Kaze no Stigma:Volume3 Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Dreams and reality

Part 1

After changing the train at Kawaguchiko[1], one of the lake belonging to the Five Lakes of Mt. Fuji, Ayano and Ren took a taxi to the Tsuwabuki residence. Before the private road that led to the residence they got off and forcibly climbed over the iron fence with a clearly written ``NO TRESPASSING`` sign. After that was supposed to be a straight path.

Staring quite anxious at Ayano going forward, planing in a rude entrance, Ren asked.

"Still, is this OK? Approaching so boldly?"

"Then, do you want to try sneaking in? Climbing over the wall and slipping through the defense system and try to finally arrive at Ayumi-chan without the Chijutsushi noticing, do you have that confidence?"


That was impossible. The opponents are Chijutsushi. If they step on the ground of the premisses they will be noticed without mistake that instant.

"Right? That's what you call unsuitable orientation. For a Enjutsushi to take covert action is the same as telling the sun <<shine in a more humble manner>>."


They kept walking without change ten odd minutes. The sun fade out and around the time the world became engulfed in darkness the Tsuwabuki residence made an appearance before those two. Both of them looked up at the magnificent manor.

"Firs of all, we made it in time, huh?"


Gazing at the majestic style entrance, Ren replied.

"So, how do we get in?"

Ayano was still looking at the gate. An inter phone was not found. It did not seen likely the sound of a knock would reach.

".......shall I burn it?"

".......older sister......"

At Ayano's bold words, Ren murmured in a lamenting voice.

"How can you make up your mind to go that far?"

"How, you ask........my disposition, I guess?"

"Please don't be so proud of it.......even if we don't do such an excessive thing, it's not that high we can't climb over, right?"

Leaving the gate aside, the height of the wall that followed it on both sides was, at best, approximately 3 meters. Certainly it wasn't a height that couldn't be climbed over.

"Well, I hope that's safe."

Ayano nodded and bent over in order to jump over the wall. At exactly the same time.

Raising a dull creak, the thick doors slowly opened.


Ayano and Ren exchanged glances and both shrugged their shoulders.

"We are being let in."

"How thoughtful."

Exchanging a sarcastic smile both stepped inside the grounds.

And then - they met the receptionist.

Approximately twenty minutes before

In the large underground gave, Yuuji looked up at the crystal pillar encasing Mayumi. Guiding the above moonlight the crystal produced a faint radiance shining in the darkness.

In the surroundings other Chijutsushi were hastening the preparation for the ceremony. But, he completely disregarded that clatter, turning his glance on Mayumi - and only her.

"You're really earnest, aren't you?"

A whisper shook his ear. Unaware of Kureha's presence standing right behind, Yuuji was not surprised anymore. Managing that level of presence was a matter of course. He knew it first hand.

"What?" he asked without turning around.

Kureha did not blame him for it. She informed him of what he had to do.

"We have a guest."

"Who is it?"

"Two fire presences. I still don't feel the wind. But if it's that man, he is quite capable of following us around without anyone noticing."

Talking serious words with a smiling face Kureha gave an order again.

"Go meet them. I'm leaving the rest to you."

"I will return before long."

Including a quiet self confidence, Yuuji consented. Without change, he started walking to the gateway but after going forward several steps he turned around.

"Can you answer me one thing?"

"Say it", Kureha generously nodded.

"Why did you seek so much power and violate the taboo?"

"Your ability was supposed to be the most powerful in the entire family"


For a moment Kureha had a blank facial expression, as if taken by surprise. Nevertheless she immediately raised her even lips, expressing a somewhat otherworldly archaic smile.

"Why? Isn't that obvious? Because I didn't have you."


Yuuji frowned in doubt. But, Kureha did not permit further questioning.


With a quiet and yet resolute tone she ordered. Yuuji had no right to oppose her.


With a small nod, Yuuji started walking once more. After looking hard at that retreating figure until it disappeared from her field of vision, Kureha looked up at the younger sister sealed in the crystal.

The shape of the girl sleeping inside the shining crystal was a fantastic spectacle that gave one the impression of a scene from a fairy-tale. Placing her hand on the crystal, Kureha looked up at Mayumi with a gaze full of affection.

