7 Nights:Chapter 03 part3

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Chapter 3 - The trickster god rules - Part 3[edit]

Once we left the puppy in the grounds behind the club building, Akeno and I head back to the student canteen and joined up with Teru-san. Though Akeno tried to apologize for bringing in the puppy to the clubroom, Teru-san cheerfully brushed it aside.

As this was after-school hours, the bustle at canteen was breaking up. In the space with 150 chairs with room to spare, we are only three that is considered at a 4-man group. As we take up both sides of a table, the silence inside the canteen stretches out. But then, an hour will pass and the students, hungry from their club work, will probably come bustling in.

"Well, shall we begin."

Teru-san, looking across, just said that to Akeno and I, sitting at the other side just like an interview.

"First off, did you two see the usual dream? ... I mean, the state you've seen, you know?"

"Yes, I saw it. But last night, I was unable to meet Sakuya, so I could not say if we saw the same dream, but ... for me I think it's the same dream."

"I concur, too. With the monster prowling around the deserted street in my lucid dream, no doubt it's that strange dream."

"For you two to see this rare dream, this means that both of you are on the mark."

"For it to occur 3 times in a row, we cannot say this is only mere chance, you know ..."

"So for now we better discard the notion that this is a dream you're seeing. From now on your objective and challenge is to be sure not to see this dream. Got it?"


Akeno and I nodded back to Teru-san in unison.

"Next question. Did you follow my advice? Were you able to bring something into your dream?"

Both of us nod at the same time.

"Was it useful? Did your imagination saved you?"

Once again we nod. On seeing this Teru-san was surprised.

"Really--!! The power of the word really is strong---! For me I only harbor varying feelings of "what if". Well can I hear those details out? From Kasugamori first."

"I brought in the magical wand and the toy handgun me and my brother used to play with when we were little. But I could not use magic with my wand. But then --"

Out from her bag, Akeno brought out a single handgun. She placed it on the top of the table with a heavy *thud* sound. My eyes were suspicious of its exquisite detail.

"Eh, no way ... this not the real thing ... right?"

"It's a real airgun! It fires BB rounds using high-pressure gas."

"So this is a fake then .... I thought at first it was real ..."

I request Akeno to hand it to me. It really is heavy on my hand, probably no less than 500grams. For a test run I aimed with it,

"No, Sakuya-kun! Don't point its muzzle at anyone, and don't place your finger at its trigger! It maybe an air gun, but its power can take out an eye if you hit someone ---"

Teru-san was unusually severe with his warning.

"S, sorry. I'll be careful next time ..."

I dejectedly place back the gun in the table. Then Teru-san picked it up.

"Hm, an M9. Looks like it changed a bit, you know. I wonder if it's the maker's original model"


"Yup, this handgun's nickname. It's a popular handgun, you know. Police and army forces around the world use this. As this was popular too in movies and games, I'm careful in examining this though this is my chance."

As he said that, he aimed that the wall. His right index finger was not inserted into the trigger. Though Teru-san is not athletic, he looks awesome in that form.

"I see, this really was helpful .... It's helpful to you since the real thing came from this model, imagining it would probably be easy."

"That's right. I thought nothing in particular but its power became that of the real thing .... I could use this to defend myself from monsters."

"That I would agree"

Teru-san returns the handgun to Akeno, and she placed it back into her bag.

"It's my turn next. This is what I brought in ..."

As I bring out the laser blade from it's bag, I told them what happened in my dream. Finally the time I've been waiting for is here! I triumphantly told -- especially during when I was followed by Kerberos and its sudden conclusion in minute detail, .... But somehow, something was awkward. Instead of applause from them two they felt I was doing something bad. Akeno was somehow going pale and depressed.

"Excuse me, Sakuya .... I can see that it's a bad experience ... but, I can only see you boasting ... I'm really sorry ..."

I hang my head in shame. Hey, wait, that's not the reaction I'm expecting-!!

"B-but I'm safe! Here, look at me, am I lively? My legs ... they aren't any injuries left behind. That was totally an incident within the dream. I'm my die there, but I'm not totally dead ... maybe"

Can't help but follow that up. But even that is probably unacceptable to Teru-san, with his severe expression and all.

