Maouyuu:Scroll 02: "Please make us human."

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-- Winter Kingdom, Wintering Village

Hero: “Wow, it’s become cold.”

Maou: “It’s because winter is almost here.”

Hero: “Are you alright? Maou.”

Maou: “Even though I want to say I’m fine... truthfully, it’s hard even to walk. Why am I feeling so tired?”

Hero: “That’s what walking in the snow is like. Then again, your stamina is really bad.”

Maou: “I’m a Maou that specializes in using her brains.”

Hero: “… is it alright, coming to such a remote place?”

Maou: “What do you mean?”

Hero: “It’s just that, as you said, the main diet for people in the Middle continent is grains[1] so it’s very important right?”

Maou: “Un. That’s right.”

Hero: “In that case, wouldn’t it be better to go to major agricultural countries like Lake Country or Elm Country, or even Wheat Country?”

Maou: “They have to be willing to listen to me first.”

Hero: “Ah--”

Maou: “I think, it might be better if Hero didn’t show himself for a while.”

Hero: “Really?”

Maou: “Yes. Because you were sent to me for some reason, perhaps someone has something against you.”

Hero: “There’s no such thing.”

Maou: “In any case, no matter what type of revolution, in order to increase persuasiveness of the argument, research and data collection is needed.”

Hero: “That is true.”

Maou: “I plan to experiment with wheat and improving different types of farming methods, the preparation for this step should be complete.”

Hero: “Really?”

Maou: “Un. I already sent my servant to infiltrate.”

Hero: “You have this all planned out.”

Maou: “The first step to any action is to prepare.”

Hero: “So in this village...”

Maou: “That’s right, this is a typical village right?”

Hero: “Un, I saw many villages like this.”

Maou: “This is a pioneer [2]village at the edge of the Southern Kingdoms -- mostly farmers and workers live here, forming a warm community, they center around a compound farming method.”

Hero: “And to think the battle against the Maou’s army is still raging.”

Maou: “Even so, they still hold on to the earth in order to survive, that’s what’s wonderful about humans.”

Hero: “So, where’s your servant?”

Maou: “Un, I asked her to prepare a small place for us. Where is it? I only heard her say it’s somewhere in the village.”

Hero: “Ah~ is that so? It shouldn’t be hard to find, but the sun is setting, I don’t really want to wander around in the cold.”

Maou: “Nn, you’re right.”

Hero: “You agree?”

Chief Maid: Lady Maou~ Lady Maou~♪”

Hero: “This... this... this...”

Maou: “Oo, this voice is...”

Chief Maid: “Lady Maou~♪”

Maou: “Oh, let me introduce you. Hero!”

Hero: “You idiot! This is a human village after all! Stop going around shouting Maou Maou!”

Maou: “Nn, that’s true. Please take care in the future.”

Chief Maid: “Ho ho, of course, Lady Maou.” smile

Maou: “Nevermind that now, it’s alright. Don’t be so mad.”

Hero: “Ng--”

Chief Maid: “You’ll get wrinkles if you’re so mad.”

Hero: “Who is this?”

Maou: “This is my trusted aide, the head of the maids, Chief Maid.”

Chief Maid: “As Lady Maou introduced, I am Chief Maid. I have cared for Lady Maou since she was a child, I’m so happy for her now that Lady Maou and Hero has become a married couple, I can’t express my emotions properly.”

Hero: “There are so many things wrong with that statement, but most importantly -- we are not married!”

Chief Maid: “Is that the case?”

Maou: “We made a contract without time limit to become each other’s”

Chief Maid: “Oh, isn’t that marriage?”

Maou: “The difference is like the difference between a clover[3] and a trefoil.”

Chief Maid: “Aren’t those the same thing?”

Maou: “Calling it a different name gives it a different kind of appeal.”

Chief Maid: “Ah, so that’s what it is! Like the difference between maid, servant, lady in waiting and body pillow.”

Maou: “Is that appealing?”

Hero: (... are these two for real?)

Chief Maid: “Appeal is very important. You can even say that the slightest interaction between a man and a woman is formed 80% by appeal.”

Maou: “What! That means there is almost no other ingredients?”

Chief Maid: “That’s the beauty of it.”

Hero: “Erm~ it’s cold~”

Chief Maid: “Oh, that’s no good.”

Maou: “Hero is cold, can you do something about it?”

Chief Maid: “This way please. I’ll lead the way.”

Maou: “Oh, how did things go?”

Chief Maid: “I fixed up an old mansion in the outskirts of the village, even though it’s not all that big.”

Maou: “Well done, Chief Maid.”

--Old Mansion

Hero: “What were you talking about, this is quite big.”

Chief Maid: “How is that true, it’s not even a hundredth of the Demon King’s Caslte.”

Hero: “That’s called a dungeon[4] right? Don’t use it as comparison.

Maou: “But I lived there.”

Hero: “Ah, that’s true.”

Chief Maid: “Please wait a moment, I will prepare some tea.”

Maou: “Thank you~”

Hero: “So she is your trusted aide, what is the relationship between you two?”

Maou: “Un, though she doesn’t look it, she’s a relative of mine.”

Hero: “She’s a scholar as well? I remembered you saying that your whole tribe were like that?”

Maou: “Un~ it’s not exactly accurate to call us scholars. Rather than a scholarly tribe, it might be better to say ‘a tribe that can’t control their curiosity’. And the type that likes to specialize in certain areas of studies. Even though she seems older than me, for some reason she chose to pursue something called ‘the way of the maid’.

Hero: “Um.”

Chief Maid: “It’s rather similar to men who chose to pursue knighthood.”

Maou: “That was fast.”

Chief Maid: “Please have some tea, I’ve added some honey.”

Maou: “In any cause, that’s how it is. Not only did she grow up with me, sometimes, I entrust her to lead the Demon Lord’s army.”

Hero: “Hey hey hey, are maids supposed to be able to do that as well?”

Chief Maid: “I can do whatever my master requests, that is my ‘way of the maid’.”

Maou: “So, about this house?”

Hero: “Yes, I am very curious.”

Chief Maid: “It seems that this building originally belonged to a certain noble, it was his vacation home, but the heir of the family died in the war, so they gave up the mansion.

Maou: “You got this through the proper channels right?”

Chief Maid: “Yes, of course. Even the money used to pay for the workers to come fix the mansion was legitimate.”

Maou: “Good.”

Hero: “... that seems surprisingly suitable.”

Maou: “One day we will meet an opponent that we can’t help but face with our true skills. As long as the problem can be solved peacefully, there is no need to use force... it wouldn’t do for us to be hated.”

Hero: “?”

Maou: “It’s nothing... now then, we’ll live here at the mansion. Hm~ what should we do about our identities?”

Chief Maid: “I have already greeted all the influential people in the village including the village leader, and told them that you are the daughter of a certain influential scholar from the Theological School of the Holy King’s Capitol.”

Maou: “Will that be alright?”

Hero: “As long as you dress properly you should pass easily enough.”

Maou: “This white coat[5] and robe[6] won’t do?”

Hero: “No matter how you look at it, it wouldn’t work.”

Chief Maid: “Most probably not.”

Maou: “But it’s comfortable...”

Hero: “Noble ladies wouldn’t care about comfort when choosing their clothes.”

Chief Maid: “True. I think you should wear clothes that would draw people’s attention, it can also arouse a little nervousness.”

Maou: “Are you saying I lack awareness?”

Chief Maid: “I didn’t say that, but...”

Maou: “What is it?”

Chief Maid: “Lend me your ear for a bit.”

Maou: “Uh huh...”

Maou: “Hero, Hero.”

Hero: “What?”

Maou: “Meat that doesn’t provoke nervousness is useless meat, is that true?” Tears

Hero: “Why do you look like you’re about to cry?”

