Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi: Volume 2 Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Veronica and Silvia

Part 1

As the airship Silvanus arrived at Ansarivan-

The Necromacia’s summoner- Milgauss’s right-hand man Anya was stranded in Danebury, a commercial city west of Ansarivan. This time, she was alone in one the many building thinking deeply

Despite the words "Rosetta’s Buisness Firm” hanging on the door, this is actually the name of a fictional industry. In other words, this is a secret base operated by Milgauss and the Zepharos Empire’s Intelligence.

Basically, the interior had the taste of a business firm, the tables, chairs and bookcase being very neat and organized.

But presently there was only Anya in the room.

“'Silver Knight' ...? "

Browsing the data on her hand, Anya murmured and muttered.

Recently she has been diligently investigating the hero called 'Silver Knight'.

For Milgauss and Anya, the hero who defeat the Necromancia may be turned into treat to them.

The problem is that, surprisingly there is only a few sightings and reports which cause the investigations run into a bottleneck.

So far, the information related with the true identity of the 'Silver Knights' is still not yet known. After all, the people who happen to be there are in chaos, such a result is not surprising.

The one who has the most precise grasp of the situation, perhaps are non-other than Milgauss and Anya who are looking at the scene of the incident.

As a result, what is widely said now may just be rumours, thus they could not find any valuable clues.

No, in Anya’s memories there is a valuable information.

That guy ...... since he participate in the riding a dragon festival, which means that he is a student right? "

It happens that because of some difficulties, Anya was afraid to inform this to Milgauss.

If she to him, it is like admitting her own mistakes.

The guy whom she didn't kill turned out to be the 'Silver Knights'....... This incident no matter what, Anya will never tell anyone. Anya step towards the window, staring blankly at the sky.


A few days before, Milgauss received a confidential letter issued by the Ministry of Empire’s Intelligence.

Recorded in the letters is ordering him to return to the Empire. The Intelligence Department should be very interested in the Necromancia.

"Oh yeah, I have to finish the report before Migauss-sama comes back ......"

Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi v2 p113.jpg

"It's not good something was very wrong, Shamara!"

One of the men suddenly broke into the room.

He has a wheat-colored skin and dark hair.

He is a typical Tantalos guy.

"How many times do you want me to remind you? Now I’m called Anya! Do not use that name to call me!"

“S-Sorry ...... Anya.”

"It is Anya-sama."

"Yes... Anya-sama."

The teenager kneel for quite a while. On matter what happened in the past, Anya is the leader of the Tantalos tribe. No matter how familiar he is to her, there is still hierarchy, otherwise it is impossible to rule the others.

"And then happened is no wrong?"

"Th-That is the 'Ironblood Valkyrie' just came to visit Ansarivan, which also caused quite a stir."


Anya’s eyes widened.

'Ironblood Valkyrie'- The Lautreamont Knight Country’s first Princess, Princess Veronica. Her reputation has shoke the whole continent.

Veronica intervene in many ethnic strife around the continent, thus increasing in number of loss of those guerrilla forces.

This also includes many Tantalos’s fighters.

It is not exaggerating to say she is an enemy to all Tantalos.

"How long does Veronica is expected to stay?"

"According to official sources, five days ......"

If she rush there non-stop, she will arrive in three days at Ansarivan. For Anya who trained in the mountainous areas, it is but a slight distance. It has long been investigated that the defence of Ansarivan is very weak and vulnerable. If you took a gamble, you will even have the opportunity to assassinate Veronica- But Anya quickly dispelled such idea.

Because she remember Milgauss command before he return to the Empire.

- During the period when I left, you are to investigate clearly the ins and outs of the Ark-Dragner who defeated the Necromancia.

Not just Anya, for Tantalos tribe too is also the same, Milgauss' command is supreme and not to be defied.

Milgauss had nly order them to spy. Even if it is a godsend, Anya must not recklessly attack Veronica.

“Uh ... that ... "

"What happened?"

Looking at the hesitant look of the teenager, Anya sense something bad.

"The thing is ...... uh ...... after hearing the name 'Ironblood Valkyrie', the rest have left for Ansarivan.”

"What did you say!"

Anya swung her long hair, and the chair is knock down.

"The rest" that the guy said are the Tantalos who followed Anya down from the mountains to assist Milgauss, they are also Anya’s subordinate.

"I, I have tried to stop them! But Valery, Micha, Sergi ...... they didn’t listen to my advice."

"They just too reckless!"

Since Milgauss returned to the Empire, Anya let Valery rest. This is because, she knows that they who are always careless, do not fit in spying activities.

The rest since they have heard the name of Veronica they get carried away by their emotions, Anya understand this.

The problem is blindly provoking the Knight country is not a wise move.

The Zepharos Empire over the past 50 years, with their leading Mechanical engineering, non-stop expending their armies, but the strength is still not on an equal footing with the Dragons.

They still have to bear with it.

At least before the Necromancia had officially come in handy -

"I will immediately leave for Ansarivan!"

"Ehhh??? Anya...- sama also want to join the assassination?"

"It is just the opposite I have to stop those guys!"

Anya raised her head resolutely and she rushed out of the room.

Part 2

"It is not suitable for me ...... with I should say that, fortunately it does not suit me."

Ash, who was forcibly taken to the airship Silvanus, for the first time in his life put on the attire of a butler.

His black tuxedo gives out an extra formal feeling, and there is a white bow tie at his neckline.