"Don't rest easy yet, Hoshi-kun. You maybe lucky this time. With strong autosuggestion, real injuries sometimes do leave behind the body."

"N, no way. Don't scare my like that ..."

"It's actually a well-known phenomenon. It could be a case of 'stigmata', well, the details are sketchy, but I have little doubt that injuries you receive in the dream could be transferred to your real bodies. I want you two to be aware of the senseless situation."

"Ah ... ... we'll keep that in mind ..."

"The body may not be really injured, but in that lucid dream the mind is an half-awake state, so it is suspect to pain stimuli. In other words, the mind is burdened. Needless to to say, too much burden will hurt, doesn't it? It maybe is a dream, but I want you two to refrain from rash action."

Well, I don't have a death wish, you know ....

Anyhow, with Teru-san in sermon mode and Akeno worried, I was depressed. A suffocating silence follows. Teru-san lifted up his glasses and rubs his eyes; as he lowers his glasses his usual loose expression returned.

"Let's continue. I'm interested with Saitou-kun. If what you say is true, there are five others besides you that see the same dream."

"Furthermore, they're ahead of us, you know"

"Until now, the probability of you two seeing the same dream by chance was strong. But now, it's better to consider other factors."

"Is it possible that we were called into someone else's dream?"

"That possibility, or put it another way, you two have begun the journey into the astral state, is something I cannot deny."

"A-su-to-ra-ru what?"

"Well it's what they call the spirit world. I've been trying to stay away from that topic ... but I'm certain that there are certain conditions to fulfill ..."

Unwilling to delve into the occult, Teru-san can only scratch his head.

"Anyway. At least you two are not the masterminds of this dream. If that's the case, though it could be a lucid dream, it could be be the reason you were unable to control like you wanted --- for example, flying through the sky."

"Is that so? We may not fly through the sky, but how come I was able to use a laser blade?"

"I thought so too. So that means you could act on your own will. And it's not limited to normal actions. In other words, your astral bodies ... not only that, your "ego", is preserved. Hoshi-kun using his laser blade is one. Probably the power of control."

"Sorry, I can't get you ..."

"Ah ... then I'll make it easy for you ..."

Reaching into his own bag, Teru-san drew out a DVD case. I knew all too well its package. Akeno though read out the title.

"Neverending Fantasy 13 ... isn't that a video game?"

"Right, a video game. And it's a MMORPG. You were the characters of the "Nightmare" world. Each character has its own equipment and abilities, and you could go around the field as you wish. You enter combat once you encounter monsters."

"So that's it .... That's as far as we can do, but does that mean we cannot break the rules of the game?"

"Just like you said it. But it's only an example ---"


A low voice interrupted Teru-san's speech. Just who? Looking at the source, some rude-looking guys are approaching.

"Saitou ... ..."

"Yo, Hoshi! I see you're OK"

With Saitou, are four of his probably fellow delinquents. I see so they are his colleagues he's talking about. Every one of them has a poor getup. Or should I say, Saito is the best-looking among them. But though I can't the say the same to his fellows, they're in no mood for friendly chit-chat. On the contrary I have to be on guard.

"Homura-san, that's Hoshi"

Saitou turns a mean smile to one companion. A bossy ruffled, red-haired lad. He's probably approaching 190cm the way I look at him. With bulky shoulders and chest, and an intimidating air about him. Even me as a normal student knows Homura's name.

Homura Takeru, 2nd year high school. He's the boss of the delinquents of Suijou Academy. Different from mere brats with excessive youth and vigor, I remember he's the type who enjoys immoral acts (especially mayhem). Despite of rumors telling of Homura-san stirring up incidents again and again inside and outside school, both the school and police turn a blind eye to it. I think they totally shut up probably because Homura's father is a Diet member or an attorney or something.

"You ... ... Saitou's talk's maybe useless, but you use the 'power' ?"

Homura looks down to me with an inquisitive eye. It's scary, in fact. And I can't turn away from him.

"Y, yes .... I can use it one way or the other"

Just what is his objective? Am I the one they're looking for? I'm not joining them if that's the case ....