"You didn't notice, did you? How blessed you were. How loved you were. I too, love you so very much. That's why - that's why I will let you go while being so blessed"

Visibly pouring out the peak of her emotion, Kureha pushed her forehead against the crystal pillar. After savoring the icy texture for a few seconds, she turned to the Chijutsushi underneath and informed the most high-ranking practitioner among them:

"I will temporarily excuse myself. Continue the preparation."


The practitioners nodded without showing surprise. Kureha could be said to be the one supervising but she couldn't directly participate in the ceremony. Therefore, if no unforeseen situation happened, the fact that she was not there was not a particular impediment.

Throwing a glance at the practitioners continuing to work, Kureha went towards the cave's interior. Arriving at the deepest part, where not even the light from the crystal pillar reached, she softly began to float.

It didn't have the sense of speed similar to Enjutsushi flying by wearing wind. It was a gentle float as if the body would be slightly lighter than the atmosphere, giving the impression of a balloon or a blimp.

Going beyond the ceiling of the cave, Kureha continued ascending. She quietly penetrated a shaft that opened in the ceiling, far from any light source, a gap unnoticed by anyone. Rising about four or five meters in the pit, Kureha chanted a small incantation.


After frequent twinkling, the soft light born in the air illuminated the pit's appearance.

The pit had a diameter of roughly ten meters and a clean, bowling round shape. It seems it doesn't connect with the above ground but it is fairly long. No matter how you think about it, it wasn't made by nature. And in the center of it, there was a rock.

A cluster of rocks arranged in a rough elliptical shape.

If you consider this is a huge cave underground, it's not something especially unusual. That is, if you consider the fact that it is floating in the air without any kind of support.

"Fu fu"

Expressing a light smile, Kureha is approaching the rock lump. And then she motionlessly stares at that surface. Because it was flowing in the air, it was clear that was more than a lump of rocks.

On the surface the full length portrait of an elderly man was thrown into relief.

Enjoyed from the bottom of her heart, she gazed at the man's carving - it's hardened closed eyes, its expression warped with anguish. And then, she spoke:

"Greetings, Father."

For a while there was no reaction. Still, gradually, little by little, the rock lump began to shiver slightly.

Visibly moaning in agony, visibly twisting his humiliated body, the rock lump continued its frail oscillation. And then -


The man's eyes, engraved in stone opened. That eye, glares at Kureha floating in front and from the inorganic throat, curses spun out.

"You......Kurehaaaaaa.......haw dare......how dare you........to your father......"

That thing was once referred to as Tsuwabuki Iwao.

Kureha and Mayumi's father, the man praised as the strongest practitioner of the family - the man who, it was reported a week before, was recuperating in his own room because of illness - right now was reduced to a lump of rocks.

"Ah, that felt good."

That look full of hatred made Kureha's lips curve with contemptuous ease.

"If you have no answer, I believe it's time for you to die"

"Damn you....you....betrayer....."

Iwao groaned his words as if spitting blood, but he couldn't do anything more than that. No matted how much power he possessed once, now he can't move a finger and was nothing but a pitiful prisoner who had no choice but to spit out his grudge.

Kureha sneered at that unsightly appearance.

"Having said you are the strongest Chijutsushi, how silly of you unable to separate from the ground. Ignoring the poison that desecrated the body, you had no choice but to assimilate rocks within reach to save your life. That is truly unsightly."

She ridiculed him, enjoying herself from the bottom of her heart.

It happened a week ago.

Iwao and Kureha - the parent and child mutually hating each other, finally crossed swords in the big cave that was the sacred ground of the family. Without a particle of leniency, both let out certain kill blows.

Thus Kureha's <<superpower>> was superior to Iwao's <<strongest>>. With the help of that invisible power, Kureha fixated the half-dead Iwao in the air. Even with the near invulnerability and resilience of an Chijutsushi, if he is touching the ground - when all connection with the ground's <<Ki>> was cut, Iwao was degraded to an average human and had no means of healing his wounds.

"Is that all it takes?" asked Kureha, visibly disappointed.

"Known as the strongest, Father's might, is it really only this amount?"


His lungs becoming useless, together with the vividly red blood, Iwao spit out curses.

"The Tsuwabuki Family's.........disgrace......."


Kureha's reaction, regarding the abuse she got used to hearing was the throwing of a small knife, dripping in poison, with one uninterested long breath.