With the exception of is left hand is wrapped up in bandages like usual. It is better to say that he uses it as a small protest against Veronica, rather than to cover his 'Seikoku'.

“Ash-kun, have you finished changing?"

A cheerful voice emerged from behind the door.

When Ash who froze in front of the mirror turned around, the owner of the voice opened the door and walked into the dressing room.

She is dressed in maid attire. Right after Veronica returned to the airship, she is given the responsible to take care of Ash.

Once he saw the maid’s cheerful smile, Ash suddenly get an unbelievable feeling of Deja Vu.

"Ah yeah! Ash-kun! This attire suits you very well!"

"Even with such praise, I don’t know what’s so happy about it."

"Hu ~? Why? You are really handsome!"

The maid somehow her foot slipped and she fell.


Ash rushed to stretch out of his hand, but the helpless maid lunged forward with a greater force than expected, even Ash also loses his balance.


While being stimulated by the maid’s soft body parts until he blush, the two of them fell to the ground together.

"It hurts...... It hurts....."

Ash who is trying to get up from the ground, found out that his left hand is grabbing the maid's breast. Not only was he shocked, because her breast is not only soft, but it is also too big for as to hold it with one hand.

At the same time, a fragrance fruity smell entered his nose, Ash's cheeks suddenly became hot.


"No, no ... It is my entire fault ..."

Ash quickly recovers from the ground, reach out his hand to give the maid a lift. The maid somehow blushed and held his hand.

Only then, again Ash faces the maid.

Uhh, may I ask your name...? "

"I am Primrose Shelley. The servant of Silvanus. Please call me Prim, it sounds cuter.

The surname Shelley sounds familiar to Ash.

"I would like to ask ......are you relative with Cosette Shirley-san?"


Prim suddenly exposed a cheerful smile. The two huge lump of meat with a "plop, plop" shoke twice.

"Do you know Cosette? She is my younger sister!"

"I see ... you really looked alike."

No wonder previously he had the feeling of Deja Vu.

The only thing is Prim give a more matured feeling than Cosette. Especially her body, when he remembers the feeling in his palm just now, Ash’s mood became impetuous.

"Ya, everybody say that, but ...... I am not like Cosette with a good working ability, I’m always culmsy."

After Prim blew her nose, with the hem of her apron, she wiped her tears.

"However, Ash-kun, you are my first kohai!"[1]I will make every effort to teach you!"

Seeing Prim’s fists are full of fighting spirit, Ash awkwardly explains:

"You have misunderstood. I did not come here to work!"

"Err, is that so?"

Prim is surprised for a moment.

"I am a student of the Dragon Riding Academy! It is just that the rude and unreasonable Princess with force brought me here. ......

"So to say, are you by any chance...... a breeder?"

"Uuh ... basically I’m."

As an irregular, Ash did not dare to admit loudly.

"My God! I’ve been calling you 'Ash-kun' ...... this is unforgivable! Please allow me to address you as 'Ash-sama' in the future! If you refuse my apologize I will immediately commit suicide! "

"Ehhhhh!!! Just call me whatever you want! Just don’t die!"

Ash is desperately trying to appease her mood.

"... I had made a laughing stock of myself in front of you. Anyway, why does Ash-sama became a butler in this airship?"

Prim’s simple question made Ash cannot help but sighed.

"I would also like to ask why ..."

“- If you want to know, then I'll generously tell you? "

The owner of the solemn voice from the doorway is none other than Veronica the culprit.

As usual she is with her suit of armour, majestically standing in the doorway.

"Her Royal Highness Princess!"

Prim is shocked, but she still respectfully bows.

In contrast, Ash cannot help but burst into roaring:

"Not bad, I really wish that you will immediately tell me!"

"I'll tell you why- Because of the fun."

Ash doubts his ears.

"I remember that I heard the word 'fun' ...?"

“Otherwise I can also replace by ' to pass time' if you don’t like it.”

Ash collapsed.

"B-Because of this reason ......the situation had turned out this way?"


After replying coldly, Veronica looked at Prim.

“Prim, for the time being, make this kid your subordinate and educate him well, understood?”

"Yes Princess!"

Turing her back against Prim, purposely create some clashing sounds with her armour, Veronica left without even looking back.

“Wh-What is going to happen?”

While ignoring Ash feelings, Prim held his hand-

"Alright, Ash-sama, let’s get to work!"

Triumphantly put on a pose and run ahead of him –

"Hold on! That side has a wall!"


Ash’s warning is turned a deaf ear, Prim knocked into the wall.

Part 3

Sweeping, cleaning, cooking...... Ash follow Prim the whole time, reluctantly helped with the various chores within the ship.

Only that Prim is a lot more clumsier than Ash thought, for example, she would fall in a space without any obstacle, break a pile of plates, tipped a bucket of water in one of the corridors...... and many other embarrassing things.

Unconsciously, whenever Prim wanted to do anything -

"I’ll do it!"

Ash will complete it on her behalf.

They confused many people regarding who is the true senpai[2].

Works that need to be done is like a huge mountain. Until the sky had turned dark, Ash only then realized that it is already nightfall.

According to Prim, the ship is now in its rest state, strictly speaking, there has been less work. The workload during flight will increase drastically.

This gigantic machine can actually carry dozens of crew and cargo during the flight - until now it is still difficult for Ash to believe it.

Part 4

Only until after Veronica finish her dinner, Ash is allowed to rest.

After receiving his meal in the kitchen, he entered the servant’s lounge. The empty room surprise Ash a little bit.