"Hm? What kind of power?"

"Laser blade ..."

"Laser blade? Hahahah!! Ain't that cool! Was it strong?"

"Might be. Since I haven't see other people's power I'm not ..."

"The hell with other people! I only care if you can fight"

"I can fight. If I can do it, I have the power to bring down a monster with a single blow."

I assert that since it's true. Homura turned his admiring face to his underlings,

"You hear that? One strike! Ain't that good. At least he's good for somethin'. Right, Saitou?"

"F, forgive me, Homura-san ..."

Saitou replies with a weak smile to Homura-san and other's sneers. Hey, wait. Does it mean Saitou was unable to use fire? Did he keep it a secret to his fellows? Or did he lie to it? Either way better to stay silent ---

"--hat? What's so strange?"

Did he see through me ...!? I probably changed my expression a bit and yet, he's sharp-eyed to see it ....

"Ah, well ... I heard from Saitou about fire manipulation ..."

I tell that because I'm not here to cover Saitou to the point where I offend Homura. Homura and others look down at Saitou with dumbstruck looks, as Saitou went pale.

"Ah, ... yeah, that was a misunderstanding ---"

"Ah, so you're showing off ... YOU BITCH!!"

With that Homura's knee went into Saitou's stomach. Saitou groaned a bit before he went down on his knees. Behind me I heard Akeno stifling her scream.

"What fire you talkin' about! You useless shit!"

As Homura mercilessly stomped on Saitou at the back of his head, Homura glares at me.

"Don't tell me you bastard believe his shit for words. This garbage can't use anything. You got that?"

"U ... understood ..."

I only nodded in awe. Homura looks down one more time at Saitou in contempt, removing his foot from Saitou's head. Then he looked over my shoulder to Akeno.

"You, name? Can you use the "power"?"

"Kasugamori Akeno ... ... I use a gun"

"A gun? That power too is cool ..."

Homura nods in assent, then looked at Teru-san. Suddenly noticing, Teru-san places both arms on the table, rounds his back and lowers his face, becoming shut-in. There Homura pierces him with his blood-thirsty eyes.

"Bitch, just what the fuck are you doin' there a' while ago, hah?"

"! S, sorry. But I don't think I'm interfering with you ... I'm here only for idle chitchat ..."

Teru-san snaps his head up, revealing a forced smile. I didn't know Teru-san can be this meek.

"Tch, it's that pipsqueak Hiruma"

Homura clicked his tongue contemptuously. Those two, they knew each other. That was unexpected.

"Sorry to disturb you. I'll just go somewhere ..."

Teru-san hurriedly rises. Looks like he's getting away from here. But Homura won't let it.

"Fuck you! Who told you to move?"

Told off, Teru-san lowered himself again to his chair. Those two, they're like snakes and frogs.

"Then the fuck you're here if have no business? You related or somethin' ?"

"That ... I'm in no way related to everyone here that can see that dream ..."

"Hah? The hell you call that chitchat!"

"I ... I only met Hoshi-kun by chance and from there we talk about it ----"

"You heard and nosed around --- !!"

"Hii, s, sorry ..."

"Fuck your excuses! You think you're already out, huh? I'm getting tired, you fuck!!"

Homura goes around from beside me. Word by word, step by step, he sidles up to Teru-san. He corners Teru-san. In an instant, the atmosphere changes. Aren't we talking about the dream here ...? Even as I was confused Homura walked up to Teru-san's side and,

"You're dead, bitch ...!!!"

"Gah --- !?"

Teru-san was grabbed on the cheeks with only one hand, and was lifted up. Forcing him to stand up. His glasses slide off and fall down to the floor. With his mouth blocked by Homura's hand, his screams are reduced to only mumbles.

"No screams for you. Think you can spit on my hand -- eh?"

As Homura looks on piercingly, I'm sure from his voice he's clearly enjoying it. There no time for awe, someone has to stop Homura!

In my opinion, Homura is scary. If I were Teru-san right now I might be powerless. I'm sure it would be scary. But, for this reason, I'm not letting like this happen to my friends!

