Talk:Kino no Tabi

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Revision as of 04:31, 30 October 2012 by Casary (talk | contribs) (→‎Volume 1?)
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why are you guys going backwards?

there will be no more releases in the US because tokyopop pissed off the owners of the license.


Also, it's impossible to buy the translated first volume new, unless you wanna pay $60-$200.-- 06:03, 29 November 2010 (UTC)

I don't see the logic reason for not translating from chapter one of the first volume. Oh, well, another dead project.

Not anymore. Can somebody help add the links at the bottom of each updated page?--Teh Ping 09:44, 7 April 2012 (CDT)

Oh look another translation project that died like Kara no Kyoukai, randomly translated chapters all over the place instead of going in sequential order, no updates for over a year. It's funny how this doesn't happen to stuff like the Suzumiya Haruhi series.

@anonymous comment above: To be fair, Kino no Tabi isn't in chronological order, so having randomly translated chapters all over the place doesn't actually detract from the reading experience. Chengle 00:45, 4 April 2011 (EDT)

Don't miss the story "You":

Volume 8 prologue + epilogue:

please completed translating this chapter

I'm sorry to request this but there several chapter that have been translated but it still incomplete, can someone finish it, this the chapter:

-A Tale of Feeding Off Others -I Want to Live.-

-The Land of Identical Faces -HACCP-

-A Land not Permitting Discrimination -True Blue Sky-

-Land of Two People -Even a Dog doesn't Eat-

-A Tale of a Vendor -For Sale-

sorry to requested this but i want this chapter complete

Ella.servantes, thank you very much! Do you plan to translate all of these?

No i requested someone to complete it

@user above: Is this true? I decided to translate ~True Blue Sky~ because its page was empty and I can start it fresh, but if someone else is going to take it, I'll gladly work on a different chapter....^_^ Ella.servantes 19:34, 6 June 2012 (CDT)

Sorry for translating randomly

Hi! Ah, I didn't realize that there was Kino no Tabi talk page until now... talk about stupid? ^^;

@user asking about the incomplete chapters,

I'm sorry for translating chapters at random, it's because I usually browse the volumes for interesting stuff or decide on instinct, and then translate them later on.... And indeed, Kino no Tabi is not in chronological order, so it won't hurt. I'm particularly fond of long chapters, so I intentionally skip chapters which are less than 10 pages long.... and that means most of them... As you can see, I mostly worked on volumes 5 and 6, because they contain the longer chapters. I did translate chapters from other volumes, those are stuff which I already read before, and I thought it wouldn't be bad to submit them since they're done anyway.

I avoid continuing chapters started by others, because other than translating the chapter in itself, I would be tempted to check the earlier translations, and that of course, takes more time....^_^ I'm also wary of the chapters included in the anime. If I already know the story, I wouldn't be as satisfied after the translation, and I'm afraid my addiction will wear away if I lose that... you know?

As to whether I'm going to translate them ALL, well obviously, that's something a single person can't do...LOL It's actually a miracle that I got to finish this many, because I usually leave work hanging (like fan art and stuff). I'll try my best to complete as many volumes as long as my Kino no Tabi addiction persists. But most likely, I'll complete volumes 5 and 6 first, before trying to complete other volumes.

Ella.servantes 19:29, 31 May 2012 (CDT)

umm...may i ask something? where's volume 1? no, i'm not asking the translated version of volume 1, i'm just asking, why volume 1 missing from the main page? is it licensed, or something? --> i hope i don't sound arrogant. btw, thanks for translating this series!!!

Tony Yon 20:46, 3 June 2012 (CDT)

oh yeah, i'm messing around with main page a bit, if you don't like it, you can revert back ^^ Tony Yon 20:50, 3 June 2012 (CDT)

Hello... Nope, it's a common question, I think? I'm quite sure it's because volume 1 is licensed for English language release by TokyoPop. But it's pretty much confirmed that there will be no more KnT releases from them....T_T It's unclear whether we're allowed to submit translations for the first volume. I've read it somewhere in the forums, and there was no response... ^^; Ella.servantes 20:56, 3 June 2012 (CDT)

Oh you put my name down there.... It's nice of you to put the updates on a different page, I did notice it's getting longer, and I was too scared (and lazy) to change anything in the main page, so thanks! ^_^ Ella.servantes 21:00, 3 June 2012 (CDT)

if it's licensed then there's no hope, since baka-tsuki rule forbid it. maybe i should just put Volume 1 (buy it) -->lolz. thanks for answering, and you're welcome.. Tony Yon 21:15, 3 June 2012 (CDT)

As far as I can tell, Tokyopop has returned the license to the original holders. That means volume 1 no longer has an English license, right?

It was assumed that volumes 2 and above no longer had English license, but for volume 1... uh, it was already published. I only heard about Tokyopop in US going out of business and all, but I don't know the specifics. Only when it's really really sure that volume 1 can be translated (which I highly doubt) will I up v01 translations though... Ella.servantes (talk) 10:47, 22 October 2012 (CDT)

I see... Well, just to see a chance of volume 1: If it still doesn't count for anything, I'll shut up now.

