Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi: Volume 2 Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Ironblood Valkyrie

Part 1

The following morning, Ash was having his ecology class.

As usual, Eco in her uniform also attended the class, but the since the class lecture is too abstruse…...

"Huff…... puff ......"[1]

She was fast asleep on the table.

"……In another words, Strada’s element is wind, Asia’s element is wind/earth, and Hydra’s element is water."

The one standing on the lectern lecturing all the students is Professor Angela. She has an unusual concern about Eco as a researcher, Ash did not wish to let her gain opportunities to approach Eco…...

"Well, what is the Maestro’s element?"

Angela questioned with a stern tone, and her eyes fell on the name list.

"This question….. let's have Princess Silvia answer it."

Even she had been called out by Angela, Silvia just gazed blankly outside the window.

"Princess? What’s the problem?"

Angela continued to question her, but Silvia remains silent.

"Geez……. Jessica Valentine, please answer."


Jessica who was named stood up from her seat energetically.

"A Maestro’s element is light."

Jessica proudly replied, but Angela sneered back.

"Correct answer…... although I would like to say that, unfortunately I can only give you half the marks. A Maestro’s element is light, but not only that, Maestros also completely inherit the element that it is born with. In another words, A Maestro who is once a Strada has both light and wind elements……”

"Hey, Ash. Is anything wrong with the Princess?"

Raymond who was not paying attention to Angela’s explanation asked Ash.

Ash sighed.

"She...... Since she hears that the ‘Ironblood Valkyrie’ is coming to Ansarivan, she always seems to be distracted. Looks like she had received a great impact…..."

Raymond seems confused.

"‘Ironblood Valkyrie’ is the Princess’s elder sister by blood, right? What possible impact could she receive from that message?"

"About this, I’m not sure......"

"Do the two of you need my explanations?"

Suddenly someone interrupted their conversation. Ash was shocked.

“Cosette? Why are you here?"

Cosette was sitting obediently in an empty seat, and she was also wearing the standard uniform for maids who are servicing the royals. It Was hard to not notice her.

"Hehehe. Her Royal Highness Princess is dispirited, I must guard her quietly from the shadows. I also have received the permission from Angela-sensei."

"You call this quietly from the shadows...... However, I really do care about the reason that she is suffering."

"You are concerned about her as her classmate? Or as a man?"

Ash suddenly felt his cheeks turn hot.

"Y-You, what are you talking about! Princess and I had fought alongside as comrades and we are both members of the Student Council. It's normal that I’m concerned about her."

"Are you sure? Then I take it that you are telling the truth. Hehe."

Cosette, after her mischievous smile, jumped back into the topic.

"Her Royal Highness Veronica is a well-known warrior. She has a militant-like attitude, which is also the reason that Princess is forced to do a lot of training when she was young."

“The training, are they tough?"

"In fact…... I’m not exaggerating if I say she is living in hell every day. The Princess not only had been pushed into lakes, she was also sent to the ruins to do exploration, climbing the city wall, or brought to well-known haunted forests to learn to survive in the wild...... "

Ash is dumbfounded.

"I think that is plain bullying......"

"Incidentally, I play the role of the ghost in the forest."

"Come on! How come you are also one of the culprits!?"

Perhaps Silvia's timid side is because of Veronica (and Cosette)…... Ash thought so.

"Because of the shadow of her childhood, Her Royal Highness Veronica has become a symbol of terror in the eyes of the Princess......”

"I see…..."

Leaving alone her violent attitude, it seems that Veronica has a lot of personality problems. Ash, as one of the Student Council members, must greet this downright "difficult"[2] Princess no matter what.

Just by imagining it, Ash had a headache.

Raymond muttered grin:

"The title ‘Ironblood’ is not just for show. However, Ash...... I also like woman who are strong."

"Don’t you worry. I won’t even care what kind of girl you like…..."

"….. Strada, Asia and Hydra…... what conditions do they require in order to become a Maestro?"

Even when Ash is troubled, Angela’s lesson, of course, will not be interrupted.

"Ash, please answer this question."

"What? Me?"

Rather abruptly named, Ash appear to feel embarrassed.

Angela's sight was as sharp as a scalpel. Just by being stared by her, the feeling was like lying on the operation table waiting to be butchered.

On the other hand, that dangerous glare, at the same time, seems to fall on Eco, who is sleeping.

Ash spine shuddered. From his seat he silently stood.

