CLANNAD ~Vietnamese~ Image Text

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Translation Notes

This page contains lines encoded as images (.g00 files) rather than editable text. Graphics editing software will be needed to incorporate the translated text back into the game.

20110101 -- Some of these have already been translated in their corresponding SEEN pages. 20110207 -- All lines translated.


// Image-based text, related to the story

// SFWEC10.g00, SFWEC20.g00 -- SFWEC31.g00
// Labels
Thế giới giả tưởng
//Illusionary World
// 幻想世界

// FGMS32.g00 -- FGMS34.g00
// SEEN0414, after 0066
// Climbing the hill together with Nagisa for the first time
Và rồi, chúng tôi bắt đầu bước lên....
//We begin climbing...
// 俺たちは登リ始める。
Con dốc...
//This long,
// 長い、

Con dốc dài đăng đẳng này.
//This long, long uphill slope.
// Polarem: Using "slope", as it's a recurring image in the game
// Prev: The long, long uphill road.
// 長い、長い坂道を。

// FGMS42.g00, FGMS33.g00, FGMS34.g00
// SEEN6801, after 2025
// After talking to Nagisa at the bottom of the hill, after her death, before you have enough lights to save her
Chúng tôi cứ thế bước lên...
//We are climbing...
// 俺たちは登っていく。

Con dốc...
..This long,
// Re-use the file from SEEN0414
// 長い、

Con dốc dài đăng đẳng này.
//This long, long uphill slope.
// Re-use the file from SEEN0414
// 長い、長い坂道を。

// KTC01_01.g00 -- KTC01_05.g00
// SEEN4513
// Kotomi: A suitcase's journey

Chiếc va ly này, đã trôi dạt khắp mọi miền thế giới.
//This suitcase has traveled around the world.
// その鞄は、世界中を旅してきた。

Nếm cả những đụn cát sa mạc, trải khắp muôn tảng băng lạnh giá...
//Through desert towns, frozen isles...
// 砂漠の町も、氷の島も...

Núi cao muôn trượng, đồng bằng mướt xanh...
//Rugged mountains, tropical lands...
// lit: Rugged mountains too, green lands too...
// 険しい山も、緑の大地も...

Qua tay anh rồi lại đến tay người...
//Entrusted with great care,
// lit: Many people's; from hand to hand
// たくさんの人の手から手へ、

Mỗi đôi tay, mỗi phút che chở nâng niu...
//Passed from one hand to another...
// XCN: I think it should be made explicit by saying "Passed from", because there's no mention of people anywhere else in the paragraph, and it feels a little off.
// 大切に託されてまた...

// KTC02_02.g00
// SEEN4513
// Kotomi: Part of the Ichinoses' multi-lingual note
// Leave this untranslated
// If you find this suitcase, please take it to our daughter.
// XCN: In the anime, this is written in English, on the front of the envelope holding the letter.  (Not correctly though; they spell it "Suitscase" ;)  I guess that changed from the VN?
// Polarem: Probably an animators' oversight :-P This is KEY's version, which they rendered (correctly) in English 

// KTC03_01.g00 -- KTC03_04.g00, KTC04_01.g00 -- KTC04_04.g00
// SEEN4513,
// Kotomi: A letter from father to daughter
// Should match 0395-0402
To Kotomi
// ことみへ

The world is beautiful
// 世界は美しい

Even if it's filled with tears and sadness
// 悲しみと涙に満ちてさえ

Still, open your eyes
// 瞳を開きなさい

Do the things you want to try
// やりたい事をしなさい

Become the person you desire
// なりたい者になりなさい

Go and search for friends
// 友達を見つけなさい

Don't rush things, and grow up slowly
// 焦らずにゆっくりと大人になりなさい

// KTC05_01.g00 -- KTC05_06.g00, KTC06_01.g00
// SEEN4513,
// Kotomi: A letter from mother to daughter
// Should match 0407-0411
It's the teddy bear we found in a gift shop
// おみやげもの屋さんで見つけたくまさんです

We've searched and searched,
// たくさんたくさん探したけど、

But this was the biggest one we could find
// この子がいちばん大きかったの

We didn't have time,
// 時間がなくて、

So we couldn't send it via the airport
// 空港からは送れなかったから

Our lovely Kotomi
// かわいいことみ

Happy Birthday
// おたんじょうびおめでとう

// BG051O.g00
// SEEN4800
// Kotomi: Note on the violin for Kotomi (in handwriting)
From everyone to Kotomi
// みんなよりことみへ

It sounds better than before
// 前よりいい音

// FGMS23.g00
// SEEN1518, after 0122
// Fuuko: Fuuko's last words before fading away
Thank you so much.
// ありがとうございました。

// FGMS16.g00 -- FGMS22.g00 
// SEEN7500, after 1408
// Misae: Shima receiving his instructions
"Now listen very, very closely."
// 「いいかい、よく聞くんだよ」

"This thing here is a charm."
// Orig TL: "This here's a charm."
// 「ここに、お守りがある」

"There's a light that has been put inside it."
// Orig TL: "Light's been put inside of it."
// 「この中にはね、光が入ってる」

"It's light that can grant a single wish."
// 「ひとつだけ、願いことを叶えることできる、光なんだ」

"You will take this and go to her."
// Orig TL: "You'll be holding this from now on, going to that person."
// 「おまえは今からこれを持って、あの人の元へいく」