Hmm... This really got me thinking so I read up B-T's forum topics about this, and found two reasons why B-T would probably be against it: 1) It may be that 'licenses reverted' hold only for unpublished works. We are already tiptoeing on a tight string by attempting to translate unpublished and unlicensed works so better keep away from the published stuff. 2) Supposing the licenses were really dropped, the translated work in itself may still hold some form of copyright which lasts several years after publication. Ella.servantes (talk) 08:06, 28 October 2012 (CDT)


it seems that there are no editors for this series. i would like to offer my services, but i've read some of the translations and they seem pretty solid with few errors. so, i don't really know if you guys even need an editor, but if you do, i've got plenty of free time on my hands. -Jasou

I'm not sure if I'm in a position to 'hire' editors or anything... The project doesn't have an admin and I'm just a humble translator (currently the only regular one, and an amateur at that!) But if you feel like it and see mistakes here and there, please do correct them. Extra hands are always appreciated.... Thank you very much! ^_^ Ella.servantes 03:41, 8 June 2012 (CDT)

alright, i've went through some chapters. what do you think, are my editing skills solid enough, or am i just ruining your work? i hope i'm actually contributing something useful :| -Jasou

Hi! I checked your revisions, and I think you're doing a great job. Thank you! It's nice to see the glaring errors in grammar, spelling, and run-ons corrected. I can't comment much on the word replacements because I'm not the original translator, and I don't know the context to which those words were used. But as far as I can see, there was no significant change in meaning, and that's what's important....:D Yes, you're a big help. Thanks again! Ella.servantes 21:23, 10 June 2012 (CDT)

Naming conventions

Well, for the most part all characters naming is pretty straightforward and there's nothing to talk about, but there are couple of things I wanted to discuss:

  • I've seen that ティー is spelled differently — Tii or Ti. Let's stick to one of them. Personally, I prefer 'Ti'.
  • Shizu is referred to as 'Shizu', 'Master Shizu' or 'Lord Shizu'. Probably, when the narration is from the point of view of Riku, we can call him 'Master Shizu' and in all other cases simply Shizu. Though in my translation I've referred to him as 'Shizu', because it's just easier to read that way.
  • Let's omit honorifics, they seem inappropriate since the stories don't take place in Japan, but rather in some fictional universe. Honorifics can be easily changed into 'miss' or 'mister'.

--Dammitt 16:36, 17 July 2012 (CDT)

Yep, I was also keeping tabs on the inconsistencies in the translations recently.

  • I also prefer 'Ti'.
  • Oh, I use 'Master Shizu' whenever I see Shizu-sama and Shizu (or Mr. Shizu) otherwise.
  • I agree, in recent edits and translations, I change the -san's to miss or mister, accordingly.
  • I chanced upon a chapter where some names were westernized (like Yo-kun was changed to Timmy). How do we deal with this?

Aside from naming conventions, I also have issues on the following:

  • Do we have to capitalize persuader, motorad, etc.?
  • How to spell motorad? Initially I used 'motorad' because it's pretty straightforward from the Japanese, motorado. But I have seen a variety of spellings like motoroid and motorrad. I think the author has some fetish for German words, and it so happens that 'motorrad' is the German word for motorcycle, so I'm having doubts.
  • Cannon. Is it really 'Cannon' or 'Canon'? I read somewhere it was named because it was like a 'cannon', while another said that it was named after the tune Kino sang in Episode 4, 'Pachelbel's Canon'. Both are just fan speculations though....
  • nirinsha. Some translate it as 'two-wheeled vehicle', others use 'motorcycle'. Which one?
  • Number of dots. I read a bit about ellipsis, so I'm changing the number of dots to three. But I do realize that the usage of the ellipsis in Japanese is rather different (they love to abuse dots don't they?); especially for long pauses, twelve dots are used. What do we do here?

and minor stuff like...

  • large caliber or high caliber? (in referring to Kino's revolver)
  • Is Kino a motorad rider or driver?
  • Where does Kino wear Cannon's holster? Right thigh or right hip? I know 'migimomo' translates to right thigh, but I've seen the other variety.
  • quotation marks. Sometimes there are dialogues inside narrations. If I can't rephrase, I usually use single quotation marks to differentiate them from the actual conversations enclosed with (「」). I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly....LOL

and the list goes on and on and on....

Ella.servantes 09:24, 18 July 2012 (CDT)

I'll just comment every paragraph:

  • Ok, ティー will be Ti
  • Then シズ様=Master Shizu, シズ=Shizu
  • So be it.
  • I don't know, should we? Personally I don't think we need to capitalize it, since it's a common noun.
  • I honestly don't know, both 'motorad' and 'motorrad' seem fine to me, so it's your call. But once again there's no need to capitalize it.
  • I've read somewhere that カノン stands for 'Kanon' in German which means 'canon' in english.
  • Does it matter? Uhm, 'two-wheeled vehicle' maybe.
  • Well, in japanese ellipsis is 6 dots (2 「…」characters), so 12 dots (used here) mean "double ellipsis" :D In this case we can use 6 dots in english, right? ^_^
  • "High caliber" is more commonly used, I suppose.
  • Driver.
  • Thigh.
  • You mean speech within speech? It is usually marked using different type of quotation marks. So if direct speech is marked with double quotes, then single quotes should be used as inner quotation marks.

