Dantega:Volume 4 Chapter 2

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(PART 2)

Dv04-chp02 img001.jpg

The blue haired man named Leviathan has just finished a conversation with the man who looks like an older version of Damien.

He folds his arms and smiles walks his way toward the exit of the dark room and says, "Well then Satan, it looks like you have everything on your end of the spectrum handled with no problems..."

Satan cracks his neck and says, "Of course I do, I'm not like my son."

Leviathan turns his head as though he had forgotten why he came in the first place.

"That's actually the reason why I came here to talk to you."

"Go ahead."

"Ubica and Rage have reached the second level of Purgatory."

Satan frowns for a moment and replies, "Those two absolutely must not make it back to Earth, especially Ubica."

"Are you afraid of him? I'd think that Rage is the one who would need to be stopped from returning more because you are able to gather the souls of the dead much easier with him gone."

Satan laughs and replies, "Afraid of Ubica? Hahaha no, once again I must tell you that I am not like my son. But I will tell you that I am wary of that child, he holds a power that even I can't stop."


Satan stays quiet for a moment before saying, "Listen Leviathan, despite whatever Damien is ordering you to do, I want you to go to Purgatory to kill him... Do you think you can handle that?"

Leviathan is the second in command in the Hierarchy of Hell, the fact that Satan himself has become worried enough about the situation to send him there speaks for itself.

Leviathan opens the door to the room and gets ready to exit when he says, "With the way Ubica is now, there is no way I can lose... Especially not in the second level of Purgatory."

"Then go there immediately, let's finally destroy the uncontrollable Dantega. With him gone, there will no longer be anything that can stop me."

Ernest calmly walks down the steps that lead from the Captain's room down to the deck, he passes through the bulk of men rushing around gathering supplies for the upcoming battle and reaches the edge of the deck. Out in the distance he sees the opposing pirate ship's men preparing multiple cannons for a second attack, he puts one foot on top of the railing and glares at them with his one uncovered eye.

He smiles confidently and lifts his black eye-patch off his face and reveals a swirling blue eye that completely doesn't match his other black one.

The opposing pirate ship is now so close that the voices of the crew men are heard yelling that they are ready to fire.

Ernest's bright blue eye starts to shine brightly and the light swirls in front of his face.

The men manning the cannons shout "FIRE!!" and send three large steel balls zooming toward the Black Dandelion at intense speeds.

With a simple word muttered from Ernest,


The flying cannon balls suddenly snap sideways and fly off away from the Dandelion at a sharp 90 degree angle.

Once the danger of being attacked from afar is gone, Ernest turns to the rest of the men and shouts, "Pull closer to them! We will take the battle to their ship!"

The ship's distance between each other narrows and rope with hooks at the end are thrown to latch on to each deck, with this, the battle reaches a new phase. People from both sides start rushing each other's decks and it starts to become very difficult to distinguish between friend and foe.

It would seem that Napoleon has no problems with this as he slashes people with is La'Juutian sword, he is easily defeating the enemies with no concern of being injured himself. He is the legendary Napoleon Leopolo after all, the men have no clue who they are dealing with.

Another man who holds a reputation far more deep than even Napoleon is none other than Ubica, he is someone who could destroy the entire ship with a flick of wrist but instead he is just standing there. The only time he moves is when someone comes to attack him, he'll defend himself by turning his sword around and knocking them out of the way.

Ernest notices this and yells at him, "Hey! That isn't doing anything you know!?"

Ubica doesn't look at him because another man comes up for an attack, while defending himself he still replies, "Well what am I supposed to do?"

"You're supposed to kill them you dumbass!"

"I can't do that!"

A couple of Ernest's men are slain by the opposing pirates and this throws him into a rage.

"Are you blind!? These men are trying to kill you! These men are killing our comrades!"

Ubica clinches his fists and turns to see how Tsubiri is looking at him, but she is occupied with fighting at the moment and using her lightning strikes to dispose of her attackers. Now that he thinks about it, these men really are trying to kill them, they are trying to kill Tsubiri and he is watching it firsthand. If he isn't careful, sooner or later Trojia and Daey will be attacked and they will either have to kill or be killed.

That is unless he does something about it.

No one needs to dirty their hands with sin if he can help them avoid it; with this resolve he gives Ernest a look that agrees with him.

