Zero no Tsukaima:Volume18 Chapter7

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Chapter 7 - Our Home

“Hurry up! You guys need to be more careful with that!”

In the deep Mons mines, located in the southern part of Tristain: right at the end of Tunnel No. 16, Eléonore, dressed in working clothes, was making a fuss.

In front of her, the guys from the Ondine were struggling with all they have to handle a strange machine.

The magical device was used to search the mines for "wind stones" lying in the interior of the earth.

After digging through the earth, in order to locate the wind stone deposits, a light in the device would indicate its relative position. The tip of the machine was then inserted into the ground, and the soil will then be expelled from its back, and thus opened the way for the boys.

This device had been designed in reference to the manner by which earthworms moved across the ground.

Normally the machine had a limit, which it did not allow a search to a depth greater than 200 mails. This device for wind stones research was modified by Eléonore herself, the chief executive engineer of Department of "Earth", Magic Research Institute.

By using this machine, they able to reach a depth close to 1 riig(kilomail). However, in exchange, those who operated it must constantly recite spells– in order to handle the device’s "remote". This type of operation must be performed with the extreme precaution otherwise, this may break midway, or there is a risk that it may stop to function completely.

So the guys of the Ondine who handled that device were nervously reciting the spell, as their foreheads remained soaked in sweat.

However, the reason why they were so nervous was commander of special search team, who was frightening and unbearable.

Until recently they managed to achieve a great distance, cooperating all together while reciting the spell needed for the remote control of the machine. However, for an order of knights who were not used to recite specialized spells, it was obvious that they would show great difficulty and commit constant errors.

“Damn! What secret mission is this?! At least they should have assigned with me a competent staff from the Magic Research Institute!” Eléonore said, as her anger was increasing.

Since returning from the garden party, Henrietta had given the order for the Magic Research Institute to begin an investigation in the wind stone mines. Also, they are specified to dig as deep as they could. Due the high degree of confidentiality involved in this research, it was decided to deploy the Ondine Knights to carry out this task.

And this was why Eléonore was so angry, throwing tantrums as she had to endure the young inexperienced group who don’t have the slightest idea on how make a true Academic Research. “E-Eléonore-sama ... We stopped,” reported Malicorne to Eléonore, while trembling.

The moment she heard this, Eléonore’s eyes were lit with anger.

“Hah? You! A while ago you also said that! So now you're saying it again? So tell me, what was your excuse now?”

Upon hearing this, Malicorne tried to answer in a low scared voice:

“B-but ... I, is that yesterday I didn’t sleep ... and besides, this work should not be done by a knight...”

A vein appeared to burst in front of Eléonore.

With a face that seemed to say, "Does this guy knows what he is saying?" Guiche observed Malicorne’s behavior. If anyone were to say all this kind of excuses in front of a woman like Eléonore, it was clear that it would just make her angry. At least for a hard headed person, who has an inexplicable confidence like Guiche, this truth was quite easy to understand.

As expected Guiche had something to say, but at the moment he was going to interfere with the conversation, Reinald managed to stop him.

“Wait, let’s just for observe for a while.”

“What do you say? Yesterday, you told me you received instructions about the mission you had to do today. And now you had the nerve to tell me you haven’t sleep yet? You don’t even have the shame to hide your carelessness!”

It was then when Guiche observed Malicorne’s face closely. "Uh!" he growled, Guiche found that his face was shaking... but what really showed the brilliance of his eyes, was a great and boundless pleasure.

“He anger her for purpose, and his technique is amazing!” Reinald said while his face tensed with shock.

From that moment, Malicorne started saying things like "Forgive me for being born" or "Sorry for being so irresponsible", each and every one of those excuses, were solely for the purpose of teasing Eléonore.

“AND I ... I'm tired, please give me a few minutes, Onee-san!”

As expected, after hearing this, Eléonore lost her patience.

Suddenly, she began to chant a spell that turned the tip of her wand into a whip, then she mercilessly whipped Malicorne.

“Vermin! Incompetent Pig! Good for nothing! And now you’re saying you are... Tired!? Tireeed ~!!”

“Hah! Forgive me ...! For being born ...!”

“A pig like you! Stop living, be buried and fertilize the earth!”

“Eh-pig! Burying a pig will the earth happy!”

Just when they started this "game", Saito returned from the top of the tunnel. He was pushing a wagon which rattled as he walked. For a non-magic user like Saito, the only work that remained for him was to bring outside those stones and soil that were expelled from the machine, he being the only one in charge of this task it was extremely a heavy work.

Anyway, due to fatigue that caused by this task and because of the exhaustion of his legs, Saito stumbled and worse, ended up falling on Eléonore.