Dammitt 11:48, 18 July 2012 (CDT)

Okay, noted and thanks. Let's reserve this section for issues like this then.... ^_^

One small correction - If it's a motorcycle (motorrad), a bicycle, or a horse, you ride it. If it's a car, a truck, or a carriage, you drive it. Motorcycle publications and riders themselves always use the term "ride". BTW - This is a great series. I hope you can translate more of it.

Hi, there! Thank you for your interest in this series. I'll translate as long as its within my powers (and free time). ^_^

I was thinking about this during the week. I was also under the impression that 'ride' is used for something being straddled, like an animal or a bicycle, though I was aware of debates around saying that 'drive' is acceptable for something motorized, like a motorcycle. Moreover, the translator in me is telling me to use 'drive' because the verb used in the story unten suru literally means 'to drive', and by no means synonymous to the Japanese verb for 'to ride'. But after thinking about it, I realized I don't have to be too literal in my translations and I should follow the target language's conventions too (and also, I noticed that the term 'rider' was used in the anime dub). I guess I have to change this point in future translations and edits (though I plan to leave it as is with volumes 4 and 6, which have pdf's already... unless there are violent reactions...T_T) Thank you very much for pointing this out. :)

Volume 1?

What happened to volume 1? Was it licensed?

Read somewhere that Tokyopop licensed the first 8 books. They released the first one in 2006. But there were issues with the modifications done with the first and second volumes (which was also due for release but never made it to the bookshelves) so it was never followed. Per B-T rules, volume 1 can't be translated here. Vanilla (talk) 00:36, 1 October 2012 (CDT)

Hmm... I noticed it was deleted but anyway... Casary, I'll answer your question to Vanilla (he (she?) might not notice new messages if he doesn't log in regularly). Yeah, to read it you will definitely have to buy the book since there's a slim chance of it getting fan-translated in B-T (and I oh so tried to find fan-translations anywhere else, and failed - the reason I started to translate in the first place). I believe there are copies floating around the internet, but I am clueless about that stuff. If you only want to know the story in volume 1, the anime almost completely covers everything in there (with a few minor changes). Well, KnT is not chronological, but I do understand how unsettling it is to jump from volume to volume *knocks head on wall* Ella.servantes (talk) 08:06, 28 October 2012 (CDT)

Ok, thanks Ella. I have found some places that have a used copy of volume 1, after a quick search. But do you know of the differences changed in the Tokyo Pop version compared to what it would be like? I.e. we have some know of the common Japanese words, phrases, etc.

Kino no Tabi translation on other sites

Currently I've found the story The Country of Memories ―Their Memories (a story from one of Kino no Tabi artbooks) on gaiaonline forum, which has been translated into English by Bokusenou. Link

Bokusenou also made a post about comparing the differences between Tokyo Pop version of KnT volume 1 and the original Japanese version. It's in the 5th post on this page.

The translator on Untuned-Strings Translation Blog also announced that he will translate Kino no Tabi volume 12. On his tumblr he's currently asking everyone where to get volume 12's illustrations. Can anybody help him?

BloodyKitty (talk) 21:44, 19 October 2012 (CDT)

Hey BloodyKitty ^_^ I've seen this thread before, but I didn't know there were treasures hidden deep inside... (As a result, I'm going to read all 46 pages of this thread some time...*0*) Thank you for letting us know! I'm particularly intrigued with the comparison made to Tokyopop's translation. I don't have a copy of this book so I wasn't aware of such changes (Maybe this is part of the licensing issues which stopped v02 from getting published? Hmm...)

Yeah! I just read his latest update. Yay for more Kino!!! :D This means we don't have to do the v12 translations anymore because it's sure to have a pdf there once all chapters are translated. Maybe we can just link directly to his blog... :) As for the illustrations, I'll go ahead and clean a bit the scans I have and upload them here... uh... maybe tomorrow?

Ella.servantes (talk) 09:15, 20 October 2012 (CDT)

I have read all 46 pages of that thread and I assure you that you don't miss anything important besides what I have pointed out, Since most of the thread were just normal discussion about the anime and novel, only the few last page are where the treasures are hidden.:)

BloodyKitty (talk) 00:44, 21 October 2012 (CDT)

Ooh... Well, it's nice to read fan speculations sometimes, so I'll read it when I find the time... ^_^ Thanks again! Ella.servantes (talk) 03:59, 21 October 2012 (CDT)

Hi, this is Untuned Strings. I run a blog that does some translations of Kino's Journey. I was wondering if I could use the novel scans that are hosted here for my translations. Would that be all right, and who should I credit for them?

Hi, there! Yup, I watch out for updates from your blog all the time. Thank you for the Kino (and Baccano) translations. ^_^ Of course you can. Hmm, just say something like it was cleaned and uploaded by Ella in Baka-Tsuki. Ella.servantes (talk) 19:19, 23 October 2012 (CDT)