"Enough ... !!"

I stood up shouting sharply.

I looked at the two toughies grinning, and their smiles instantly disappeared. Looks like from their eyes that they don't believe it. From Homura's view, it was probably a very rash action. Nevertheless, they can't ignore me!

"The hell ...?"

Homura slowly turns to me. As I feel my stomach tighten, I clearly say it.

"Get your hands off Teru-san"

"The fuck's that for?"

"He's in pain!"

"Oooh, he's in pain"

Homura says that shamelessly. I have no reply for that. For him to see his opponent in pain, he sees no reason for letting him go from pain. So, he can't be convinced aside from violence. So how can I go persuade him? Is words useless for him? Should I tear him off with all my might?

I was puzzled. Homura stood there calmly. While Teru-san continues to struggle ...

I got it. My breath quickens. My fist tightens with power. My heartbeat is increasingly violent, aiding my fighting spirit ---

"You guys are ugly"

With Akeno's word, I was calmed down in an instant from the verge of rage. Akeno too stood up beside me, glaring at Homura.

"What you're doing is mere bullying! That's not something the strong does. It's cruel, clumsy and ugly, let him go."

She said it! With those scathing words, even the toughies are speechless. Homura was staring dumbfounded at Akeno from the start, but then,

"... ... hahahahahah!! So, it is bad huh. That's uncool, hah!"

With a happy smile, his hand lets go of Teru-san!

Teru-san crouched on the floor, coughing. Homura banged his hand on the table, his body towering, and approached to Akeno's side fast!


I immediately grabbed Akeno's shoulders and pulled her behind me, protecting her.

"Outta my way!"

Homura listlessly swings his right arm! I immediately bring up my left arm to guard my head, but his arm is too strong, so I was forcefully pushed aside, and I slammed into the wall before going halfway down!

"Guh, uhhh ..."

In an instant I have trouble breathing, and my body went down as I cough. Such strength ....

Homura brings up Akeno's cheeks, and he brings it close to him as if to kiss her. But Akeno was not the one to lose. In an instant the muzzle of her airgun was dead center in his left eye! Close enough to touch the eyelashes should he blink. Akeno's finger is in the trigger.

"You threaten me with a toy?"

"A toy, true, but it can destroy your retina."

"Care to say what will they think of you afterward?"

"They will probably think I'm the hero that made you lose an eye."

A tense silence follows. Homura stared at Akeno for several seconds.


He lets go of her.

"I like it! You're good, girl. ... ... You're mine"

"Excuse me. I'm not interested with you."

"Is that so! That's too bad ..."

Shoulders quaking in laughter, he passes by Akeno's side

"I'll see you in the dream."

On saying that, the toughies pull out, and left the canteen.

Akeno turned her back to them, without shaking. Or so I thought

"... ... ... ... ..."

Like a marionette with strings cut, she dropped down the floor.

"Are you all right, Akeno?"

"Hm, I'm okay ... ... just a sudden loosening-up .... Th, that was scary ... ..."

As a dry laugh escapes from her, she looks up at me with teary eyes.

"Can you stand?"

"Can't, I'm drawn out .... I'll be here for a bit. You go over to Teru-san first ..."

"Got it"

I went around the table. Teru-san is still crouching on the floor. His hands earnestly hold his glasses. It was trampled on by Homura, its lenses cracked, its frame bent, already rendered useless.

"... ... I'm useless ..."

He murmurs as his shoulders shake.

"I can't go against them. Not with even a square conversation .... quaking, groveling, smiling, just to put up with his bullying ... I am this weak ..."

"That ... was Akeno's not real way of talking. She had to talk like that. Truth was she's in no condition to admonish like that ..."

"I knew that, I knew that! It's wrong to bear a grudge against her. She saved me. That I'm thankful. It's just that I hate myself .... With this much, I'm only a miserable self that can't even go against them ... ..."

"Teru-san ..."

"Go, Hoshi-kun. Leave me ... alone ..."

He's probably crying, I can hear him sniffing. I should be embracing him, but I obeyed him in the end.

Quietly leaving him crying on his spot, I take Akeno's hand and leave the canteen.