Horizon:Volume 4C Chapter 62

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The top of a hill. Amidst the emerald grass that swayed in waves from the wind, a white pavilion stood.

Beneath its shade from the sky, there was a girl with a cup in her mouth.

She had rich golden tresses that flowed down her back.

"....Musashi's course will be decided in just an hour's time. Well then, what will the two of you do, Mouri Terumoto, Louis XIV? This Rene de Garou under your command is extremely interested in the plan of action after this yes?"

Rene de Garou inquired first.

She met the eyes of Terumoto, who was clad in Hexagone Francais' summer uniform and the nude XIV.

Terumoto responded first, her brows rising as she smiled, while folding her arms.

"What shall we do...We have no choice but to out-maneuvre the Hashiba opposition."

"Bold, Terumoto, but do you have a plan?"

Tes, nodded Terumoto, looking at the east.

Descending through hills, passing through forests, finally, after the flat plains and streams of distant barley fields, there were again forests.

"Alllll the way over there. Opposite where it blurs into blue. Near the border with M.H.R.R. the aerial transport ship that is destinied for the frontlines, the Tottori Castle, is moored. Do you know of this history recreation?"

"Tes. Due to a 200-day siege by the Hashiba, the greater portion of troops within the castle have starved to death. The lord of the castle pleaded for the survivors lives to be spared by offering his own life in suicide in the wake of the battle. However, their utter resistance left a deep impression on the Hashiba and to smoothen the process of ruling and negotiation afterwards, they tried to save the life of the castle lord but..."

"The lord stubbornly refused, and Hashiba asked Nobunaga whether it was fine to allow his suicide. In the end, permission was granted, and with the lord's death, Tottori Castle became the site of Hashiba's overthrow of the Mouri..."

At XIV's voice, Terumoto looked to the east.

Into the distance which was illuminated by the afternoon glow yet blurred into white.

In that sky, was a sandstorm that spanned 10km, and a floating dark shadow.

"When the accompanying vessels deploy defences against the sand, we'll become the "Tottori Castle" that guards the skies of Mouri's east. The long term defensive deployment that hinges on our being a transport ship will be over soon-- Mouri-01."

At that address, a voice from the open-air kitchen outside the tent, some distance away from it, responded.

"Tes, hime-sama. The automaton in command of the Tottori Castle, Mouri-32b, has gladly passed these 200 days. As there were replacements made to the machinery of the body, movement is still possible even without eating anything for 200 days. With the sandy environment of the Tottori, we had to be free to clean up daily. When the Hashiba forces on the eastern side exhausted themselves, the children of our troops would on occasion set up food stalls to deliver provisions."

"And so those 200 days gradually draw to a close."

At Terumoto's voice, Rene de Garou twisted her head legthwise.

"....P.A Oda may boast a massive fleet but to extend influence to K.P.A Italia and Kantou they expanded the traditional 30% that comprised their territories so they have a shortage of ships. To attack our Hexagone Francais, they would capture the Tottori Castle if they can as they hope to make use of its transport capabilities and reserve supplies. Of course, to prevent any insurrection by the local populace, they wish to, at that point, adopt the "succession" state for the castle protecting them."

"That's why we use that as bait."

Terumoto regarded Rene de Garou

"We surrender the Tottori Castle to the Hashiba forces in an undamaged condition. In place of a handover, Rene de Garou will succeed the military command of the Far East side of the battle."

Having done that,

"Rene de Garou will intervene on the Mouri side of battle when it is possible to do so. Against the Hashiba, with regards to Hexagone Francais and Mouri, they are the ingredients for a feint of the highest order."


"Matchless, Terumoto! We trembled at your wisdom!"

"That's simply my belly being cold, nothing else....Anyway, you may as well intervene when it appears possible. That is still a valuable opportunity. The vice-chancellor takes to the battlefield instead of the chancellor.... That kind of image is critical."

At Terumoto's words, Rene de Garou smiled thinly.

"I understand what you are largely aiming at. You want to manipulate the Hashiba yes?"

"Straight-laced idiots are terrible. I and those with authority belong to opposing camps.....but still, some worrying news came to me."

"That is?.........With regards to myself, The moment that I've been waiting for is here?"

