Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance:Volume3 Chapter1

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Status: Incomplete

Chapter 1

Part 1

Chirp chirp…

There was the chirping of singing birds. The fresh sunshine was shining in diagonally from the window.


It was 6 o'clock early in the morning. Kamito rubbed his sleepy eyes even though he had woken up.

He combed out his unkempt hair by hand, and then first he checked under the sheets as usual.

"Alright, today's safe."

Kamito took a breath of relief.

Recently, there were times when a fully naked sword spirit was sleeping with him, so he couldn't let his guard down.

Feeling relieved, he nimbly folded the sheets and got up.

"…I've to make breakfast."

The breakfast of Claire and others, who were roommates, was expected to be made by Kamito every morning.

Well to begin with, he didn't hate cooking, and he was a freeloader, he had no complains.

"Toast with salad with bacon and eggs… Shall I specially throw in some boiled eggs today?"

After all, there was a team battle that they absolutely could not lose this morning. He wanted his two teammates and his partner sword spirit to eat something good whenever possible to restore their energy.

It was one week since the quest at that Mine Town.

A new member was added into Team Scarlet.

She was the former second princess of the Ordesia Empire, as well as the «Divine Ritual Institute's» second ranking princess maiden.

Fianna Ray Ordesia.

Having been once called the Lost Queen, she was trying to ensnare Kamito and participate in the Blade Dance to regain the power of her spirit contract.

Eventually, she was able to regain the power of her spirit contract by her own strength, however, she continued to remain in the academy for some reason despite attaining her goal, and ended up joined Team Scarlet.

Claire had seemed displeased, but there were already several weeks left till the Blade Dance, so she reluctantly ushered her into the team.

It was different from the individual matches three years ago, this time's Blade Dance was a team battle. Unless they gathered five teammates, they could not even get the qualifications to participate. Besides, the true strength of Fianna, who regained the power of her spirit contract, was something that even Claire could not help but recognize.

She, who was from the spirit princess training organization—«Divine Ritual Institute», had definitely not received any battle training, but she could provide various combat support by dancing ritual Kagura.

Also, her contracted spirit «Georgios» was a knight spirit of «defense» specialty, something Kamito and the others were weak at. Because she joined, the balance in the team greatly increased its sense of stability.

There was the achievement of the S rank quest at Mine Town. And then, there were the succession of victories of the inter-school battles.

Team Scarlet's inter-school ranking was now in great momentum.

If they kept up this pace, it wouldn't even be a dream to overtake Ellis' Team, which was currently in third place.

"The remaining would be for those two to be on a little better terms with each other."

He shrugged his shoulder in disappointment as he faced the kitchen—


The clattering sound of tableware came from the kitchen.

And then, there was a rich sweet smell that came wafting over. It had slightly burnt bitter scent.

(This smell is…by any chance, chocolate?)

Kamito frowned, and softly approached with stealthy steps.

Through the gap of the door, he peered into the kitchen softy—

"Hey, what are you putting in!?"

"Fufuu, something that is of mashed-up baked newt♪"

He heard Claire and Fianna's voices.

"Wh-what are you thinking?! Don't put in such a disgusting thing!"

"Ahh, I was usually using it at the Divine Ritual Institute. It seemed to have the effect as an aphrodisiac."


"Yes, if Kamito-kun ate this, even his true nature of the demon king of the night would appear, and may come attacking in the middle of the night."

"At-Attack… wh-what on earth would he do?"

"Well… that is already something indecent to the extent that he'll be bewitched."

"Me-melt… y-you're lying, even for him, such a thing— "

"Furthermore, the two of us together."

"The two of us together!?"

"It isn't surprising for Kamito-kun to do at least that."

"Wh-wh-what a guy… un-unforgivable, that pervert, cinders, cinders!"

As her voice trembled, there was the pashin pashin sound of something being hit by a whip.

(Those two…)

Kamito's temple twitched.

…Somehow, he felt that they were defaming his honor with staggering vigor.

(…Speaking of that, when did I become the demon king of the night?)

Even while Kamito was bearing the outrageous treatment, the two ojou-sama had continued their conversation.

"Fufuu, however, isn't it nice to also have Kamito-kun in an overbearing demon king mode once in a while?"

"Th-that's… Err, a-at any rate, that's a no, putting in such a dubious thing, what are you going to do if his stomach is destroyed before the battle."

"Oh, Claire you too, do you plan on making him eat that burnt black cinders?"

"Sh-shut up…"


Kamito peered into the kitchen, and a lump of something black had turned into a pile on top of the plate.

Coals for stove-use…it didn't seem like it.

"Really, the nickname of hellcat girl is for show. After all, you turned everything into cinders."

"…I don't want to be told that by the fake breast princess."

"Oh, even without my pads mine are much bigger than yours, Claire, you know?"

"I-I want to try burning every fat of those surplus, princess."

Sparks scattered between the two of them. …How energetic early in the morning.

It somehow had become a critical situation, so—

"Hey, what are the two of you doing?"

Kamito, finally, made an appearance in the kitchen.

"Fua, Kamito!?" "Kamito-kun!?"

The two of them turned around in a shocked manner, and hid something behind them in a fluster.

