Kaze no Stigma:Volume3 Chapter 4

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Chapter 2 Each and everyone's determination

Part 1



Kazuma, peacefully breathing in his sleep on the upper side of the tree, suddenly - avoiding Tiana's wings, who just happened to fly on top of him - jumped to his feet.

"W- what?"

On the verge of falling, reorganizing her attitude, Tiana groaned. Completely ignoring those complaints, Kazuma said:

"It came back"


Tiana forgot her resentment on the spot. While it may be true she felt it, it does not mean she can do something about it.

"Where, where?"

To the now rushing out fairy, Kazuma jerked his jaw, pointing to the car trying to pass through the gate. Both their glances have been rooted on the spot.

From the car stopped in front of the entrance, several men and women made their appearance. Among those people, from inside the body of one small girl at the beginning of her teens, the wave motion felt from the center of her chest was, without a doubt, belonging to the treasure stolen from the fairy village.

"Even so, that is....."

The girl emitted an awfully unnatural presence. And then, when comparing her with the girl with an identical face, five or six years her senior, Kazuma muttered in a bitter voice.

He grasped the family structure of the Tsuwabuki head house. A girl that was not supposed to exist and an older identical girl.

And then - the fairy's treasure carried inside her body. From his perspective everything was clear.

"What a vulgar copy cat...."

On the other hand, Tiana was unrelated to those strong feelings.

"Ah, I found it....."

Murmuring with a voice overcome with emotion, both hands before her chest, looking up at the Heaven with wet pupils, as if saying "Thank you, God".

"Inside that, it's inside that! Come now - Kazuma please carry out the request! Gouge that girl's heart and retrieve the bloody treasureeee!!"

Because of too much excitement, Tiana screamed the bloody speech. How to say this, it was a scene meant to break any dreams and aspiration regarding the so called fairies.

That Tiana, shouting with blood shot eyes, Kazuma lightly disregarded, as if it was a matter of course. Brushing off the leaves and bark sticking to his clothes, he lightly muttered one thing.

"Well then, should I go back to sleep?"

"Just wait a secoooooooond!"

Tiana pulled with all her might the nape of Kazuma's neck, trying to descend from the tree that was their kip. Casually grabbing the fairy's body, following about, and plucking it of, he asked tiresomely.


"It's not what, right? The treasure we searched for it's just there!? Quickly get it baaack!!"


Kazuma called out the fairy with the propensity for derangement in a terribly quiet voice.

As if cold water was poured on her heated head, Tiana promptly returned to her true character.

"W- wh- what is it....?"

"If you think about it, the ceremony is tomorrow night."


"Instead of taking it now, won't it be more amusing to take it when they will be relived and think the ceremony can quietly take place? When knocked down from the peak of rejoice to the bottom of despair, what kind of expression will they do?....ku ku ku...."

Engraved on the contractor's mouth was an inhuman, cruel and brutal smile. The man's true character, who essentially should be a saint, made Tiana feel despair countless times.


Part 2

She saw a dream.

Of a distant past, of a time her chest still harbored hope, a resemblance of the once foolish self. She wanted to be apreciated. She wanted to be smiled at. It did not matter if she was number one. It did not matter if she was the second.

That's why she desperately struggled. Putting her life on the line, piling up experience, refining her power. Without considering that it was the cause of still more alienation.

"That technique is a heresy. It's not appropriate for a practitioner of the traditional Tsuwabuki."

"That thing is not Chijutsushi. Why does my child have to use such black arts?"


Demon Child

Evil magician

The cruel words thrown at the very young girl by her own father carved in her heart wounds that cannot heal.

"Someday, for sure....."

Realizing that was a wish that will never come true, when did that happen?

That was a crab.

Not something particularly scary. Its size was somewhat big - enough to bisect a bear with its kitchen-like pincers. Its legs were somewhat numerous - the fore pincers - but, if she were to use her power the opponent would have no choice but to be lightly pinched out.

Despite this - the girl she was supposed to protect, was being overpowered by such a thing and paralyzed with horror. The huge pincers swung from overhead, was being looked up at, in a daze, by that inexperienced face.


She promptly released her power. The pincer trying to smash Mayumi's head was broken as if crushed by a giant hand.

"Come here!"

The crab was spouting froth from anguish. She sharply ordered Mayumi, who was still looking up at it in blank amazement.


Finally calming down, Mayumi rushed over while her legs got twisted. She payed absolutely no attention behind her. To that defenseless back, the crab tried to give a retribution blow. While driving out the crab with a feint attack, she caught the small body leaping in her chest.

