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class akiha : public taiyaki {

  • A Japanese.
  • I'm busy.
  • Because of my poor English and worship of taiyaki-sama, sometimes my remark is awkward.
    • Especially, my processing speed of english is very slow.
  • I'm anxious to improve my English.
    • I tend to be argumentative, persistent.
    • I want you to correct my English, and the help will result in my great motivation for your project. :D
      • Of course, you can make my stiff-sounding profile page fascinating. :roll:
  • I'm relational/logical.
    • You don't need to introduce yourself in advance to ask me something. But just consider the question deserves to ask to a japanese native speaker. After that, use irc, mail, each group's forums I join, mystical taiyaki's power(only for confessing of love), etc...
  • e-mail: jfajgoia{taiyaki} // this isn't a typo nor my howling. I sometime use random characters for identifiers to avoid a conflict... D:

}; // geez. don't forget to add a semicolon after a declaration of a class :D

My guideline for contributing fansub/scanlation community

As a Japanese

Except I really really really like the manga/anime/eroge material, I'll work for my learning purpose significantly. After all, I'm japanese so I don't need to translate it to enjoy it at all.. remember this. Also, If I'll like it, I'll work for spreading it oversea too. :D I hates doing what someone else already did. so I'm more willingly to help a project whose target material is being done by no other group than other duplicated projects. What is the most effective contribution to fansub/scanlation community, considering the abilities I have? For the time being, I think it is to help only particular stubborn problems, because I'm slow at writing. a translator whose target language is English does a relatively fast translating from japanese to english, and then, I'll refine the outcome.

What type of japanese text I'll help to translate will be blessing to the most majority?

    1. wikipedia ( yea, I'm really thinking to start to contributing to it at the highest priority. because the activities also be more education to me than other kinds of text)

As a developper

  • develop a dictionary brower
    • takes the dropped project EBView
      • it's written by C. I'll migrate it into C++ for learning purpose.
    • supports the native eijiro format
    • supports EPWING
      • use EBLibrary
  • aegisub?
  • join a project of open source library for eroge?
    • the name is "yori yori" (I cannot remember the exact name).
      • maybe, this is currently hosted by japanese people..
    • for supporting internationalization, localization, multi-platform.
    • also, I invite some not-japanese-speaker developpers to the project, while I'm acting as a communicator.

In Baka-Tsuki

I'm a QCer


I'm still an English learner. Thus, It's too difficult and time-consuming to write translated text in English from scratch. On the other hand, I'm native Japanese. thus, I almost completely understand the grammar and structure of Japanese. Consequently, I can with relative ease, correct the English sentence structure to match to the corresponding Japanese one.

I have Japanese cultural knowledge as much as an ordinary Japanese. Although I'm a native speaker, Haruhi series may require tons of knowledge to correctly translate it with translation notes. By the way, when I read them, I just skipped unknown words. But I have dependable friends: Japanese Google and Wikipedia, and etc, So I don't have a fear of translating them.

I'm a translation adviser

You can query any japanese-related translation difficulties. This is my top priority in my contributions. There are many ways to conntact me, for example just write in my talk page or tell me an URL where your problem is written on Official IRC Channel or my talk page.


stub I'm very lazy. I don't want to do anything tedious.

Priority of my work

  1. Answering Japanese-related questions from everyone
  2. primarily proof read v9-v10, following progress of translation.
  3. first proof read from v8 to v1 to wipe out high mistranslations, posting them in Talk page, while I also note brief other suggestions on memo.
  4. Wow Haruhi arrives to a certain degree of quality!!!!! whenever 2nd season anime of Haruhi is aired, we can refer the original!!!! And they haven't licenced the novel of Haruhi! Because my vast memo isn't wasted, I'm so relieved..
  5. dump ohter lower suggestions to each Talk page in the order of priority of it. This depends on Editors as well me.
  6. clannad (I hope to finish it before anime of clannad is aired)


I'm too lazy to write this :p

My guideline of QC

I'm a newcomer. My guideline is still under construction. So the following may be suject to change.

I'm a QCer. I'm neither a translator nor editor.


My definition of QC is to compare translated text and original text to find mistranlations. And If I find it, I inform it via the corresponding talk page or forum. Thus, I basically don't edit text directly. Another work of QC is to answer questions from translators and editors.

I think it is inherent in tranlation that there is the problem which to tranlate text in original or target language-like way. It is difficult to answer the problem generally. And we should address each problem, considering the contexts. The discussion is beyond my work from the definition of QC. Basically, I only supply information. The discussion suits target-language native speakers, if they can get enough information from original-language native ones to decide which way is better.

less correction, wider range of proof-reading


I checked few parts of translation. I'm unsure about it, but apparently, some trivial detail meanings are dropped in the translation process all over the project. There was no choice. If A translator had worked on each translation of a sentence until he/she had made it flawless, enormous time would have been consumed.

I also would spend as much time as them, if I should do the same thing. I think it is better to proof-read the entire project in order to eliminate mistranslation, skipping such small details.

Type of suggestion

Following types is defined in a way based on importance of a suggestion and whether it mainly relates to a cultural background.

Suggestions about a mistranslation which has potential possibilities of inconsistency with the storyline.
Suggestions about a mistranslation which makes only sense within the English text. In other words, it isn't faithful to the corresponding original. Therefore, Editors cannot detect it by their own.
Suggestions about a mistranslation whose meaning are a bit awkward, weird, etc in a smaller piece than a single sentence, for example substitution of words.
Suggestions about a mistranslation which drops very detail meanings or feelings, aka neglect....
Suggestions in terms of Japanese cultural perspective for a particular translation part to become understandable easily, which is something like Translation Note. It is out of priority. it relates only to the Japanese cultural knowledge. Thus, to be exact, it isn't a mistake.

To indicate the type of a suggestion, I use the following notation. And I use occasionally this classification in order to remark with a more accurate statement.

high The title of the suggestion

My tendency of tranlation

very faithful to the original

My translation is very faithful to the original, hereby, roundabout and not idiomatic English. And then Editors need to adjust it as you think proper in terms of English and consistency with other parts. To avoid misinterpretation of my translation, it comes with the gist.


It is valuable to translate Japanese text from the native speaker's standpoint in order to minimize losses of detail meanings while translation.

experimental use of words

As I mentioned above [link here], I want to improve my english. so even if I think the use is unsure, I'll challenge using it. You now read this section, so please endure my doing. This can be also taken as the intentional selfish exploitation of the moe community.


To expand my vocabulary. that's all.

little idioms


because of my English writing skill and the limit of literal translation using dictionaries from Japanese to English.

My guideline for learning English

What is the most effective help for me?

No matter how small an advice, everything is greatly welcomed. However, If you want to know what to do, please read this section.

How much I appreciate your help of the kind of...?

These listings are in order of the value of the help.

  • grammatical errors
  • Please highlight unusual expressions I might use and discard them for a more common alternative
    • Expand my library of collocation words
    • Learn a more fluid method of using collocation terms
  • To past the time
  • To use more typical and fluent English
  • cool paraphrase to expand my vocabulary
  • advice to repair my written mistakes
  1. typos
    Maybe, these kind of mistakes are because of carelessness. After all, I have the best friend called "spell checker". Ah, speaking of it, I'm searching the awesome friend called "sentence checker"... :roll:
  2. lowercase -> uppercase

Actually, I love lowercase, because I hate Shift-key and I insist that using only lower case makes English more logically elegant.. At least I have a general knowledge of when to use uppercases. So these kind of helps would just be worthless.

Other }; // sometimes, I'm said to be picky.. :roll:

  • The correct method to spell my name is "akiha" rather than "Akiha".