"Well, it's also alright this way."

Ash find a place to sit down, the start his meal.

The dishes tonight are walnut bread, vegetable stewed duck, cabbage and corn salad. There is not much difference from eating this compare to the students’ restaurant.

The taste not bad, but it is not good until someone will appreciate it will tears.

Ash suddenly remembered an image of Veronica dining.

The dishes that Veronica ate are similar to his. It seems that, rather than the taste, she pay more attention to nutritional balance.

-The thought of eating made Ash miss Eco.

"Did Eco obediently eat ...?"

Dragons basically eat five meals per day.

Even though Eco is born in the form of a delicate and charming girl, but she is no exception. Now, Ash didn’t have any spare energy to take care of Eco, he can only look forward to Cosette’s and Rebecca’s help.

After eating, Ash looks around the lounge.

The bookshelf placed beside the wall has novels and manual books. Anyway, there is still time to rest, Ash walked towards the bookshelf to look for books that he is interested in. In the end he found a title that excites his curiosity.

"This is ... ' The Sky Dragon Knight Chronicles'?"

The bookshelf has one to nine episodes of the series, the book seem to be very popular. The size of these books can be put into a bag and carry them all over, the cover illustration is the preferred choice girls who are in their teens.

So, the handsome Dragon Knight on the illustration of the cover of is that famous Silver Knight.

"Damn, it is all because of this novel."

Even though he is angry and complained, but since he couldn’t find any other books, Ash read this book since it is better than none.

The protagonist Kane an ordinary humble student in school, but after nightfall, he became the Silver Knight to fight off evil. Alisha the heroine, on the other hand is Kane's childhood friend, she usually thinks that the useless Kane is a good for nothing.

In the beginning of the story, the unfortunate Alisha caught in a kidnapping case, later the heroic 'Silver Knight' appear and successfully saved her out of the woods, and captivated her mind.

Of course, she did not know that Kane is actually the same person with the <Silver Knight>-

"Hmm ... I didn’t expect it to be quite interesting."

In the story, Kane, in order to avoid his true identity from being revealed, the efforts that he put in, will make people cry, this made Ash think about himself.

On the second half of the story, Kane is in a bitter struggle with a mysterious dragon. The results are shocking, it seems that the dragon is modify to a mechanical dragon from its physical body with the Empire’s technological.

Facing such abnormally strong enemy, how is Kane going to fight against it – Ash is attracted with the exciting plot and quickly flip the page. Later, Kane use ice magic to freeze the dragon control device to reduce the temperature to a low temperature until the power the cease, forcing the device to stop.

Therefore, the story is ends happily.

"Well is also good to read some books occasionally."

When Ash intend to continue reading the second episode- "Ash-sama! It turned out that you are here!"

The badly bruised Prim rushed into the lounge.

"Prim-san? Anything? Why are you panicking like that?"

"T-T-The .....Her Royal Highness Princess asks for you!"

Ash with a surprised face stood up.

"I just thought that I’m finally free! So ... Where shall I go to?"



“The location is the bathroom! I'll lead you there! "

"Hold on!...... What’s the current situation?"

Why did he need to go to the bathroom? Ash senses something bad.

"Come on, Ash-sama. The princess command is not to be defied! Let’s depart!"

Prim pulled Ash’s arm and ran.

"Wait a minute, there is a wall!"

"Uwa ......"

A sound of "Bang" is heard, there is now an addition wound on Prim’s body.

Part 5

"Come in, Ash."

Veronica’s grim voice came from the other side of the frosted glass.

"Her Royal Highness Princess already said so, just walked in boldly."

Even though Prim gives him a nudge while smiling, but Ash no matter what stood still.

Veronica is in the bathroom. With her armour off her body, the outline of her body is shown is on the frosted glass that is separating the bathroom and dressing room.

Needless to say, that the outline is obviously naked.

"But ... I'm a guy ..."

"What are you procrastinating for? Do you want to be beheaded?"

Veronica’s voice is sounded behind the frosted glass. It is no joke if he was arrested and beheaded in a place like this.

"Come this way, please."

There is already four maids waiting in the changing room.

"Hurry, hurry, Ash-sama! Quickly take off your clothes!"

Prim said to Ash from behind.

"Slightly, wait for a moment! I'm not mentally prepared ..."

“Ash- sama you are too naive! Once I resorted to the art of stripping, anyone will instantly become naked! Now-! "

"Uwaa! Prim-san why do you take off your clothes!"

With a busty breast in front, Ash’s body cannot help but stiffen.

"Ah, I made a mistake ... tee hee."

"How do you mistake your own clothes with the others?"

Even when Ash moves his sight away, he still could not help but commented.

"Hey! Prim, could you please not intervene! "

The four maids push Prim aside and surround Ash.

“Sorry, Ash-sama, we are merely acting upon Her Royal Highness Princess’s orders!"

"Err ... Can I take it off myself ...?"

"Please obediently submit!"

Hands from all directions stretched out to seize Ash’s clothes. Because they are all women, even if Ash tried to resist, he cannot do it too rough ...Before Ash could make up his mind, his tuxedo and shirt are stripped off, and even his pants is cast aside.

"Wuu ..." [3]

Until the bandage on his left hand is also removed mercilessly by the maids, Ash completely naked is taken into the bathroom.

Part 6

"Haiz ..." [4]

Nesting in a corner of the wide bathtub, Ash deeply sighed with a long breath.

