Kaze no Stigma:Volume1 Chapter1

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Chapter One - The Disinherited Son Returns


  "What bad taste……"

  That was the first impression he had of the client. It should also be noted, that this is an impression that did not change in the slightest all the way to the end.

  In this hilly high-class residential area, the mansion was sitting arrogantly on display. With a design that completely disregarded the harmony of its surroundings, there were plenty of reasons to doubt the owner's true character.

  If one were to disregard the bad taste thus far, one might have to say it was rather magnificent. Climbing up Governor's Hill, about as close by as the famous Catholic girl's school, was the mansion. When he saw it, he was honestly, completely stunned.

  (Did Turkish harems have this feel?)

  Yagami Kazuma didn't seem to be joking when he thought that. "Don't paint the walls of a Japanese house in such wild colors!" he wanted to preach, while grabbing that person's collar; it was that kind of house.

  This could probably be considered the place of origin of Japan's westernization movement. The first gaslight was lit here; ice cream was put on sale here first. One would have expected to find a refined town with style of excellent pedigree.

  (Considering that, this is probably some kind of breach of contract……)

  He saw a decorated golden carp on the roof, and let out a sigh. The image that was held dear in Yokohama, had crumbled away completely, with a clattering sound.

  When he had accepted the job at the agency, he was given not only an address, but also a detailed map. The map was completely unnecessary. By asking the neighborhood residents, "What's the house with the poorest taste around here?" probably even a monkey could manage to find his way here.

  A structure that was painful to the eyes —— he didn't want to call that a house —— that upon viewing, made Kazuma look up to the sky, begging. The sky was empty and blue.

  "Hey, at least it's work……"

  He muttered to convince himself.

  However, Kazuma's look probably couldn't by any means be called appropriate for work.

  Jeans and sneakers, a checkered shirt and a black jacket. His youth, at 22 years old, and his relaxed facial expression made him seem, no matter how you looked at it, no different from a student from the nearby university.

  He was completely blind to his own faults. While continuing his observations, he noticed something strange.

  The darkness covering the mansion was thicker than he had been told. Because of this, maybe even an ordinary person with no spirit sight would sense darkness in the mansion's surroundings.

  (Maybe I'll just go back……)

  Nagged by a horribly bad premonition, Kazuma was halfway seriously thinking about that.

  The darkness that covered the mansion was more unearthly than he had expected, but it wasn't so much that he couldn't deal with it. For this reason, this premonition was a bad omen. There was something else up.

  Judging from his experiences up to now, it was a credible and important premonition. However, he couldn't just throw away work on that alone.

  This was his first assignment in Japan. If he broke off the arrangement with only a "For some reason or another," he probably wouldn't be able to get jobs in the future.

  With heavy steps, he made his way toward the mansion. He stopped once more, in front of a nonsensically huge gate.

  While standing in front of the doorbell, Kazuma was still unsure. Danger signals were bombarding his instincts. He couldn't help wanting to run away. However ——

  "Yagami-sama, I presume."

  Without any warning, a voice came from the intercom, and completely disrupted Kazuma's thinking. He jumped back with a start, and stood guarded; the voice continued from before, without concern for this.

  "You have been expected. Kindly enter through the auxiliary entrance on the side, please."


  Simultaneous with those words, a small door to the ride side of the gate unlocked. Apparently he was supposed to just go in.

  (Compared with that "You have been expected", that's some rude treatment…)

  He was feeling uncomfortable, but he was dealing with a customer. As instructed, he entered through the side door.

  Inside the fence was awash with a large number of security cameras and sensors. They must live a very shadowy life.

  Upon walking into the entrance way, multiple cameras followed him. With an irritation almost to the point of wanting to kill whoever was putting him under this rude surveillance, Kazuma somehow repressed himself.


  That's what he'd intended, but apparently it had shown on his face. The face of the maid who had come to greet him, was filled with a fear akin to having come across a man-eating bear. Kazuma smoothed over his expression hurriedly.

