Omae o Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore o Riajuu ni Shitekure!:Volume 1 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Tina is going sing this song for her beloved Onii-chan, so I want you to listen to it!"

On the display of the TV, was a 2D Bishoujo saying cute lines with a blushing face. Immediately after that line, a light melody started playing.

"Hey, when will this get interesting?"

The Bishoujo beside me twirled her hair around her finger in boredom as she watched the moving pictures with the corner of her eye.

"You were the one who said you wanted to watch it, so stop playing with your hair and pay attention to it! If you don't pay attention, you're going to miss an important scene, you know!"

The anime had been running on the TV display for merely fifteen minutes.

"How can such an anime, with just children singing and dancing, have any important scenes?"

Said the Bishoujo while she played with her hair languidly...... though it sounds good if I call her one. With over-luxurious fake eyelashes, thick makeup, brightly permed hair and flashy nails.

The female of the human species, known as gal, was there. Her appearance completely didn't match the transformation idol anime aimed at little girls, "Lovely Idol Tinker ☆ Tina", currently running on the TV screen.

"Hah ~...... it's because this anime is said to be what Suzuki-kun is into now that I went to borrow it from TSUTAYA[1] though, but what does Suzuki-kun find interesting about this anime?"

"Say that only after you have at least finished one full episode."

We were in the AV room and it was after school hours.

Since this was the only place we could watch a DVD, I, Kashiwada Naoki, and the gal in front of me...... Koigasaki Momo, were watching a rented anime DVD here without even getting permission from the school.

"It has been incredibly boring for the past fifteen minutes. Hey, can you explain what's the attraction of this anime. Summarize it in thirty seconds. Since you're an Otaku, you should be able to do that right?"

"No, it's not like I'm a Lolicon, so I can't tell what's the attraction in this anime...... You were the one who didn't want to watch this alone and forced me to watch it with you right!"

"Eh, hey, are you insinuating that Suzuki-kun is a lolicon? Can you please seriously stop that kind of allegation!"

"I'm not insinuating, the fact is, he is a lolic...... gweh."

I felt my neck getting constricted from my necktie that was getting tugged real hard.

"Huh!? What did you just say!?"

After getting my breath back, I could see some passing students passing by the door from the window. Furthermore, it seemed like they were looking at us.

"Geh! Do people actually pass by here! Don't tell me they can see us watching anime from outside......? If they realize that I'm watching an anime after school, won't my Otaku secret be found out!"

Upon my clamoring, Koigasaki suddenly pressed the 'Stop' button and stopped the DVD.

"Aah, this is really boring. Can't be bothered with it."

She took out the DVD and put it inside its case.

Saved......! With this, my Otaku secret is safe......

If I got found out here, then all the trouble I took to hide my Otaku self ever since entering high school would go down the drain.

Koigasaki must have seen how upset I was and gave up watching for my sake. My, doesn't she have some unexpected good points?

As I was feeling a brief moment of relief,

"Hey, Koigasaki...... what's that......"

Koigasaki took out another DVD from her bag.

"I also borrowed this from TSUTAYA. This is an anime that both you and Suzuki-kun are into right? Didn't you help me ask him about it? You can be quite useful at times. This better be interesting though!"

My jaw dropped on seeing the anime title on the surface of that DVD.

"Stop! Just not that anime! I mean, you should at least watch this at home!"

"If I watch it at home, it'll be terrible if my family suddenly comes into my room right, impossible."

"It's even worse if you watch this in school duh!"

At the end of my futile attempts to stop her, the anime started playing on the TV screen.

Right at the outset, a bunch of Bishoujos appeared on the screen.

"Wh-What's this......"

Koigasaki froze instantly as she looked at the screen.

This anime could be said to be challenging the limits of a Free-To-Air channel, an Moe erotic late night anime. On top of that, the DVD was a revised edition that was even more erotic to the extreme.

The childish girly anime earlier was many times much more preferable.

"What's this! Are you an idiot!? Otakus are gross! No, not just gross, but disgusting! To like this kind of anime...... I seriously can't believe these Otakus!"

With her face beet-red, Koigasaki threw the remote control, makeup pouch, and drink carton pack in her hands towards me.

"Ouch! What the hell are you doing! Wait, turn the thing off, turn it off!"

While bearing the attacks from Koigasaki, I frantically pressed the 'Stop' button on the remote control and stopped the anime.

"Jeez, this is really terrible! I didn't borrow such kind of anime......"

"Who's the terrible one, you hysterical woman! It seems really impossible for you to become an Otaku if you have such a repulsive reaction towards such an anime!"

I suddenly snapped and threw my rage on Koigasaki.

"What's that, why did you say it's impossible......?"

Koigasaki's expression contorted suddenly on hearing my words.

"Just be more cooperative! Didn't you say that I shall help you become a Riajuu, and you'll help me become an Otaku so that I can get closer to Suzuki-kun right! We have an agreement right! Don't you dare tell me you've forgotten about it!?"

That's right, we are indeed bonded by such an agreement.

Aah, how did things turn out this way......

Even though I just want to enjoy my peaceful high school life......

And if luck is on my side, I hope to get a cute, conservative girlfriend and become a Riajuu.

But instead...... nobody would have been able to imagine that my high school life was turned upside down by this violent, sweet (LOL) gal.

Everything started after I met this girl, when my high school life ended up getting messed up......

Translator's Notes and References

  1. TSUTAYA: A chain of rental shops and bookstores. Here's how the online store looks like.

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