Maou: “But she told me so~”

Hero: “A--”

Maou: “It’s useless meat? Is this called useless meat?”

Hero: “Um-- that--”

Chief Maid: “Would you like another cup of tea?”

Hero: “It’s difficult for me to say...”

Chief Maid: “It’s to do with not getting enough exercise during the winter.”

Maou: “Wu wu wu wu...”

Hero: “...that, it’s not bad to dress up once in awhile right? It gives people a pleasant surprise! Erm, it’s appealing.”

Chief Maid: “That’s very true, Lady Maou.”

Maou: “That... if that’s so...”

Hero: “So, what else did you say when you met with them?”

Chief Maid: “Oh, right. I told them that you came here in order to research and teach new farming methods.”

Maou: “That saves a lot of work, good”

Hero: “That’s true, Farming takes a lot of time.”

Chief Maid: “Yes... Lady Maou.”

Maou: “Hum?”

Chief Maid: “What do we tell the Maou army?”

Maou: “Right, how about this...” Peaks

Hero: “What is it?”

Maou: “Release the rumour, that the Hero and I battled in the throne room, we both become injured; I am now in the Maou Castle healing, we are unsure of hero’s well being, but some say that he escaped.”

Chief Maid: “Understood”

Maou: “Is that alright, Hero?”

Hero: “Un, it’s fine. I am Maou’s now.”

Chief Maid: “O ho ho, fu fu...” Smile

Maou: “Don’t laugh at me -- this rumour, should give us about a year. The aggressive faction in the army would think that I have some plan up my sleeve, and hold off for a while.”

Hero: “A year huh...”

Maou: “I have other plans. If we really need time, that should give us about three years or so. But if we keep dragging on the rising tension will probably cause an all out war between the humans and demons.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “So, before that happens, we have to find that ‘ending never seen’.”

Hero: “Not just because you want to see it yourself?”

Maou: “... If it cannot be found, then I will be hated by my people.”

Hero: “Ah that. Is... is that so, I see.”

Maou: “In any case, let’s not worry about it just yet.”

Hero: “Un, right”

Maou: “I want to first improve the farming method.”

Hero: “Farming method?”

Maou: “That means the way to farm.”

Hero: “Farming method, isn’t that sowing seeds, growing and harvesting?”

Maou: “I want to improve that method.”

Hero: “Hum~ can that be improved?”

Maou: “If you continue to plant wheat on the same piece of soil the quality of the wheat will decrease, did you know that?’

Hero: “Ah~ I have heard about it. It is because the Blessings of the Earth is gone right?”

Maou: “This area uses the three turn farming method[7], thus the farmland is farmed in three sections. One section to be farmed in the summer, one in the winter, one to rest for the year. They are rotated[8] this way. The section that is allowed to rest recovers the Blessings of the Earth.

Hero: “That’s a lot of work. Wait, why is there a need to rotate? Isn’t it better to just continue clearing up new lots of land? New land would be full of the Earth’s Blessing.

Maou: “Idiot, do you think everyone has monstrous stamina and strength like you do as well as be able to use magic? That would be very wrong.”

Hero: “R..right?

Maou: “Clearing land of stone and plowing takes a large amount of time and energy, and as the cleared area gets further away the distance for harvesting and replanting would also increase; Also, once the farmland becomes larger, the area needed to protect against demonic creatures and wild animals would increase as well.”

Hero: “If you put it that way, it makes sense.”

Maou: “So right now farmland is separated into three areas and rotated.”

Hero: “Uhhuh.”

Maou: “My goal right now is to improve that method, increase the amount of food produced.”

Hero: “The goal I understand. But, how would you achieve that goal?”

Maou: “I plan to preserve the rotation method.... the idea of rotation that is, and change that to a four turn method.”

Hero: “Uhhuh”

Maou: “That is to say, separate the land into four sections with barley, clover, wheat and turnip as one grouping, using a four year cycle to utilize the land.

Hero: “Is that a big difference?”

Maou: “The mystery of the difference is things other than cereal. That would be the turnip.”

Hero: “Those taste good after roasting, but it’s not possible to eat so much.

Maou: “Of course it’s possible for consumption by people, and always eating wheat is not good for the health either. The turnip is really used for fodder for the livestock... in other words, feed for the pigs.

Hero: “”It’s for the pigs?”

Maou: “As everyone knows, in such cold and poor areas, meat is the most important source of nutrient in the winter. It is difficult to collect wild fruits and vegetables in the winter, and often there is not enough game. Of course it is possible to eat pork, but raising pigs will require food. In winter, there isn’t even enough food for the humans, right?”

Hero: “Un, that’s right. So before winter, everyone would leave only the barest number of pigs, using the extra meat to make sausages, jerky, ham or other things to stock up for winter. In the Southern Countries, if you see these sort of scenes it means winter is here.”

Maou: “Livestock is supposed to be for the winter... that means that in a time when there is not enough crops it should be used as provisions, but in the end it is controlled by the seasons the same as the crops, don’t you think it’s inefficient? So much energy spent on raising livestock, but because it is not possible to last through the winter, therefore the numbers cannot be raised.”

Hero: “..If you put it that way, it’s true.”

Maou: “This is where the clovers and turnips come into use. In the summer, clovers can be used as pasture for the sheeps and pigs. At the same time as raising livestock, the nutrients in the source can be replenished. Turnips can be fodder during the winter.

Hero: “--- So that’s it”

Maou: “Yes. This method has three major advantages of ‘not resting the farmland’, ‘not losing the nutrients of the land’ and ‘increasing things other than crops’ all at the same time.”

Hero: “That’s why this village was chosen, your plans are very well thought out Maou.”

Chief Maid: “Why is that?”

Hero: “This village raises both crops and livestock, in a certain sense it is a self-sufficient system, most suitable for this type of farming method; it is the same in an experimental view. In the city, or warm areas where wheat could be mass produced, there is not much purpose in doing this. In other words this is an idea to save ‘cold and impoverished areas’.”

Chief Maid: “So that’s the reason!”

Maou: “There are a few other experiments. Like using fish in the Southern Ice Sea as fertilizer, improving farm tools and such.”

Hero: “There is a lot to do.”

Maou: “The difficulty, is the cooperation between farms and the villages. When using the land as pasture, it would be difficult to control the sheeps and other animals. In this dangerous situation, the competition for getting ‘development rights’ could easily turn into conflict over profit.”

Hero: “I can imagine that happening.”

Chief Maid: “But Lady Maou said before that the Earth is important for humans right? Can they solve this by negotiating?

Maou: “This is where demons come in.”

Hero: “?”

Maou: “Let the demons attack the village. There’s not any sort of great army here right? So a small attack is fine, letting them give a little threat is not going to be too extreme.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Wait until the villages run away, the demons or the Maou’s army will fight the knights that come to the rescue, then retreat. The pioneer villagers would be able to come back, but at the same time they would be under the protection of the land lord. This way, whether we need to organize the farmland or combine the villages, that should not be a problem.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Are you disillusioned?”

Chief Maid: “...Lady Maou...”

Maou: “Of course, we would hold back during the plan. But truthfully, if this plan is to be used, in the Kingdom...or at least the knights, there will be a reaction, perhaps there would be someone who understands my plans. But there will always be problems in this sort of plan, there wouldn’t be zero casualties.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “But I have already decided to do this. If this goes on, the world will continue to be embroiled in the war for a hundred years, and I don’t plan to let anyone be pushed to that point of no return. I want the see ‘the story after the end’.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Giving up on me? Do you hate me now? But..but that can’t happen! Hero is mine, I won’t let go!”

Chief Maid: “...”