He runs to the edge of the ship and holds out his sword.

With a simple swing he can blast the opposition into oblivion but he is hesitating, the reason for this is because he vowed to himself that he'd never kill another human being again. This is the most important part of the temperance that he gained after leaving the pit. He knows that he must do what he can to protect the others but that doesn't eliminate his immanent guilt.

This hesitation of his leads to an unexpected occurrence when a voice from the water is heard so loud and deep that it causes some men to become sick and throw up.

"The rumors about the new you are true Ubica."

Ubica's face turns blue as he instantly recognizes the voice coming from the water.

"I-It can't be.."

The ocean rises underneath the enemy ship and bulges tens of stories upwards; Ernest's men stare in shock at the sight and even the Captain himself is utterly dazzled.

The men from the opposing ship all scream, some of Ernest's men are on there as well and they join them in fear.

The voice of the ocean is once again heard saying, "This is what you could have done Ubica, and this is what you should have done if you had any shred of your past self present."

The water holding up the ship wraps around it and in turn makes a sonic boom so bright it shines the night sky so much that it looks like it is day time. The sonic boom is so loud that it takes a few moments before the actual noise rings through the ears of all the rest. The ship is blown into nothingness and only fragments of the ship drop from the sky and look like hundreds of shooting stars until they turn to dust and gently fall into the ocean and land atop the heads of the remaining men.

Messor finally leaves from the barracks and walks onto the deck, she sees the giant form of water still there.

"I thought I heard 'his' voice." she said with scowl.

The water bulge slowly shrinks and the silhouette of what looks to be a snake is swimming around in a circle as a blue light shines around the water. Out of the top of the bulge comes a dragon's head with the body of a serpent, without a doubt this blue monster is a fabled sea serpent.

Ernest and his men cower in fear at this sight because as pirates, stories of these beasts have been passed down through generations.

The serpent looks up to the sky and opens its mouth revealing its massive teeth, out of its mouth a man rises up to toward the stars. He has dark blue hair and bright blue eyes.

Ubica takes a step back and his breathing becomes shoddy when he mutters the name of the man.


"Very good Ubica, I see you still remember me after all of these years."

Ubica frowns and replies, "How can I forget..? You are the closest thing to a brother that I have."

Leviathan smiles and says, "That's right, we both come from the sea. Personally I'd like to think that I am more of a father figure than a sibling to you, I nurtured from your mindless infant stage all the way to the point where you were once the most feared being in all of existence."

Ubica clicks his tongue and looks towards Trojia, Tsubiri and Daey, who are glaring at him in confusion. It seems that his secret will not be kept so long as Leviathan is around so he decides that he must attack him before he can speak more. But there is one problem, his legs won't move, there is something about Leviathan's presence that makes him utterly immobile.

Leviathan notices this and pokes fun at him.

"What's wrong? Is that fear I'm sensing?"

"I have no reason to fear you."

"I do believe you are lying to yourself... You know that you can't defeat me."

Messor frowns and walks to the edge of the ship, she looks up to Leviathan and says, "You say that with such confidence now, how pathetic you are."

Leviathan looks down on her and smiles, "Well look at the knight in shining armor, you defend him with such valor Messor. It's too bad you are only the slut of the Anti-Christ."

"SHUT UP!!" Ubica shouts, a green light surfaces around him and his power can be felt all throughout the ship.

"And now look at you getting angry, this is a sight to behold. You are normally much more calm and collected. Is it because of my harsh words towards your woman?"

Ubica responds by swinging his sword and sending a green flash of light hurling towards Leviathan's neck; this is an attack that is supposed to slice an enemy in two but when it makes contact with him it merely passes right through like a rock being thrown into water.

The unscathed Leviathan begins to walk down the steps of water that are forming one by one before his feet and says, "This is useless, stop being stupid and actually attack me."

Ubica rushes forward and lunges his sword into Leviathan's stomach, but once again his attack fails and both Ubica and the sword pass through him like he was nothing.

Leviathan continues to walk down the water steps toward the ship when with a flick of his finger, a stream of water is spit out of the dragon's mouth and wraps around Ubica's leg. It whips violently and Ubica is flung into the sea at such a speed where his wake caused the entire ship to rock back and forth so violently that it felt like it'd capsize.