Fortunately, the royal’s special bathing agent turns the warm water into a cloudy white. Although the bathroom surrounded by the fragrance of flowers so comfortable that you will sleep without realising, but soaking in the warm water with Veronica, made the situation tense.

The only good news is because of the big bathtub, he is able to keep a safe distance from Veronica. If they are too close, it will be difficult not to pay attention to Veronica’s nude body.

"Anything? You seem unhappy."

Veronica cannot understand Ash’s thought, and started the conversation.

"Who do you think the culprit is..."

"This is the bathroom, can’t you relax?"

"How can I! Anyway, why are you so carefree? I heard that the <Ironblood Valkyrie> made many enemies."

After hearing Ash’s teasing and Veronica didn’t even budge one bit.

Foolish question. Have you still not yet found that you are in Ansarivan’s most secure place? "

"Ah ... I see."

The airship Silvanus.

Equipped with cannons, thick armour and can take off as refuge if encountered with danger. Not only that, the ship around also surrounded with seven escorts.

The captain Glenn is even an Ark-Dragner. The reason that Veronica didn’t stay in downtown high class hotels is because she believes that there is no other place safer than the ship.

At this time, there is a maid across the frosted glass reports to Veronica:

“The fourth Royal Highness Princess has just arrived.”

The messenger had gone for a long time...... forget about it. Tell her to immediately come to report in, in the bathroom. "

"Yes, Princess."

After receiving the Veronica instructions, the maid quickly disappeared.

“The fourth…”

Ash confusedly twist his neck to one side.

Although he seems to have heard this wording before, but for a moment he could not remember who is it. Just when he has a bad feeling about this, the glass door slide open and the identity third person is shown.

“E-Excuse me ...... one-sama."

After hearing that voice Ash is dumbfounded.

"Her Royal Highness Princess?"

Silvia is standing in the doorway of the bathroom naked.

The word "The fourth Royal Highness Princess” and Silvia's face is finally connected.

Even though the vision is blur because of the vapour, but the dazzling beauty of Silvia cannot be covered by mere vapour.

"Wha ...! That voice...... Is it Ash?"

It appears that Silvia has not been notified that Ash is also present. Of course, this is also because she firmly believes that there is only women presence in the bathroom.

Silvia’s body is not even covered with a towel.

"W-Why would you be in a place like this!"

Silvia quickly squatted down and huddle himself after knowing the presence of Ash

"Well, well, Ash-sama. What a coincidence."

Cosette appeared immediately after Silvia. Obviously the situation is not right, but she looked calm and helps cover Silvia with a towel.

After she saw Cosette’s face, Prim became happy.

"Ahh, Cosette!"

"Ah, Prim?"

Ash ignored the two sisters who are hugging each other without realising the situation, and ask Veronica:

"How come…..? Why is Her Royal Highness Princess here?"

"Is there anything to be surprised about? Is sisters bathing together so illogical?"

“Uh ...... there is nothing strange for sisters to bath together So, I shouldn’t bother the reunion of you sisters, now please excuse-”

"Don’t quickly answer, I allow you to join."

Although it is said as allowed verbally, the truth it has the same meaning as an order for "forbidden to leave". Ash feel an invisible force has bounded his hands and foots.

"Silvia, what are you shy about? I don’t mind if you still have not bath[5]. Quickly come and soak in this warm bath."

"I-I...... understand."

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Silvia wrapped with a bath towel around her body gingerly sat in the bathtub.

Probably she is very awe of Veronica, Silvia maintained a fairly wide distance. On the other hand she is sitting nearer towards Ash.

"What are you afraid about, sit a little more closer."

"Y-Yes ..."

Silvia move slightly closer. Even so, she is still three meters away from Veronica. According to her position, she is almost in place in the middle of Veronica and Ash.

Veronica looks unhappy, but did not continue to pester Silvia, she changed the subject and talk straight to the point:

"Silvia, I call you here is to introduce you to a marriage."

"... What?"

Silvia seems to not understand what she just heard. All of a sudden, Ash also did not grasp the meaning of the word "marriage".

"You are already 16-years-old. In our country to married at this age is normal."

"T-The question is ... according to this logic, the one-sama you ......”

"What did you say?"

"Yik ......!" [6]

Being stared by a pair of eagle’s eyes, Silvia’s body tremble endless.

"I'm busy dealing with military affairs. But more than anyone else, I worry about the Knight’s Royal family. Do you realise? Since our brother- Julius’s sentence, The royal family’s future has been hazzy. Although I’m first in the line for the throne, but I am only interested in leading troops for war, I’m not fit to be king of a country. "

"Onee-sama is not unsuitable ..."

"I say this my own self, there couldn’t be anything that is wrong."

However, besides you, there is Mirabel and Cassandra one-sama! "

"Silvia, now we are talking about you. There has nothing to do with Mirabel and Cassandra the both of them."

"How come..."

"Listen carefully, Silvia, you need to give birth to a healthy child as soon as possible, you must not let the Royal family to go on without an heir


This type of talk made Silvia suddenly burst out red in the face.

Although he is only listening, but Ash also cannot help but feel embarrassed.

"What are you talking about, one-sama!"

"If you do have any dissatisfaction, you should go to Julius’s grave and complain...... Wait, that guy does not even have his grave. To think that he would actually lost his lives for things that don’t make sense. If he is still alive ......"

By mention of the name of Prince Julius, Silvia couldn’t sustain herself to argue on his behalf.

