Zero no Tsukaima:Volume2 Chapter5

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Chapter Five: A Rest Day Before Leaving

They had decided to rest at the most fancy hotel in the city known as La Rochelle.(!) They were tired from riding all day.(!) It was a very fancy place even for a noble. The dining tables and floor were both made from the same marble. The floor was so clean that one could see their own face on it.

Wardes and Louise came back from the pier.

When Wardes sat down he said, "The ship for Albion leaves the day after tomorrow."

"This mission is very urgent..." Louise said.

Saito and the rest finally relaxed, knowing tomorrow they could rest.

Wardes looked at Kirche and said, "I have never been to Albion so I do not know why there is no ship tomorrow."

Saito asked, "Are the moons overlapping tomorrow? If so, then Albion should be closest to La Rochelle" (!)

Wardes put the keys on the table, "Let's rest for now, take the keys. Tabitha and Kirche take one room, Guiche and Saito take another."

Guiche and Saito stared at each other.

Wardes said, "Me and Louise will be sharing a room."

Saito felt something tug at his heart and he turned towards Wardes.

Wardes said, "It is the obvious arrangement because me and Louise are engaged."

Louise looked at Wardes with shock and said, "B-but we can't! We're not even married yet!"

Saito nodded energetically, That's right, she shouldn't sleep with him.

But Wardes shook his head and told Louise, "There is something important I have to tell you."'

Wardes and Louise stayed in the best room in the hotel. They wondered who designed the room. There was an enormous four-poster bed with delicate lace hanging from the top. Wardes sat down at the table and opened a bottle of wine and poured himself a cup. Then he chugged it down and said, "Why don't you sit down and have a cup as well, Louise?"

Louise sat down as well. Wardes then poured a cup for Louise and refilled his own. Wardes raised his own cups and said, "Cheers!" Louise, however held the cup in her hands and bowed down her head.

Wardes asked, "Did you keep the princess's letter safe?"

Louise patted her pocket and to make sure it was still there, I wonder why it is so important. What is in this letter? Does the prince already have a letter ready? I think I figured out a small part of the letter. Being Henrietta's childhood friend I know how she writes her letters.

Wardes looked at Louise with wonder. Then Louise nodded and said, "The letter is still safe. Are you worried that we might not be able to get the letter from the prince of Albion?"

Wardes replied, "Yes, I am very worried."

And Louise said, "Don't worry, it will be fine because I'll always be with you."

Wardes said, "That's right, if you're here there will definitely be no problems. It was always that way."

Wardes sounded very distant when he said that.

Louise said, "Do you still remember the promise of the day when we were at the lake?"

Wardes nodded his head, "In the little boat that was floating in the middle of lake? You would always go there after being scolded by your parents. You were like an abandoned kitten."

Louise said, "Really? You remember the weirdest things."

Wardes replied happily, "Of course I have to remember those things. You were always compared to your sisters in terms of magical power."

Louise lowered her head embarrassed. Wardes said, "But I think that's wrong. You are worthless and a failure, but..."

Louise angrily said, "You are so mean!"

"You have an incredible power that nobody else has. I know this because I am a different kind of magician." Wardes finished ignoring what Louise said.

Louise said, "That's impossible!"

Wardes said, "But it is possible. For example whenever you use your magic..."

Louise's face turned red and said, "The accident about Saito?"

Wardes said, "Yes, when he picked up the weapon the runes on his left hand began to glow. Those runes are legendary."


"Yes, those runes belong to the legendary familiar Gandalfr. The familiar that once belonged to Founder Brimir." Wardes's eyes shone with admiration.

Louise asked, "Gandalfr?"

Wardes replied, "Not just anyone can control Gandalfr. You have the magic to control him."

"That's hard to believe." Louise tilted her head and thought that Wardes was joking around.

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