  "Welcome, please come this way."

  She went from a horrible face, as if she were being picked up and eaten, to a overly bright smile.

  It didn't seem possible for someone to change their expression that dramatically, forgetting their suspicions, but the maid smiled as if nothing had happened. A pro.

  As the maid walked ahead, Kazuma observed her gratifyingly swaying bottom, while going to the living room to wait.

  (It would have been better if I'd left……)

  As soon as he was guided into the living room, Kazuma felt deep regret at his choice. There inside, was a thin little man, self-importantly lying back, legs outstretched —— the master of the mansion, and client, Sakamoto Nanigashi —— but he wasn't alone. There was one practitioner, a face he knew well.

  That practitioner, upon recognizing Kazuma, showed fear on his face for a moment, and then immediately twisted his lips into a sneer, glaring at Kazuma with a face full of scorn.

  "What, the other practitioner was you, Kazuma? You became a disinherited child of the Kannagi's because of your incompetence, and now you dare to call yourself a practitioner?"

  Probably, those explanatory words were for Sakamoto to hear. Practitioner —— Kannagi. The youngest child of the branch family Yuuki, Shinji truly took great pleasure in abusing Kazuma.

  Sakamoto showed the response Shinji had expected. His expression changed, and he approached Kazuma.

  "So this is true, then? Isn't this different from what you said? You said you were a top class spritual practitioner, so I hired you!"

  Kazuma calmly —— while retreating the same distance as the other advanced —— answered.

  "I don't know what the person at the agency said. But if you're dissatisfied, perhaps I should leave?"

  "Hmmph, that's right."

  Sakamoto's eyes showed a faintly cunning light. Kazuma's, even at the best of times, scarce desire to work, quickly neared zero.

  "Mmmm, how about this? Why don't you both try the exorcism, and only the successful one gets paid. Ahh, naturally I won't tell the loser to return the advance payment."

  "Good idea, yeah."

  They had been flippant words, but Shinji had immediately accepted them. And then, with the face of someone who has been completely made a fool of, he asked Kazuma.

  "And what are you going to do?"

  "I'm out."

  Kazuma gave an immediate reply. In the scornful stares of the two, not even one muscle of an eyebrow moved.

  "Hmmph, coward, sucking your finger. I'll show you a model example of Enjutsu."

  "Model example, eh. Didn't you say that? Just like the youngest child of the branch family."

  "Y, You!"

  Having the one he looked down upon, in return looking down upon him, Shinji was enraged. He completely forgot about being in front of a client, tightened a fist, and attacked.

  It was a fist intent on crushing the skull, which Kazuma handled by opening his body to the left.

  In the instant that Shinji's right thrust was dodged, without stopping the rotation of his hips, he transferred the movement energy to his left leg.

  In reaction to the shift in center of gravity, his left leg flew up in a rotating kick from Kazuma's blind spot, aiming for his temple.

  However, Kazuma, as if he had seen it, lightly bent back his head. The heel of the left leg passed by a few millimeters in front of his eyes.

  Kazuma's movements were like the leaves of a tree swaying in the wind, without hesitation. Into the space the kicking foot had left, he entered, with complete spontaneity, and lightly swept Shinji's pivot leg. Shinji, his left leg still floating in the air, under the power of his own rotational power, violently slammed into the floor.


  Shinji had just barely managed to do ukemi, and quickly got back up. Incorrigibly, he assumed a fighting posture.

  "You — thinking you could beat me in Taijutsu? Even four years ago, you weren't a match for me. There's no way you could be an opponent for my current self."

  "Sh, shut up!"

  Kazuma showed not the least bit of triumph; he chided disinterestedly, as if facing a defiant child. Being looked down upon from such a securely elevated position, Shinji's reason made a sound and broke.

  "Stop it right there, you two."