"Older sister!"

For the girl trembling in fear, she showed a perfectly forced smile.

"It's alright. Against that kind of apparition, it's impossible for you to loose."


"I will stop its movement and I will give it the finishing blow. That's fine, right?"


"Make your preparation"

Turning around Mayumi's still insecure body, she was made to confront the imminent crab.

"It's alright."

Embracing from behind the younger sister stiff with fear, she tenderly whispered. Contrary to her tone, that facial expression was cold but invisible to the girl gazing at the crab.

"Look....observe it"

Kicking the ground with eight long legs the crab approached the two straightforward. And, when he was approximately ten meters away, suddenly the crab was smashed.

it was like from right overhead, an unbelievably huge palm held him down with all his strength. Smashing the collection of legs, the shell conspicuously fissured. Plucking from the root the pincers that were rose overhead, admitting defeat, it was buried into the ground with a roar.

Without moving at all she pointed at the crab in anguish and told Mayumi:

"Come now, finish it off. Make a hole through the center, pierce it from bellow. You can do it, right?"

"Y-yes" Mayumi obediently nodded.

Obeyed by the spirits of the earth, she governed their power. The spirits promptly responded to the most powerful Chijutsushi blood.

" -ya!!"

Together with the girl's cute yell, from beneath the crab a spear stone grew. That long and narrow cone shape penetrated the crab's shell and rose facing the heavens. Making a huge hole in the middle of its body, the crab wriggled, foam at it's mouth. But by construction the crab was unable to escape from the stone spear. It's resistance gradually weakened and gradually stopped.

Before their eyes, the skull of the reddish crab lost its gloss, growing dull in color. The crack spread from that gap and the muscle became visible. It faded the same way loosing its elasticity and the muscle became stiff.

It turned to stone.

That was Mayumi's real aim. The stone spear that went through was no more than the preliminary arrangement for that purpose. The ground spirits pumped into the wounds changed with great vigor the organic matter in inorganic one. Making sure the petrification reached the interior of the body, including fighting spirit, Mayumi shouted.


It was impossible to disobey it. Agreeing to the command, the ground spirits speedily dissolved the bindings. Making a thick sound the stone cram was smashed.

Because the body changed to countless stones it was no longer possible to guess its original shape.

"Very well done Mayumi-sama!"

"Merely eight years old and to be able to take down such a Youma!"

Waiting for Mayumi when she returned home was a storm of praise from the entire family. The people assembled in the saloon unanimously praised Mayumi and her alone.

There was nobody who talked to her. Without showing any reaction for the uproar of the surroundings, she was sitting diagonally behind Mayumi, mute like a puppet. In front of her ignored as if her existence was the same as air, Mayumi who was given the family seat of honor was being spoken to by the Tsuwabuki Iwao.

"You did very well, Mayumi."


Mayumi's smiling face lit up and jumped into her father's chest, whom she respected and loved. Iwao also embraced his daughter closely, including an overflowing love.

"You did very well, Mayumi."

While pressing her cheeks against against Iwao's chest, who repeated those words again, Mayumi said innocently:

"Yeah, I did my best. But older sister practically did it by herself. Older sister is awfully strong!"

The unreserved large voice reverberated in the saloon, and the faces of the people sitting in a row became pale. Feeling the change of atmosphere, Mayumi raised her eyes to her father in wonder.

"What's wrong?"

Iwao replied laughingly.

"It's of no concern. Mayumi is admirable, dividing her achievement with other people."

"That's wrong, really, elder sister is- "

"It's fine, I don't give a damn about that thing"

Blocking Mayumi's field of vision by hugging her close, Iwao shifter his attention to her. Cold like a different person, a glance exceeding hatred, filled with curses.

But even so, she didn't move one finger, one eyebrow or one muscle. Ignoring the glance sticking between her eyebrows, her gaze looked at nothing but in front, one meter horizontal from Iwao, fixating on the wood details of the alcove post.

The sister embraced with love and the sister glared at with hatred.

All present looked at the excessively contrastive sisters, catching their breath.



At the voice repeating her name, taken aback, Kureha woke up. It seems she took a nap in the middle of her duties. Lightly shaking off her head, to remove the remaining sleepiness, she responded.


From the door opened by the maid, a group of three people got in. By priority of age, Yuuji, Mayumi and - Ayumi.