Maou: “Or have you decided you want my head after all? If that’s so, then it can’t be helped... I am Hero’s after all, I can’t avoid your sword.”

Hero: “Ha, your voice is shaking Maou.”

Maou: “...”

Hero: “Even so, there will still be people saved right? There will be people saved because of this three year secret ceasefire? Plus if the four turn farming method is successful, every year tens of thousands of starving children will welcome the spring --- And humans will have the chance to stop the war right?”

Maou: “Yes.”

Hero: “Then, I am still Maou’s”

Chief Maid: “...”

Hero: “Anyways, even though Maou’s words are harsh, you are still trying hard so there will be no sacrifices right?”

Maou: “Wu...”

Hero: “What should I do... um, truth to tell I can guess already.”

Maou: “As you guessed, I want Hero to act as ‘the righteous side’, become the vanguard of the Southern Kingdom’s army, repel the demon forces.”

Hero: “This will all be a laughable act.”

Maou: “Un. Having you talking about something like this with an evil mastermind for half a day is already a laughable act.”

Hero: “Even if I go to Hell a hundred times it would not be enough to absolve me.”

Maou: “I know already, you don’t need to bring this up again.”

Hero: “But, without ‘this type of character’ it would be impossible to start.”

Maou: “In any case, this only needs to be acted on in the most desperate circumstances. First is the increase the personal production of food. Getting rid of hunger is the most important job.”

Wintering Village, On the way from the village leader’s house

Hero: “I can’t believe them!”

Maou: “It’s more difficult than I imagined.”

Hero: “Uh, yes.”

Chief Maid: “I didn’t think they would be so hard to persuade.”

Hero: “It can’t be helped, even if we tell them the experiment has a purpose, to poor villages in this type of snow country, just one year of bad harvest will cause people to starve to death.”

Chief Maid: “That is true...”

Maou: “Thinking about it, compared to this side, the winter in the demon world is easier to live in.”

Hero: “True enough.”

Chief Maid: “Has Lord Hero traveled around the demon world?”

Hero: “Un, I could possibly be the first human expert on the demon world.”

Chief Maid: “However, with the village leader’s attitude, would it be hard? To improve farming methods....”

Maou: “Mm... he didn’t decline exactly, that makes it harder to deal with.”

Hero: “In the eyes of the villagers Maou is a noble princess, they can’t decline to your face.”

Chief Maid: “Then just...”

Maou: “No.”

Chief Maid: “But Lady Maou, in order to achieve our goals we must use whatever means...”

Maou: “In order to revolutionize farming, we have to remove those lords and landlords who fight for profit and self gain. In order to increase production, that is a necessary step. But that is not until agricultural development has already reached a certain point, to a point where intensive agriculture is possible. In an area for experimentation such as this, getting rid of the landlord would only cause harm with no benefits.”

Hero: “That’s right.”

Chief Maid: “Then this is a headache.”

Maou: “Un... if only education was at a bottleneck.”

Hero: “Education?”

Chief Maid: “This has something to do with education?”

Maou: “Yes, there’s quite a bit of connection. Originally I planned on tackling this in the next stage, but from the looks of it we can’t continue, if we don’t first lay the foundations.”

Chief Maid: “What do you plan to do?”

Maou: “Think about it, even if we increased production in the village, if these technique isn’t spread to other such villages in the Kingdom, then there still would not be whole scale change. But , if we need to teach these place by place, whether economically or time wise, that would not be possible.”

Hero: “What you say is true.”

Maou: “So, we need able people --- who can learn new techniques and then spread these techniques to professionals in every country. Ah, servants or guild members work too.”

Hero: “Un.”

Chief Maid: “That’s why education is necessary right?”

Maou: “On that matter, how does education in the human world work?”

Hero: “I don’t know even if you asked me... what is ‘education’ anyways?”

Chief Maid: “Oh...”

Maou: “Uh....ah....”

Hero: “I said~ don’t sigh so matter of factly.”

Maou: “Education, refers to passing on knowledge to your children or to those younger than you.”

Hero: “So thats it, if you said that earlier I would have understood. Isn’t it simple? Of course human society knows about these sort of things! Babies aren’t born knowing how to talk after all? Using this example, first children would be left with their grandparents, asking the elders to care for the child. When the parents are out farming or hunting, the elders will take care of all the children of similar age from other families as well.”

Chief Maid: “That’s fairly efficient, that way the elderly would have something to occupy their time.”

Hero: “After a few years, the children will be able to help out at the farm. even though they don’t know the difficult things you talked about, but things like when to plant what, predicting the weather, how to avoid wild beasts, as long as they have worked in a farming village for five years, these will come naturally.

Also, the winter in this area is very cold, sudden snow or storms aren’t a rare sight. In villages in areas like this, winters are mostly spent indoors. During this time, farmers would make crafts, knit woolen clothes and the like to pass time.

During the long winter, those elders with wisdom would tell stories for the children.

There would be legends about heroes, stories about Kingdoms, stories about the Spirits and so on. Ah, there are also stories about demons! Also, the smarter youths and the children of the village leaders would learn to read and write.”

Maou: “Un un.”

Hero: “In the cities, that would be different. In the cities education would be done by the Order’s sermons or private tutors. Do you know what tutors are? Um, they will tell stories, teach reading, writing and numbers, a little like private storytellers. In richer merchant or noble families, the parents would hire private tutors to teach their children various knowledge and skills.”

Chief Maid: “Did Lord Hero grow up like that?”

Hero: “Um, that... in my situation, Gramps is like a tutor I guess... nevermind, let’s put that aside first.”

Hero: “So? Is education something like that?”

Maou: “Un, that’s exactly it.”

Hero: “If it’s about the human society then ask me!”

Maou: “Uh, so education in the human society is still uncivilized.”

Hero: “Uncivilized?”

Maou: “Um, my use of words is not accurate enough. I should say ‘in terms of the stage of development, it is still at the beginning stages.’”

Hero: “That’s the same thing!”

Maou: “I’m just joking.”

Hero: “Ng...”

Maou: “But, that is a natural way of education. It is a very accurate thing to do.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Back to the topic at hand, although I desire an unnatural developmental growth, then I would have to be unnaturally serious about education...but, education costs a lot of money.”

Hero: “Money? I’m the Hero, leave it to me! If you sell Hero’s gears, would that give us a lot of money?”

Chief Maid: “Um... Hero’s sword, Hero’s shield, Hero’s armour... should sell for 18,000 gold coins.”

Hero: “See, a lot right?”

Chief Maid: “How much does education cost?”

Maou: “Uh. That, I’ve thought out several fluid financial plans for the year, the simplest proposal costs about two hundred and sixty thousand gold coins?”

Hero: “”

Chief Maid: “Lord Hero, please don’t feel down.” Pats head

Maou: “Chief Maid, I forbid you to initiate further contact.”

Chief Maid: “Understood, Lady Maou ♪”

Maou: “This is a difficult problem to solve.”

Hero: “It is.”

Chief Maid: “But it’s almost winter now. The real farming experiment doesn’t start until spring right? Just use this winter to prepare properly.”

Maou: “That’s true but...”

Hero: “It’s difficult to wait, there’s only three years after all.”

Chief Maid: “Alright, alright, today I specially prepared roast turnip and pork.”

Hero: “That sounds tasty.”

Maou: “Right, it won’t do to be always worrying.”

Wintering Village, the bought mansion, warm room

Chief Maid: “Then, I must prepare dinner, please excuse me. It will be an hour before dinner starts, I shall inform you when it is about to begin, please wait by the fire until then.”

Maou: “Good, thank you.”

Hero: “Fu....”

Maou: “Are you tired, Hero?”

Hero: “Un~ my body isn’t tired at all, but contemplating things I normally would not think about, made my mind feel very tired.”

