Fate/Zero:Act 1 Part 2

From Baka-Tsuki
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That darkness was surrounded by the ambition accumulated for a thousand years.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel answered the summons of the head of the Einsbern family, rushing to Einsbern's old castle sealed off by ice, the most grandiose yet dark place -- the Einsbern Castle's ceremony chamber.

This place is definitely not for praising the favor of Gods or letting the spirit find peace. For a castle inhibited by magi, the so called 'praying room' is the room used for execution of magecraft ceremonies by ways of sacrificial offerings.

Because of this the colorful glass overhead is not a portrait of any saint, but rather of the Einsbern's long history of pursuing the Grail.

Out of the "three original families", the Einsbern family spent the most time on the Grail.

Enclosing themselves in the deep, icy mountains, stubbornly severing all ties with the outside world, they began seeking the miracles of the Grail almost a thousand years ago. But their search was filled with setbacks and humiliation, as well as suffering and opposition. Searching in this condition, there wasn't any result.

Finally despairing at the method of seeking the Grail alone, they reluctantly agreed to a cooperation pact with the outsider Tohsaka and Matou families two hundred years ago.

In the Grail Wars the followed, they never won due to the abilities of their Master always falling short -- the final solution was to hire magi apt at fighting from the outside: this decision was made nine years ago.

It can be said that Emiya Kiritsugu is the trump card of the Einsbern family who've always been proud of the purity of their bloodline; because of him they even changed their family creed for the second time.

Passing the halls, Kiritsugu's sight unintentionally found a relatively new painting on the colorful window.

Drawn there was the Einsbern family's "Saint of Winter" Lizleihi Justica and two magi waiting on her to her left and right. All three of them extended their hands to the Grail in the sky. It's easy to tell from this painting's composition and balance of the design how very badly the Einsbern family looked down upon the Tohsaka and Matou families two hundred years ago and their humiliation at having to rely on them for help. This painting communicates all of those things.