That was unexpectedly fast

Kureha thought so, looking at the puppet with eyes sunk in bitterness. As far as she saw of that facial expression, her first trip had not been particularly enjoyable.

Well, it's a thing of no consequence

"Following your instruction Ayumi has been returned home"

Being considerably pathetic, Yuuji reported stiffly. Expressly speaking of such obvious things, Yuuji may have been foolish but that doesn't mean Kureha was the same.

That was some kind of indication of his decision.

"With this I won't allow Mayumi to become a sacrifice", or something

It's not like her real intentions stood out. Instead, feeling that naivete pleasant, Kureha responded with a sweet smile.

"I appreciate your efforts."


No matter how he perceived those words of appreciation Yuuji made a respectful bow, his face lit up. But before he raised his head, Kureha informed the three.

"Yuuji, you can already retire. Mayumi and Ayumi, please follow me."

"....Eh?" unintentionally Mayumi asked back.

Yuuji stiffed in a comical stance, his back bent.

".......Me too, you said?"

Seeing surprise and a small quantity of fear clung to Mayumi's question, Kureha laughed.

"That's right. Did you think you will be sightseeing the ceremony drinking tea? You too have an important part. Follow me"


Iwao being on the sickbed at the present time, Kureha was the one commanding the family. She could not advocate her objection.

Complying with Kureha, who naturally opened the door and stated walking, Mayumi and Ayumi followed behind.

Yuuji followed the three people until they left the office but clinging to them further was not permitted.

For him, unable to do anything but see them off, Mayumi looked over her shoulder just once.

That profile full of anxiety was scorched in the center of his consciousnesses together with a feeling of loss that cannot be undone.

Part 3

The next morning

Hiding his pathetic decision inside his heart, Yuuji knocked on the door leading to Kureha's private room. Without pause, the reply came.

"What's the matter, Yuuji?"

"........I have something to discuss."


The knob turned. It wasn't the work of a key. In a mental state similar to that of entering a dragon's den, Yuuji stepped inside the room.

"Good morning. You're early Yuuji."

Although saying that Kureha's appearance too was perfectly n order. Her flowing black hair was perfectly arranged and the same as usual a black suit was tightly wrapped around her.

"Will you let me know my lady's whereabouts?"

Standing before Kureha, impolitely Yuuji did not return the greeting and got to the main question. His complexion was bad. In spite of being injured to that extent yesterday it seems he didn't sleep a wink.

"Since last night, after Kureha-sama took her along, she did not returned to her room"

"You, did you stick yourself in front of Mayumi's room? You're almost like a stalker, huh?", Kureha laughed sarcastically.

However, Yuuji, without showing a glimpse of insincere smile, draw near with asevere face.

"Please answer, Kureha-sama. Depending on what happens, even if it's you..."

Kureha indifferently asked back.

"Even if it's you?"


without doing anything, just by standing there, Kureha overwhelmed Yuuji.

Even by making use of his blind devotion towards Mayumi, he could not fill the desperate power difference.

"My lady, where is she...."

Still, seeing Yuuji hang on, mustering his willpower Kureha showed a somewhat unnatural look of admiration.

"What considerable devotion. If you want to meet her that badly, I will allow you to. Come!"

Yuuji chased after Kureha, who left the room and began to walk a few meters behind. The distance he put between them, rather than him being precautious, it was more like he was afraid of getting closer.

What kind of person is this woman?

Even if it was for a moment, when he confronted her he felt her abnormality. That power was clearly on a different level, when compared with other practitioners. Even Iwao, the Head, for Kureha, he was not a match by far. To say it simply it was an excessively mighty power. From the time she was a child, although unique, she was recognized as a powerful practitioner but nobody expected her to rise above to such a level.

"What are you doing? You'll be left behind."

Almost like reading his heart, indulging himself in speculation, Kureha suddenly looked over her shoulder.

Bearing the shriek trying to gush out by clenching his teeth, Yuuji shortly answered.

"...........I understand"

"Hurry up. I don't want to be seen by too many people"

And with these words, her beautiful face showed her usual smile, with no trace of impatience.

Glaring annoyed at Kureha, who faced forward once again Yujji slightly quickened his pace.

In silence, Kureha walked to the deepest part of the grounds. Yuuji never entered this place before- it was a place nobody could enter with the exception of those who earned the permission of the Head.

"This is......"

"You've never entered this place before, huh? It's because, with the exception of those belonging to the main family this is a place that doesn't open but once every thirty years"

At the words he feared, Yuuji's face became stiff.