“Kyah!” Due to the force, Eléonore fell with her face pressed to the floor.

“F-forgive me!” Saito apologized.

Then, Eléonore rose slowly from the ground, her face was still covered in mud, her clothes were covered with dirt.

“Uwaa ~! The face of my Empress has been...! The mud covers the face of my Empress ...!” Malicorne began to say unnecessary words.

While Eléonore was wiping her face, an atmosphere of danger never before felt by Saito suddenly arise. This sudden terror had assaulted Saito, one that made him remember the Louise before, which made him pay 10 times as anything she had done, probably the best word to describe this type of woman whom Saito was facing is: "Merciless".

“You ... the only thing you want do is to make me angry right?”

“Please I beg you, forgive me!”

Before realizing it, Saito was already kneeling in front of her, this gesture was the only thing he had left to save his life, or at least, that was what dictated his body, that primitive fear assailed him in those moments.

“Now I remember, there are several things I have to talk with you, you say you are determined to marry a daughter of the Vallière, innn youuur dreaaams! Haha!...”

Hearing Eléonore's voice began to tremble, Saito thought hopelessly "I'm dead ".

“And you dare to do that to me!?... it seems unimaginable, but mostly... no matter whether it is a noble or a commoner, a man like you always exist...”

“Onee-san... you see... that was just...”

“Do you think that by raising your social status you have the right to do that!?”

So that's when Eléonore started to pounce her whip against Saito. In that time, Louise was present in that tunnel. She can only use void magic, so she had different orders and various other tasks. Louise was carrying with her a basket of lunch for everyone. Upon seeing Eléonore hitting Saito, she was surprised and ran immediately to where they were.

“Neesama! Eléonore-neesama! Calm down please!”

Louise hugged her sister, holding her by the hips. Eléonore in respond, only stared closely at her little sister.

“Louise! You came at a good time! Just in time!”

“Stop! Please!”

[Eléonore stares]

Louise instinctively stood firm after feeling the heavy eyes of her sister.

“Tell me, is it perhaps you don’t even have pride anymore!? How come you are with this unfaithful stray dog!”

At that moment Louise froze.

“Tell me Louise, perhaps you haven’t consider that moment, what would happen if the daughter of a duke will be paired ... With a dog like this!?

Eléonore, while saying this, pointed contemptuously to Saito.

“How dare you to stain the name La Vallière!”

Upon hearing this, the small body of Louise did nothing but continue shaking more and more.

But, after gathering all the courage she had left, she said:

“Eh-that is a matter that does not concern you Eléonore-oneesama, this is our problem and we will see how to fix it, I am no longer a child!”

In the time that Louise said "I'm not a child," a faint blush colored her cheeks.

At that moment, as if it is a revelation, seeing Louise blushing, Malicorne added:

“What’s with that? Being not a child eh?”

The shock made by those words, was felt by the all members of Ondine. Eléonore, equally shocked, came hurrying to his little sister.

“Louise! Do not tell me you...! How could you? Before me!?”

Louise, in response, could only look away while her cheeks blush more and more. Meanwhile, Saito was so nervous in that situation, it seemed as if he was dying.

After such statements, Eléonore suddenly realized that all the Ondine guys were looking at her. Realizing what she had said, his face flushed completely.

“... Hey! What are you looking at?”

From that moment, the tense atmosphere gradually increased until Eléonore decided to shout:

“You are all useless! Go back to work!”

After that intense exchange of words, the magical device began to move once more. Eleonore, who was busy checking the control panel, noticed at that time a large number of figures appearing in the console.

300 ... 400 ... 500 ... and so, time slowly passed while the device was digging into the ground. When they reached 600, Eléonore eyes began to blink.


Louise, with a face that reflected her concern, she approached his sister Eléonore. However, Eléonore's face remained serious at all times.


Those young people who manipulated the remote device, hearing the order, stopped for a moment. Immediately after, Eléonore prepared to start with her work, enchanting a simple spell.

While she diligently fixed her gaze on the delicate movement of the needles of the control panels, immediately her face revealed a sudden shock as it turned completely pale.

Everyone held their breath in anticipation, while carefully watching the movements of Eléonore.

“What is this? How is it possible to formed such immense reservoir of wind stones...? Then ... that means ... just as I imagined ...”

Louise, along with the guys from Ondine, began to look at each other in these moments.

“With these mines lying in the depths of earth ... these would be sufficient to cause the whole continent to be drag up when these began to rise,” Eléonore said, while a cold sweat ran down her back.

Having lost control of themselves and almost terrified by the sudden revelation of Eléonore, each of the guys hurriedly run to the exit.

