Zero no Tsukaima:Volume4 Chapter7 - MTL

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Chapter Seven - Andvari's Ring

Montmorency the Fragrance had begun questioning Kirche, who was roasting meat with Tabitha around a bonfire. Guiche appeared to be completely content and had been talking loudly to himself with a glass of wine in his hand. He seemed only too content to be traveling. It was well past midnight, and the twin moons glittered beautifully over the surface of the lake.

"Is your wound ok? Too bad we defeated you, I honestly admire the combination you two make."

"You are really good, we stood no chance."

"Victory or defeat is also dependent on luck. If your luck is perfect we can only run. Besides, you were fighting alone, Guiche was useless, Montmorency was only watching and Louise only dealt the final blow."

Kirche proudly pulls up her hair.

"But why are you attacking the water spirit?"

Under the light of the bonfire, they replied:

"Why do you need to protect it?"

Louise pulled her sleeve sadly.

"Do you think Kirche is better than me?"

"Ah! No - Thats not true! I was just asking about whats going on! Why don't you get some sleep?"

"No way, I don't need to rest! Don't you want to talk with me? This is the 32nd time you've told me to sleep today."

It seems as if Louise had been counting the words Saito had said to her. Although a little scary, Saito felt that Louise was really lovable at that moment. But right now he was busy so he gently placed his hand on her shoulder and spoke as if she is was a small child:

"We can talk afterwards, you should go to sleep. You just cast a major spell, aren't you tired?

Louise was bashfully tracing circles with her finger on Saito's chest.

"Then... Promise me with a kiss."


"Kiss me or I won't go to sleep."

Kirche's stared at them, her mouth agape while Louise puffed up her cheeks with a temperamental look in her eyes. Looking at each other, Guiche and Montmorency laugh; Kirche and Tabitha are still unaware of what had happened.

Saito felt extremely awkward, it would be too embarrassing to kiss Louise straight on the lips with everyone watching. He worried for a while and finally kissed her forehead. Louise was reluctantly satisfied, and suddenly crawled into his lap, rests her body against his chest and closes her eyes. Soon her breathing slows and light snoring escapes from her lips.

"How did you manage to domesticate Louise to this degree? I didn't think you were the kind of guy who was able to entice a girl, yet she is already treating you like a god!" Kirche asked in admiration.

"It's not like that, Montmorency made a love potion and Louise accidentally drank it. The first person she saw was me and now she has fallen in love with me."

"Love potion? Why did you make such a thing?"

"Oh, I was just curious to see if I could do it."

Montmorency had sidestepped the question with a trivial answer...

"Really, a woman who has no confidence in her charms is the worst. Don't you agree?"

"Go die! Anyways, this isn't the time for it, how should we cure her?"

"So argumentative... Well I suppose we've come to the heart of the matter."

Saito explained the situation to Kirche. In order to make the antidote, they needed the water spirit's tears.

"We promised to repel the attackers in exchange for the tears but..."

"So thats was it, that's why you are protecting the water spirit?"

Kirche looked awkwardly towards Tabitha who had been staring into the fire with a glazed expression.

"This is bad, we can't fight you but if we don't stop the water spirit Tabitha's family will be troublesome..."

"Why is it necessary to get rid of it?"

Prompted by Saito, Kirche replies:

"You see, the water levels have caused damage to the surrounding area. Tabitha's family has suffered losses because of the damage so we have been entrusted to get rid of it."

So that was it. They can't go home empty handed.

Then how should they handle it...

Saito considered it for a while:

"Thats fine, you can stop attacking the water spirit and we can find out why the water spirit is raising the water level so much and ask it to stop."

"The water spirit will listen to us?"

"This morning we negotiated with it and it agreed to give us a part of its body if we stop the attackers."

Kirche considered for a second and asked Tabitha:

"As long as the floods stop and the land is restored to its original condition would that be ok?"

Tabitha nodded.

"Great, it's decided! We can carry out the negotiations tomorrow!"

Early the next morning, Montmorency, like the previous day, released a small frog into the lake to call the water spirit. The water parted and the water spirit rose up through the morning mist.

"Water spirit, the attackers will no longer bother you, as per the agreement will you give us a part of your body?"

As Montmorency finished talking, the water spirit's body trembled and a portion of its body was repelled as a thin line into the vial Montmorency was holding.

Its promise completed, the water spirit sunk back towards the lake, however Saito quickly called for it to stop.

"Please wait! I have something to ask you!"

The water spirit rose up once again from the water's surface.

"What, mere human?"

"Why have you raised the water? Please, if there is a reason can you tell us? We would be willing to help if you can stop."

The water spirits body had grown in size and had assumed various positions. It concluded by twisting its form into that of Montmorency in a gesture that seemed to express feeling. Perhaps its form reflected its thoughts.