Rene's smile deepened as she asked.

"If I intervene in the battle, the Tottori Castle, devoid of Hashiba, would not be deployed to the frontlines yes? It's likely that with Mouri-32b setting up branch stores, information from spies will be obtained no?"

"A wolf's nose truly is sharp eh."

Terumoto laughed acidly. She settled into a chair and stretched her arms behind her. Mouri-02 approached one of the steps and placed a cup of hot milk in her hands.

"Oh...thanks......Well anyway, the issue is simple. The Hashiba are loading supplies at Kantou and Edo onto Azuchi Castle. As this news is from 2 days ago, that would be complete by now. In other words, with Azuchi Castle being sent back to Lake Biwa to be returned to Nobunaga, the Hashiba are going to make use of that to ferry the supplies from the Tottori Castle. Simply...."


"When that is done, the Hashiba will resupply the Shibata force."

Terumoto opened a Signe Cadre as she spoke. The sky was shown, however, a lone spirit body was also reflected there. A black-haired, Oni-type Elf.

Clad in the female summer uniform of the M.H.R.R. was,

"Tomoe Gozen. .....What does visual confirmation of the Hashiba forces on the west and the Shibata force on the east yield?"

[Tes. The Hashiba are returning from K.P.A Italia to the P.A Oda stronghold of Lake Biwa, the Azuchi. They are going to seek instructions from Nobunaga on whether to allow the suicide of the lord of the Tottori Castle or not. As for the eastern Shibata force however, their fleet is deploying to the south of Novgorod. At a moment's opportunity, they will thrust straight for Novgorod in one stroke.]

Those are really troubling words, thought Terumoto as she gazed up at the sky.

"Reserve stores that are in excess to peaceful Kantou will be delivered here in a single beat. With the resupply for their forces along the way, the Shibata will be able to attack Svet Rus with confidence. Likewise the Hashiba will be able to assault Mouri with certainty. It's a real motherfucker of a large-scale resupply."

"Now simply, the Shibata have yet to begin their offensive against Novgorod right? If that hasn't begun then the resupply is likewise meaningless don't you think?"

Said Rene as she narrowed her eyes and twined her fingers together.

"What kind of opportunity do you think Shibata's assault on Novgorod presents?"

[Svet Rus and Oushuu's allying with Musashi of course.]

Tomoe Gozen immediately responded.

And continuing from her words, XIV opened his mouth.

"Svet Rus and Oushuus' alliance with Matsudaira is a matter that comes after the deaths of Nobunaga and Hashiba. If that is carried out, the Hashiba, who have the Testament in their hands, will be forced to assassinate Nobunaga. That's why P.A Oda must first of all quickly end all history recreations that lead to Nobunaga's assassination with the intention of being in position to quickly prevent that. As a result, Hashiba prepare to assault Mouri, and the Shibata ready themselves of the invasion of Svet Rus."

Good answer, chuckled Tomoe Gozen, revealing her razor-sharp canines.

[Naturally, in regards to Musashi's alliance with Svet Rus and Oushuu, when the current student council emerges victorious in the ongoing council meetings it will be even more likely that the three nation meetings between Svet Rus, Date and Mogami, must also produce a favorable outcome. However, is this good for you, people of Mouri? In the event of Musashi allying with Svet Rus, the Hashiba assault on Mouri will begin in full force.]

"I have thought of a counter-plan. We manipulate them. In any case, I'm Mouri Terumoto who manipulated the Battle of Sekigahara after all. The hostilities towards P.A Oda, with Musashi at the core, were decided upon only at Magdeburg--We didn't have any objection towards it."


Terumoto grinned wryly at Tomoe Gozen as she bowed silently.

"Don't beat yourself up over it. Simply, all fates will be decided from here on. Nothing more."

Terumoto opened another Signe Cadre. Displayed there were the Divine Communications from Ariake.


Musashi's vice-president was speaking with her right hand raised.

"Not bad....An opponent I would like to meet head on; Musashi's vice-president."

Terumoto slightly furrowed her brows as she said that, her gaze hardening on the Musashi vice-president.

"Her shift towards aggression sends shivers down my spine in anticipation of the future."


Beneath an expansive, white tent.