Maou: “Ho ho, I’d expect so.”

Maou: “That’s right, Hero.”

Hero: “Hum?”

Maou: “The fireplace is very warm.”

Hero: “Yes. It’s very warm... the fire banished much of the chill here~”

Maou: “That’s right, Hero.”

Hero: “Hum?”

Maou: “That... if you don’t mind, do you want to sit beside me?”

Hero: “Why?”

Maou: “It’s warmer at this angle, it feels nice.”

Hero: “Is that so?”

Maou: “Yes it is, come, it’s a prime seat!”

Hero: “Ah, it’s true, it’s very warm~”

Maou: “How is it?”

Hero: “Don’t look so smug, Maou.”

Maou: “Ng... nevermind, the fireplace isn’t really any of my doing.”

Maou: “...”

Hero: “....”

Maou: “Hero?” Carefully

Hero: “Hum?”

Maou: “Can... can I touch you?”

Hero: “Of course you can... what... what is it?”

Maou: “I’m not planning anything! It’s just that Hero’s hair is so dark, I want to touch it. Ah, it’s soft.”

Hero: “Because one of my ancestors was a bushi.”

Maou: “What is that?”

Hero: “A warrior from the east. According to the stories they have the skills to split armour and helmet in two.”

Maou: “They sound like formidable warriors.”

Hero: “My clan are all warriors.”

Maou: “Really? But Hero has many many other good points.”

Hero: “Do I~”

Maou: “Of course! For example, you’re not scared even though you’re beside me.”

Hero: “That’s because Maou is weak, and a woman. Plus you don’t get enough exercise.”

Maou: “But I’m still Maou!”

Hero: “Is that so?”

Maou: “That’s so.”

Hero: “I think that you are very gentle.”

Maou: “That’s... that’s a strategy.”

Hero: “?”

Maou: “Right now, I’m going to negotiate with Hero. That’s it.”

Hero: “Negotiate what?”

Maou: “If I say it, it’s not a negotiation.”

Hero: “If you don’t say it how will I know?”

Maou: “That’s a complicated question, I want to explain in detail to prevent misunderstanding.”

Hero: “Then let’s hear it.”

Maou: “That is, it’s very cold outside right? Because the winter storm is here. And the room is very warm and comfortable, also we both have free time before dinner, with nothing important to do right? Of course there will be mountains of work in the future, but right now Hero’s mind is tired, in this situation, it is difficult to work efficiently.”

Hero: “Ah~”

Maou: “Of course, this is my personal though, it’s not even a treaties, it can only be called selfishness. But estimating Hero's state of tiredness, I think, even if it's an urban legend or an old wive’s tale, we can’t disregard that it might be effective. The old texts say, even warriors will relax in this type of sweet garden. Although Hero doesn’t have this type of habit.”

Hero: “So, what do you want to do?”

Maou: “I want to try having Hero lay on my lap.”

Hero: “No problem” Flop

Maou: “Ah...ah uh... Hero...”

Hero: “I am Maou’s, there is no need to be polite.”

Maou: “Hero.”

Hero: “Hm...”

Maou: “Hero’s hair is really soft.”

Hero: “Don’t play around.”

Maou: “I’m just touching.”

Hero: “Maou smells very nice.”

Maou: “That’s because I take a bath properly everyday.”

Hero: “You’re serious.”

Maou: “I’m very serious. Since leaving the Demon world, Chief Maid has been merciless. In the past I’ve been so engrossed in my research that one time I forgot to change my clothes for a whole week.”

Hero: “Maou’s legs are very smooth.”

Maou: “Re...really? Not too fat?”

Hero: “It feels very good laying on them.”

Maou: “Really? Thank goodness. Hero is a very generous master.”

Hero: “Ah~uh~um.... but is also a perverted master.”

Maou: “?”

Maou: “That... Hero?”

Hero: “What is it~?”

Maou: “Before you said ‘no need to be polite’.”

Hero: “?”

Maou: “Is it true?”

Hero: “Un, it’s true.”

Maou: “Re...really?” Shyly

Hero: “....what is it?”

Maou: “Uh... wu....”

Hero: “Don’t be so silent, it’s scary.”

Maou: “I think it’s a little scary too!”

Hero: “Ha?”

Maou: “No, how can I back out? ‘To seek things never seen’ isn’t that my life’s goal?”

Hero: “??”

Maou: “Uh, Hero...” Stares

Hero: “Oh, just relax and say it.”


Maou: “What is that noise?”

Hero: “Back yard? …. the stables?”

Tap tap tap

Maou: “Hey! I said don’t run!”


???: “................................................”

Hero: (There’s human auras?)

Maou: “Wait a moment, light spell...” Lights up

Big sister: Shiverng

Little sister: ’Shaking uncontrollably

Hero: “....what? It’s children?”

Maou: “What is it? You’re just wearing underclothes!”


Chief Maid: “Oh, what is going on?”

Maou: “Chief Maid.”

Chief Maid: “They become lost and snuck in here again. Ha....”

Maou: “Who are they?”

Chief Maid: “Escaped slaves. This mansion has been abandoned for a long time and is not in ruins, and the ownership is different from the surrounding farms. Places like this, will often be the top choice for escapees.”

Hero: “Slaves?”

Chief Maid: “Yes, that’s exactly so.”

Hero: “Where are there slaves nearby?”

Chief Maid: “Not around here? Most of the humans around this area are slaves aren’t they?”

Hero: “No, they’re not slaves!”

Chief Maid: “Oh, did I misunderstand?”

Hero: “The slave system is too cruel. We do not allow it.”

Chief Maid: “Even if you say that...”

Maou: “These are serfs[9].”

Hero: “Serfs....?”

Chief Maid: “So they are slaves.”

Maou: “Serfs and slaves are not the same thing.”

Hero: “See! The Southern Kingdoms does not have slaves.”

Chief Maid: “Is that really the case?”

Maou: “Serfs are not the same as slaves, they can have personal belongings. They have their own home, farming tools and can live with their family.”

Hero: “Un, of course.”

Big Sister: Shivers violently

Little Sister: Shaking uncontrollably

Maou: “On the other hand, these people do not have the freedom to choose their own occupation. Most serfs are found in estates[10]... as the work force in farmlands of landlords, they do not have the freedom of choice, they can only obey orders.”

Hero: “...”

Chief Maid: “...different from slaves~” Cold smile

Hero: “...” Grits teeth

Maou: “Chief Maid, don’t say anything more... perhaps the slave system is a tragedy, but it is still a social system that has economic values, that is the truth.

Chief Maid: “Is that really so?”

Maou: “Chief Maid.”

Chief Maid: “... I am out of line. My apologies.”

Maou: “...”

Hero: “...”

Little Sister: Shaking uncontrollably

Big Sister: “...Ex...excuse me... we will leave when the sun comes up. We...we won’t give you any...trouble... so please, just one night is fine.”

Chief Maid: “...”

Maou: “Chief Maid, this isn’t the first time right? How did you deal with this in the past?”

Chief Maid: “Harbouring escaped slaves... it’s serfs right? Is a crime. Plus the relations with the neighboring powers will become bad. Therefore I would immediately contact the authorities, ask them to retrieve them.”

Maou: “I see.”

Hero: “...”

Chief Maid: “Lord Hero, you don’t look too happy?”

Hero: “... isn’t it too cruel?”

Chief Maid: “Those who could not control their own fate, are just bugs. I hate bugs, I have no desire to see bugs with their wings torn off being hurt.”

Maou: “...”

Hero: “Hey, you!”

Chief Maid: “Compared to what’s in front of us, this is only a small problem isn’t it? I think, wasting all our efforts in such insignificant problems, will not help our future plans any.”

