Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume3 Chapter4 1

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If I could meet Eve. Part 1.[edit]

I'm always sleeping in my forest of thorns.

Because I left my soul with Kahori's white body, unchanged since we were sixteen.

December 24th.

Along with being Christmas Eve, today also happened to be the closing ceremonies for the second semester for the Lillian Girls' Academy high school.

While the world is lively for it being a merry Christmas day, she didn't have any plans other than eating cake with her family at night, so she wasn't particularly excited. And while winter break began tomorrow, they'd be on break since the end of exams, anyways, so that wasn't anything special.

More importantly, report cards come back on the day of the closing ceremony. While some seem not to care for the grades they got, others, who lived a more normal life, definitely did. Yumi didn't really fit into the second category, but her New Year's Gift and her allowance hinged on her grades, so it was like a life-threatening matter, anyways.


"Yumi-san, you've been sighing all morning."


Tsutako-san presented the camera she just took a photo with, bragging, "Look, it's a new one!" and appeared in front of Yumi's desk, like an old man holding a medicine box over his head. But it wouldn't look like the Edo-period group without at least an aid with her.

"Fufufu, Tsutako-san knows. The reason you're sighing like that."

Tsutako-san looked happy, having found the perfect remedy to boredom.

They'd arrived at school far earlier than usual today. The schedule today was a quick, simple home room session, and then a Christmas Eve Mass at the sanctuary.

"Yumi-san's concerns number one. Report card."

"Pretty much."

They hadn't been returned their marked tests, but she could estimate her marks based on how difficult she found it. Tests were simply to measure how well you understood the lessons, the teachers always said, but she wasn't naïve enough to believe that entirely.

"Number two. The year's end cards you haven't mailed out yet."


She accidentally shouted. Forget mailing them, they've completely slipped her mind. She'd put aside a lot of things in favor of Rosa Gigantea's incident. Year's end cards after exams, was how things were supposed to be, as her mother gave her about thirty cards, and she stuffed them into her desk. It was amazing she'd managed to forget about them. They keep running commercials on TV about making sure to send the cards early.

"Yumi-san, you're finally getting dementia."

How worrisome, she said, but she was snapping away with her camera. Hey, hey, is it fun taking pictures of the elderly?

"But the biggest reason for sighing would obviously be Rosa Chinensis en bouton."

"---" That was the truth.

They hadn't seen each other for a week, so she even woke up earlier than normal. But she felt it was too persistent and audacious to wait for Sachiko-sama to show up at the gate, so she simply stumbled into her classroom.

What a fool, at least if she wandered the halls she might run into Sachiko-sama. Well, she could regret plenty of things, but if she were strong-willed enough to move herself to action by thinking "Well I might still make it," she wouldn't be having all these problems to begin with.


Because the closing ceremonies were today, they wouldn't be able to meet for quite some time again, starting tomorrow. And if she saw Sachiko-sama once, her mind would be overwhelmed by thoughts of saying farewell.

Given Sachiko-sama's attitude prior to the exam break, there was a large probability that they wouldn't be able to meet until school opened again next semester. Actually, it's not even just a probability, it's almost guaranteed.

How lonely, she thought. They didn't live a few steps from each other like Yoshino-san. And they weren't separate like Rosa Gigantea and Shimako-san, so she didn't feel fine if they never met.

This might be the first time in her life she felt lonely while school was on break. She wondered if Sachiko-sama ever felt like this.

It felt unfair.

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