"Please do not say anything bad about onii-sama! He must have his own reason!"

Veronica looks pitifully towards Silvia.

"Hmm ...... so to speak, I remember you used to be very close Julius. Oh ya, I want to help introduce you to a marriage, the person Julius’s best friend."

Silvia’s eyes widen.

"Could it be ...?"

"Yes, he is Glenn McGuire of our knights."

After hearing that name, even Ash was shocked.

"What are you kidding about?"

Ash who can no longer tolerate with a splash, suddenly stood up.

"How can it be because he is an Ark-Dragner, you choose some guy who identity is unknown for the marriage of Her Royal Highness Princess ... Stop kidding!"

Even when Ash is furious, but Veronica no only she is not shaken, she eevn glowered at him.

"Brat, what qualifications do you have to comment on what I’m doing?"

"That, I ..."

“Or ...... do you have unspeakable relationship with Silvia?”

Veronica's eyes are even more focus.

"Th-There is no such thing!"

Ash quickly denied, but Veronica coldly sneers.

"If that being the case, you are not qualified to interrupt."

"Err ..."

“Moreover, can you cover up your front? You made Silvia don’t know where to look at. "

Veronica is right, Silvia’s eyes are wondering. Moreover, even Veronica has been soaking in the water for a longer time, but Silvia's face is reader.

“- Uwaa!”

Only then Ash remembers that he is naked, he immediately soak his body in the water.

Part 7

The next day, the Imperial game organized by all students started.

The so-called Imperial game, to put it bluntly, is done by the advanced course students by performing their skills in front of Princess Veronica.

When visited by the royals or noblest, performing this type of athletic activities is a well-established tradition of the dragon riding Academy.

During the time Ash was taken away to serve Veronica, the preparation of the Imperial game is still running normally in the arena.

Even Veronica who has always been rigorous and comprehensive did not reject this tradition, and promised to attend the match.

The game event is – Dragon riding Cricket.

Maestro, Strada, Asia, Hydra ……four different types of dragons, each field a different position in the same game, a very special dragon riding game.

Veronica is looking from the arena’s VIP seats. Today, she is also dressed in heavy armour.

Captain Glenn McGuire equipped with an Ark like a shadow remain by her side. The remaining six escorts surround Veronica in a circle like shape.

The auditorium has long been packed with the students and the citizens of Ansarivan.

If anyone attempt to assassinate Veronica, it is easy to mix in with this group of audience. The reason Glenn and the others are with a murderous look is probably cause by this.

"Eh ..."

This morning, Ash also as a butler stays beside Veronica. After one night, Veronica is still reluctant to exempt him from his duties.

Besides that, last night Ash spends his night in the ship's lounge. It has been a long time that he has not spent the night with Eco.

"Anything? Worrying about your Pal?"

Having seen through Ash's mood, Veronica chatted to him.

Even when the audience cheers reach up into the sky, but her voice is still loud and clear.

"Well ...... in a way."

"What’s to be worrying about? Won’t the staff of the Dragon Scotia will help to take care of dragons?"

"No, Eco must be taken care by me -"

While Ash is halfway through explaining…..

"Found you!"

Eco yell while rushed to him.

Although the escorts led by Glenn immediately put on an alert posture, but it is clear to them the incoming person is someone who can be excluded without needing the use of force.

Veronica also lifts her hand and wave at them for them to stop.

"What are you messing around right here!"

Eco when the distance is near she immediately leap and did a summersault. She drew a beautiful arc in mid-air to perform a jumping kick attack.

"Ka Poof!" [7]

His stomach is severely kicked, Ash painfully moans out loud, he kneel down on the spot.

Eco angrily glared at Ash who is suffering without any reason.

“You better be ready, hurry up! How am I able to play this game if you are not her! "

Ash is surprise for a moment, and looked upwards towards Eco.

“Play ...... you intend to participate in this competition?”

"Of course! Anyway, it feels very interesting!"

"The question is ... how you going to participate?"


This time, it is Eco’s turn to be dumbstruck.

"You must ride a dragon to receive the qualification ......and how am I able to ride you?"

Veronica who is listening to the two’s conversation, cannot help but smile.

"Oh, to think that there is a time that the 'Boy who can ride any dragon' wits' cannot show his own ability."

"That's because there exist some problem that cannot be solve because of physics!"

"Are you looking down on me? Who says that you are riding me? It is also ok for me to ride you! Quick, lay on the ground!"

Ash frightened with creeps shouted:

"No matter who is riding there is no way for us to play! How can I a mere Human compete with the others dragons? In a blink of an eye, I will be stepped on and get smash up!"

"Err ...... or else I will let you try by putting on the Ark -"

"I have not heard which Ark-Dragner had been crawling while lying on the ground. Moreover, the rules prohibit the use of magic!"

The two of the a having a argument, at last Eco gave in. She seems disappointed and dejected.

"Haiz[8]...... why I was born in this gesture?"


"Do not be discouraged, the one who is called Eco whatever."

Surprisingly, Veronica tried to cheer up Eco.

"Why ... I do not need any people to comfort me."

"You first listen to me, Dragons is a very wise race. Their cumulative history has been longer than human.

"... What are you trying to express?"

"In other words, you who are born with the human gesture must have a reason. Even if the reason remains unclear for now, but there is a day that the truth will be revel."

"You ......"

When Eco is accidentally starring at Veronica, the whistle that signifies the start of the game is blown.