Maou: “True... very true...”

Hero: “Maou...”

Chief Maid: “Then I will immediately...”

Maou: “No, wait till tomorrow before contacting the outside. Go heat some water first. Also, there should be some proper clothes around here? Don’t argue, do as I say this once. I’ve already decided.”

---Maou’s Mansion, small room

Maou: “Ah~ what should I say?”

Hero: “... why are you so hesitant?”

Maou: “I’m just a Maou who is also an economist, not suitable for this sort of things.”

Hero: “I’m also just a Hero who is also a swordsman, I’m not suitable either.”

Big Sister: “Um, thank you very much.”

LIttle Sister: Quaking with terror

Hero: “It’s no big deal, don’t worry.”

Big Sister: “Such rich clothing...this is the first time we’ve ever worn something like this.”

Little Sister: Nods

Hero: “Really? It seems like old clothing left around in the mansion”

Maou: “Ah~ are you full? Is the bed alright?”

Big Sister: “Yes. The bed is very soft, and the room is warm and clean”

Hero: “Such small and dirty room is...”

Maou: “Their previous experiences are just that tragic.”

Big Sister: “Um, I’m very thankful for your kindness, but...tomorrow morning... um...”

Maou: “That...”

Hero: “...”

Big Sister: “Please, don’t tell the landlord. No, that’s not...”

Little Sister: Teary eyes

Big Sister: “We’ll run away, just let us stay for a little, the moment the sun is up we’ll leave, so please just wait a little.”

Chief Maid: “What are you talking about? You have no shoes, your clothes are no different than garbage, you carry no money or luggage. Do you plan to become beggars?”

Little Sister: “Wa....wu...”

Hero: “Can’t...can’t we do something?”

Chief Maid: “That’s different. The lives of slaves are tragic, they can’t do anything, and does not have a shred of hope. They can only lie and tell themselves ‘I am guilty, so I can only live like this’ in order to live. Perhaps it’s hell on earth. But...”

Hero: “...”

Chief Maid: “What they do is no different than what I do. We both receive orders from our masters, listen to their wishes, sacrifice ourselves in order to fulfil our masters dreams --- in this sense I am no different than a slave.”

Maou: “Chief Maid, I have never thought of you as a slave!”

Chief Maid: “Yes, Lady Maou, I have never thought you treated me like that. It is because of that, that I can’t watch this. They do the same thing I do, and yet they are so weak they cannot hold their fate in their own hands --- I think, these type of people should just die in remorse.”

Little Sister: “That’s not it! It’s not it at all! Glasses Wearing Sister is mean! We escaped didn’t we, we’re not unable to do anything! Big Sis and I will go to the city, and live there together!”

Hero: “That...”

Chief Maid: “Day dreams.”

Little Sister: “But, we’ll do it!”

Chief Maid: “Let’s say I go back a few steps, and consider your passion as hard work. But, you hide in someone else’s house and take advantage of their kindness; other people provide for you a bed and food, now you cause them difficulties by running away. Not only that but you validate yourselves. Is that how you serfs treat others?”

Little Sister: “But, but!”

Chief Maid: “I’ll say this again. Those who can’t hold their own fate are bugs. I really...really hate bugs. I will not view those who are bugs as humans.”

Big Sister: “...”

Chief Maid: “Do you understand?”

Big Sister: “Yes...”

Chief Maid: “Your apology?”

Big Sister: “We have given everyone in the house... the Lady Noble trouble, sorry.”

Chief Maid: “Good”

Big Sister: “...”

Little Sister: “Wu...wu wu...”

Chief Maid: “...” Glare

Big Sister: “...”

Chief Maid: “ that it?”

Little Sister: “No... I don’t want to go back.. I’m scared...”

Big Sister: “... Little Sis, be quiet.”

Chief Maid: “...”

Big Sister: “Please make us... into human. I think --- you are... our fate.”

Chief Maid: “When bowing, don’t prostrate on the ground like that. Since you are wearing a dress, take the dress lightly with your fingers, display your drapes[11] and at the same time curtsey gracefully.”

Big Sister: No...nods

Chief Maid: “... Lady Maou. Even though compared to the Maou’s Castle this house is but a small wooden shack, but I will be too busy to tend to it all just by myself. Why not hire a few maids?”

Hero: “Is that alright, Chief Maid? You just said you hated them, have you forgiven them in the end?”

Chief Maid: “What I hate are bugs. Maids are not bugs, but an existence that pleases people. There is no one in this world that hates maids, even if that maid is a novice.”

Maou: “Allowed. Train these two well.”

--- Wintering Village, Snowy Forest

Little Sister Maid: “Lord Hero~ Lord Hero~”

LIttle Sister Maid: “Lord Hero where are you~ I brought some tasty bread~”


Hero: “Hey, good work messenger!”

Little Sister Maid: “Wah! Where were you just now?”

Hero: “It’s teleportation magic. Your voice was all over the forest.”

Little Sister Maid: “He he~♪”

Hero: “Never mind, it’s safe in this area so it’s alright. You certainly are reckless.”

Little Sister Maid: “I’m here to deliver something for Lord Hero.”

Hero: “Oh!”

Little Sister Maid: “It’s lunch~! There’s walnut bun, and egg rolls with onion and bacon.”

Hero: “That sounds really good.”

Little Sister Maid: “Big sis made it.”

Hero: “Looks like she’s learning fast, that’s impressive.”

Little Sister Maid: “Is it good?”

Hero: “Very good! And the tea is warm, I’m so touched I’m close to tears. You ran over here didn’t you?”

Little Sister Maid: “Un.”

Hero: “Finished with one gulp!”

Little Sister Maid: “Un”

Hero: “Even though it’s day, but working outside is still tiring. Honestly, I’m feeling more and more discouraged.”

Little Sister Maid: “Ah, that’s right. I have a message from the manager sis.”

Hero: “Oh, why didn’t you say earlier.”

Little Sister Maid: “‘Today’s goal is 6 wild boars. You can also substitute one bear for two boars. Also, take a look up river, if there’s any flooded areas, see if you can use destruction magic or whatever to fix it.’”

Hero: “She sure knows how to order people... by the way, how is school?”

Little Sister Maid: “Afternoon is physical training.”

Hero: “You don’t need to train?”

Little Sister Maid: “Because there’s still very few students, and no children my age. Helping deliver lunch to Lord Hero is afternoon exercise~”

Hero: “Ho, you learned to use the word ‘age’?”

Little Sister Maid: “The manager sis is teaching me how to read~”

Hero: “Even though Maou is busy, she hasn’t neglected your care.”

Little Sister Maid: “And Math~”

Hero: “Math eh.”

LIttle Sister Maid: “She said if I learn math well, I can make lots of money.”

Hero: “That economist, are words like ‘making money’ all she knows?”

Little Sister Maid: “She also taught ‘break-even point’[12]!”

Hero: “These lesson materials are too one sided!”

Little Sister Maid: “He he~ how is Lord Hero’s work going?”

Hero: “If we change to boars, there still two left to go.”

Little Sister Maid: “Hot pot---” Excited

Hero: “Why so excited suddenly?”

Little Sister Maid: “Pork hot pot?”

Hero: “Un, that tastes really good!”

Little sister Maid: “Let’s cook pork hot pot~!”

Hero: “You do like to eat.”

Little Sister Maid: “Lord Hero will help everyone prepare dinner~” Smile

Hero: “...Un, that’s right.”

Little Sister Maid: “Having a full stomach, will make people feel happy!”

Hero: “Yep.”

Little Sister Maid: “No one arguing, no need to bow to the village leader’s son. Everyday is warm, fluffy beds, wearing pretty dresses, being able to stay with Big Sis. That is happiness.”