“Uh-h…... I don’t know."


"I'm sorry ... what? Correct?"

Angela revealed a playful smile.

"That’s right. About the reasons the dragons transforming into a Maestro, there are different opinions among scholars; the truth has yet to be found out."

Angela closed the textbook and looked around the students.

"However, the old record shows that all dragons will eventually become a Maestro naturally. Although from the verge of extinction the number of Maestros dropped significantly, but logically each dragon should qualify to become a Maestro."

The students immediately turned into quite a storm.

It was also the first time that Ash heard about it.

"That is why the existence of a Breeder had become a problem. Why now in the modern times, dragons that died before they become a Maestro had become the Majority...... perhaps, the key factor of becoming a Maestro is in the hands of a Breeder."

The school bell that announced the class dismissal sounded at this time.

Silvia, under Cosette's assistance, shakily leaves the classroom, while Ash had an uneasy feeling.

"Princess is alright, right......?"

There are six more days before Princess Veronica’s visit……

Even though Silvia still can’t calm down, the days of Princess Veronica’s visiting is nearing.

Why did Veronica choose this period to visit Ansarivan?

"Officially 'This visit is to inspect the Ansarivan City which was under attack'", but according to the rumour, Veronica is a representative of the Royal Knight’s Hawks.[3]

To be inspecting should be a cover. The true reason was to investigate the condition of the city and the strength of the Necromancia-this was Rebecca’s point of view.

In fact, Veronica had been involved in the strife between races all across the continent and she has the experience of stopping the war.

It is said that she was only twelve years old during her first expedition.

Even though she is not selected to become a Breeder, Veronica, who needed to overcome her congenital condition which put her at a disadvantage, was extremely powerful and braver than anyone on the battlefield.

She led the way and charged forward, chopping down the enemy mercilessly one by one.

There is a rumour that whenever Veronica swung her sword, three heads were sent flying through the air at the same time.

Wise and strong.

Victorious and never been at a disadvantage.

There is no swordsman whose skill is on par with her.

Veronica became famous after she killed a basilisk [4] with her sword alone. Even poets turned her achievement into poetry. Basilisks were big, violent lizards. Others see it as the next of kin of an Asia.

The famous Veronica was given the nickname ‘Ironblood Valkyrie’ by the people.

According to Rebecca, once the people heard Veronica is coming to Ansarivan, people suddenly frowned.

Veronica, in order to extinguish the flames of war in the continent, heroically fought in the war in her teens. However she had also indirectly become the cause of problems.

Veronica unconsciously made a lot of enemies.

The remnants of the rebels still wanted to take Veronica’s life. It was not surprising that she would be assassinated at any given time.

Just right after the attack of the Necromancia, another difficult task was received. Anyone can tell that the chief of Ansarivan is now in trouble.

Part 2

The midday’s bell rang loudly into the sky.

Leaded by the mayor and the principal, the important figures of the City Council and Academy Council and also the members of the Student Council......, a welcome group of more than 20 people lining up at the entrance of the school’s first block waiting for the arrival of Veronica.

"Princess is coming to visit the city personally ...... her previous visit is several years ago."

The rarely replaced white robes to wear suits Dr Angela Cornwell replace her usual white robes with her rally seen formal dress joins the welcome party.

Recently Angela who unexpectedly became a lecturer, in fact is a national treasure who is given high authority in doing research.

Although all the representative of Ansarivan gathered in one spot, but compare to the situation to welcome a princess, such numbers is regarded as a very small scale. Logically speaking, the mobilizing all members of the public to hold a grand welcome ceremony is not considered exaggerating.

However, Veronica is well known for her taste to keep things simple. They even received prior notice to dispense with all the complicated ceremony, even the school operates as usual.

The Students’ Council is represented by Rebecca, Max, Ash, as well as Eco. Not only that, but also the Maestro Cú Chulainn and Maestro Arianrhod.

Cú Chulainn is Rebecca pal and is also truly the Academy’s strongest Maestro.

His silver fur is dazzling and his unbelievable growth cause him to unable to put on any mount on his mammoth like body, anyone who saw him will be dumbfounded.

On the other hand, Arianrhod is Max's Pal, a noble Maestro, but age is still at his child age. Different from the imposing Cú Chulainn, he is filled with an atmosphere who make people want to pampered him.

"Eh? Eco you...... really want to welcome Princess Veronica?"