"Y-you've already awaken!?"

"Yea, because we've a battle today. I planned on making breakfast earlier than usual—"

Then, Kamito unintentionally stopped his words.

His eyes were being rooted at Claire's appearance, who he was facing.

"Y-you, that appearance…"

"Wh-what… if it doesn't match me, then, how about saying that honestly?

Claire's cheeks reddened, as she quickly turned away.

Her red twin-tail hair slightly swayed.

Her clear ruby pupils. Her lovely flower-bud-like cherry blossom lips on her smooth white skin.

Her breasts' bulge was definitely gently-sloping, but that proportion was more than charming.

If it was just her physical appearance, she was a top-class beautiful girl among the beautiful girls set in Areishia Spirit Academy.

Furthermore, Claire was currently not in her usual uniform, which he had become used to seeing.

She was very lovely, putting on an apron attached with frills.

Towards the vexing thing… he really ended up feeling dizzy for a moment.

Her small cap was suited with her small build, this was also unfairly lovely.

Kamito raised up both his hands like he gave up.

"No, It suits you very well. …You're cute."

"… Wh-wha-what are you saying, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot!"


Claire's face increasing turned red, and was hitting Kamito's chest.

"Eh, Kamito-kun… how about me?"

Fianna slightly held her index finger to her mouth, and said, seemingly displeased.

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She was wearing an apron a set as Claire's over her black dress-style uniform.

Her glamorous hair reached out to her waist. Her deep cleavage, which he look down into the chest area of her uniform.

Her dim colored pupils, which were fringed with lovely eyelashes, were extolling a mysterious light somewhere.

Former princess Fianna was also an evenly balanced beautiful girl as Claire.

"…Do I have to say it?"

"It's something girls would be happy when you earnestly put it to words."

Fianna giggled mischievously.

Kamito sighed in resignation.

"You're pretty, Fianna… Eh, what are you making me saying in the morning?!"

"Fufu, Kamito-kun, you're unexpectedly that."

"Aren't you the one who made me say it…"

With a deadpan look, Kamito glared at Fianna, who was giggling mischievously—

"By the way, what are you two doing? What are you hiding behind you?"


Claire's and Fianna's faces swiftly turned red, and they bashfully entwined their fingers.


Kamito frowned and pressed on—


Claire shouted like she turned defiant.

"Chocolate? Did you wake up to make candy or something?"

"W-well, something like that. You know, isn't it «Valentia Holy Festival» very soon. Therefore, err, we're practicing… D-don't misunderstand, I'll let you at least sample it, but that's all!"

—Valentia Holy Festival.

It was a popular ritual to commemorate the spirit princess Vatentia Sadelca, who served the fire Elemental Lord several hundred years ago.

It was originally a ritual to dedicate a baked sweets, which was baked flames of purification, to spirits but—it had become "the day to give chocolate to the opposite sex, who one had a liking for" among the common masses.

"Hn? The opposite sex… But, there should only be girls in this academy—"

Kamito pointed out—

"Th-that's obvious, this is a friendship chocolate to be given to friends! Your role is just to sample it. Geez, what are you expecting? It's like you're a gluttonous pig!"

Claire talked on and on with her face bright red.

"…How mean. Wait a minute, don't you have no friends?"

"I-I do, things like friends! For example, Scarlet, and …errr, the stray cat staying in the academy's garden Kitty."

"…I'm sorry, I was in the wrong."

…It seemed like he ended up stepping on a land mine.

"A-Anyway, hey, since I made them with great trouble, be grateful and eat them!"

Claire say in anger, and thrust that cinder lump before Kamito.

"Uh… Do I have to eat… this?"

"Wh-what… I woke up early to make it, you know!"

"No, I'm certainly thankful for that, but …"

"Kamito-kun, forget that cinders, you can eat my chocolate."



Sudden, the former princess, who expressed impish smile, was pressing her soft breasts. Even without things like pads, her breasts were plenty big, and a heart shaped chocolate squeezed between her cleavage.

It was different from Claire's cinders, this one had the appearance that it could be eaten, but he couldn't let himself be fooled. This impish princess had, in a certain sense, the cooking ability of a greater killing-level than Claire.

(…Just now, they said something about an aphrodisiac.)

"Kamito, quickly eat my chocolate!"

"Hey, don't hinder my Kamito-kun madly in love plan!"

As they jostled together, the two of them held out their chocolates.

"No, err, having such sweet things in the morning is…"

Kamito retreated overwhelmed.

At that moment.

Suddenly, the living room's door opened—

"Kamito, I also tried making chocolate."


The one who appeared was a lovely beautiful girl like a snow fairy.

Her brilliantly shining silver hair. Her tight milk-like white smooth skin.

And then, her clear violet pupils that confined a faint brilliance.

She was sword spirit Est.

She was the sealed spirit, who made a contract with Kamito several weeks ago, and possessed exceedingly mighty power.


Kamito widened his eyes, and became stiff like he was frozen.

Claire and Fianna were also lost for word.

She was naked. Stark naked.

Est, who was in an appearance almost to that of a new-born, was there.

Almost referred to the fact that she was wearing black knee socks on her legs, but—