Kino no Tabi:Volume2 Special

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“Continuation: A Picture’s Tale”[1] —Anonymous Pictures—[edit]

My name is Riku. I am a dog.

I have long, white, bushy hair. I always look like I’m happy and smiling, but that doesn’t mean that I am. I was just born this way.

I am on a journey.

The truth is, I’m not the one on a journey. Because my master, Shizu, is traveling to nowhere in particular, and I accompany him at all times… well, I ended up doing the same thing.

Master Shizu was a young man who wore a green sweater at all times. He was born from a royal family in a certain country.

The citizens, as well as the royal family, lived a lifestyle of modesty and simplicity — apparently, it was a good country. When Master Shizu turned fifteen, his father carried out a coup, massacred the king and his relatives, and took over the country. Master Shizu fled the country and vowed to take revenge. In order to kill ‘that man’, he trained himself hard and endured various hardships. It was around that time when I met him.

Several months later, Master Shizu went back to his completely corrupted homeland. The people were made to kill each other in a competition in order to acquire citizenship. He joined this contest in order to kill ‘that man’ the moment the prize medal is handed to him. Of course, Master Shizu expected to be killed on the spot.

I tried everything to stop him from doing this… but to no avail.

Master Shizu continued to win the tournament with ease, and eventually, he reached the final match.

‘You’re free now, so you can go anywhere you wish. It was fun up ‘til now. I will do what I have to do, based on what I believe in——’

Leaving me these cool words, he faced the match where his death is certain regardless of victory or defeat. I saw him off, gazing at his back.

And, as to what happened….

Master Shizu lost to his opponent, a young traveler called Kino. Well, I had a hunch that she was very strong. He was able to handle things very well from start to finish, but showed mixed feelings in the end.

However, in this traveler’s hands, Master Shizu’s and my own destiny changed. That’s because in the final match, it was this traveler and not Master Shizu, who killed ‘that man’, by pretending to hit him with a stray bullet.

Master Shizu lost the match, but he survived, and his wish was granted.

Master Shizu looked for this traveler outside the country to thank her for killing his father. I also wanted to convey to her my sincere gratitude for saving Master Shizu. Perhaps, I will always remember this traveler as my savior for the rest of my life. The motorrad with her is one nasty fellow though…

Afterwards, Master Shizu decided to go on a journey ‘until he finds something he wants to do’. Up to now, he’s still wandering, and I have always been by his side.


“This painting of a tank is unusual,” said Master Shizu.

We just arrived in a certain country, and we were in the lobby of a hotel. Hanging on the wall was a big oil painting depicting scenery of a tank’s battle.

Master Shizu put down his luggage beside me. It was a big black cloth bag he was always carrying with him. It contained Master Shizu’s favorite sword.

Master Shizu passed by the sofa, coming a little bit closer to the painting on the wall. At that moment,

“Please excuse me.”

A man that seemed to be a worker in the hotel showed up, carrying a stepladder. He set the ladder in front of the painting, climbed it and removed the painting. Master Shizu asked in confusion,

“Oh. You’re removing it? I was just looking at it.”

The worker turned around without saying anything, and instead, the hotel owner nearby came and spoke to Master Shizu politely.

“I’m terribly sorry, dear customer. However, we can no longer use such an embarrassing decoration.”

“Embarrassing?” Master Shizu asked.

“Yes. You see… we have used this painting as decoration for some time, but we no longer trust its value.”

“How come? It was even in such a splendid frame, and makes a suitable ornament. I didn’t find anything strange about it…,” Master Shizu said, and the owner made a truly complicated expression. He looked as if he wanted to explain everything, but was too ashamed to do so.

“Uhm… that’s quite…”

After mumbling for a bit, the owner spoke.

“That’s it! Have you been to the plaza, mister traveler?”

The plaza was located near the center of the country. As in any country, it was a public park, built with lawns, promenades, and water fountains.

When we arrived, a number of people have already gathered around a big bonfire, beneath the cloudy winter sky. It was a rather large bonfire, which would remind one of a burning car.

As we approached the bonfire, we realized that what was being burned were paintings, in great numbers. A variety of paintings, small and large, were being thrown into the fire one after another. Master Shizu made somebody show him one painting about to be pitched in. It was by the same painter as the one in the hotel, a painting of a tank.