"Kureha-sama, you, by no means, even my lady- "

Those words, spoken in a strong tone, Kureh interrupted icily.

"Yuuji, you may believe you are given permission to an opinion but I have no intention of bestowing it any further. I am letting you meet her in deference to your loyalty but I have no intention of releasing Mayumi until the ceremony is over. Remember it."


Completely forbidden from raising objections, Yuuji had no choice but to be silent.

"..........is this the place?"

Starring at the small shrine they arrived before long, Yuuji asked.

"This is the entrance. Our place of destination is inside it" answered Kureha, opening the small shrine's gate.

Inside there wasn't even a single light, and without having performed any kind of process the cave entrance lightly opened its mouth.

"Here is....."

"Correct, this is the sacred ground of Tsuwabuki. The place we must protect even at the cost of our lives. Well, shall we go forward? Your beloved lady is inside."

"I understand"

To Kureha's exaggerated words, mixed with ridicule, Yuuji replied seriously.

He continued walking while controlling his uneasiness at the endlessly continuing cave.

A pitch blackness without a ray of light. A natural cave with no reinforcements. This was a situation that would have driven claustrophobic people to madness but for a Chijutsushi it was a place full of tranquility equivalent with the inside of mother's womb.

And yet, Yuuji frantically endured the urge to start running. In what sort environment was Mayumi placed, thinking of that he is unable to suppress his anxiety.

My lady....I will, definitely.......

Hiding that strong decision n his heart, he is descending in the cave. And then -


A dazzling glint burned Yuuji's eyes. Into his ears, unintentionally shutting his eyes, Kureha's composed voice resounds.

"Welcome to the center of Tsuwabuki's consecrated ground."


Holding his hands before his eyes, Yuuji slowly opened his eyelids. What was there was a huge space that did not appear to be underground, spreading out.

"This is....."

A voice full of wonder leaked out. The magical spectacle spreading before hos eyes, drew in his sight and didn't let go. The gigantic pillar soaring at the center of the large hollow spreading a hundred meters below Fuji's sea of trees, is brilliantly shining.


The sparkling, transparent stone pillar - there is no mistake about it, it was a pillar made of high purity cristal. The diameter roughly four meters, it's height nearly twenty meters.

And then, even supposing this crystal was guiding the sunshine so deeply underground, that enormousness exhausted any kind of description.

To Yuuji, stupefied with amazement, Kureha turned an evil smile.

"Yuuji, it's fine to be so deeply moved but is it not something else you should look for?"


"Please look carefully inside the pillar"


Doing as he was told, Yuuji closely observed the pillar. Enduring the radiance, he saw a dark stain somewhat lower than the center.

He supposed that was just some foreign matter that was mixed in, but that unusual shape weighted on his mind. Taking a few steps forward he starred even more.


He was terrified. That stain had the form of a human.

Dressed sparingly, the white, thin dress showing her shoulders, the girl's eyes were peacefully closed. It was unthinkable not to recognize her.

Because she was the girl he pledged to protect by sacrificing everything.

"My lady!"

On Yuuji's shoulder, who started running, an invisible power was placed.

The heavy pressure reaching one ton sealed his body's movements as if it was its loyal subject.

"Calm down!" coldly informed Kureha.

Yuuji glared at her.

"What have you done to my lady?"

That shout, so overcome with emotion it forgot even honorifics, Kureha tolerantly pardoned.

"I did say Mayumi too has her own role"


"Ayumi's body cannot withstand the release of power. The emission ratio will not be enough for the final tuning. Therefore, the power Ayumi cannot sustain by herself, I made Mayumi shoulder. You could call it the unexpected side effect of a clone"

The practitioner who performs the ritual, even calling it extreme, one is enough. Or perhaps it should be said that for the delicate control required by the technique, the governing intent must only be one.

Excluding the early few times, the ceremony was practiced by almost all the family, adding multiplied force for the sake of raising the success rate but did not change the fact that the practitioner controlling the power that is the focal point is just one.

But, if it's Ayumi and Mayumi practically identical at the genetic level, it may not be impossible to align their consciousness. Particularly by making the weak-self Ayumi do the main part and leaving the trance to the egoistic Mayumi.

"Such a...."

Without listening to Kureha's explanation until the end, Yuuji dropped to his knees, heartbroken.

I...until now, for what sake.........

That appearance, feebly hanging his head, resembled Ren's the night before, in a cruel way.