Dressed in a dragonsuit, the riders on each respective Pal quickly spread out.

"Oh, even Silvia took part! Oh ...... and the opponent is actually Rebecca’s team? This is worth seeing."

Veronica showing an unusual rare happy expression muttered-


Silvia and Lancelot is knocked out from the ring by Cú Chulainn who is rode by Rebecca.

Part 8

"Her Royal Highness Princess!"

Ash saw Silvia is thrown out by Lancelot and fall heavily on the ground, he immediately rushed out.

He jumps over the auditorium straight towards the arena. Swiftly pass through the crowds of dragons towards the place where Silvia fell.

The game is suspended because Silvia temporarily lost conscious.

Veronica looked at Ash, muttered:

"That kid ... he did not even hesitate to run towards a group of dragon, he got guts."

"Hmm, what’s so strange about that?"

Eco snapped at Veronica.

“But it seems that he is not used to woman."

Veronica laugh cheeky, Eco without giving up question her:

"What do you mean by that? It is best for you to explain clearly!"


“That guy lives with me all day long. How can he be not used to woman!"

"Hmph ...... while staying with a little girl like you, how can he be immune form women? When he saw me naked, he is embarrassed until that extend."

Eco who is red in her face clench her teeth.

"Wh-What do you say! Why were you naked?"

"Due to adult circumstances, a kid like you has no reasons to know."

"You really can made people angry by just looking at you”

When Eco is angrily stamping around, Glenn quietly whispers to Veronica.

"The boy seems intended to send Silvia Her Royal Highness to the school building ...... are we going to sit here idly? Silvanus also is in no shortage of excellent doctor."

"Let him be."

Veronica briskly stood up, looking around at the crowd.

"Everyone listen carefully!"

The strong-willed voice echoed, at the same time, the arena is silence for a moment. Everyone sight is focused on Veronica, just like in a play.

"Cú Chulainn’s collision is allowed according to the rules, everything has to be blame on my sister's immaturity, the game is not over, please proceed!"

The audience suddenly gave a thunderous applause, the game is resumed.

Part 9

"Err ..."

The instant she opens her eyes, she is greet by the familiar chandeliers.

This is the girl’s dormitory – the top floor of Epona, the royal family’s room - also Silvia's personal room.

Cool breeze are blown in slowly from the opened windows.

The sun at the sky is slowly setting.

"How do I ...?"

Silvia was quite startled.

No long after the game started, Cú Chulainn collide with me, the impact was so great which cause me to fall from Lancelot-

Until here, Silvia still remembers the incidents that happened, but after that, she completely fail to recall anything.

“- Ow!”[9]

She looks on her body, and found out that she is not wearing a dragonsuit but clothing pyjamas.

When did someone help me put it on? "Are you alright, Princess Highness?"

When she suddenly heard a man's voice, Silvia could not help but move her body backwards.

"... Why are you here?"

Silvia simply did not even expect the smiling person at the bedside, is actually Ash.

Although he is now wearing the uniform of a butler, but the sleeve on his left hand reveal a small portion of bandage. He really insisted to cover up his <Seikoku> ...... but right now, those things are not important important.

Why would a guy be in the girl's dormitory where men are forbidden from entering?

Let alone Silvia Lautreamont’s boudoir!

“Oh, you have waked up, Princess Highness?"

At this time, Cosette stuck her face out from the kitchen and Silvia immediately asked her to explain.

"Cosette, what is this about?! Why is Ash in my room?!"

“It would be rude if you use those words you know. Ash-sama takes the trouble to carry you back to the room."

"What did you say? Ash ... carry me?"

Being stare by Silvia Ash starts to shrink.

"Don’t be so angry with me. Initially, I brought you to the nurse office, but when the imperial game is in progress, so there are also many who are injured ..."

"Today's nurse office is simply no difference with a field hospital."

Cosette with a wry smile added.

"Once the doctor found out that Princess had only a slight bruise, they kicked you out of the nurse office. They also said that even if you are the princess, right now, there is no time to give you special treatment."

Finally they managed to clarify the situation, but Silvia is not satisfied.

"Even if what you say is true, why are you obligated to carry me?"

"Of course it is because that I’m concern about Princess Highness!"

Listen to Ash who speaks confidently- Silvia’s could not help but feel moves and beats heavily.

"Ha ha ......"

Without realising Silvia mood, Ash suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. I’m just thinking, no matter how good is Lancelot, to clash directly with Cú Chulainn is just too much."

What Ash said is indeed the truth.

Maestro Cú Chulainn is undoubtedly the strongest Dragon of the entireAcademy.

Silvia orders to face Cú Chulainn head-on, not only a bad judgment, but also cause Lancelot to become injured.

"He he. It is because Princess Highness want to show her best in front of Veronica-sama."

Hearing Cosette brought up the things that she is most concerned about, Silvia immediately blush.

"S-Shut up! Things are not like what you said!" Although Silvia is denying, Ash and Cosette still just smile. She thought all was seen through.

"Haiz ...... I am simply unworthy of becoming Lancelot master."

Silvia ashamed cannot help but says some discouraging words.

"You didn’t have to belittle yourself! ..."

Ash even though puzzled, tries to comfort her, but she became emotional.

"You shut the hell up, I really can’t become Lancelot’s master! Lancelot should have been entrusted to him, and not me!"

Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi v2 p149.jpg

"Hey ... What do you mean by that?" Ash with a surprised look peeped at Silvia's face.