Towards the suffering Iwao, Kureha sneered cheaply, merely saying over her shoulder.

"I was thinking you will let me hear a somewhat fresh utterance - but enough. Please die."

Kureha prepared the poisoned blade for the sake of this day. The fact that the strongest Chijutsushi was killed by poison - when thinking of so much disgrace, her body was trembling in a dark joy, but now it didn't even matter.

But, before Kureha's eyes, preparing to deliver the final blow, something she didn't anticipated happened.

A huge stone pillar rose from the ground, connecting Iwao to the solid earth.


Kureha promptly smashed the stone pillar. Immediately suppressing any kind of link with the ground, only the spearhead of the stone pillar was sized by Iwao and taken in, floating in the air.

Calculating the quantity of <<Ki>> taken from the large rock, lightly, Kureha took a breath of relief. To neutralize the poison, it's entirely insufficient.

"I was somewhat surprised. That you were left with such power - did he die?"

Iwao's vigor was only supposed to restrain the poison's progress with all his might. So, when he revealed such a bold move, it wouldn't be unusual for him to die the moment it was put in operation.

Still, just to be sure, ready to smash the mass of rock floating in the air, Kureha frowned truly in doubt.

"Oh - "

Softly dancing in midair, she is drawing near the mass of rock. And then she saw that, sticking on the surface.


After becoming speechless for several seconds, Kureha's body was convulsed with laughter to the point of breaking. In the corners of her eyes, even tears were floating.

"Oh.....oh Father.....what a....what a...."

The lump of rock suspended in the air. On that surface was clinging Iwao, changing into stone.

Kureha ridiculed that miserable shape to her heart's content. The aim of her Father, she was seeing through it now for sure. Mustering the remaining strength for one resuscitation move.

But at the time it was defeated, Iwao took extreme means for the sake of surviving and changed himself to rock. Poison doesn't run in rocks. Rocks do not die. By means of changing into an inorganic substance one second before his death, Iwao suspended his own time.

"Good grief, what a filthy way of living or perhaps not knowing when to give up, apparently not killing you instantly was the correct decision. You have shown me such a pleasant performance."

No matter how much he was being ridiculed, Iwao could do nothing anymore. Already without energy to even turn back but even assuming he could turn back, immediately the poison would be taking his life.

Unless Kureha doesn't take down the mass of rock, he has no choice but to carry on living changed to rock for eternity.

"I understand. In deference to the hatefulness of that resignation, I will let you live a little longer. That is, until the moment I fulfill my longstanding desire."

Despising her father's anguished face, Kureha laughed loudly one more time.

Thus, Iwao managed to survive one more week. If, in this state, it's accurate to say he is living.

"You.......do you understand what are you guilty of?"

Including an endless curse, Iwao muttered. Surely, that voice didn't hold a simple personal grudge but was pregnant with the sense of duty, as head of the family.

Keeping the beast's force in the bodies of the family who sealed it at the cost of it's members' life.

The union with the sealed demon beast - that was the source of Kureha's power - that was the reason that made Iwao decide on his daughter's conviction.

For the Tsuwabuki Clan, who have been sealing the demon beast for more than three hundred years, that may be called the most serious taboo, above all else.

But, at Iwao's outcry, almost vomiting blood, Kureha laughed lightly.

"But, wouldn't it have been wasteful? Although the long awaited power is just in front of me, to just put it back to sleep......."


In response to Iwao's wrath, the rock cracked here and there and broken pieces scattered.

A deed similar with scraping his body, but even so, his anger didn't subside.

"What do you plan to do by locking me up in such a place? Don't tell me, you want to release the demon beast?"

"Of course not"

The angry roar that once made the entire family yield was let go past, like a gentle breeze. Kureha shrugged her shoulders.

"We are carrying out the ceremony smoothly. That is correct, with the power of two sacrifices, I will show you a seal stronger than ever."

"...two......?two, you said......!?"

"Yes, two. Ayumi and Mayumi. The only daughter you love, I have decided to use her on this occasion."

The other daughter, the one who was not loved, raised words of cruelty, together with a cynical smile.

The man's face, carved in stone, was warped with fury.

"I don't allow it! That alone I won't allow! I won't let Mayumi become a sacrifice!"

