.

Four years ago, while she had the position of a spirit princess serving the fire spirit king, she betrayed the spirit king and disappeared and brought about an unprecedented great calamity to the empire – The Calamity Queen.

Claire, who was her younger sister, was being looked at with eyes of contempt and fear from most of the academy students.

The goal for Claire to participate in the blade dance was to restore the Elstein family and – above all else, to know the truth regarding her elder sister Rubia Elstein.

—It was not the time to be stumbling at such a place.

Blood-oozing emotions were filled in Claire’s rough words.

“For now, we should also find comrades quickly. I understood it with this morning’s match. If we stay as we are now, then, far from winning the blade dance, we can’t even get into the top three range of the participation requirement.

The boy, who was called the strongest blade dancer three years ago, accepted his great weakness honestly.

At first he just came to the academy due to Greyworth’s request but now he clearly had a reason that he should regain his strength from three years ago.

It was darkness spirit Restia – his former contracted spirit.

It was to take her back with his own hands.

The girl, who gave light for the first time to Kamito’s life, which was caught in darkness.

And then, the girl, who gave heartbroken Claire the frenzy spirit and tried to drive the giant spirit mad in the middle of the town.

Restia, who he met again, was greatly transformed from the girl Kamito knew.

—What on earth happened to her?

Also for the sake of knowing that, he absolutely had to obtain the participation requirements to the blade dance.

“Kamito, what’s wrong? You’re making such a serious face.”

“Did you forget to put sugar into your coffee?”

Claire and Est peered in with their faces with a worried look.

“No, sorry, it’s just…”

“By any chance, it’s about your former contracted spirit?”

She was mysteriously sharp at such at time.

Kamito quickly averted his eyes from the ruby pupils that came peering in.

“…Well. It’s okay. But I’ll properly tell you when I feel like talking.”

Claire did not try to get deeper into it. Despite being always arrogant, there were occasionally times where she showed such consideration.

“…Ah, I understand.”

Kamito nodded and there –

“Ah, everyone, having lunch?”

A tsun elegant voice was heard.

Kamito turned around. And there was –

A magnificence platinum-blonde haired beautiful girl was standing.

The very appearance of a noble ojou-sama.

With her smooth milky white skin were her emerald eyes that locked up faint radiance.

That appearance where she brushed her hair with her hand at her waist looked strangely good.

Rinslet Laurenfrost.

A classmate of the same Raven class as Kamito and self-named as Claire’s rival.

From the rivalry with Claire, she was trying to make Kamito her manservant. A troubling ojou-sama.

Right beside her was –

“Fufu, what a delicious smell.”

The girl, who was dress in a maid uniform, was standing with a gentle smile.

She was wearing a long skirt attached with neat frills, her hair was cut into short bobs and she slightly put on a lovely white brim on her head.

She was Rinslet’s exclusive maid, Carol.

He did not know why there was a maid in the academy but he did not see maids other than her in the academy, it was surely an exception for the Laurenfrost family.

“…Why did you come here, Rinslet?”

Claire swallowed her bun and sternly glared at her.

“I just happen to pass by. What a very simple lunch, having just buns.”

Rinslet brushed her hair and looked down on the three of them calmly.

“Milady is saying that she wants to eat together with everyone.”

“Wh… Carol, what are you saying!”

Poka! Poka! Rinslet’s face turned bright red and she hit Carol’s shoulders.

As expected of her exclusive maid, it was a magnificent interpretation.

“Sit down both of you. You came after all, let’s eat together.”

Kamito suggested and Claire stepped on his foot hard.

“Ouch, what are you doing?!”

“Nothing? I just thought you lack constancy …Idiot.”

“I…it’s n…not like I particularly want to eat together with you all!”

“Milady is saying it’ll be good to sit next to Kamito.”


Carol soothed Rinslet, who turned bright red, got her to sit down.

Rinslet, who sat next to Kamito, averted her eyes and spoke.

“…H…how’s your injuries?”

“Ah, it’s mostly healed. All thanks to the healing spirit.”

It was about the injury he got from the time he fought the giant spirit. Probably because he overdid it, it’ll take a little longer he thought but as expected the academy’s spirit medical care was excellence.

“Fufu, milady has been continuously worried about Kamito-sama.”

“Carol, d…don’t say anything unnecessary!”

Rinslet snapped with a grinding noise.

“However, it is also natural that milady is worried. After all, Kamito-sama is under one roof with milady Claire, so it is not odd even if anything happened.”

“Wha…what are you saying, you stupid maid! There’s no way such things would happen.”

This time it was Claire who snapped.

“…What kind of worry is that?”

Est was munching and eating a melon bun beside Kamito, who sighed.

With just that, Rinslet and Carol ended up having lunch together too.

Even Claire, who appeared upset at the beginning, eventually talked about this morning’s match, after that which store’s cake was delicious and how boring the lecture of the introduction of the foundation of spirit learning, normal girl like conversations were beginning to bloom.

Somehow this two were pretty good on terms. Especially for Claire, who was being isolated in the academy, it could be said that she might be her only friend.

“That reminds me, it seems that a newly admitted student is coming to Raven class.”

“Our class? Despite that Kamito just came in recently.”

“Yea, I hear it’s a daughter of a noble social status.”

“Hmm, but even so a noble social status now in this academy. There’s the Fahrengart family and the Laurenfrost family, this isn’t a bargain sale of noble social status.”

“Hey! Please do not lump the military Fahrengart family with the true pedigree Laurenfrost family?”

“I don’t care about such things… What’s wrong, Kamito?”

At any rate, Raven class was famous for gathering superior problem children.

He just thought that if people like Claire and Rinlset were to increase, it would be trouble.

“In the practical skill entrance examination that took place in the morning, she seems to use a holy spirit.”

The maid, Carol, took out a memo from her chest and said.

Carol’s maid memo pad – 'Carol notes' was stuffed with data for the academy students and teachers… He did not understand well what on earth she uses it for.

“Hmm, holy spirit user?...”

The holy spirit is one of the five grand element spirits but spirit contractors, who used it, were not that many.

It was a spirit, whose pride was extremely high and chose its own user.

Among princess maidens, it was said that it only opens its heart to especially pure noble girls.

(Because even in the competition three years ago, a holy spirit user gave him a tough fight…)

After all, a holy spirit had an extremely bad compatibility with the darkness spirit Kamito was contracted with.

But then, at that time, Kamito’s strength completely surpassed the opponent spirit contractor, that was he did not lose.

“Ah, by the way, it seems like it’s a very lovely big-chested girl.”

“Carol, where on earth did you procure such information?”

“Ah, Kamito-san, are you interested?”

Carol placed her hand near her mouth and smiled.

“Hmm, you are so concerned about the information of a big-chested admission student, huh?”



Kamito turned around and Claire raised her eyebrows and was glaring at him.

“Really, gentlemen are just idiots!”

“Kamito, Is your vision useless? Are you just a beast without reason?”

Somehow, even Rinslet and Est were glaring—


Kamito’s cheeks were pinched by the three of them.

(This is unreasonable…)