Talk:Spice & Wolf:Volume1 Chapter 04

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I take as little creative license as I can when translating (stylistic issues are the editor's job) so it may seem a little forced at times. Of course, I'm also new the TL business so there'll likely be plenty of errors. TLCs have their work cut out for them.

Chapter 4, Page 175


The whole of the Milone Company, upon hearing Lawrence's story after suddenly dropping by, went from shocked to guarded.



Although Zelen's proposal was not something one could trust at the time, Lawrence's story was naturally even less trustworthy.


Moreover, there was the matter of the furs.


It may influence future trades, but they weren't angry over it, though as expected the man in charge was laughing at the irony.


But even so, the Milone Company will move once it is shown the contract that Lawrence and Zelen signed under the attestor.


Then the Milone Company can proceed without reserve.


Additionally, Lawrence told them to examine Zelen's background and emphasized that this was no simple swindle.


If it does this much, the Milone Company will consider this a carefully planned fraud.


So they will deliberately intervene for information that may be useful in the future.


And even as Lawrence hypothesized as such, so it came to pass.


Most importantly, if Lawrence's deducations were to be accurate, the Milone Copmany would obtain an enormous profit with this transaction.


The Milone Company is sure to have been looking out for a chance to outdo their rivals.


The expectation is that they would not overlook the possibility of huge gains even in light of the somewhat suspicious story.

Chapter 4, Page 176


After having succeeded in perking the Milone Company's interest in his story, Lawrence's first task was to prove the existence of the man called Zelen. ロレンスとホロは早速その日の日没にヨーレンドの酒場に出向き、ゼーレンと連絡を取りたいとウェイトレスの娘に告げた。

They were informed to go to a bar in Yorrend at sunset of that day, and inform the daughter of the waitress immediately if Zelen appears.


Though Zelen didn't show his form at the appointed time every day as I had thought, unexpectedly the waitress' daughter wasn't around, and a short while after the sun had gone down, Zelen appeared.


Lawrence had an innocent business story prepared for Zelen, while the Milone Company had secretly made arrangements beforehand to observe the man in the nearby seat.


For a few days, The Milone Company would judge the truth of Lawrence's proposal by investigating Zelen's background.


Lawrence believed that a large merchant company surely had to be backing Zelen.


And if a large merchant were indeed backing him, the underlying threads linking them would be there, and easy for the Milone Company to confirm.


There was just one problem.


"Will we be on time?"


Horo asked when they returned to the inn after the evening the Milone Company had started its investigation.

Chapter 4, Page 177


As Horo said, the problem was time.


There was a possibility that the profits would not be as expected, even if Lawrence's hypothesis was correct.


Well, it's likely to happen anyway, but the Milone company might not be possible to predict the gains.


If not, it becomes difficult for Lawrence to gain profit from this venture.


If on the other hand, the Milone Company decides quickly to go ahead with the project, the profits that roll in will be extraordinary.


The scheme of Zelen that Lawrence uncovered, and the scheme to counter it, was of such a kind.


"Well, we'll probably be on time. I thought as such when I asked the Milone Company."


Lawrence poured some wine from the bar, and after glancing at the half-full glass under the candlelight, drank the whole thing.


He similarly poured a cup for Horo, who sitting cross-legged on the bed, and watched as she took it and dried its contents.


"Is that company really that good?"


"To succeed at business in foreign countries, it's sure to have a powerful information network.


Conversations of merchants in bars and in the market.


If they didn't have excellent communication between their branch offices, being a company of their size wouldn't be possible.


At this point, that company is considerable."


The easist way is by examining the background of the man called Zelen.


The cup of wine that Lawrence had poured at Horo's request while they were talking had been emptied after they had finished.


On top of that she asked for more.


What speed.

Chapter 4, Page 178



"What did you do?"


She replied indifferently while staring off into the distance with a blank look, seemingly having gotten considerably drunk.


Her eyes were slowly closing as she held her cup.


"But that really was fast."


"This wine is very captivating..."


"Well it is quite passable. Usually you wouldn't drink wine of such quality."


"Is that so?"


"When you don't have the money, even something as bitter as squeezed pulpy grapes without sugar, honey or ginger must be drunk.


Basically, wine that is clear enough to see the bottom of your glass is a luxury commodity."


At Lawrence's words, Horo gazed blankly at the cup in her hand and felt dizzy.


"Hmph. I thought this was normal."


"Haha. Only if you were upper class."

ロレンスは笑いながらそう言ったのだが、ホロはロレンスのそんな言葉を聞くと途端に顔をこわばらせて、うつむきが ちにコシプをベッドの下の床に置くとそのままベッドの上で丸くなってしまった。

Lawrence said as he laughed, but while he was talking Horo's face had stiffened up and, lying down on the bed, she put her cup on the floor underneath, and curled up to sleep.

Chapter 4, Page 179


It was so sudden that even though she was sleepy, the atmosphere in the room had changed such that Lawrence could only just stare at her.


He reconsidered his actions a little.


Perhaps Horo was annoyed at something he'd said.


What's wrong?


However, even after asking as the idea hit him, Horo's pointed ears didn't prick up.


It seemed she was somehow quite angry.


Lawrence mulled it over in his head without saying anything, and before long, remembered.


The exchange they had when he had met Horo.


"Could it be, you're angry at the social status thing I said?"


When Horo agreed to show Lawrence her wolf form, she had said she didn't like how I had been afraid.


Moreover, being admired and revered was also something she disliked.


Lawrence recalled the song of the wandering minstrel.


The song of god requiring a yearly festival and the lonely remainder from it.


"I'm sorry. I didn't get the deep meaning of it."


However, Horo didn't stir as normal.