  However, just then, a restraining voice spoke, and the two turned at the same time to the voice's owner. Sakamoto showed great satisfaction at having gotten their attention, and in a tone as if he were an extremely important person, he scolded them.

  "I didn't call you here to have a fight. The furnishings in this room, no matter which one you look at, are each more expensive than what I'm paying you. Any kind of rough behavior would be troublesome, okay?"

  Suddenly, around the vicinity of the money talk, there was a scumbag. The person in question was probably attempting to flaunt his assets, but for the ones made to listen, it was nothing but the stink of the nouveau riche pushed up their noses.

  (Maybe I'll leave…… since I get the advance payment.)

  With the discomfort index continuing to rise, with no end in sight, Kazuma's desire to work had already dropped into minus territory. He couldn't help feeling that even being in this place was agony.


  However, without warning, the unearthly presence began to converge, heralding a new development.

  "——It's coming."

  The unearthly presence that had been spread throughout the mansion, tied its focus to one point in the living room. Kazuma calmly moved, putting himself between that presence and the other two.

  "What's that? What just……"

  Slower than Kazuma by over 10 seconds, the unearthly presence had materialized into something black, before Shinji, too, gradually began to notice.

  "Mmmm, so it came out?"

  "Wh-what? What's wrong?"

  Hesitatingly breaking the suddenly tense atmosphere, Sakamoto shouted in a shrill voice.

  Kazuma answered in place of Shinji, who was already beginning to focus his mind for the use of jutsu.

  "It's work time. The 'evil spirit' or whatever you've been struggling with just came out."

  While giving that offhand explanation, Kazuma felt a beyond-ordinary sense of unease.

  (That's no evil spirit. What kind of thing is it?)

  When Kazuma had first accepted the assignment, the person at the agency had said "Just a normal evil spirit exorcism."

  —— Hey, your first job should be one of these, right? If you're as good as the rumors say, you should be able to take that evil spirit with one hand ——

  A superficial seeming man, but with definite achievements, he had heard. Their kind of work was, in some sense, even more than for practitioners, something where confidence was life. Making a mistake this big was extremely unlikely. It wasn't an easy business, that that kind of irresponsible agency person could survive.

  (Was I set up? Well, fine. Should I just observe his skill?)

  Kazuma learned against the wall, crossed his arms, and looked about as if sightseeing.

  Preparing himself for the appearance of the "evil spirit," Shinji was focusing his mind.

  It seemed he was planning to burn it away as soon as it appeared. It was clear to see in his expression.

  Suddenly, the space in front turned dark and thick. Shinji faced both his palms towards each other, in order to set up a transparent ball in front of his chest. A small fire was held between those palms.


  A voice full of resentment shook the air; the evil spirit showed itself. It had a melted-away face that projected an infinite hatred to all living beings.



  Paying no attention to the screaming Sakamoto, Shinji released a devastating flame, along with a sharp kiai. The evil spirit became cleansed due to the fire; it had disappeared without a trace —— or so Shinji believed.




  While the evil spirit's cries of agony echoed, and Shinji was snickering —

  Flame exploded.


  Shinji screamed, wrapped in flame. The uselessly large living room, in a moment, became a sea of flame.


  Confined in its shadow, Shinji's flame had been eaten up; the youma began to laugh sneeringly.


  The Kannagi family is, even among the "Enjutsu users" who can freely manipulate fire, the strongest and most famous family. It is not simply just because their power is great. There is a special ability in the family's blood; the reason surely lies there. The flame that they manipulate, is not through the physical phenomenon of the simple acceleration of molecular motion; it possesses the power to burn away impurities, and destroy evil.

  Because of this "purifying flame", the Kannagi family's practitioners hold absolute dominance over youma, evil spirits, and all beings that transgress the law. However, even with the ability given by blood, to the extent that that blood is diluted, it is inevitable that that power will again deteriorate.

  Already, the branch family's practitioners had long lost the highest rank of "gold". If a youma with fire attributes was the opponent, the released flame would, on the contrary, even be likely to be absorbed.