"Why? Do you have opinions regarding it?"

Eco join the welcome party as the mascot of the student’s council, she was wearing the same black dress that she wore in the ceremony before. It seems that she like that dress very much.

But Silvia’s problem makes people a lot more worried.

"Her Royal Highness Princess really is not coming?"

After hearing Ash’s question, Rebecca shrugs her shoulders and sigh.

"Look, if she was so scared until that extend, we couldn't possibly force her to participate in this, right? She seems to has some considerable trauma regarding Veronica."

"It is too hard to believe that she turned out to be so afraid of her own sister……"

"Who's afraid of what?"

The person who interrupted Ash’s is precisely Silvia herself.


City Council and the School Council immediately bowed respectfully upon the appearance of Silvia.

The Silvia with her status as princess generously replied "Thanks for your hard work." and approached Ash and his gang.

"Are you all right?"

Immediately after Ash spoke to her, Sylvia exposed a confidence brimming smile.

Not only she looks pumped up, but also her hair became a lot glossier than ever. Despite wearing her uniforms, she looks a lot more dashing than her usual self.

"Who do you think you're talking to? I Silvia Lautreamont even I Previously panicked, but now I’m alright."

"Is that so?......Then I’m relieved."

Although her situation seems somewhat surprising, but no matter what a least I can be assured……

When Ash is thinking to himself, Rebecca with a stern tone lectured her.

"How can you be so insouciant? Silvia, as a Dragner, how can you meet your sister without Lancelot?"

Lancelot is also a Maestro, Silvia Pal. Because of the attacks a few days ago, her relationship with Ash becomes very close.

"Sorry that there is no prior notice......Onee-sama she doesn't really like Lancelot."

Silvia’s answer made Rebecca frown.

"Is this thing related to Veronica because she is not chosen as a breeder?"

"This ...... should be because of this."

After Rebecca look ambiguous Silvia, without knowing why reveal a smile of mercy.

"Is it so? I’ll take it that you are telling the truth."


Ash couldn't understand what Rebecca is thinking.

At this point, all the adults begin mutter something.

“I can see it!”[5]

"Wow! That is Veronica Her Royal Highness’s ......!"

"Even that type of vehicle can be made!"

"It seems like the Empire’s[6] made aviation ship ...!"

Ash couldn't help but curiously stare into the blue skies.

A foreign body which could not exist in nature appear at the end of the cobalt blue sky.

As the minutes ticked past, the foreign body from a black dot gradually become able to see its outline.

"......It couldn't be!"

To Ash’s dismay he cannot help shouting out loud.

Compare to the dragon fly alongside, people immediately can actually feel the size of the gigantic ship. In contrast to the huge flying object even the dragon who served as a guard looks just like beans.

Standing beside Ash, Rebecca looking sternly, said:

"That is Princess Veronica’s personal plane -the airship ‘Silvanus’."

Part 3


This is done by Princess Veronique who gathered all the exiled scientists of Zepharos Empire which successfully developed the beta version ship.

Silvanus like it is going to occupy the whole piece of open space, slowly landed in front of the school’s block. Like a bird that lands on the lake, the landing was very stable.

The airship design is widely base on the streamline shape, which who make people think that it is a Maestro that spread its wings.

The red lines together with the white colour armour produced a stunning appearance.

And attached at many locations on the body of the airship are the cannons’ trapdoors.

Ash staring at the magnificent airship dumbly.

He had heard so much about Silvanus but this is the first time he witnessed it with his own eyes.

"This thing is just too big…... How can it fly?"

Seeing that Ash is transfixed in his place, Silvia explain:

"This airship uses Bright Dragon Crystal as fuel. Onee-sama even though she didn’t become a breeder, but she uses the Dragon’s magic and Mechanical Engineering technology from the Empire to completed Silvanus."

"So literary, it is the Oracle’s power that let it fly......!"

"That is the way it is. But the thing that can be used as fuel is a type of special Bright Dragon Crystal called Millennium, so there is no way for mass production."


"The dragon fossils in the ground, after a thousand years they may produce crystals with mass power.

"I don’t even know about this......"

"It's just that, Silvanus compare to the Empire made aviation ship not only it has a small size, but also the defence has some problems, the place where the armour is weak can only be reinforce with a Dragner, you had seen it right?'

Silvia was right, the seven Dragner served as escort precisely landed each dragon on the ground.