"And then, you will grant her wish."
// Orig TL: "And then, granting that girl's wish."
// 「そして、彼女の願いごとを叶える」

"Do you understand?"
// 「わっかたかい?」

// FGMS01.g00 -- FGMS15.g00 
// SEEN7500, after 2702
// Misae: Shima reporting back to his old master
Master, Master.
// Orig TL: My master, my master.
// ご主人様、ご主人様。

My current master is not the same as you...
// Orig TL: My master right now was a different person from the you on that day but...
// 今のご主人様は、あの日のあなたとは違う人だけど…

But she's a very kind person.
// Orig TL: She was very kind.
// とても優しい人です。

But she makes me worry at times.
// Orig TL: But, she felt uneasy once in a while.
// けど、たまに不安になります。

I wonder... if I was able to reach my goal.
// Orig TL: I wonder if... I managed to reach my goal?
// ぼくは…目的が果たせてのでしょうか。

I feel like I've come here for a reason.
// Orig TL: I feel like I've come here for some reason.
// なにかのためにここに来た気がするのです。

I think it was very important.
// とても大事なことだったと思うんです。

I wonder if I reached that.
// Orig TL: I wonder if I reached that?
// それは、果たせたのでしょうか。

Now it's been too long, and I can't remember.
// Orig TL: Even now, I can't really remember that far back.
// 今はもう、遠すぎで思い出ません。
I wonder if everything's ended now.
// Orig TL: I wonder if everything's ended now?
// もう、すべてはおわったのでしょうか。

But right now, I want to remain like this.
// Orig TL: Just that, I want to stay like this.
// ただ、今はこうしていたいです。

Will that be allowed, I wonder?
// それはゆるされるでしょうか。

Always feeling at ease.
// ずっとこの安らぎの中にいても。

Continuing to be with her forever.
// Orig TL: Continuing to be beside that person.
// この人のそばにいつづけても。

// FGCD01.g00 -- FGCD07.g00
// SEEN7100, 1514-1538
// Yoshino: Suggestions for CD album titles
// Keep in sync with the conversation in 1514-1538
Love & Spanner
// ラブ・ンアド・スパナ

The Man that Spins the Spanner Around Love
// 愛でスパナを回す男

Beware!! The Man that Spins the Spanner Around Love
// 恐怖!!愛でスパナを回す男

Beware!! The Man that Spins the Spanner Around His Nose
// 恐怖!!鼻でスパナを回す男

Beware!! The Man that Spins His Nose Around the Spanner
// 恐怖!!スパナで鼻を回す男

Attention Housewives!! Beware - The Man that Spins His Nose Around the Spanner
// 家政婦は見た!!恐怖・スパナで鼻を回す男

// FGMS43.g00 -- FGMS49.g00 
// SEEN6802, after 0000
// Tomoya in depression
My life goes on mechanically.
// Alt 1: I live mechanically. 
// Orig: I am living like an automaton...
// だた、惰性のように生きていた。

Getting up,
// 起きて、

Getting up, going to work,
// 起きて、仕事にでかけて、

Getting up, going to work, eating,
// 起きて、仕事にでかけて、食べて、

Getting up, going to work, eating, sleeping...
// 起きて、仕事にでかけて、食べて、寝て...

Simply doing what my body naturally remembers.
// 体が覚えていることを、繰り返すだけ。

That’s how I pass my days.
// そんな日々に生きていた。

// SPAPA00.g00, SPAPA10.g00
// (
// Death of the girl in the Illusionary World
// ...さようなら...

// ...パパっ...

// SZZD00.g00, SZZD10.g00, SZZD20.g00
// (
// Saving Nagisa
// Make consistent with SEEN6416 and SEEN6511
"Let me take you..."
// 「お連れしましょう...」

"To the place in this town where wishes come true."
// 「この町の、願いが叶う場所に」

// The following 6 lines are found in the same image file, but displayed separately in the game.
// The XML metadata file will have to be edited to account for the different lengths of the English text.

"Yes, let's go..."
// Polarem: I finally realized that this is the response to the previous 2 lines. Took me long enough x_x
// Orig: "Yeah..."
// 「ああ...」

This long, long journey...
// 今、終わる。

Which we shared with the emotions of this town...
// Alt: Where we shared in the emotions of this town...
// 町の思いに連れられて...

Is over now.
// その長い、長い旅が。

Reach out with your hand...
// 手を伸ばす。

And join with... the countless lights.
// と共に="together with"
// Prev: Towards... the countless lights.
// 無数の...光と共に。

// FGMS35.g00 -- FGMS41.g00 
// SEEN6803, after 0312
// Epilogue: Fuko finding the girl under the tree
// This text is white, to be displayed on a black background
"Are you there?"
// 「いますか」

"This is Fuko."
// 「風子です」

"What is your name?"
// 「あなたのお名前はなんていうんですか」

"Please tell."
// 「教えてください」

"Be Fuko's friend, and let's play together."
// Prev: "Become Fuuko's friend so we can play together."
// 「風子とお友達になって、一緒に遊びましょう」

From now on...
// Orig: As for something fun...
// XCN: I'd use the alts, or rephrase.
// Agreeing with XCN, the alt translation sounds better. The other sounds like an awkward fragment. -Komari
// Polarem: Done!
// 「楽しいことは...」

There will be lots of fun!
// Orig: ... that will begin right now.
// Whichever way, we need an exclamation mark to end the game with a bang --Polarem
// 「...これから始まりますよ」