Hero: “...”

Little Sister Maid: “What is it?”

Hero: “Nothing, I just feel that the so called Hero is useless.”

Little Sister Maid: “?”

Hero: “I have no great wisdom, no sense of money, and I don’t know how to farm or care for livestock. As to being a teacher... all I can teach is swordsmanship. Lately I’ve slowly started to notice --- I keep talking about peace like it’s a mantra, but what is peace? How do we get peace? Also, once there is peace, what should I do? I’ve never thought about these things before.”

Little Sister Maid: “So difficult~”

Hero: “It really is difficult.”

Little Sister Maid: “Bacon is really yummy.”

Hero: “You like bacon?”

Little Sister Maid: Nods

Hero: “Then, brother Hero will go hunt a few more wild boars~”

--- Large Room in the Mansion, Lesson in session

Maou: “... according to the current economic status of the Southern Kingdoms, this is the largest effect that the war will have.”

Noble Student: “...” Writing notes

Merchant Student: “Uh...that...”

Soldier Student: “...”

Maou: “The following topic isn’t in my area of expertise. In the ancient times, what is the loss rate[13] before the army is considered defeated?”

Soldier Student: “Until the last man is left standing!”

Maou: “It is said to be 30%[14]. That would be three tenths. Thus to overcome this difficulty, the standing army[15] and mercenaries[16] can be hired to maintain the war front[17], the war with the Maou army right now is mainly sporadic confrontations and stronghold fortification battles[18] .

Maou: “Are there any questions up until this point?”

Big Sister Maid: “What about the Holy Crusaders?”

Maou: “Un, they are an exception.”

Maou: “Tell me, how much do you know about the Holy Crusaders. Um~ Noble Student over there, how about you.”

Noble Student: “Ah, yes. The holy crusaders are a sacred expedition troop, formed by the Middle Continent Crisis Council, whose main goal is to eliminate the evil demon race and end the war. In these 15 to 16 years, they have launched a total of two expeditions. From the Gate at the edge of the Southern Continent, destroying two important demon strongholds[19], advancing to the Maou’s Castle, but the unholy Demon King used cowardly tactics to destroy the supply lines[20], forcing the crusaders to retreat. “

Maou: “Very good, close to full marks --- this type of expedition relies on a large number of military power. The first thing necessary for an expedition, is the passionate desire of a large number of people to end the war. If it is possible to end the war in one large successful expedition, then there is value in the sacrifices. It is because people in this world desire this, that there are people willing to join the war.”

Soldier Student: “The virtuous Spirits will bring us victory in the war!”

Maou: “Another important point, is the financial support behind this. I have mentioned this many times in the lesson, if there is no financial support, things such as society, war efforts and so on will not be established. After all, starvation will kill humans.”

Noble Student: “There are things more important than food and money.”

Soldier Student: “You can’t fight if you just keep crunching numbers, Teacher.”

Merchant Student: “...really?”

Soldier Student: “Hunger is the excuse of the weak.”

Noble Student: “Anyways, people under the protection of the lords don’t suffer from hunger.”

Big Sister Maid: “ no one in this world ever starves huh.”

Maou: “... next let’s talk about the Southern Arctic Sea, that is the sea that surrounds the Southern Kingdoms and Continent. There is great economic and military importance to this sea. Currently, 25% of the battles with the Maou’s army is staged at the sea.”

Ring~ ring~ ring~

Chief Maid: “My Lady, it’s time to end the lesson.”

Maou: “Is it time already? Then let's end this here, we’ll continue tomorrow. Also, the Swordsman will be here tomorrow afternoon to instruct you.”

Soldier Student: “I’ve been looking forward to that!”

Maou: “Dismissed. I still have to go to the elder’s home tonight for an agriculture seminar.”

---Mansion’s corridor

Hero: “Yo, good work.”

Maou: “So tired.”

Hero: “You look exhausted.”

Maou: “Why did I have to be mouthy and mention education... I never thought teaching human children would be such hard work. They’re more like little animals? Reason and negotiation doesn’t work with them.”

Hero: “Ah--”

Maou: “Why is their pride so strong?”

Hero: “Because they are the sons of soldiers, nobles and rich men?”

Maou: “Maybe I should just turn them into frogs and be done with it.”

Hero: “That doesn’t sound like a joke at all!”

Maou: “I’m not joking.”

Hero: “Don’t do it.”

Maou: “Fine.” Collapse

Hero: “Aren’t you going to the village leader’s home? I’ll go with you.”

---Leaving the Mansion gates, towards the inner village


Maou: “Ng, it’s cold.”

Hero: “The snow’s already stopped.”

Maou: “It’s freezing, Hero.”

Hero: “Have I not been hunting boar in this weather the whole day? You’ve been inside the house the whole time, what are you complaining about?”

Maou: “That’s not it. It’s cold~”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “”

Hero: “Alright, come here.” Wrap “There, is that warmer?”

Maou: “Un, very warm.”

Hero: “You seem very happy.”

( long as I’m with Hero, I’m always happy, no matter what.)

Maou: “Ho ho, it’s not a bad feeling.”

Hero: “As long as you’re amused.”

Maou: “It’s so good that Hero is mine.” Rub

Hero: “Ah~hem hem”

Maou: “?”

Hero: “Likewise.”

Maou: “There’s something that should be mentioned, the plan was started after so much effort. Is it strange that they are just now complaining about what they have or don’t have?”

Hero: “Yah.”

Maou: “It’s sad, that in the end we still had to rely on power... It’s because I accepted nobles as my students, that the farmers become willing to try the new farming methods. Once spring arrives, we should be able to start the large scale experiments.”

Hero: “But, the Southern Kingdom’s nobles can already be considered to be close to their subjects. Compared to the Central, the class separation can be said to be almost non-existent.”

Maou: “That... is already considered to be minor...”

Hero: “But, we just made our first steps. Don’t be so impatient, after all, it might take a few years before we see any results.”

Maou: “No, we’ll see results next year.”

Hero: “Can it be done?”

Maou: “Because I have a secret weapon.”

Hero: “What secret weapon?”

Maou: Rustle rustle “This”

Hero: “What is this hard thing?”

Maou: “It’s called potato[21], a crop.

Hero: “?”

Maou: “This is a plant. Normally, this round part is under the earth, once dug out you’ll be able to see this.”

Hero: “Oh?”

Maou: “Not only is this tasty it is also high in nutrients. Not only that, because the edible portion is underground, it won't be affected by birds[22]. Also, it even grows in poor soil[23], cold areas and hard earth. Other than that, roughly estimating the harvest[24] is three times that of wheat.”

Hero: “Is it true?”

Maou: “Un. it’s true”

Hero: “Is this granted by the heavens?”

Maou: “No, it’s a demon world product.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “That is what is great about contact with different cultures and technology. Even if the method of contact is a little unfortunate but contact is contact in the end.”

Hero: “That feels complicated.”

Maou: “Back on topic, potatoes aren’t without their own weaknesses.”

Hero: “What is the problem?”

Maou: “Firstly, it’s poisonous [25].”

Hero: “Then it won’t do at all!”

Maou: “No, it’s not a strong poison to begin with. Second it only becomes poisonous if left in the sunlight and starts to sprout. As long as it’s harvested and stored well that’s not a problem. If stored in a dark cool place, it should keep for a year or so.”

Hero: “Un...”

Maou: “Also it is a continuous cropping obstacle[26] crop. If the conditions are right, in a year, potatoes can be harvested three times.”

Hero: “It sounds more and more amazing. It’s a plant worthy of the demon world.”

Maou: “Yes. But also because of that it will absorb a large quantity of nutrients from the earth, that would be the ‘Blessings of the Earth’. As it only uses up the Blessings that it requires, if planted multiple times on the same piece of earth, the quantity will decrease, and become sick easily.”