The faces of Tsubiri, Daey, and Trojia all drop simultaneously and they all shout his name at the same time.

Messor simply clinches her fist, it's almost as though she could feel the impact.

Leviathan reaches the deck and pays no mind to the scared glares of the pirates as he walks past them, he calmly reaches the bow of the ship and takes a seat on the furthest railing. He then sighs and waits for something to happen and becomes frustrated when things begin to take too long.

"While we wait for Ubica to come back from about a mile deep in the ocean, why don't we have a little talk Messor?"

Messor grits her teeth and feigns confidence when she smiles, "I'll let you do the talking."

"Very well then, I guess the only thing that concerns me is what you are planning to do about the deal you've made. I'd hope you aren't trying to break it."

"I was under the impression that it was supposed to be kept a secret from all of you... Hmph, you know me well enough to know what I'm going to do."

Leviathan rests one leg atop the other and shuts his eyes, "It still is somewhat of a secret, I'm the only one who knows... But I digress, I'm not here because of Damien. However, your reply just solidified my suspicions, I don't think you are going to like the consequences of your actions."

Messor flares her nostrils in disdain. "So it was Satan who sent you... That does make sense." Messor takes her hat off and runs her fingers through her hair when she starts to laugh, "But consequences from Damien? You've got to be kidding me. I have done nothing to the contrary of our deal, think what you will but until the day I actually show you betrayal I cannot be punished."

"Hey hey don't look at me, I've got nothing to do with it, for the most part I'm on the side of the Father. I can't speak for everyone else though."

"Then why are you here?"

"That's simple, to kill Ubica."

With these words, Messor's eyes widen and she begins to show signs that she is actually going to fight.

Leviathan looks a little amused at her demeanor when he says, "Just because I say that, doesn't mean I'm actually going to do it."


"Don't look at me like that, all I'm saying is that although I can kill him, it doesn't necessarily mean I will. Why you ask? That answer is also simple... It's because of Dantega."

Messor scowls and begins to breath hard, her gold eyes glow bright and her body tenses up.

"Just tell me what you are going to do."

Leviathan raises his finger and answers, "I'm going to test him... I have already done it and he has just failed miserably, but I plan on his efforts later on in the process. So depending on his results, I will choose a side between Damien and his Father. You see, Dantega is both something to be feared, and something that must be controlled. Whether it is destroyed or manipulated can be a win win or a lose lose, the thing is that the end result no matter what is still at fifty percent. The fact of the matter is, both sides agree that it absolutely cannot be left alone..."

He stands to his feet and walks to the very tip of the bow, the serpent makes its way to him and opens its massive mouth.

With his back turned to the rest he finishes, "When he comes back, I want you to tell him that I will always be leading him towards the path of Dantega, just like the past. As his brother from the sea, I will always be in pursuit of him no matter how hard he tries to escape."

Leviathan walks into the serpents mouth and disappears when it shuts, the dragon like creature dives back into the sea and vanishes into the dark water.

Messor takes a sigh of relief and turns to the rest of remaining people, some of the enemy pirates are still on the ship but all thoughts of attacking each other have ceased because the incredible happening they had just witnessed.

Trojia takes a step back and leans against the wall of the staircase that leads to the Captain's room, she can't believe the strength of Leviathan and how easily he had defeated Ubica.

Tsubiri and Daey have different thoughts going through their heads.

Although Daey is speechless, Tsubiri finds enough strength to inquire, "What in the world were you guys just talking about?..."

Messor shows a face of displeasure when she answers, "Listen girl... There are a few things that you need to know, and many things that you don't. If Ubica hasn't told you anything, you aren't going to hear it from me."

Once Messor finishes this sentence, another explosion in the form of a splash is heard, coming out the white wash is Ubica flying upwards at a fast speed. He lands on the ship deck and wears a face full of frightening anger as he catches his breath, there are veins all over his face and body from the compressed air bubbles in his blood stream caused by the intense speed he came rushing out of the water with.

A normal man would have exploded from such a drastic change in pressure, but as Leviathan said, Ubica came from the sea, and as a being that holds such other worldly abilities like Ubica, water pressure isn't much of a factor unless at its utmost extremes.

With his bloodshot and enraged eyes he scours around the ship and shouts, "WHERE IS HE!?!?"

Messor walks up to him to see if he is okay and says, "He's gone."