Master Shizu returned it, and it was immediately thrown into the fire. The canvas caught fire in no time and burned thoroughly.

The crowd in front of the bonfire was torn apart as a truck arrived. The truck’s loading platform tilted, sliding and dropping its contents beside the fire. It was a large quantity of thick books. The people scrambled and competed over throwing the books into the fire while saying things like, ‘Trash!’ or ‘This bastard!’ The books burst into flames, and cheers arose as the fire became bigger.

Master Shizu picked up a book. In this case, it was an art book on tanks. Judging from its exquisite binding, it must have been an expensive book.

“Are you a traveler? Do you want that book? Are you planning to keep it?”

An old woman asked Master Shizu. She was being led by a middle-aged man who seemed to be her son. Master Shizu shook his head in response to the last two questions.

“Then, give it to me so I can toss it.”

Master Shizu glanced at me, and then handed over the book to the old woman. The old woman tossed the book into the fire with both hands. The paper burned completely.

“Such a waste,” Master Shizu said while gazing at the mountain of fire.

“Hmph!” the old woman scoffed. And with a truly irritated tone, she spoke, “A waste you say? If we don’t do this much, none of us would be satisfied.”

“Burning paintings and art books… I would like to know the reason why you would go this far.”

The old woman explained, “We were all swindled.”


In place of the old woman, the middle-aged man answered Master Shizu’s question. “…Like fools, we placed so much value over these useless things. We were very upset over it, so now we’re burning them all. Please do not interfere.”

“I won’t interfere, but what really happened, to be exact? I would like you tell me, if it’s not too painful to talk about it,” Master Shizu asked with an earnest expression, and the man averted his eyes for a moment.

“It’s fine. Go ahead and explain to mister traveler here what really happened,” the old woman urged his son.

The man narrated. “Just until recently, this country was strongly influenced by the trauma from a civil war that ended five years ago. People killed each other for several years during that war.”

“Eh, and then?”

“At the time when we were almost healed from the trauma, about two and a half years ago, a grotesque painting of a battlefield involving tanks went on sale.”

“Oh, that.”

“Yes… When they saw the painting for the first time, a number of people said something like, ‘This painting has a wonderful anti-war message!’ Perhaps, out of some selfish motive, the painting was recklessly rated as something of high value. All citizens, including me, were carried away by the mood that time. It was really foolish…” The man’s face held a guilty expression.

Master Shizu interrupted. “The painter who made those paintings became well-known. Moreover, the value of the paintings rose.”

“That’s right…. Everyone bought it, competing with each other. The rich, out of vanity, competed and bid up the price. Since there was no way for penniless people like me to buy the paintings, we bought the art books, which were still expensive just for a reproduction. Everyone acted as if they were competent critics. Every single one would praise it, saying things like, ‘What a good painting!’ or ‘Disputes are wrong after all,’ while looking at the paintings. I was among those people.”

“And then?”

“And then, when the craze grew to the point of absurdity, everyone came back to their senses all of a sudden. Everyone realized at once, that the war over five years ago no longer matters, and that the trauma from it was completely gone. At the same time, we also realized that we spent so much money for these trivial tank paintings.”

“I see… That makes things clear. And so, everyone was upset, angry over their weakness, and so as not to leave the slightest evidence, you decided to burn everything in a rage,” Master Shizu said with much admiration, but in a truly cynical manner. On the other hand, the man who had recalled various unpleasant things during his explanation was utterly depressed. He replied with a sad face.

“It was really foolish. When the paintings began to sell, we were already enjoying peace, deep in our hearts. Even if we remember our old wounds, it’s okay as long as we continue to look forward and enjoy the life we have now. Originally, we invested so much on these worthless paintings for that purpose…. In the end, our galleries were monopolized by this painter and his paintings.” And finally, “Bye then. Don’t make the same mistake as ours, mister traveler,” he muttered lifelessly. He then took his mother’s hand and left. Master Shizu saw them off, and glanced at me who was by his feet,

“‘Swindled,’ eh? What do you think, Riku?”

“They suffered the consequences of their actions. As a result, they are in a truly miserable state.”

“…I see,” Master Shizu murmured, as he walked a few steps towards the flame of the bonfire.