At the stern of a massive ship, atop a bridge before the academy building.

Masazumi took a breath as she confirmed that she could be heard over the open address being broadcast by the Sign Frames.

Right now, it was time for her to go and rescind Ookubo's statements.

She would deal with all all the criticisms Ookubo had cast upon her side's aims and methods.

.....Easier said than done.

What she could get from actual feel rather than understanding, was that Ookubo had completely gambled herself on coming here. As a name successor, without fearing the history recreation of her own fall, faced the non-name successors of her side while beating down their words.

To face her, Masazumi had privately prepared her words within her heart.


"you really are serious about taking on Musashi and the Far East to the fullest eh."

"Same deal with me. That is my intention."

Masazumi appeared to be saying to Ookubo.

Of course, if she did, that would be the end of everything.

However, thought Masazumi, in the current, complex self of Ookubo, composed of many things, "that" was present.

What was that?

....If she could know what that was, she would be able to understand Ookubo's true intentions, her real motives.

Whether the words she spoke were the truth or not, if Masazumi understood just that, her faith towards Ookubo's words and actions would change.

At this point where the fate of Musashi and the Far East will be decided, she wanted to do whatever she could.

Last night, she had received a report from Ohiroshiki who was making preparations. Much had occured.

......Easier said than done.

With regards to her main opponent, she can at best be only described as hard to scrutinize.

Masazumi thought of Ookubo's poker face.

"Just what the hell are you doing, being here?"

Making those words in her heart, Masazumi took a breath.


She caught sight of the appearance of a Sign Frame at the side of her face.

Tsukinowa raised its two front paws and


swung around.

It was a cue she would notice if she looked quickly.

That's why Masazumi,


『What's this? My own Protection?』


『Hello, vice-president of Musashi. This is a volunteer to bring an idiot wannabe author back to his original self.』



Before Masazumi could raise any suspicions, words streamed rapidly.

Right now, Shakespeare was at Neshinbara's home restoring him back from his "pressed" state.



『For now, if I had deconstructed any reports while restoring him, I would have sent it out in the mail compiled the night before last. -- a note of ideas regarding Ookubo Tadachika/Nagayasu. This guy has the tendency to lash out at anyone in glassess regardless of who it is. That's all very well but it isn't very ideal also. Well, I just have to have good judgement. But even so...here.』

That was,


『"The possibility of Ookubo Tadachika/Nagayasu's treachery. That kind of true intention."』

At the implication of that, Masazumi was lost for words, her face hard.

Shakespeare continued via the Sign Frame.


『Apologies. As I have total control over this idiot poser, I should have hquickly taken note of and sent you the information regarding this point. By doing this, your stress would have been much alleviated and the hours devoted to the production known as politics would have been quickly rendered stress free. This is my mistake. However, could I ask a question?』


『What is that?』


『With this, do you fully acknowledge Toussaint's worth?』


『Jud. ....I wanted to know Ookubo's true intentions as my own response could not be carried out otherwise. I don't know what line of reasoning Neshinbara followed but did he predict that the situation would come to this and thus conduct his own investigations into those real intentions?』


『If he didn't end up in this pressed state, this problem would not exist.』


『A pathetic excuse for someone who aspires to be an author he is but him being the one to change the fate of an entire nation, I'm stunned.』


『Are you talking about the difficulty in finding suitable people for the job?』


『Nope. As the one who has me in his sights, then he must do so from the level of an aspirant or it'll be troubling since the balance between us in future won't hold.』

She did not understand the logic but handed it over to Knight via Heidi after she had completed the record. She should hav been grateful that it was approaching lunch.

However, relief crept into Masazumi's heart.


『What's the content?』


『I haven't seen it. It's something from Toussaint for you. He may be an idiot hopelessly lost in delusions but....he won't create anything without power.』


『In other words, it's something that will become power for me?』


『Tes. All literary works contain energy. Whether you can utilize it or not is entirely dependednt on yourself.』

With a "bye," Shakespeare's Sign Frame vanished.

Masazumi opened up Neshinbara's report that was left behind in its wake and looked at a single page.

While largely absorbing its contents, Masazumi thought,


The true purpose of this interim student council and the many strange occurances that have taken place lately.