Silvia suddenly realizes that her tongue slips.

She carelessly leak out a long time secret.

"N-Nothing! There’s no big deal! Forget what I just said!"

At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door. "Princess Silvia. You have a guest."

The voice across the door is from an old lady, the Epona dormitory’s warden.

It is rare that the warden would personally bring a guest.

“Guest? ...... Who is it? "

Shouldn’t be a onee-sama ... Silvia is terribly frightened, but the name from the warden mouth is not what she expected.

"Glenn McGuire-sama."


"Glenn ...... that poker face?"

Ash also spring up from the chair shouting.

"Sorry to interrupt, Princess Silvia."

Once entered the room, Glenn kneel down and respectfully salute.

"...... Glenn-dono, why are you here?" [10]

Putting on a calm front, Silvia from her bed look downward towards Glenn.

- When Silvia is still small, Glenn and his brother- Prince Julius often accompany her and play together.

Julius and Glenn are not only close friends, they are also rivals. [11]

It is said that the time the two are studying in Ansarivan, they are always competing for the first. That time Glenn is a good hearted and lovable guy- but now he felt like a different person.

His beauty still remains, but people cannot feel the change in expression. The feeling of looking at his face is not any better from staring on some ice carvings.

Perhaps his expression is frozen since the day Julius committed the 'dragon slaying' crime.

Whenever she saw Glenn’s face, Silvia will feel depressed.

"Glenn-dono ... if onee-sama sent you here, please make the long story short."

"Veronica-sama asked me to visit you and check out your condition.”

"If it is so, as you can see, I do not have any serious problem. So you satisfied?"

She obviously does not want to say this, but Silvia still blurted out words which are full of spicy tone.

"...... Understood. I will report clearly to Veronica-sama. Next, I also brought message from Veronica-sama."

"You may say it."

Feeling a heavy pressure on her stomach, at the same time, Silvia urged his to speak.

A message from Veronica is definitely never a good thing.

"Tomorrow at noon, Veronica-sama scheduled to pay a visit of condolences on the streets."

"Is it......"

Originally the official reason Veronica visit Ansrivan is to give condolences to the people involved rebuilding of St. Durham Square Square, it is just that the troubled she faced cause her to forget completely about it.

"So I need to accompany onee-sama to give condolences to the affected people- is that right?"

"No, you don’t need to accompany."

"What did you say?"

The unexpected answer stunned Silvia.

"Veronica-sama’s orders are, tomorrow you must go to the St Valleria church to seek for repentance."

"Repentance? Why?

"Please forgive me for saying it bluntly ...... Veronica-sama was angered by your disgrace."

The so-called disgrace should be referring to the fall from the dragon’s back during the Imperial game. At the end of the day, Veronica thinks that Silvia's performance simply foolhardy.

Just like rubbing salt on the wound, Glenn continues to say:

"In addition, during the prayers, you’re not allowed to be accompanied by a maid."

"... Is it so? So when the street are full of rejoice because of onee-sama’s condolences, I must act like a nun praying alone, this is what onee-sama mean right?"

Glenn without looking at the self-mocking Silvia, officially response:

I’m nothing but a carrier pigeon. Then, I will be taking my leave."

Silvia impulsively stopped Glenn who is planning to leave.

"Wait a moment, Glenn-dono!"

"... May I ask what the problem?"

Just like ice his eyes stare straight towards Silvia.

Glenn-dono... that …Have you heard from onee-sama about the marriage? "

"I have heard slightly about it."

Glenn without blinking an eye replied coldly.

"Is it?"

Even though marriage is a lifetime event, Glenn attitude is cold and almost no feeling.

"...... There is nothing more. You may leave."

Glenn respectfully bow and ready to leave the room, but -

"This is the first time I saw such detestable carrier pigeon."

Unexpectedly, Ash from the side calls out loud to retain Glenn.

"Anyway, your attitude ain’t it too much? You are going to be married with a princess, don’t you have your own thought?"

Ash simply throws out Silvia’s question that has been seal in her heart.

Silvia was surprised and even forgotten to stop him.

Glenn paused to stare back at Ash.

"I’m Princess Veronica’s knight, I must obey the command Her Highness."

Even Silvia realised Ash with a surprised look gasped.

"What did you say? So you are saying that you are loyal to her? If she ordered you to die, you would have no objection against dying?"


Glenn readily replied, which made the others felt no hint of hesitation.

"You are just like a puppet ...... Don’t you have your own will?"

Originally, Glenn who takes dying as no big deal, but now his switch is flip over by Ash’s criticise. This time he turned his whole body around and strides towards Ash.

“……You are called Ash Blake, am I right? Perhaps you have the credit for saving this city, but don’t you get carried away because in the end you will only play a small role."

Ash frowned because of Glenn’s criticise.

"What do you mean?" Are you trying to negate the efforts of Eco and mine? "

"I will not deny. Luck is part of the strength, but -"

At the moment, Glenn’s eyes emit a breath-taking aura.

"Remember your own place."

Leaving behind words that is as heavy as iron, Glenn turned around and left the room.

"That bastard ..."

Ash exposed angry expression staring at the closed door. Even when being stare by those eyes, Ash is not even showing any fear, on the other hand he look more like a raging pillar of fire.

But Silvia is the contrary of Ash. Her whole body is trembling. Even when she is not being stare at, her fingers and knees are shaking.

The gentle and kind Glenn in the past could emit such mournful eyes. This is not only caused her feel more pressure, but she also could not believe it.