Ubica falls to the ground and lays on his side, the impact of Leviathan throwing him into the water has broken many of his bones and he is just about at his limit when it comes to mobility.

It's only now that Messor finally reveals worry in her demeanor, there is no reason to be strong and confident anymore now that the enemy is gone.

"Where are you hurt!?" she asks in angst.

Ubica is having trouble speaking and he barely answers, "Everywhere..."

"Now's not the time to be cute Ubica, you really need help here!"

The veins in his face start to fade and but the awful pain still lingers, he slowly turns his head to see if Tsubiri, Trojia, and Daey are alright and sees a sight that he has been afraid of from the very beginning.


Trojia comes rushing to his aid but both Tsubiri and Daey stand there with the look of fear in their eyes.

'He must have told them...' he thinks to himself as he watches them take weary steps backwards away from him. 'I knew it... They would come to despise me one day... It's only that...I'm just not ready yet... damn it.'

With these thoughts in mind, Ubica loses consciousness and lays limp on the wooden ship deck.

"I heard from a little bird that you were sent to Purgatory by my father." said Damien, his usual smile has failed to surface his face when he asked this.

Leviathan shrugs his shoulders, "Birds sure fly fast nowadays."

Damien sends him a sharp glare and asks, "Did you harm him?"

"Only about as much as his ego could take. But physically he'll be just fine."

"My father isn't going to be too happy about that."

"I'm not too worried about the big guy, I'll just avoid him until the next time I go. It will be easy because he is always cooped up in his room playing that game of Chess."

"The only thing he cares about it is being worshiped by the people of Earth... Obsession runs deep for him."

Leviathan walks towards a large lake that shines off the orange tinted dark sky that casts over a what looks to be a baron wasteland.

With is back turned he says, "Like father like son."

Damien tries to hide a frown with a faint smile and responds, "Dantega is worth my obsession... Humans are not."

Leviathan takes a step into the water and horrifyingly gurgled screams come from it, if one looks closely enough they can see an endless amount of people being whipped around in a ferocious and never ending whirlpool.

This is his world, water and anguish awaits those who committed his Original Sin throughout time and a never ending drowning is cast upon them. Once their lungs shrivel to nothing, they quickly regenerate and suffer the same feeling all over again. And this punishment will last for all eternity. This terrible pain is only the beginning, this whirlpool is the home of hundreds of Leviathan's demons who swim in the water and personally torture and devour the helpless people whenever they so please.

Leviathan's form starts to disappear in the water until the only thing left is his head, he turns to glare at Damien and shows neither a smile of confidence nor a frown of bitterness when he says, "You lie to yourself with such useless words, the true meaning behind your actions is solely because of Ubica. Your obsession for his destruction far outweighs your thirst for power."

"Oh? Is that what you think?"

"Perhaps the others can't see it, but it's obvious to me how much disdain you hold towards him. I just don't quite know why yet, but I have a nagging feeling it's over something silly."

Damien keeps his confident smile and asks, "Don't you hate him as well?"

"Not at all, there is no reason for me to feel that way. In fact, I rather like him. Which is why I didn't kill him when I had the chance back on Purgatory."

Damien glares at him in subtle confusion and Leviathan answers his look.

"I hate to admit it but I'm a lot like you, I'm very interested in what Ubica can become. It almost holds more precedence over our never ending war with Heaven."

"Hmph, that is quite contradictory."

"Not really, it leads me to the point I'm trying to get at. I can accomplish both depending on how things work out with him, if we control Dantega, there isn't anyone, including God that can stop us. But if we can't control Dantega and let it be, then we can be defeated just like the battle of Armageddon where we were almost wiped out completely. The final option is to destroy Dantega and fight on with that weight off our shoulders. Your father is under the impression that we cannot control it so we absolutely must destroy it at all costs. So much so that he'd send me of all people to do it."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that I'm going to go along with your plan for a little while, if I begin to see some results in his growth, I will be at your service. But if he refuses it and remains the same person he is now, I will stay by Satan's side and kill him off with my own two hands. I'm going to speed up this boring process and begin testing his resolve as soon as possible."

Damien smiles and his red eyes glow. "That's a wise decision Leviathan, I think you'll find that being on my side is far more opportune than sticking with my father. Once Dantega is in our hands, the entire universe will be ours."