  For example, like just now —— the living room had been turned into a purgatory. The high class furniture, the shag carpet, were already carbonizing. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling; its glass had melted, turning into some grotesque art object.

  "Wonder if he's dead?"

  Kazuma muttered with a refreshed-looking face. A cool breeze wrapped around Kazuma; the raging flame wasn't even allowed to get close to him. Even the heat was sealed off; not a drop of sweat was apparent.


  A frail voice stimulated his eardrums. Kazuma looked down at the blackish object at his feet.

  What had rolled screaming into the kekkai, was the former client, Sakamoto. He was burned here and there, but he didn't seem to be dead.

  "Aaaaaa, he, help me!"

  Sakamoto screamed while clinging onto Kazuma's legs. However Kazuma heartlessly kicked away his former client.


  Sakamoto's face began writhing in a new kind of pain, as it was mercilessly trampled upon. Since he didn't want to touch with anything beyond slippers, instead of stepping on him, he brang down his heel. It seemed like you could the skull making a creaking sound, but that wasn't a big problem.

  Kazuma, trampled, grinding on Sakamoto's head, and clearly stated:

  "You're not a client, and I don't have the habit of saving middle-aged men."

  "If it's money, I'll pay. Twice as much, or so……"

  "Twice? Your life's worth only one million?

  Kazuma took a cigarette from his pocket. He gently stretched out his hand, only exposing the cigarette's tip to the outside of the kekkai. He filled his lungs with the tobacco smoke, and slowly let it out.

  Sakamoto didn't have the leisure to be that relaxed. Whether on purpose, or by chance, only around Sakamoto, were there holes in the kekkai; the tongues of flame were beginning to lick him.

  "Hot-, Ee, Eeee, Help! I'll pay 10 million!"

  "Thanks for your business."

  Upon tossing away his cigarette, Kazuma changed suddenly, smiling brightly. The smile of a demon who'd made a profitable deal.

  "Alright now. Then, won't you please stand back?"

  Kazuma kicked Sakamoto in the rear, sending him rolling, and as if it were obvious, proclaimed:

  "You're in the way."

  He began muttering in a staccato voice, and waved his right hand sideways in a mowing motion. As if being squeezed out by the hand, the raging fire was taken care of, expelled out the window.

  The fire didn't spread to the grass and trees in the garden, but scattered and vanished.

  And then, inside the room, a distorted face attached to a fireball — only the youma's true body remained.


  In place of the extinguished fire, wind raged around the room. Kazuma stood quietly. With his hand still in his jacket pocket, he did not move a finger. And yet, the wind followed Kazuma's intentions, and erased the flame.

  Already, the fight was over. In front of Kazuma's overwhelming power, the youma wasn't even able to put up any resistance as it was torn to pieces, All that was left to do was wait for its annihilation.

  "And with this…"

  Kazuma slowly raised his right hand. For someone with soul sight, the density of spirits crowding that hand would have been terrifying.

  "…the end!"

  Ten times faster than it came up, the hand swung down. In a straight line extension from the right hand, an invisible blade that cut even air molecules, cleaved the youma precisely in two.

  Without sound, without any spirit framents remaining, Kazuma regarded the destroyed youma with a calm look.


  Kazuma pronounced this to Sakamoto, who was still lying on the floor, dumbfounded.

  "Pay the money in 3 days. Otherwise, would you like to regret having ever been born?"

  They were completely like a criminal's words. Even if that was a mistake, it wasn't the way you'd speak to a customer.

  However, Sakamoto, realizing the horror of going against Kazuma, did not complain.

  "Y, yes. Understood. But something terrible has happened to Yuuki-kun. I never thought something so serious would happen."

  Kazuma wordlessly came closer to what appeared to be the ashes of Shinji's remains, and despairingly trampled on them. As expected, Sakamoto also raised his voice.