Out of the seven Dragner, only the leading one is with an Ark. He is likely the escort’s captain.

"Veronica is going to alight the ship, please do not whisper."

Rebecca with a low voice scolded them, Ash and Silvia had no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

As the crowd watched, Silvanus's door slowly opened followed by operating noise of the gears, the boarding ladder is lowered automatically.

Under the gaze of everyone-.

The Ironblood Valkyrie follow by her footsteps which sound just like iron being hit landed on the ground

Ash gasped, his eyes fixed on Veronica’s figure.

To say that she is a princess, she looks more like a Valkyrie…... Ash thought so.

It is not surprising that she is Silvia’s sister, the two of them looks identical.

Their dazzling blonde hair and white skin is their common feature.

However, the aura that her tall slender figure emits outshone Silvia.

The important thing is her eyes.

Like an eagle who fixed on its prey from up high.

Her eyes are as sharp as blade, by just being stare by her, it feel like the heart had been thoroughly pierced through.

Flipping over her red cloak, Veronica with a loud voice said:

"Thanks for everyone who is here to welcome me. Sorry for the trouble!"

That voice is powerful like a highly resilient whip.

When the cloak is flipped up, instantly, the armour on Veronica’s limbs are exposed.

Obviously they are crafted with steel, heavy and dazzling. Only then Ash realized that the unusual sounds of footsteps are the sounds of her sabatons[7].

She wore a broad sword which requires both hands for gripping the Sword. Presumably, that Sword is the weapon that drew the blood of numerous rebels and basilisk.

Veronica led the seven escort march towards here.

A group led by the mayor panicked and wanted to kneel down and salute, but Veronica with a disgusted look on her face waved them off.

"Please forget about those unnecessary and over-elaborated formalities. More importantly, where is Silvia?"

With the speed of a hawk’s eye, she quickly glance the faces of the crowd.

“We haven’t meet for a long time, Onee-sama. "

Silvia answered Veronica’s call by stepping forward.

"We haven’t met each other in four years, two months and twelve days, my dear sister."

"From the day I leave the palace to come to Ansarivan for my school enrollment, we haven’t met each other.

The way Silvia speaks with such fluency is calmer than what he expect.

Ash quietly breathed a sigh of relief.


The next instant, Ironblood Valkyrie reveal her true nature which matches with her nickname.

"I'm really disappointed, Silvia!"

Veronique raise his right hand.

Just when he thought that Silvia is going to be slapped, next second Ash has witnessed an incredible scenario.

Silvia easily avoid Veronica’s palm, and easily jump five meters off, she even did a summersault in mid-air, and gorgeously landed on the ground.

No matter what, that doesn’t look like a skill of a normal human.

"Are you mad, Onee-sama?"

Silvia smile haughtily.

At least, that is Ash’s first time seeing Silvia laugh that way.

"How dare make fun me ...... it seems like you have borrowed some guts from heaven, faker!"

After a moment of silence, ash cried out in dismay.


"Whew…... I already knew such thing."

Rebecca standing beside Ash muttered softly. It seems that Rebecca since long ago had known the truth.

"Tee hee. This action is worthy of Veronica Her Royal Highness."

Originally he thought that Silvia is making some tearing sound, and then her mask together with her blonde hair is ripped off from her face.

And the true face behind the mask is-


Ash is dumbfounded.

The 20 people from the welcome party led by the mayor are also speechless from the change of event.

Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi v2 p087.jpg

"Sure enough, there is no hiding from the eyes of Veronica Her Royal Highness."

Cosette facing the Ironblood Valkyrie face to face not only she didn’t act timid, she even exposed hippie smile.

"That is obvious, because I didn’t feel any fear from you! Silvia who is not afraid of me is not Silvia!"

"Hehe......, I will use this as future reference."

Her insolent answer makes Veronica frown.

"I regret that a woman like you is not able to become my underling. How about it, Cosette? It is still never too late. Come and follow me!"

Cosette with a resolute attitude answer.

"I person I served- is only Princess Silvia Her Royal Highness."

"That kind of timid blond girl, what are her good points?

Everything about her are her good points. "

Cosette answered without a hint of confusion, everyone beside her is given a shock of their life.

"Tsk…... All the nonsenses will stop here. You better quickly admit, where is Silvia?"

"Her Royal Highness Princess......"

While Cosette stiffen her face, trying to wriggle out -

"I ... I'm here!"