Leviathan smiles and sinks into the water, leaving one final statement, "I'd sure hope so. But that nagging feeling is telling me that the control of the universe isn't enough for you... There's something different about your goals, and I'm interested in seeing what it is."

"You'll find out soon enough."

Ubica's eyes slowly open and he finds himself once again looking up at a wall, only this time, the wall he is staring at is the wooden planks of a pirate ship. The sun shines on his face and he looks out of the window and sees the endless blue of the ocean, the gentle row of the ship makes this rock hard bed a lot more comfortable to him.

But there is one thing that breaks his comfort when a huge weight is suddenly felt on his chest, the bed springs bounce up and down and he has no clue what's going on.

"It's about time you woke up you lazy ass!" Tsubiri's voice rings in his ears, and she is on top of him and bouncing in order to get wake him up.

"W-What is this!?"

Tsubiri grabs the pillow, pulls it from under his head and hits him in the face with it, sending feathers flying everywhere.

"How come whenever you seem to go to sleep you end up passed out for two days!?"

Being hit repeatedly in the face by the pillow, Ubica begins to understand what is going on.

"Hey hey I'm injured here so knock it off!!!"

"Not a chance, you're not injured unless I say so!"

"That doesn't make any sense!!"

The two wrestle around and even more feathers are tossed up into the sunlit room, making the scene look all the more hectic.

The door to the room quickly opens and Daey comes rushing in.

"I heard Ubica's voice is he alr----"

Her words of concern are cut short by the sight of Tsubiri postured up on top of him in a dangerous looking position.

"D-Daey?" Ubica says with a nervous smile.

Daey puts on a face that screams 'I'm gonna kill you' and begins to walk towards him.

With each one of her steps, the wooden floor seems to ominously crack and this adds to the tension pulling towards his apparent doom.

"Now now, calm down Daey this isn't what it looks like." she doesn't reply and he begins to panic, "I-I swear it's all her fault!!!"

Tsubiri hits him again with the last remaining bit of the pillow and shouts, "My fault!?"

Daey puts her hand in between them and stops Tsubiri's second assault. She looks down on Ubica and sits on the bed. The two stare at each other for a moment until Daey leans over and wraps her arms around him, giving him a tight hug.

Ubica is thrown off by this and asks, "What is this for?"

Daey has her hair down so it hides her facial expression when she replies, "It's for your health."

Ubica smiles and says, "Again with the health thing huh..?"

Daey squeezes him harder. "That's because I care about you... I'm so happy right now I can't even put it into words."

Ubica bites his lip and holds back a smile, the thought of the other night when he was defeated by Leviathan rolls through his head and this fills him with doubt.

"But... You two looked so afraid of me, didn't that man reveal some awful things about me?"

Tsubiri, who has been quiet for this touching moment responds, "We'd never be afraid 'of' you, we were afraid 'for' you... You were hurt so badly, I didn't know what to do."

Daey adds, "And we don't care about anything you've done in the past. The most important thing is that the you I'm holding right now is safe and well."

"You guys..." Ubica hides his face in Daey's shoulder, he is fighting back tears of gratitude and doesn't want them to see it if one were to slip. His voice slightly cracks when he says, "Thank you..."

This tender and sweet moment is broken by Tsubiri punching him in the stomach quite hard, he gasps for air and looks at them both quizzically when Daey grabs his shoulders and holds him down.

Tsubiri smiles menacingly and says, "Don't think that we're going to let you off easy this time, you have some serious explaining to do."

"That's right, we want to know everything about you with no details left out. From now on we hold no secrets from each other and we won't let you go until you confess."

Ubica knows he is defenseless to these two but he still hesitates to reveal anything, he is troubled to admit his wrong doings to people who think he has always been the way he is now.

'This is the moment of truth... I guess it's better for me to tell them rather than them having to hear it from someone else..' he thinks.

Ubica opens his mouth but shuts it right away. 'Come on Ubica, you can do this, you have to do this!' he yells to himself in his head until he finally gathers enough courage to speak.

"I-I... I am----"

The door flings open and makes a loud crashing noise, interrupting his speech. A large black man named Earnest is standing at the doorway with a couple underlings behind him. He is frowning and looks incredibly serious when he says,

"I hate to break up the mood but..." he points his big index finger and Ubica and finishes, "I want you off my ship."

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