Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume4 The Fourth Question

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The Fourth Question

Please fill in the correct answer into the blank provided.

“The force that combines molecules in liquids and solids is called ( ).”

Mizuki Himeji’s answer:

“(Van der Waals) force.”

Teacher’s comment:

“Correct. It is also known as intermolecular force. Please mind that Van der Waals force is easily confused with Coulomb’s force.”

Tsuchiya Kouta’s answer:

“(Wandervogel)[1] force.”

Teacher’s comment:

At least you still have some idea what the answer sounds like. Unfortunately, the answer is not the force of climbing mountains, but the force between molecules.

Yoshii Akihisa’s answer:

“(Work) force”

Teacher’s comment:

I don’t hate your answer.

“When are you failures going to end, you useless garbage?”

I feel like crying.

“Sakamoto-kun, what did you mean that we failed?”

Once we’re back in class F, we gathered at Yuuji’s seat. Yuuji, the main organizer of the Summoning War against Class D, seems to have finished his job. And he’s just sitting there sighing while shaking his head.

“You still dare to talk?! It’s because you ran away at the last moment, you idiot, and all our efforts are in vain now. Now, nobody will think that Shimada and Akihisa are a relationship.”

Yuuji then hits my head with a rolled-up script.

Muu…...I was thinking about my beet red wrist at that moment, and didn’t even know what happened. Did my acting skill really suck?

“I’d say, the only good news is that Shimada looks like she harbors affection for Yoshii…… but this alone isn’t enough to cause that Shimizu to freak out.”

Hideyoshi, who’s standing beside Yuuji, lets out a sigh. If it was just Yuuji alone saying it, I wouldn’t have mind, but now, if even Hideyoshi said it, then it must be true. Damn it, we failed again…… “Even if you want to have another go, Shimada is still very pissed off, and you even came back to class together with Himeji happily…...”

I turned my head to look at Minami’s seat which is pretty far from Yuuji’s, but Minami just let out a “Hmmph” and turned her looked away when she noticed me. It’s over for me; she seems mad.

“I…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have went back to class together with Akihisa-kun, it would have been weird if Minami-chan and Akihisa-kun were having a relationship for real……”

“Actually, there shouldn’t be any problem since you both are classmates…..I’d think that the real problem is that Akihisa dumped Shimada, and then you two came back for now. Ignoring what others think, Shimada’s thoughts are obvious, right?”

Although it was all just an act, I, who was acting as Minami’s boyfriend, came back to class with Himeji-san instead, so this must’ve hurt Minami’s pride. I’ve never meant for that to happen all along……

“Never mind that, Akihisa, you should apologize to Shimada.”

Yuuji pointed at her direction with his chin.

Yuuji’s right. Minami was angry at me all along. She agreed to act with me even though she was reluctant, and I embarrassed her in the end. This must’ve been very unreasonable to her. I should really apologize to her.

“You’re right. I’ll apologize to her now.”

I stood up and walk towards Minami’s seat.

Although I meant well, it still couldn’t change the fact that I hurt her.

“Minami, about that……”

I stuttered to Minami who was unhappy and gazing outside the window.

“……What do you want?”

She may have replied, but she still wouldn’t look at me. She stared at me from the corner of her eye for only a moment.

“About that, I’m really sorry.”

I still couldn’t raise my head even though I knew that she was looking elsewhere. She still wouldn’t look at me for once.

“I don’t want to bother you anymore. Don’t you prefer hanging out with Mizuki?”

“No, it was just a coincidence that I met Himeji-san at the corridor.”

“I don’t want to listen to your excuses.”


Damn, I’m already out of ideas.

It has to be done like this; I can only use Hideyoshi’s lines to convince her.

“But, if it continues like this, Himeji-san will……”

She might be forced to transfer – I wanted to say it, but Minami suddenly stared at me sharply.

“……It’s always Mizuki, Mizuki, why are you always like this?”


“Why is it that you always treat her like a princess?! Then what am I? You treat me as a guy? Why do you always treat me like this?!”

I’ve never seen Minami this angry before, and she even said so much in one shot.

“I, I never meant that……”

“If Mizuki really needs to transfer out, then I’ll talk to her parents myself. Stop bugging me now, I don’t want to see you anymore!”

After saying this, she turned her head away.

Seems that, no matter how hard I try, she wouldn’t look at me again.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t do it on purpose.”

I bowed down to apologize again, and I then returned to where everyone was.

They looked at me, their faces implying “even you can’t do anything.”

“She’s really pissed off……”

“I’d feel the same way.”