Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance:Volume2 Prologue

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—Three years ago.

“Haa, haa, haa –“

A girl was running through a forest of Astral Zero, where many twisted trees were lined up in rows.

Her shoes had long since slipped off and the soles of her bare feet were covered with injuries.

Due to her long black hair being done up at both sides and her long sleeved extravagant courtesy attire, she did not run smoothly.

From behind, a violent sound of many trees being mowed down was approaching.

Being caught up to was just a matter of time.

(Why did such a thing –)

The girl was invited for viewing the blade dance as the guest of honor of the Ordesia Empire.

Although called the guest of honor, she was only an extra invited as an excuse.

Fallen out of the candidacy of 'divine ceremony institute’ – the spirit princess training organization, she was the royal family’s excess baggage.

She had nothing other than the title of former second princess and was just a mere thirteen year-old girl.

Her noble colleagues, who should have pledged allegiance to the royal family by right, were sending her gazes of contempt.

Even the retainer court ladies were ridiculing her behind her back.

A worthless lost queen –

It was painful for her to be at the match venue where she would be exposed to many people’s gazes.

The aim was Ren Ashbell’s match, which was later on in the afternoon, and, particularly, even if she was gone, there was no one who would be worried.

Therefore, she came to the middle of a forest like this alone.

Without knowing how dreadful of a place the forest of Astral Zero was.

Approaching her from behind, Dryad (a tree spirit) let out a dreadful roar.

Naturally, Dryad had the temperament of a docile spirit. Perhaps, it might be angry about her stepping and breaking the twigs in the forest.

(It’s no good, if this keeps up –)

She could not get away – realizing that she prepared herself.

She stopped at that place, turned around and firmly glared at Dryad.

“Y…you, if you are my knight, so then simply beat it –“

Shouting with a shaky voice, she began to recite the summoning to summon her contracted spirit.

—Thou servant of the king of the child of man, knight and master swordsman!

—By the contract of the old blood, become the sword that protects me, hurry and come to my side!

The spirit seal, engraved on the girl’s chest, emitted a faint radiance –

However, that was all it did.

Suddenly, the path with her contracted spirit was severed and the seal's radiance vanished.

(…! I thought so, it’s already hopeless, I –)

Despair surfaced on the girl’s face.

Dryad let out a roar and swung its log-like spirit arm –

At that moment, a beheading light flashed.


The girl opened her eyes reflexively.

The log-like spirit arm had cleanly vanished before her eyes.

It was as if time had stopped.

From the cross-section of the severed tree, something like a black fog was emitted out.

And then *don* there was the sound of someone landing on the ground.

Before the girl’s eyes, a single boy was standing.

It was a black haired boy, who wore a black vest with a pair of navy blue trousers.

In the boy’s hand was one swinging sword. He was grasping a jet-black magic sword that emitted black fog.

“Stay still there, it’s dangerous.”

The boy bluntly told her and turned towards the spirit before him.

Dryad, who had its arm cut off, let out an angry roar and attacked the boy.

It swung down its other arm. The girl reflexively covered her eyes.


“It isn’t going to work on me, I’m sorry though.”

The boy was stopping the blow that came from Dryad with all its might, single handedly, with one sword.

And then – he exhaled and kicked the ground together.

With all his strength, he cut off its arm and hit its torso very hard with the center of the sword.

It was a single blow. With merely a single blow, a spirit, who was prideful of its strength, was brought down and became motionless.

“Maybe I overdid it a little. Although, it was my intention to not injure it as much as possible.”


The girl was dumbfounded and the boy turned around.

If she had to say it, then the boy was of a slender, handsome look.

His eyes were clear such that, depending on how one looked at him, a girl of about the same age could also be seen.

At that very moment, she did not think of him as a person who brought down a spirit in the blink of an eye before her.

Then, the girl suddenly realized.

(Eh? This person, it's like I have seen him somewhere –)

The girl tilted her head to the side.

“Err, are you alright? Do you have any injuries?”

The boy asked in a calm voice.

“Ye...yea, I’m fine. You have my gratitude for saving me.”

“Is that so … that’s good.”

The boy took a breath in relief, put down the jet-black magic sword and came walking towards her.

At that moment—


The jet-black magic sword that emitted black fog – the girl realized its significance and her face turned pale.

That was it. A sword that cut up spirits could not be an ordinary sword.

(That’s an elemental waffe!? But, why –)

Then, the girl finally realized.

She surely had a recollection of the boy’s face.

“N…no way…why…”

She should have seen him before. After all, this boy –


Seeing the girl’s expression stiffen, the boy was puzzled as if a miracle happened—

And then, as he was taken aback, his eyes widened.

“Gua… Damn it! Ahhh!”

He covered his face with both hands and shouted.

Facing a boy like that, the girl pointed her index finger out.

Why is Ren Ashbell-sama a boy?”


The girl stared at the boy, who was trying to catch his breath, with a stern look.

She understood that she was saying something unthinkable.