"Then, what will you do? Can you do something with that body locked in stone? Are you some acquittance of Sanzouhoushi[2]?"


At Kureha's mockery, confident in her overwhelming superiority, Iwao groaned.

"Why?" he asked, his voice carrying the sound of supplication.

"Even if it's only Ayumi, she ought to be feasible for a satisfactory seal. To even use Mayumi, what is your purpose? i if you wish for the family's hegemony, then - "

"I don't."

Kureha coldly discarded Iwao's proposal.

"I have no use for such a thing. My goal is consistent with what I said earlier - the effective practical use of resources."


Frowning, Iwao asked back, in doubt. But midway he perceived something and his body - or perhaps the mass of rock trembled as if stuck by lightning. Opening his narrow eyes to the utmost limit, he stared at Kureha's thin smile. As his doubt turned into conviction, that look was painted with nothing but pure horror.

"Y - you....you....never - !"

Abstaining from that light smile, Kureha indifferently starred at her father, trembling with fear.

"Fu, fufufufu - "

That irrepressible chuckle reverberated in the gloomy prison.

Part 2

"As I thought, you came, huh?"

Ren didn't show any surprise, seeing that Yuuji was expecting him very matter of course.

It was very simple.

If it happens someone would stand up in front of him and block his way, that would be no one else but Yuuji.

However, having come this far, Ren had no intention of prolonging the fight. This boy that dislikes conflict opened his mouth in order to somehow settle this peacefully.

"Good evening."


Yuuji's severely strained face, relaxed for a moment, visibly tired. He asked in a somewhat reluctant manner.

"You....why did you come here?"


What does he want to do, the answer he finally arrived at after thinking about it, Ren spoke it slowly as if trying to ascertain its value by putting it into words.

"I want to meet Ayumi-chan once more. I have no intention of getting in the way of the ceremony this time so, won't you please let us pass?"

It was a proposal full of candor. However it's not always true tractability is necessary a virtue at any age.


Yuuji gave up as hopeless Ren's childish bullshit and instead focused on Ayano who was looking at both of them from a little distance.

"And you?"

Ayano waved her hands, appearing to say <<Don't mind me>>.

"Ah, I am Ren's escort. Think of me like nothing but air."

"As if!"

Yuuji became exasperated faced with these two whose remarks made it seem they didn't understand the situation.

"Get out, both of you! We're kind of busy, you know!!"

"...I'm afraid that is impossible."

Finally gave up on this pointless conversation, Ren reversed his submissive attitude. Obviously, with a battle attitude.

"I'll meet Ayumi-chan once more. I decided so. If you get in the way-"

"What a talkative chap"

Yuuji coldly interrupted Ren's statement.

"If you can't win a theoretical argument, only then are you ready to dirty your hands? That degree of resolution is pointless. Just go back home before you hurt yourself."

Those words were so full of confidence you wouldn't even consider he lost just yesterday. Taking that slight as a personal offense, Ayano raised her eyebrows with a twitch.

"Hey, why is this guy so proud?"

She came forth with loud footsteps. Enraiha has yet to be drawn but it's clear from her attitude she's asking for a fight.

Her scarlet gold aura gushung out, Ayano declares proudly.

"Do you want me to teach you in detail what happens when you let your big mouth run about in front of two direct descendants of Kannagi?"

But, she couldn't advance any further. Raising his hand, Ren obstructed Ayano's way.

"Please wait"

"Waite a minute, do you still want to..."

Ren shook his head at the scowling Ayano.

"No, it's not like that- "

And then, he faced Yuuji.

"I'll do it. Onee-sama please stand back."


In silence, Ayano alternatively looked at both Ren and Yuuji. They seemed to be locked on each other.

To force one's way through in that atmosphere requires a great deal of nerve, courage and insensibility.

Letting out a bored sight Ayano gave up on intervening.

"...Well, we still ahve a bit of time"

Besides, the opponent already lost once. There's no problem, even if she were to remain a spectator.

"Be careful"

And with that, she took her distance from the two.

She was prepared to jump in at any moment but, for the time being, she is entrusting Ren.

"Do your best"

Even if she knew he couldn't hear it, still, Ayano cheers for Ren a little.

"Could you please step aside ~ you do know you can't win against me?"

Even if he thought it was pointless Ren tried to persuade him just once more. To say it plainly, it became nothing more than a provocation and Yuuji, without moving a single muscle, rejected that proposal.