"I will considering entrusting this task to you, since you honored our previous contract I think I can trust you."

Suddenly seeming angry, the water spirit paused. Saito said nothing, but waited for the spirit to continue. After several shape changes, the water spirit had settled once again in Montmorency's form and continued to speak.

"A long time ago, your kind stole one of my treasures."

"A treasure?"

"Yes, my most important possession was stolen from the deepest part of my lake, about thirty months before the moon's crossing."

"Approximately two years ago..." Montmorency murmurs.

"Are you trying to take revenge on humans by increasing the water level and flooding villages?"

"Vengeance? Our kind does not have that purpose. I am simply trying to retake my treasure, and even if it takes an eternity water will slowly erode the land. Even if I must sink the entire continent I will regain what I have lost."

"You're willing to do so much?"

This was going too far, the water spirit was willing to submerge an entire continent in order to reclaim its treasure in a process that could take hundreds, even thousands of years.

"Our concept of time is different, for me the whole is the same as the present. All time is the same to me, regardless of the present the future will always come. It makes no difference as I will always exist."

The water spirit did not seem to have the concept of death. Time on this scale would be unimaginable to a human.

"Well we can help you retrieve your treasure, what is it?"

"My treasure is Andvari's Ring, it has been with me until now."

"I think I have heard of it."

Montmorency quietly replied.

"A legendary magic item of the water system. It is said to give false life to the deceased..."

"That is not incorrect, but death is a concept that I do not understand, therefore I cannot understand your description. Andvari's Ring does not simply bring false life, it is the embodiment of the ancient "Strength of the Water", it is not simply a magical item."

"Then who stole such a thing?"

"Using wind magic, several humans came into my dwelling. They did not disturb me in my slumber and took away my most prized possession."

"So you don't know their names?"

"One of the people went by the name Cromwell."

Kirche says to herself:

"If I haven't misunderstood, he is the new Emperor of Albion"

Everyone but Saito could not help but look at each other in dismay.

"Could he be a different person? There could be two people with the same name... If he has gained the power of false life, what will he use it for?"

"Those who are revived have their freedom stolen. They must obey the owner of the ring."

"It is a truly evil ring, animating the dead is a disgusting power." Kirche says in a low voice.

Kirche continued to mutter to herself, she felt as if she should have remembered something but cannot grasp the thought.

Saito nodded with a firm resolution, and turned towards the water spirit.

"I understand. Please stop raising the water level and I guarantee you I will return your ring."

The water spirit vibrates.

"I believe you, if you can bring back the ring I will no longer raise the water."

"Then when should I bring it back to you?"

This time the water spirit shook and trembled.

"Before your life ends, otherwise I am unconcerned."

"You don't mind such a long time?"

"I don't care, to me tomorrow is no different from any other part of the future."

After saying this, the water spirit returned to the depths of the lake.

In that flash, Tabitha stopped it by calling out.

"Please wait."

Everyone stared at Tabitha in surprise. Although she had been with them all this time, this is the first time she had spoken out.

"Water spirit, I wish to ask you something."

"What is your question?"

"We humans have always called you the "Spirit of Allegiance', I would like to know the reason."

"Human, my and your existence is completely dissimilar. I cannot understand your question completely, but I can speculate. My existence in itself is the reason for this name. I do not have a fixed shape, yet I will never change. For uncountable generations I have always been here with the water."

The water spirit, trembling, spoke. The sound rang in the air.

"Because you are eternally unchanging, therefore you will forever carry our hopes."

Tabitha nodded, then shut her eyes. In the end, who had she made an oath to? Kirche gently put a hand on her shoulder.

Montmorency, having seen Tabitha's appearance, immediately poked Guiche.


"You made an oath too quickly."

"What oath?"

"What did you think I made the Love potion for anyways?"

"Mmm! Ah... I swear that I will consider Montmorency above all others from this point forward..."

She poked Guiche again.

"Oww... Ah...! Really! I swear!"

"I don't want to be above others, I want to be the only. Swear you love only me!"

Guiche forces sad words out in a tone that most people would find hard to believe.

"I swear..."

Louise has also pulled on Saito's sleeve, her face is gazing at only him.

Saito is looking into Louise's face. Today he must tell this Louise goodbye, and he cannot help but feel somewhat lonely. Even though it was only because of the Love potion, how many times had she told him that she loved him?

But Saito preferred the original Louise. Even if he was beaten by her and treated like a dog, he thought the original was better.

"You are not willing to swear to me? You don't love me?"

Tears filled Louise's eyes.

"Sorry... I cannot swear to you... I cannot make a promise to you the way you are."

When Saito says this, she begins to cry. Saito gently strokes her head.