After all, the boy in front of her had short hair and even his chest was completely flat.

No matter how anyone looked at him, he was a boy.

(But I am not mistaken –)

The boy’s face was similar to the blade dancer’s, who was currently winning through the tournament with overwhelming strength.

Without a doubt, it was the face of that person - Ren Ashbell!

(Besides, that sword—)

The jet-black magic sword that was grasped in the boy’s hand. That darkness-attribute elemental waffe – 'Vorpal Sword (the sword that pierces truth)' is her synonym, who brought down many opponents before.

And then, above all else, there was that sword skill, which was displayed when he brought down the spirit that was in a rage with merely one blow.

“Ah, this is, err, how do I put it …”

The boy was attempting to deceive her frantically and hastily.

“Wh…What to do, Restia!”

“I don’t care. Even if you’re not in the middle of a match, I had always been warning you to be in female clothing.”

“But I didn’t think that there would be people in the middle of such a forest!”

“Nevertheless, since it was a cute girl, you went to save her without thinking.”

“I…it’s not like that!”

The boy was, for some reason, sneakily talking with the jet-black magic sword that was held in his hand.

The girl’s head was in complete chaos. She was also surprised that the true identity of Ren Ashbell was a boy because, to begin with, it was hard for her to believe in the existence of male spirit contractors.

Those that could contract a spirit were pure maidens only – that was the common sense taught to her from the 'divine ceremony institute' from when she was young. Speaking of a male spirit contractor, there was nothing that came to mind but that legendary demon king, Solomon.

(This tournament’s favorite, the famous Ren Ashbell-sama, was actually a boy –)

If that became known, it would be a big scandal that would shake the blade dance tournament.

Scratching his hair in a manner like he gave up, the boy gazed at the girl in resignation.

“Er…err, erm, there are circumstances to this. So, I am a boy but, without asking anything, could you keep this a secret from everyone?”

With his troubled-looking black pupils gazing, the girl’s chest throbbed spontaneously.

(Eerr, what do I do…)

Honestly, the girl was bewildered. The blade dancer, who she admired, was a boy – even if she suddenly said such a thing, there was no way that anyone could comprehend it immediately.

Besides, though, her throne inheritance rights had been erased, she was the second princess of the Ordesia Empire and a pure princess maiden of the 'divine ceremony institute'. Was it alright for her to overlook this fact that would desecrate the blade dance?


However, when she saw that boy’s troubled face –

“…I understand.”

Unintentionally, she nodded.

“I won’t tell anyone, I won’t ask anything. You are the one who saved my life.”

Even if her true identity was a boy, Ren Ashbell was her admired blade dancer.

Her (his?) blade dance gave the girl’s heart courage, who was always depressed since that day. That would not change. Besides, the fact that he had saved her life would not change.

To give a reward to a knight’s meritorious service was the royal family’s precept.

“T…thank you! You saved me some trouble!”

The boy took a breath of relief.

“You’re quite a simple person. It’s just a verbal promise.”

“Yeah, but you don’t look like a girl who would break a promise.”


Facing such straightforward words, the girl’s cheeks were slightly dyed red.

(Wh…why is my chest beating so fast…)

“I’ll escort you to the forest’s exit, as Astral Zero’s forests are dangerous.”

“Th…thank you…”

“Your shoes… they seemed to have slipped off. Come on, hold on to my back.”

The boy noticed that the girl’s feet were covered in injuries and gave her a lift on his back.

“Er…erm, my breasts are touching your back, however.”

The girl whispered embarrassedly at the side of his ear.



With her cheeks dyed red, the girl quickly turned her face away.

In the middle of a dim forest, while listening to the sound of stepping on the fallen leaves, the girl enquired.

“Hey, why did you even fake being a girl and participate in the 'blade dance'?”


After a moment of silence –

“Because, I have a 'wish' I want to grant.”

The boy answered that with a serious expression.

A 'wish' – A miracle of the spirit king that was bestowed to the victor of the blade dance.

At that moment, those words that the boy spoke of brought about an insight in the girl’s mind.

(I see, if it’s for the blade dance 'wish', even my power…)

After coming to a place near the match area, the girl was gently let off from his back.

“After this, you’ll have to return by yourself. Because I have my next match.”

“Yea, Thank you. Err…”

“Uh huh?”

“Tell me your name.”

“My name?”

“Ren Ashbell is an alias, right? That’s not it, your real name.”


After he hesitated for a while –

“It’s Kamito. Kazehaya Kamito.”

“Kazehaya Kamito.”

It had a strange and mysterious sound. The girl muttered that name as her tongue rolled.

“Well, err… could we meet again? Kamito.”

“Eh? Ye…yeah, once the blade dance finishes –“

“—Is that so. It’s a promise, Kamito.”

—After that, in seven days, Ren Ashbell held the title of the strongest blade dancer.

However, the girl never met him again.

Because he, who should have been granted his 'wish', suddenly disappeared.

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