Hero: “Un un”

Maou: “Closer”

Hero: “Ha?”

Maou: “Come closer. The gap is making it cold.”

Hero: “Ng, um.... ah~ there will be some problems for me if we’re too close.”

Maou: “...does my body make you feel uncomfortable?”

Hero: “No no no, that’s not what I mean.”

Maou: “Never mind. All in all, this plant should be able to meet the needs of hunger in cold places. As long as care is taken about the poison, there shouldn’t be big problems. Truth to tell, the continuous cropping obstacle is more of a serious problem.”

Hero: “I think my understanding of this sort of problems are better...”

Maou: “Even though the Blessings of the Earth will return with time, but if a solution is not found, then no matter how long we stay here, it won’t increase the production rate enough, past a certain point.”

Hero: “Should we pray to the Spirits that protect the land?”

Maou: “That, can be a certain type of prayer.”

Hero: “Maou, aren’t you an Atheist[27]?”

Maou: “This has nothing to do with if I’m an atheist or not, if something can be useful then I will use it without hesitation, without modesty, that is a true economist.”

Hero: “You are some kind of devil aren’t you?”

Maou: “To give sacrifice to the land is the proof of contract. This type of sacrifice is common in the human world. For example, burning food or animal bones, animal secretions, left over food, that type of thing.”

Hero: “Ng, that doesn’t sound much like sacrifices[28].”

Maou: “I’ve decided to use fish from the Southern Arctic Sea[29].”

Hero: “Why?”

Maou: “Fish are suitable for sacrifice.”

Hero: “Want me to go buy some? I can get there in a moment using teleportation magic.”

Maou: “That is very touching, but the amount I need, you probably can’t bring back. Every piece of farmland needs fifty fish, and it’s required every year. Shocked?”

Hero: “Wow, that...”

Maou: “Can’t be done right?”

Hero: “Un.”

Maou: “But, there’s also a big problem.”

Hero: “Why? Is there a problem with the Southern Arctic Sea?”

Maou: “Yes, there’s two, one of them I’m sure Hero knows of, it’s the Southern Arctic General[30].”

Hero: “...that geezer huh.”

Maou: “Right, that man is difficult even among the warlike Fang tribe. According to rumor, even though this Maou is in hiding, he still provokes the border areas. He commands the Silver Scale tribe, Flying Shark tribe and Metal Tortoise tribe, he is a notable powerhouse among the demons.”

Hero: “I’ve fought him several times. He is insanely huge and wields that fish spear with surprising skill.”

Maou: “If we want to move in the Southern Arctic Sea, clashing with him is inevitable.”

Hero: “Un...”

Maou: “Another problem is the ‘Union’[31]

Hero: “What’s that?”

Maou: “I didn’t want to mention this until a later time... I’ll take this chance to say it now though.”

Hero: “Un.”

Maou: “The official name is the ‘Economic Union of free merchants and independent Southern cities’. But now just say ‘Union’ and everyone will know it.”

Hero: “I think I’ve heard of them, are they famous?”

Maou: “Many people have heard of the name, but those who know the details are not many. To those who are not merchants, the existence of the ‘Union’ is not significant.”

Hero: “So in other words, it’s a gathering of a large number of merchants.”

Maou: “Correct. This group was created about fifty years ago by a free city by the coast of Wheat. The original purpose of its creation is ‘as a merchant group to protect the trade privileges[32] of the group members.’”

Hero: “Trade privileges?”

Maou: “Un. Taking goods from one city to another requires permits, these ‘permits’ would naturally be difficult to obtain right?”

Hero: “That’s common.”

Maou: “Merchants want these ‘permits’, and once gained they hold onto them tightly. Of course that’s natural, without these permit, you will not be able to do sales, it can be considered a life and death matter.”

Hero: “Uhuh.”

Maou: “As time passed, taxation systems are revised, under the same system taxes can be increased or decreased. In this way, royalty and nobles can experience economy through taxes; on the other hand, it also means economists --- merchants, can come into contact with the ruling class.”

Hero: “Whoa, this topic is very difficult to understand.”

Maou: “The ‘Union’ is the largest of these types of merchant gatherings. Their scope is much farther than you would imagine.”

Hero: “Oh? How large? Are there a thousand people?”

Maou: “The important thing isn’t the number of people.”

Hero: “It’s not?”

Maou: “As the Union is an economic organization. The amount of money they can move around and the power to insert themselves into the economic flow, is their true weapon. This has nothing to do with fighting skill or numbers.”

Hero: “Logically that’s true. So, how large are they?”

Maou: “Their area of influence includes the Southern and Central Kingdoms all over the continent. Even though no one knows how much their capital is, I’ve given an estimate according to their involvement in history, I can be certain that it’s an astronomical figure.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Either way, at least they have the ability to buy the Southern Kingdoms five times over and still have change left.”

Hero: “Ha?”

Maou: “They are this type of organization.”

Hero: “What and what now?”

Maou: “By the way, 60% of the circulation of wheat in the Southern cities relies on the whims of the Union. If the Union is determined, they could exchange the King for a landlord.”

Hero: “That’s like a big monster!”

Maou: “Unquestionably it is a monster. Human livelihood is built upon the back of that monster[33].”

Hero: “I’ve received requests from the Union in the past, and made several motivational speeches.”

Maou: “Really?”

Hero: “Un, things like ‘Stand up and defeat the demons!’ and such. The ladies in pretty clothes would stand on the battlements and sing, and will even give victory signs.”

Maou: “That’s probably political propaganda[34], you could probably make a few thousand gold coins.”

Hero: “My payment was only fifteen coins! Wuwuwuwu, I... how can I...”

Maou: “Don’t be so down, Hero.”

Hero: “I’ve been duped by them.”

Maou: “That can’t be helped, economy isn’t your strong point.”

Hero: “That pretty lady looked at me with teary eyes, and said things like ‘I’m a fan of yours!’, so I rushed to the demon world all excited.”

Maou: “...”

Hero: “The young man who commissioned me said he’d wait for my return to hold a feast, and also elbowed me twice and said ‘you’re really popular with the ladies’, I was ecstatic... now that I think about it, that young man is probably a merchant.”

Maou: “...”

Hero: “Wuwuwuwuwu, I’m such a stupid Hero.”

Maou: “Humph, looks like I’ll have to be more strict with you.”

Hero: “So those people are the enemy!” Draws sword

Maou: “Ah~don’t go scaring people like that.”

Hero: “No, they are the enemy. I’m going to use the highest order area lightning spell to take care of them.”

Maou: “Don’t use siege level spells to nuke one or two people!”

Hero: “But they tricked me!” Streaming tears

Maou: “Are you a kid? Anyways, the Union doesn’t have a collective will. They are merchants who gather for the sake of their own profit, thus in the end the only that that keeps expanding is the organization, the personal will are not involved. Although you feel you’ve been tricked, but the other did not mean to lie to you. Even if you take revenge, the Union will only be hurt superficially if at all.”

Hero: “The more I hear about it the more angry I get”

Maou: “They are neither an enemy or a friend, more like a wild beast.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: (Or is it...)

Hero: “Un~ I’ve never heard of anything like this before!”

Maou: “Don’t whine”

Hero: “Fine, at least I’ve improved from the past of fighting constantly.”

Maou: “... I will always be by your side.”

Hero: “Un--- me too ---”

Maou: “Ah--- ah---” Panic

Hero: “What is it?”

Maou: “Look, the village leader’s house is just ahead. I’m giving a lecture on how clover crystallizes the Earth’s Blessing[35].”

Hero: “I...I see.”

Maou: “Um...”

Hero: “Un.”

