
From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 11:24, 2 June 2013 by Rozenbach (talk | contribs)
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I'm a person whose interest in Japanese culture first sprouted from anime, then manga and finally to the light novel circle. Now that I've finished my A' levels, I now wait from the dreaded National Service to be over and enter university. But because I didn't get(IMO), results that I want, I guess I can be considered a 'rouninsei', as I failed to go into the course I wanted

Translating various novels here and there in camp(by writing in notebooks), but somehow can't find the motivation to type them out. It doesn't mean I'll be uploading them anytime soon, grammar and making sure it doesn't stray from the original Japanese meaning is a worrisome task.

I can only translate Chinese to English for now, but I'm planning to take up Japanese during my National Service.

That'll be all for now.

It's already been so long since I've been a translator here. I guess I'll try and put my schedule here first.

DAL Volume 4 Chapter 9: End of June DAL Volume 4 Chapter 10: End of July DAL Volume 7 Chapter 6: End of August Short Stories: will get to them if Kurumi's SS comes out.