Zero no Tsukaima:Volume18 Chapter7

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Chapter 7 - Our Home

“Hurry up! You guys need to be more careful with that!”

In the deep Mons mines, located in the southern part of Tristain: right at the end of Tunnel No. 16, Eléonore, dressed in working clothes, was making a fuss.

In front of her, the guys from the Ondine were struggling with all they have to handle a strange machine.

The magical device was used to search the mines for "wind stones" lying in the interior of the earth.

After digging through the earth, in order to locate the wind stone deposits, a light in the device would indicate its relative position. The tip of the machine was then inserted into the ground, and the soil will then be expelled from its back, and thus opened the way for the boys.

This device had been designed in reference to the manner by which earthworms moved across the ground.

Normally the machine had a limit, which it did not allow a search to a depth greater than 200 mails. This device for wind stones research was modified by Eléonore herself, the chief executive engineer of Department of "Earth", Magic Research Institute.

By using this machine, they able to reach a depth close to 1 riig(kilomail). However, in exchange, those who operated it must constantly recite spells– in order to handle the device’s "remote". This type of operation must be performed with the extreme precaution otherwise, this may break midway, or there is a risk that it may stop to function completely.

So the guys of the Ondine who handled that device were nervously reciting the spell, as their foreheads remained soaked in sweat.

However, the reason why they were so nervous was commander of special search team, who was frightening and unbearable.

Until recently they managed to achieve a great distance, cooperating all together while reciting the spell needed for the remote control of the machine. However, for an order of knights who were not used to recite specialized spells, it was obvious that they would show great difficulty and commit constant errors.

“Damn! What secret mission is this?! At least they should have assigned with me a competent staff from the Magic Research Institute!” Eléonore said, as her anger was increasing.

Since returning from the garden party, Henrietta had given the order for the Magic Research Institute to begin an investigation in the wind stone mines. Also, they are specified to dig as deep as they could. Due the high degree of confidentiality involved in this research, it was decided to deploy the Ondine Knights to carry out this task.

And this was why Eléonore was so angry, throwing tantrums as she had to endure the young inexperienced group who don’t have the slightest idea on how make a true Academic Research. “E-Eléonore-sama ... We stopped,” reported Malicorne to Eléonore, while trembling.

The moment she heard this, Eléonore’s eyes were lit with anger.

“Hah? You! A while ago you also said that! So now you're saying it again? So tell me, what was your excuse now?”

Upon hearing this, Malicorne tried to answer in a low scared voice:

“B-but ... I, is that yesterday I didn’t sleep ... and besides, this work should not be done by a knight...”

A vein appeared to burst in front of Eléonore.

With a face that seemed to say, "Does this guy knows what he is saying?" Guiche observed Malicorne’s behavior. If anyone were to say all this kind of excuses in front of a woman like Eléonore, it was clear that it would just make her angry. At least for a hard headed person, who has an inexplicable confidence like Guiche, this truth was quite easy to understand.

As expected Guiche had something to say, but at the moment he was going to interfere with the conversation, Reinald managed to stop him.

“Wait, let’s just for observe for a while.”

“What do you say? Yesterday, you told me you received instructions about the mission you had to do today. And now you had the nerve to tell me you haven’t sleep yet? You don’t even have the shame to hide your carelessness!”

It was then when Guiche observed Malicorne’s face closely. "Uh!" he growled, Guiche found that his face was shaking... but what really showed the brilliance of his eyes, was a great and boundless pleasure.