Zero no Tsukaima Registration

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To re-iterate the registration procedure:

please register your intended chapters here

  • This is not some Binding Contract of "I must do the work I put down here". Choices put down here are negotiable between translators (including their own selves who signed up for it).


Volume 1 - The Zero's Familiar/ゼロの使い魔

Kingdom of Magic


Volume 2 - Albion of the Wind / 風のアルビオン

Volume 3 - The Founder's Prayer Book / 始祖の祈祷書

  • Chapter 1 - Lineage of Zero
  • Chapter 2 - Louise's Lovesickness
  • Chapter 3 - The Founder's Prayer Book
  • Chapter 4 - Love Triangle
  • Chapter 5 - The Arsenal and the Royal Family
  • Chapter 6 - Treasure Hunting
  • Chapter 7 - The Dragon's Mantle
  • Chapter 8 - Colbert's Laboratory
  • Chapter 9 - Declaration of War
  • Chapter 10 - (The) Void

Series Overview

  • Volume 1 - Zero's Familiar / ゼロの使い魔
  • Volume 2 - Albion of the Wind / 風のアルビオン
  • Volume 3 - The Founder's Prayer Book / 始祖の祈祷書
  • Volume 4 - The Contract Water Spirit / 誓約の水精霊
  • Volume 5 - Tristania's Holiday / トリスタニアの休日
  • Volume 6 - The Ruby of Atonement / 贖罪の炎赤石
  • Volume 7 - The Silver Pentecost / 銀の降臨祭
  • Volume 8 - The Serenade of Nostalgia / 望郷の小夜曲
  • Volume 9 - The Ball of Twin Moons / 双月の舞踏会
  • Volume 10 - The Hero of Ivaldi / イーヴァルディの勇者