  "Wh-what are you doing!? I don't know whatever happened between you two, but you still shouldn't desecrate a corpse, right!?"

  "He's not dead."

  Kazuma spat the words out dryly, and then continued to kick him again and again.

  Upon doing so, the ash covering the surface began to fall off, and almost unscalded skin appeared.


  Sakamoto doubted his eyes, with this unbelievable scene. Kazuma gave an offhand explanation.

  "All of Kannagi's people receive the divine protection of fire spirits. Even people from the branch family wouldn't die in this degree of fire."

  Kazuma curled his lips in self-derision, and added,

  "I'm the expection though."


  Upon doing that, Shinji woke up. Upon looking out around him, he confirmed that the youma had already been destroyed.

  "You did this?"

  "It's just like you saw."

  Who do you think you are, saying whatever you please? —— Kazuma answered with that kind of tone. He had already seen through, that Shinji had kept his consciousness; Shinji hurriedly attempted an explanation.

  "So you noticed……? But I couldn't help. I honestly couldn't move."

  "I don't want to hear your excuses."

  Kazuma coldly spoke that over his shoulder, as he turned his back. Shinji called out to the unhesitating figure leaving. There was still something that had to be said.

  "Why did you return?"

  "Must have been for something, I guess"

  At that play-dumb answer, thinking he was being evaded, Shinji's gaze became sharp.

  "'for something' …. Do you think the elders are going to understand that?"

  "I was only disinherited, I wasn't deported. Where I am is my business."

  "What are you planning?"

  "Nothing in particular."

  Kazuma answered curtly, shrugging his shoulders.

  "Are you returning to the Kannagi?"

  "Idiotic talk. Not even if I die."

  He answered as if spitting out the words, and then Kazuma, this time, without hesitating, walked off.

  Shinji was driven by an unease he couldn't stop. He continued to stare at Kazuma.

  (I have to tell this to the suzerain as soon as possible……)

  Shinji's unease was, in a sense, on the mark. A war to push the Kannagi into an abyss of ruin, was currently, from this moment, beginning.


  "Did you hear of it? It seems Kazuma has returned to Japan."

  "What, that incompetent has? It must be dead simple to be a fuujutsu practitioner.

  "Nope, 'I am a dark magician' is what I heard. For him to become a practitioner, he'd have to sell his soul to the devil, right?"

  "Ah, that's true, probably."


  That day, rumors of Kazuma were the talk of the Kannagi main house. Of the elders — the general term for one retired from active service, and now overseeing the management of the practitioners — having heard Shinji's report, only one wasn't jokingly spreading around nonsense.

  For the offense of the aforesaid Shinji's failure in his duty, he was currently under probation. Tail fin, dorsal fin, belly fins, all being wildly added to the rumor, until it grew to maturity, and not one person tried to stop it.

  The source of the rumors, the elders, appeared to be in complete delight. The kind of people called elders, if you excepted the extremely serious exceptions, were basically men of leisure. "Looking important is work" and so on, was the gossip that some attacked with.

  When there was no work, all day, they would drink tea, and amuse themselves talking about various topics. Obviously, they could not resist something interesting to talk about.

  Upon hearing Shinji's news, they were dancing for joy inside. The elders, when they passed the verdict of probation on the dejected Shinji, had even something of a skipping type of light gait, while they drank tea and turned back to each other. They haphazardly began talking like this:

  "Ohh, did you know……?"

  The elders were, during this work time, like different people, in energetic activity.

  Inside of one hour, there was almost nobody in the huge mansion who had not heard of Kazuma's return to the country. It certainly reached the servants, and then all kinds of people heard about it.

  It was, in short, a situation where almost nobody knew the true facts, but it wasn't a big problem for the elders, since "If it's interesting, who cares what happens later!" was the elders' basic attitude.

  And so, news of Kazuma spread — the exact opposite direction that Shinji was hoping for,

  To wit——

  "Kazuma returned as a dark magician."