Part 10

"Damn ... Who the hell he think he is."

Ash is walking around in the room, while angrily complained.

Presumably, he is annoyed Glenn for not able to talk it over with him.

It seems that Ash did not think that "his own strength is never weaker than his".

Seeing Ash’s angry expression, Silvia's mood turned a little bit relaxed.

"You might as well take a sit? Look at you, moving around like a monkey, it even made me feel impatient."

"Sorry ..."

Even when Ash obediently sat down on the chair beside the bed, but it is still difficult to eliminate the feeling of hate.

"Princess, aren’t you angry? In any case, his attitude would be a little too cold!"

"Right, it is cold...... but he is not such a person years ago."


"In the past, he is like my other brother. That time, Glenn-dono is as warm as spring ... he is also a cheerful and gentle gentleman, he treated me with love like his own sister."

"When did this happen?"

"Onii-sama was sentenced a decade ago. This happens before that…... when I’m about four or five years old. Even my childhood memory is somewhat blur, but so far, I still remember clearly that onii-sama and Glenn-dono love me very much."

"I see ..."

Ash exposed an embarrassing expression.

As a results, the felony onii-sama committed not only hurt the Lautreamont Royal Family, but also caused a great impact on his best friend. If not because of onee-sama who stops him, I’m afraid that Glenn-dono had already leave the Knight’s country...... I heard that, when the onii-sama is sentence, Glenn-dono became dissolute."


"Judging from this, we could say that onee-sama is the one who saved Glenn-dono. At the same time, it also proves that onee-sama has large enough strength[12] to save a strong knight such as Glenn-dono."

Silvia's eyes drift out of the window, watching the evening and deep sky, she muttered:

“Her strength[13] is so enormous that I did not have any hope to beat her...... "

"Princess Highness."

Just then, there is sudden knock on the door, Silvia scared shrink in to a ball. At first they thought Glenn turn back, but the truth is......

"I’m entering."

The one who swing open the door, was actually Rebecca.


Rebecca move towards the bedside and looked at Silvia's face.

"Just now I didn’t hold back. Looking at you with a murderously aura rushing over, I cannot help but want to show my real ability. I have reflected on my immaturity."

Silvia is terrified, she anxious pulled up the quilt to cover my head.

If they wanted to find out whose responsibility is it, I was in the wrong. I blame because I was too concerned about Veronica’s attention, and order Lancelot the rushed out head-on......

"You do not need to apologize to me, that is but a accident in the game, and I did not have any serious injuries."

"Is it? Then I relieved."

Seeing Rebecca’s cheeky soft smile, Silvia breathe a sigh of relief.

"Anyway ... Why do you purposely came here?"

"Ahh!! Yes, in fact, I'm looking for Ash."


Ash shocked while looking at Rebecca.

"Well 7:00 tomorrow morning is expected to have an emergency meeting, issues naturally about Princess Veronica’s condolences."

"Understood, but I cannot guarantee that Princess Veronique promised to allow me to ..."

Ash answered without confidence, but Rebecca reveals a playful smile.

I had already forgotten that you are the attendant of Princess Veronica it, and now you really look a lot more one”

Ash exposed suffering expression, looking down at his own clothing.

"I can’t wait to take it off and throw it away ... and I’m really worried about Eco."

To reduce Ash’s worriedness, Rebecca stated with a smile:

"Don’t have to worry so much about it, about Eco’s daily life, the student’s council will give her our full support. Initially, I hope to let Cosette to deal with her, but ......"

"I'm sorry, but now, Princess’s problem alone had already caused me a lot of problem."

Stood against the wall, Cosette from the bottom of my heart bow and apologize.

Ash looked puzzled.

"Huh? Who is the one responsible for taking care of Eco?"

"Now we made an exception for letting Angela-sensei to help take care of her"

Hearing Rebecca's answer, Ash suddenly turned pale and stood up.

"Why is she given to the number one dangerous person?! What is Eco is dissect by her!"

"Don’t worry, I think Angela-sensei seems to have changed her ways."

"Are you sure ...?"

“No problem, if Eco encounter any crisis, your <Seikoku> will also notify you."

"Y-Your words are true ......"

"M-May I ask."

The restless Silvia interrupts from beside. In fact, she was concerned about a problem for a long time.

"Why president did not ask me to attend the tomorrow’s meeting?"

After a long silence, Rebecca said flatly:

"Princess Veronica already told me. Tomorrow you were ordered to go to the church for repentance is not? How can I appoint any work of the Student's Council to you?"

"How come…..."

"If there is any dissatisfaction, show your strength that is beyond Princess Veronica."

Rebecca like she is gloating state the impossible conditions, then she took Ash and left.

"Princess VS Princess ~ A.B.S.1365.5 ~" is closed --TJYYEO (talk) 19:28, 18 April 2013 (CDT)

References and Translation Notes

  1. Literally junior.
  2. Literally senior.
  3. Whining sound
  4. sighing sound
  5. Japanese usually bath and clean their body before they dip in the hot spring or something similar like this
  6. sound of squeaking
  7. sound of Ash being hit. ~~ *Ouch*
  8. Depressing sound
  9. Surprised??
  10. This sentence here use a very polite form of speaking or what we called court language since my English is limited please help me correct this.
  11. The rivals here is in the sense of competing with each other.
  12. The strength here does not signify muscle strength, it mean mental strength and open mindeness
  13. Same here

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