Zero no Tsukaima:Volume18 Chapter5

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Chapter 5 – Confession of the Pope

“Certainly, seeing all these battlalion of guards, I’m sure we could never do anything against them.” said Guiche.

Hundreds of Church Knights were stationed lining up in front of the mansion. It really did a show which was qualified as "too exaggerated".

The next morning... Saito and the others were able to get right in front of the official residence of Vittorio, thanks to the uproar caused by the inhabitants of Lutetia, who had taken the streets looking for an opportunity to see the Pope before his return to Romalia.

Saito, Louise, Kirche, and the Ondine: Guiche, Reinald and Malicorne.

Henrietta was in a reserved seat at the official residence that was prepared for her as a guest of honor. Near Henrietta was the representative of the Ondine, Gimli as well as Agnes, who were doing their duty as escorts for the Queen.

So, the group to perform the rescue mission was Saito and company.

It was true that if Saito and others were not involved in the farewell ceremony, this would raise a suspicion by Romalia, and that is why Isabella devised a plan for this not to happen. She used "Skillnir". These puppets, which were sprayed with the blood of owner she wanted to mimic, transformed immediately into an identical copy of the owner of the blood used, thus preparing perfect double.

Previously, thanks to Myoznitniln, they had already proven the effectiveness of these dolls. Having seen one of these magical objects, they had been able to produce a walking doll identical to Siesta. Even Louise and company, had been able to experience it first-hand, the fearsome potential possessed such tools.

Considering the current situation, they should be treated with the highest standards of accuracy, any error however small, without a doubt would inevitably be discovered.

Saito and the others were looking for a dress which does not attract any attention. Finally, they decided to dress up as monks.

Actually, if you think about this setting, the robes of monks had a cloth that covered their entire head. These were the perfect attire for those who wished to hide or go unnoticed. Truly, a very useful tool for a situation like this.

“Is it true that we can meet with Tabitha?” Louise asked with a voice that reflected her concern.

“I'm sure we will. For Romalia keeping a captive like Tabitha, they’re like carrying a barrel of gunpowder everywhere. It is logical that they will not take the risk to keep this up for a long time as they still have some degree of disadvantage in another country. That is why it is certain that the Pope plans to take her with him back to Romalia,“ said Kirche. Guiche, with a simplistic voice, said without any hesitation a terrible possibility:

“But, why would they keep her alive? If she was in their way, would it be a sufficient reason to eliminate her?”

“Guiche...” said Saito. Guiche was rebuking his lack of tact but still continued with his words:

“It's that ... It really doesn’t make sense to fight for someone who is no longer alive….”

“Why are you thinking like that...“ Saito said with a shocked face, thinking the more appropriate words to say while looking at Kirche.

“What I said may be true, but we have to think about the worst case scenario and prepare for what we have to do in the event that this happens. That's the only way to prevent unnecessary sacrifices. Tell me, would you risk the life of your subordinates to someone who was already dead?” Guiche said with a face completely serious.

“Ehhh...” Saito could only nod silently.

“Certainly, it is as Guiche said, but I'm sure Tabitha still alive.”

“Tell me, why do you think that?”

“I decided to believe in it from the beginning, and besides, no matter how long we wait we just have to keep hoping. For now, we just have to wait and see what Chikasui has to say, I think she was a Chevalier member of North Do Partel, right?"

“What if she was murdered what would you do?” Reinald asked Kirche.

“I, myself, will be responsible to kill all those Romalian bastards!” Kirche said without a second.

“Hey, if you do that it will start war.” Guiche said in a surprised voice.

“If so, one would have to take the initiative and make the first attack with all our strength.”

“You shouldn’t be saying things like that, it’s dangerous!”

“That would be most obvious conclusion.” Saito could not think but conclude with these words.

If my friends and the most valuable to me were killed ... What I should do?

What if someone dared to lay a hand on Louise?