“It’s warm.”

If Master Shizu had no plans to go sightseeing, or was not constrained by anything in particular, we do not stay long in any country. There’s nothing special to see in this country, so we departed the next day. Early in the morning, Master Shizu refilled his favorite buggy with fuel, and loaded it with portable rations and water.

Master Shizu drove the buggy towards the walls. I was on the passenger’s seat, looking ahead.

The usual clouds were thick under the cold weather. Soon, snow began to flutter. Master Shizu, cold with just the sweater, wore his waterproof parka over it, as well as his goggles and gloves.

Suddenly, Master Shizu slowed down the buggy. We arrived in the country’s outskirts. The stone walls, which were so high it would make your neck hurt if you try to look up at it, gave off an air of intimidation. Only the parched ground can be seen in the surrounding fields.

Nearby, a small three-wheeled truck was parked, beside which, a young man was sitting on a folding chair. An easel with a fresh canvas placed on it was standing right before him. He was facing the scenery, looking at the gray walls.

Master Shizu approached slowly with the buggy. The young man slowly turned around. His expression truly lacked aspiration, like that of a dead man.

“What do you think?” Master Shizu asked me.

“It’s probably the same guy.”

“I see. But it might also be a different one.”

Master Shizu cut the buggy’s engine.

“Good morning.”

The young man lightly hung his head, as Master Shizu, who got off the buggy and stood in front of him, gave him a greeting. He spoke gently.

“What an unusual buggy…. Are you a traveler?”

“Yeah. We’re about to leave though. What about you? You’re painting outside in this cold weather?”

“No… I can’t paint anymore.”

Master Shizu glanced at me once, “Eh. You painted before?”


“Paintings of tanks?” Master Shizu asked frankly.

“Yeah,” the painter answered.

“I saw some of them. I didn’t think the paintings were that terrible…. It’s really cruel of them to burn the paintings like that,” Master Shizu said. Whether he really thought it cruel, I didn’t know.

The painter looked at Master Shizu once, and hesitantly began to speak. “Even though they bought a lot of them… they suddenly told me that my paintings were no longer needed. It was really sudden. But that’s okay, that’s still fine with me. I was just painting what I please, paintings of the tanks I love. But… but they burned my paintings just because they ‘don’t’ need’ them anymore. That made me very sad. I worked so hard on them, too…”

“I see,” Master Shizu interjected meekly. The painter continued, as expressionless as ever.

“And then… and then I told them, ‘If you’re going to burn them, just give them back. I’ll just use them as decoration, or perhaps add them to my collection.’ But everyone said things like, ‘Are you kidding?’ or ‘We won’t feel satisfied unless we burn these!’ So cruel… Even the head of the art gallery I was with said this: ‘We don’t need your paintings anymore. We definitely won’t sell them. Well, even though it’s just a fad, everyone has really gone overboard. Even so, you and me have made huge profits. You have my gratitude. I can quit working in the gallery now. You can also live the rest of your life any way you want. However, stop painting. Well, originally, your talent was so-so, anyway.’ …I remember it so well, don’t you think?” The painter smiled, as if ridiculing himself.


“I became rich. And so I earned the hatred of the people in the country. Everyone thought I deceived them. Even though I was just painting what I love…”

“What were you doing right now?”

“…Before, I would set up my easel in various locations, but now people in a lot of places would throw stones at me so, I chose to sit here where no one comes in. I can’t paint pictures of tanks anymore. The truth is I wanted to paint, but for some reason, I don’t feel like painting. I don’t feel like I could paint. Just now, I was trying to divert the unpleasant feelings inside me somewhere else. When my mood cleared up a little, I just came up with something weird, and made scrawls. It’s not that interesting, but it’s better than doing nothing.”

“Hmm… and where is that?”

The painter turned his eyes towards the loading platform of his truck.

“Would you show it to me?” Master Shizu asked for permission. He opened the loading platform and took one of the several oil paintings inside.

I don’t understand anything about paintings, nor do I have any interest. However, when Master Shizu saw that painting, he gasped in surprise for a moment.

“This is…!”

Master Shizu was only able to say this much, and became speechless for a while.

The painting depicted a lot people. Everyone had various facial expressions, and all of them seemed to be laughing. Sneering.

