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About Myself

I enjoy reading LNs when I have the chance, and I prefer fantasy-type series over the romance and slice-of-life types, mainly because there are too many harem elements otherwise. When I'm not reading LNs here, I read through light novels, first with a dictionary/wiktionary to learn kanji, then with a machine translation so I can actually make progress. Any "translation" you see under my name is going to be a machine translation, even if I put the effort to translate with a dictionary, since I am absolutely confident my skill is currently below a machine translation. Below are some of the series I have invested time in or plan to do so.

Machine Conversions

I'm getting this question more than I expected, so I'll put what I do up here (roughly).
1. Find raw text or convert raw images to text. ABBYY FineReader does well for the image to text conversion.
2. Insert any line/page breaks that might be missing. I match this up with the raw novels so it's easy to find any mistakes I might notice in the future.
3. Change any common terminology/name to English with Find/Replace. It just makes things easier.

Program: Translator Aggregator w/ Atlas, Google, and Excite always running. I will use other free machines (i.e. Bing/Babelfish) if I need them.

Process: Convert by line (i.e. block of text)
Convert by sentence if conversion by line is difficult
Convert by fragment if conversion by sentence is difficult
Mark anything I find difficult to understand, poorly converted, or difficult to convert
Read the converted chapter to check for inconsistencies (i.e. lines which were poorly converted, or re-converting if more information was derived later in the chapter/book
Read the converted novel for a general English edit.

Pacing: 2-3 pages/hr (Personal Translation followed by Machine Conversion), 5-20 pages/hr (Machine Conversion only, depending on the complexity of the novel)

Madan no Ou to Vanadis

Volume 01: Machine Translation Complete
Volume 02: Machine Translation Complete
Volume 03: Machine Translation Complete
Volume 04: Machine Translation Complete
Volume 05: Machine Translation Complete

Shissou Suru Shisunki no Parabellum

Volume 01: Machine Translation Complete, Discussing a TLC with Ero-kun for a more formal release (that would come out faster than if Ero-kun translated it from scratch) rather than a Preview. Support Ero-kun and stellarroze for their hard work!
Volume 02-05: May or may not read. If someone can help me find scans of Volume 06-07, that would increase my interest in this series. If I can't find scans, then I will buy them, but I will be waiting until I can get a lot more books to cut down on shipping, and the series as a whole will likely be pushed back unless I get tired of reading everything else.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Heavily invested in this series. Mainly checking portions/terminology/names that I feel may be mistranslated, using the web novel as a reference. Support Dreyakis and Seitsuki for their hard work!
Currently juggling Vanadis with this series (reading LN 7, no previews for this series whatsoever).

Silver Cross and Draculea

Less interested in this series, but may get involved for a change of pace.