  "Kazuma was secretly murdered; he's buried in the back garden."

  "Kazuma clashed with Shinji during work, and killed him suddenly."

  "Kazuma made a contract with the wind spirits. An evil demon."

  The truth was subtly mixed in, but having come this far, nobody could really interpret it. Obviously, no one feared Kazuma's retribution.

  The main family's failure had left all his talent in his mother's womb, like liquid skimmed off the top, had somewhat found a preferable power to take in, it seemed. Nobody laughed at that.

  However, there were a small number of exceptions. One of those was the current suzerain, Kannagi Juugo. During supper, in the humorous talk that was being told, there was one item that Juugo was interested in.

  "Ohhhh? Kazuma chose fuujutsu? Did you know that, Genma?"

  Juugo spoke to his cousin sitting next to him. For some reason, as if harboring some ill will, he smiled a hating smile.


  Genma answered in brief. The rumor having apparently already reached his ears, and he didn't appear disturbed.

  However, it was clear that he wasn't happy about the rumor either. The saying "like someone chewing up a bitter bug" perfectly described his frown, as he gripped a tight fist.

  If Kazuma was in front of him, I'd want to strangle him to death. It was that kind of face.

  "It's shameful."

  "It's not especially shameful."

  Juugo answered lightly, and then gave a command to a servant.

  "I would like to hear a detailed account. Call Shinji."


  Shinji went as far as scraping down to the tatami in his prostration. His tension was great, sweat floated on his forehead, and his breathing was disordered.

  Regarding the Kannagi family, it would be fitting to say that the difference between the main family and the branch family's status was absolute. To even dream of a revolution was foolish.

  Tradition, social status —— it wasn't a system based on that kind of abstract idea. The thing separating the two was only, only the overwhelming difference in power.

  If all the practitioners of the branch family were to fight, if it was with someone like Juugo or Genma, they could be smashed by the wiggle of a little finger. Because of that kind of hopeless power difference, no thoughts of rebellion were harbored.

  You could say it was understandable that Shinji would be under such tension. In front of Juugo, who had something similar to a god's absolute superiority, and having to recount his clumsy failure. This was definitely worse than the original feeling.

  "Raise your face. You don't have to humble yourself like that."    Juugo spoke in a friendly manner, but to look into the suzerain's face and speak, was far too overwhelming for Shinji. In the end, he raised his face, but his eyes still stared towards the tatami, as he submitted his report.    "A-and, I now have the privilege of being allowed to give this report."    "……I see."    When Shinji had finished recounting everything, Juugo said that, and was silent for awhile.

  "……I see."

  As if to confirm, he repeated it one more time. He closed his eyes lightly, and remnisced back to when his nephew — to be accurate, the relation was more separated than that, but he used that label since it was too much trouble — had left 4 years ago.

  (——What a poor child he was.)

  If he had been born to any but the Kannagi family, he would have been considered a superior child, probably. Excellent intellect, good reflexes too, and he also showed great promise in learning the jutsu. Except for one; only if you excepted the ability to manipulate fire.

  However, that was certainly, for the Kannagi family, the most necessary ability.

  Someone with no talent for manipulating fire, no matter what else he was proficient at, was treated as an incompetent. As a result of that, Kazuma was no longer part of the Kannagi.

  Yet —— Juugo thought.

  (Why didn't you ask me for help, Kazuma. There was no need to disown you from the family. If it was me, I would have made a place for you. Whatever Genma said, I wouldn't have cared about the Enjutsu, I would have made use of your talent, yet despite that…..)

  Juugo looked down upon his right leg. That right leg was a thing made of metal and plastic. If that accident hadn't happened, and the "rule of inheritance" hadn't been rushed, maybe Kazuma would be here right now?

  However, it was far too late. Kazuma had thrown away the family, the family name, all that was Kannagi, and had left Japan. This was reality. "The past", a thing that could never be changed.