Silvia in her uniform appeared behind the welcome party.

This time should be correct. Silvia who make the others dismay because of her trembling legs is the best evidence.

"Will Her Royal Highness Princess be alright…...?"

Ash muttered nervously.

"Rest assured, at least her life is safe."

Rebecca calm expression, said those terrifying words.

"You ...... you are dismissed, Cosette."

"I will, Princess."

After receiving Silvia’s command, Cosette leaves with a serious expression on her face.

Part 4

Under the gaze of the welcome party and escort, the first Princess and the fourth Princess officially met.

"Anything not alright, my dear sister? Look at your knees, shaking like that?"

"I-I am not ...... trembling. Silvia Lautreamont herself wholeheartedly......Welcome Onee-sama’s arrival."

Tsk. Seems to me that apart from your breast and your butt, you did not grow at all. '

Click ... with the sound of her sabatons, Veronica step forward.

"I’ll say again. Silvia, you disappoint me!"


A hard and dry sound echoed in all four corners.

Veronica's iron-fisted swing toward Silvia which ended as a slap in the face.

"Sob ...!"

Silvia cannot help but staggered, but she eventually stay firm, however the place that was slapped becomes swollen.

Veronica coldly stare at Silvia and with a plain tone she said:

"... I had already heard the report of the attacks. Rebecca Randall courageously protect the city and also the mysterious person who cleverly drove out the Necromancia are worthy to be praise."

Ash was surprised.

Because the one who drove out the Necromancia was no other than Ash himself.

"But what do you do? Eventhough there is someone who witnessed Lancelot flying in the sky, but…... you are helplessly circling on the sky aimlessly in the sky, right?"

Silvia is speechless and just kept on trembling.

Ash annoyingly clenched his fists.

The information seems like it is not properly convey to Veronica. Perhaps is the focus is placed on the fact that Ash drove off the Necromancia, resulting in the middle part of the detailed has been omitted.

The problem is that, the Silvia and Ash, fought side by side.

Without the assistance of Silvia Ash cannot single-handedly defeat the Necromancia.

Ash is anxious, but Veronica naturally does not know about this, and thus she declare:

"Accept the punishment, Silvia."

Those who are watching, none of them who are not looking pale.

Veronica pulled out a the broad-sword hanging around her waist.

Even when it seems like a two-handed gigantic sword, but Veronica easily held it with one hand. Before there is a chance for anyone to respond- there is a silver flash in front of everyone’s’ eyes.

The sound of the wind whizzing

Without knowing how many blood it drew since the past, the broad sword is shining with a glaring light rushing towards Silvia.


Silvia's chest was glazed pitifully.

"Her Royal Highness Princess!"

Ash was scared and he scream.

“Silvia-sama! "

"Veronica-sama lost her mind!"

"How could such absurd thing occur!"

"Doctor, quickly call for a doctor!"

The members welcome party one after another starts to moan.

From the beginning of the incident, those who didn’t yelling at all and kept their cool were only Rebecca, Cosette, and Angela.

Silvia who was glazed on her chest hobbled, in the end her butt fell on the ground.

Unbelievably, there is no blood.

And then, her uniform suddenly turn into pieces of fragment of cloth, together with her underclothes which fall off gently - as if the clothing suddenly remembered the fact that they are just Slash.

"Huh ...?"

Silvia froze a moment looking downward feeling puzzled.

It turned out that Veronica’s slash only cut off her clothes that wrapped around Silvia’s upper body.

Her shoulder is as white as snow, her busty breast, and the contract imprinted on her chest- <Seikoku> all of them are exposed in broad daylight.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Silvia red in the face scream at the top of her voice, with both her hands, covered her chest.


References and Translation Notes

  1. Sound of snoring.
  2. I’m not sure whether such language is use in your country but the original translation is difficult and in my country we use such jargon.
  3. 骑士王室鹰派 lit. "Hawks Division of the Royal Knights".
  4. (バシリスク Bashirisuku) - Giant lizards, can only be controlled by members of the Tantalos Tribe. Said to be the cousins species of the dragons.
  5. The original word“出现了!”have no direct translation, It means ‘appeared’ in this case it mean they can see the airship appear.
  6. For those who don’t know Empire is Zepharos Empire and Kingdom is Chevron Kingdom..
  7. foot guards or iron boots ...generally not found on most armors.

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