After some time has passed, Master Shizu asked the painter behind him, while holding the painting in both hands.

“This… have you shown this to an art dealer or to any other person?”

“Hmm? Nope. But, there were some who have seen me painting it.”

“What did those people say when they saw this?”

“They told me that it was ‘a waste of paint’.”


“I don’t really care. It’s not really something I like to paint in particular.”

Master Shizu returned the painting carefully, and turned to the painter.

“Hey, mister. I think… uh… that painting was very detailed. In the castle… no, I mean in my parents’ home, there were various decorations, and you see… there was an annoying but knowledgeable guy there, so I also have a little knowledge…”

It was really unusual for Master Shizu to be so agitated.

The home Master Shizu was referring to was the royal family he was born in, and the annoying guy was his father. It seems that before the rebellion, his father invested a considerable sum on paintings.

“…And so, well, that painting of yours… is quite amazing… That is…”

He was able to say this far. Master Shizu who can’t fully express his feelings became a little frantic. Then he shouted.

“Why can’t this be sold?! Does everyone in this country have empty heads?”

The painter did not change his expression at all.

“I don’t really mind if no one’s willing to buy it. After all, I already have lots of money. It was money I earned from ‘deceiving’ and ‘exploiting’ everyone. I don’t need to worry about getting hungry.”


Master Shizu was speechless for a while. And then,

“Mister, don’t you want to show that painting to other countries?”


“I visit different places. I have no doubt that it will sell, and at a remarkable price at that. It will be appraised highly. What do you say?” Master Shizu suggested excitedly. However, the painter did not change his gloomy expression.

“I’m not interested.”


“If you want, I can give them to you, mister traveler. If you promise you won’t burn them, you can have all of them. That is, if you think you can make money by selling them…” the painter said.

Master Shizu’s became gloomy. “That’s impossible… I can’t transport the paintings in my buggy without damaging them. It’s really a pity. Well, I’ll just do this then.”


“I will make you known in the countries that I visit from here on. Maybe someone will come to buy. If that happens, sell them. You might become well-known.”

The painter shook his head. “That won’t make any difference. I’m not concerned about money. Besides, I don’t really want to paint weird stuff like that. If a person does buy one, and asks me to paint more of it, I would refuse. The truth is what I wanted to paint was pictures of tanks. I…”

And then the painter slowly began to cry. Tears trickled down his cheeks.

“I love tanks. I want to paint more and more pictures of tanks. But I can’t paint anymore…”


The painter opened the box by his feet and took out his tools. He put some color on the palette, and suddenly started to paint. He briskly put color on the canvas while crying. It became a painting depicting the faces of humans who were laughing somewhere.

While the painter’s face was stained with tears, his hands worked nonstop, and finished the oil painting with astonishing speed. Master Shizu observed everything in silence. Probably he was deeply moved and also dumbfounded.

“Phew… I’m going home,” the painter muttered, showing not the slightest interest in the finished painting, and secured his tools. He leaned the painting on his seat, folded the easel and loaded it in his truck. And when he lifted the painting, Master Shizu came to his senses and asked.

“T-that painting. W-what are you going to do with it?”

“Nothing. I don’t want to throw it away, so I’ll just set it aside somewhere. If you want it, I can give it to you.”

Master Shizu’s eyes carried a firm expression for a few seconds. He lightly shook his head a few times but he wouldn’t avert his eyes from the painting.

“What are you going to do?” the painter asked.

As Master Shizu slowly stretched both of his hands towards the painting, I interrupted, “Where are you planning to hang that painting?”

“Guh…!” For a moment, Master Shizu’s face became grim. And then, his outstretched hands slowly dropped. “No… It’s a pity, but I can’t take it.”

“I see.” The painter stacked the painting into the loading platform, bid us farewell, and left on his three-wheeled truck.

Master Shizu came back to the buggy and sat in the driver’s seat. Still looking ahead, he placed his right hand on my head and stroked it gently. And then he muttered,

“It’s cold.”


Master Shizu took one big breath, and started the buggy’s engine.

Translator’s Notes[edit]

  1. Title says it all. It’s a continuation of the story in Volume 2 Chapter 5: A Picture’s Tale -Happiness-. This story, as well as its prequel, were included in the second Kino no Tabi visual novel.