"Enough of that repetitious talk"

Placing killing intent on his frozen voice, Yuuji loudly roared.

"Just try to kill this meif you can!"

" -!!"

Feeling Yuuji's <<Ki>>'s explosive rise, Ren immediately melted the ground beneath his feet. But, the offensive came from the front.

"Using that cheap trick?"

Together with an angry roar, a huge amount of pebbles - enough to fill his vision - approached Ren. Because each and every one was fired with bullet-like speed, receiving that attack, the human body would become more than just covered in holes but crushed like minced meat and the corpse impossible to identify.


Raising a high, clear soprano yell Ren swung down his right hand. The golden flame that gushed out burned the countless stones to nothing.

However -

"Am I being pressed down?"

In Ren's pupil both surprise and shudder dwell. Those pebbles are really forcing back the fire torrent. Although he's not yet using his whole power, he included enough of it to thoroughly defeat someone like Yuuji from last night.

"Kuuuu- "

In a panic, Ren raised the heating power. But, faster than that, Yuuji made his move. Drawing nearer while concealing himself in the stream of throwing stones, he suddenly appeared before Ren's eyes.

" -!!"

He was completely taken by surprise. Without wasting time on interception, he was forced into close combat.

Barely managing to avoid a right straight hit from right overhead, he wasn't able to avoid a left middle kick that was sent from the opposite angle.


Although just barely managing to defend himself, Ren, shorter and younger, couldn't stop the kick of a highly trained adult. His arms sustained the damage but were blown off, and he was thrown in the fence.



While shaking his head, Ren stood up. It didn't seem Yuuji would pursuit. Taking a short distance, he calmly observed the degree of damage he inflicted.

Is this what it comes down to?

Voiceless, Ren groaned.

For a spirit practitioner, from the power they are manipulating - for an Enjutsushi fire, for a Chijutsushi earth and rocks they don't receive any damage.

For this reason, they can jump right into the Jutsu they created and be able to use it as camouflage or protective wall.

It's not really an original move. You could say it's one of the basics.

And yet, up until now Yuuji didn't try to use it, in spite of the fact that when thinking about the physique difference, close combat is advantageous.

Before, he had an aim. Not just to defeat Ren but to verify that "when facing an Enjutsushi a Chijutsushi is superior."

He was being conceited.

But Yuuji right now held no arrogance. Not as a Jutsushi but as a single human being, he used all his power to defeat the enemy - that's all he was thinking.

In general, rather than the fact that he had become more powerful, his stubbornness in paying no attention to his behavior was far more dangerous to Ren.

Agreement or no agreement, he was being taught a lesson about the strength of a person ready for death.

"But even I cannot yield on this - I'm not going to lose!"

"Shut it, brat!"

Both their will powers turned to force and clashed. The devastating fire storm swallowed all the cracks produced one after another. Weaving their way in the explosion made by the red hot plasma and gigantic rocks crashing into each other, their fists met.

It seems it was a negligence. In regards to the result of the hand to hand fight, without even thinking about it, it will remain the same. It was obvious.

A twelve years old child versus an adult male. If it comes down to who has a more trained body, Yuuji's is superior. It was impossible to loose.

Therefore, he must have been negligent.

So, at the time his thrust, powerful enough to pulverize the brain and splat spinal fluid everywhere was beautifully evaded, Yuuji lost sight of Ren's figure completely.

One moment later, when he spotted him again, Ren slipped his extended arm in Yuuji's blind spot and his elbow hit him in the pit of the stomach.

That kinetic energy resulted from a rush similar to teleportation was all poured in one blow. That shock, stronger than his drilled abs crushed Yuuji's stomach and escaped trough his back.

His heavy built body lightly danced in mid air. Beside the fact that Yuuji would have fallen down eventually Ren concentrated his consciousness and power.


Four thin refined heat rays accurately shot out the joints of his legs and shoulders. Yuuji's body fell like a puppet and rolled down in one of the craters one of them made. There, Ren delivered the final blow.

The giant fireball he brought down from overhead completely covered the crater like a lid. And then - one instance later it exploded.

Ayano, overcome with surprise for a little while, finally spoke with a stunned expression.

".......even without the direct hit, don't you think this is overkill?"