Maou: “I’ll be back in about four hours.”

Hero: “I know”

Maou: “Then... then I’m off!” Hug

Hero: “Ok! Good luck!” Hug


  1. Cereal grains: Including wheat, barley, rye and oats etc. Of these, wheat is the simplest to cook and thus the most important. Because it requires grinding into fine flour before use and is difficult to grow in cold places, so in areas like Northern Europe, it is not a common food.
  2. Pioneer:In order to use wild lands for farming, villages are built on empty land. Villagers must also work hard to remove all the boulders and rocks, tree roots, and plow the lands. At the same time, once the land is cleared it belongs to you.
  3. Clover: Or trefoil. It is a leguminous plant, with nitrogen fixing abilities to replenish soil that has been depleted of nitrogen. Other than that it can attract bees for honey farming and also used for animal feed.
  4. Dungeon: Originally stands for the cells of a castle, now it means a vast labyrinth underneath the castle. Then further evolved to various underground labyrinths that sets the scene for various adventures.
  5. White coat: Normally worn by doctors or researcher, for sanitary reasons and cleanliness. They are usually made from cotton, which absorbent properties for protection against chemicals. Normally, economists or other social science researchers do not wear such coats.
  6. Robe: One piece clothing, similar to a long dress or a loose coat, probably not fashionable wear for women in this story.
  7. Three Turn Method: The land is separated into winter section (wheat, rye) → Summer section (barley, oats) → Resting section (allow livestock to wander) and rotated, to prevent thinning out nutrients, to allow farming to continue. In the Middle Ages, it is often seen in Northern Europe, England, Germany and other northern areas.
  8. Rotation: Is to move something in reoccuring succession. In this story it is the farming of the land from summer → winter → resting in this succession.
  9. Serfs: Farmers that do not have the freedom to choose their jobs or move away. They are allowed to have family, house, farm tools and other possessions. However they are required to work on and give rent for the land, and sometimes they will be sold along with the land they farm as merchandise, can be said to be half slaves.
  10. Estates: Land owned and ruled by the landlord. In the estate, the lord has the higher power (like a ruler) to be the land lord, king, and judge. The estates include the land directly belonging to the lord, free farmer’s land and serf’s land. The land directly belonging to the lord and land belonging to the serfs, he receives income from.
  11. Drapes: Elegant folds in dresses. In the middle ages fabric is more expensive than in current times, thus drapery that requires a large amount of fabric shows the wearer’s wealth.
  12. Break even point: Determines whether a business is making or losing money. Although the cost will increase as the sales does, in normal circumstances the sales would increase faster than costs. So once sales reach a certain point then money is made rather than lost.
  13. Loss rate: Refers to the number of soldier lost on the battlefield (death, sickness, deserters). Loss rate is separated into daily loss rate, the loss rate from the beginning of the war and others. They are referring to the latter.
  14. 30%: Once the troops have casualties, people must be sent out to transport the injured to the back lines. Also, in the army, there would still be soldiers who have yet to join in the fighting, they protect communications and other supporting positions. Thus once the number of casualty reaches 30%, there are not a lot of people left to fight.
  15. Standing Army: Means that they are at a warlike state even under normal circumstances, and can be deployed at any moment. The Standing Army is formed by professional soldiers who have daily training, so even if the numbers are the same, their fighting and execution of fighting, are stronger than temporarily recruited soldiers.
  16. Mercenaries: Soldiers that are moved into fighting by possessions/money or an army consisting of these type of soldiers. As these people will fight for money, if they don’t receive payment they will not fight. So once the contract ends, they could sign on with another country, so today’s comrade can be tomorrow’s enemy.
  17. War front: The first line in the war. Normally when two armies meet it will be created, so it’s stretched between the area ruled by either side. If force is not applied to that front, then the enemy army could invade in defenceless areas freely.
  18. Battle: The army in two camps form large forces separately, and clash in one single meeting. Countries without a standing army, will often arrange a time and date to battle, the winning side will be the winner of the war.
  19. Stronghold: Can be the originating point of certain activity. In military terms, can refer to important cities and fortresses. The army can prepare, ready supplies, rest and take care of gear.
  20. Supply lines: The route to transport goods to the army (food, ammunition and so on), and is the area of activity of what is collectively referred to as supply forces. Once the route is compromised or the supply forces are destroyed, troops that have lost their supplies will not be able to continue fighting.
  21. Potato: Originated from the Andes in South America, spread to Europe in the 16th Century, became staple food in the 17th Century. Is cold-resistant, can be harvested several times in the year. Adam Smith once wrote “The production of potatoes is three times that of wheat”.
  22. Bird Damage: Birds will cause harm to crops. Such as fruit trees, if care is not taken, birds will consume all the fruits; Because potatoes are underground, birds cannot get to them
  23. Poor soil: Ground where plants are unable or difficult to grow. There is very little number of microorganisms in the soil so even if fertilizers are used, it still cannot be made into nutrients that crops can use. Thus things like composts are needed to increase the number of microorganisms and improve the soil quality.
  24. Harvest: The amount of products that can be harvested in a given area of farmland. Now, one hectare of land can produce four tons of wheat, thirty tons of potatoes or five tons of rice. Production of potatoes can reach eight times that of wheat. As the agricultural development of this world is still in the beginning stages, that production is less than half of what is capable now
  25. Potato poison: Potato contains a poisonous substance, it becomes more concentrated when the skin begins to sprout. Due to its poisonous nature and strange shape, and has never been mentioned in the bible, in the earlier times it was considered a demonic food and rejected.
  26. Continuous Cropping Obstacle: If a crop is planted repeatedly, substances will accumulate to inhibit growth, and would also decrease the nutrients in the soil and inhibit the growth of plants. Therefore fertilizers or the rotation method should be used to prevent continuous cropping obstacle.
  27. Atheism: To deny the existence of God, the belief that birth and evolution in the world has nothing to do with the divine. “No religious belief” means that there is no set religion that someone follows, that does not mean denying the existence of God; In comparison, atheism is to actively refute God’s existence.
  28. Sacrifice: This refers to fertilizers, can increase the nutrition in plants. Modern fertilizers have three important components, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Fertilizers refills these important elements, allowing crops to grow successfully.
  29. Fish from the Southern Arctic Sea: Refers to herring. After squeezing the residue oil from dried herring, it can be crushed into powder and is the best type of fertilizer. Other than fertilizer, it can be used as food for chickens.
  30. General: Commander of the troops. In the Middle ages there is no titiles such as Corporal or Colonel, most of the time names are added to the title ‘XX General’. One example is Japan’s Sei-i Taishōgun (Commander of force against the barbarians).
  31. Union: A gathering of merchants after they have received permits from lords of sell goods, and they have enough power to stand against a Kingdom. A classical example is the Hanseatic League in Europe in the Middle Ages.
  32. Trade Privileges: Advantages that can be received during trade. For example, lower tax rates, use of harbor not accessible to other merchants, removing opposing merchants etc.
  33. Human livelihood built on the back of a monster: In his work the <<Leviathan>> the philosopher Thomas Hobbs sees the government as a political monster. They use their rights to transfer power, using it as an excuse to protect themselves and cause harm to others. It is common term, to refer to large organizations as monsters. In this text, the Union is seen as a monster that is needed by the humans.
  34. Political Propaganda: To send a certain message directly into the heart of the mass. Originally this type of propaganda is to validate one’s own correctness, the information might be twisted or coloured, in order to lead people to make certain wrong assumptions.
  35. Crystallizing the Earth’s Blessing: Legume plants such as clover have specific bacteria called Rhizobium in their roots that can convert the nitrogen in the air to nitrate. Fields that legume has been planted in, can provide rich nutrients for crops.