HnKnA Script/nostaylove ace03

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Revision as of 03:16, 11 August 2012 by Merxine (talk | contribs) (→‎Script)
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[bgimage file="MAP全体昼.jpg"]


[message window="togaki"] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ [/message]

[bgimage file="ハートの城の前昼.jpg"]


[message window="togaki"] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ [/message]

[bgimage file="ハートの城庭昼.jpg"]


[message window="togaki"] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ [/message]

[bgm file="05透明.ogg"]

[cg file="ace_no1and2_1and3_1.jpg"]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" voice="ace_0292.ogg"] “Now I kind of understand why having some distance is good.” [/message]

[message window="heroine" face="ali_t_3_04.png"] “...You finally understood?[br] That was slow.” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_3_04.png" voice="ace_0293.ogg"] “I have no sense of direction after all.” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_3_04.png" voice="ace_0294.ogg"] “....[br] I love to travel though...” [/message]

[message window="togaki" face="ali_t_2_09.png"] Ace was a blockhead.[br] That was fine since he was easy to talk to, except his futile refreshing personality. [/message]

[message window="togaki" face="ali_t_2_09.png"] I don't like that kind of refreshing person.[br] Therefore, I can be friends with Ace. [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_2_09.png" voice="ace_0295.ogg"] “Hmm~...[br] I'm regretting it...” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_2_09.png" voice="ace_0296.ogg"] “As I thought, I should have fought him that time.” [/message]

[message window="heroine" face="ali_t_4_08.png"] “Again with the scary talk...” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_4_08.png" voice="ace_0297.ogg"] “But I can never start a fight anymore from now on, right?” [/message]

[message window="heroine" face="ali_t_5_04.png"] “It's fine not to start it.[br] It really isn’t necessary to start one.” [/message]

[message window="togaki" face="ali_t_2_09.png"] If you do that, I won't be your friend anymore. [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_2_09.png" voice="ace_0298.ogg"] “But still...” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_2_09.png" voice="ace_0299.ogg"] “I feel so defeated, when I think that some other man will take you away.” [/message]

[message window="heroine" face="ali_t_4_14.png"] “Defeat huh...[br] I don't think that that’s a problem of winning or losing.” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_4_14.png" voice="ace_0300.ogg"] “It's a loss.” [/message]

[message window="togaki" face="ali_t_2_09.png"] If it's a losing situation according to Ace, then I feel relieved.[br] Ace definitely feels relieved too. [/message]

[message window="togaki" face="ali_t_2_09.png"] There are pros and cons in not advancing.[br] I've already understood enough about him. [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_2_09.png" voice="ace_0301.ogg"] “Even now, it's not that I can't start a fight...” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_2_09.png" voice="ace_0302.ogg"] “...Now I understand a little bit about Peter-san's deeeep love.” [/message]

[message window="togaki" face="ali_t_2_09.png"] Ace seems depressed.[br] It's not an illness when talking about love. [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_2_09.png" voice="ace_0303.ogg"] “It doesn't matter whether another man or something else likes you in this world; [br] I think that as long as you will be here forever, then it's okay.” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_2_09.png" voice="ace_0304.ogg"] “That will make me happy forever and if I can meet you occasionally, then it's all good.[br] Even if you are with someone else, as long as you are happy in the same world, I will also feel satisfied.” [/message]

[message window="heroine" face="ali_t_5_04.png"] “...That’s quite an affectionate thing to say.” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_5_04.png" voice="ace_0305.ogg"] “Still, I am a knight.” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_5_04.png" voice="ace_0306.ogg"] “...But with this, I won’t be the one who has the most qualifications to be with you.[br] It's just a coincidence that I think it should be fine if you are with other people.” [/message]

[cg file="ace_no3_2.jpg"]

[message window="heroine" face="ali_t_2_05.png"] “You're right.[br] It's fine if we can meet each other occasionally.” [/message]

[message window="togaki" face="ali_t_2_09.png"] I leaned over and kissed him lightly.[br] Though it's a kiss on the lips, it's an affectionate kiss. [/message]

[message window="togaki" face="ali_t_2_09.png"] While it's fine to kiss him on his cheek or forehead, it's on the lips.[br] If it's for Ace, no matter where it's given, it’s still an affectionate kiss. [/message]

[message window="togaki" face="ali_t_2_09.png"] That’s proof. [/message]

[message window="heroine" face="ali_t_2_03.png"] “I feel satisfied too, when I think about meeting you occasionally.” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_2_03.png"] “......” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_2_03.png" voice="ace_0307.ogg"] “Hey, [firstname]” [/message]

[message window="heroine" face="ali_t_3_03.png"] “Hm~...?” [/message]

[message window="kyara" name="name_エース.png" face="ali_t_3_03.png" voice="ace_0308.ogg"] “I love you.” [/message]

[message window="heroine" face="ali_t_1_01.png"] “I do too.” [/message]



[bgimage file="ハートの城庭昼.jpg"]


[message window="togaki"] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ [/message]

[bgimage file="ハートの城の前昼.jpg"]


[message window="togaki"] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ [/message]

[bgimage file="MAP全体昼.jpg"]


[message window="togaki"] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ [/message]