“Hey! Idiots! Do not run! It's not as if it would happen today or tomorrow! Probably may be in a few decades ... However, given our case, we were in the worst case scenario, it would take a few years,” Eléonore said, 'Now, this is getting a little complicated ... rather, what are we supposed to do?”

Eléonore began to murmur at that time.

“Mining rocks at this depth is unlikely... and in case it could be done, transporting many wind stones would be a daunting task.”

“Ahhh~! What will we happen~?!” The boys began to shout, while they fastened their hands overhead.

Louise and Saito, observing the state of their companions nervously held hands.


While reading the report of Saito and the others, Henrietta could not help but drop her shoulders.

“... Are saying that even here in Tristain, we are suffering the same situation? Then that means the words of His Holiness the Pope... were all true.”

By the time they returned to Tristain two weeks ago, Henrietta had heard from Saito and the Ondine guys about the terrible incident in the Mountain of the Fire Dragons.

She was shocked upon hearing such stories. Back then, she was still doubtful to fully believe it.

Until three days later, at a distance in the sky, a new floating island was present, the 120 mails long island had eventually came to her sight. Now she had no choice but to believe it.

Currently, a controversy about to whom this floating island belongs was brewing both nations of Romalia and Gallia.

Escorted by Saito and Louise, one on each of her side, Eléonore have stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

“I'm afraid there is no doubt about it.”

“Is that so,” having said that, Henrietta fell into a deep silence.

What happened in the Mountain of the Fire Dragons, "the incident of the floating mountain" suddenly spread throughout Halkeginia.

The truth about the ‘slippage’ of wind stones in the subsoil of Halkeginia had been transmitted to all citizens of each nation. However, the fact that this phenomenon can occur in most of the territory of Halkeginia was carefully hidden to avoid panic that this news could cause.

Henrietta remained thoughtful for a moment, but in the end, with a resolution demonstrated by the firmness of her face, she raised her head again.

“Very well! The kingdom of Tristain, from now on, will support the crusade of the nation of Romalia!”

That decision had its obvious consequences, but it was not the time to think about them. Now is not the time to start thinking about the pros and cons of that decision.

We are losing our place to live. This tremendous fact was enough to put aside any morals or ethics.

Afterwards, Henrietta began to prepare what would be the course of action to take from now. She quickly met the Cabinet Minister and her commanding general to open a discussion regarding how to act in the collaboration with Romalia.

Due to its particular provision of supporting the crusade, it was necessary to once again reorganize the military force to start a campaign abroad.

Romalia, Gallia and Germania, each of these three great powers were asked to send a secret message to the newly conquered and divided Albion. Furthermore, they sent a word to each of the kings of every nations, it was imperative there would soon be an assembly chaired by Pope Vittorio...


Three days later, after helping with various tasks in the Palace, Louise and Saito were exhausted, so after doing their duties they decided to return to Des Ornières.

In the calendar, it could be seen that they were already at the half month of Ansuul(August); therefore, starting next month, a new school year will begin, however the two of them were no longer in a position to enjoy a quiet and carefree school life.

Upon arriving at the mansion, the first to receive them with a smile from ear to ear, was Siesta.

“Welcome back! Saito-san! Miss Valliere!”

Grandmother Helen also came to meet them, and then offered a quick bow.

“Long time no see, welcome back my lords!”

“We prepare many delicious dishes while we are waiting!” Siesta declared.

Just as Siesta said, the dining room had a lot of dishes lined up on the table. And aside from the food, they also saw familiar faces.

A blue-haired girl came from the kitchen, carrying the dishes to be used in the dinner. Behind her, while happily singing "Kyuukyui", a young woman with long blue hair, wearing on her head a pot whose dimensions were almost as big as her.

“Many food~~ many food~~ many food~~ This is fun!~”

While Tabitha, without saying a word, began to put the plates on the table, Siesta hurried came over her.

“Miss Tabitha! Please Stop! This is not the job for a member of the Royal Family of Gallia...”

At that, in response, Tabitha shook her head.

“I do not belong to the royal family, but I am a servant in the service of this house.”

That was it, Tabitha had dismissed her right to belong to the Royal Family, and transferred her rights of succession to Josette, along with the name Charlotte. Both the mother of Tabitha and Isabella, persuaded her to change her mind. However, Tabitha chose to come and live in this house, that was her final decision.

But still, she was given a condition for being allowed to live with Saito.

Until the end of the crusade, she had to serve as an assistant to Saito, after that, she would have to return to Gallia, but ... the fact if she would carry the crown once again, had not yet been decided. In contrast, the only mandate to do was to abolish the tradition of: If they were twins born into the royal family, You would have to eliminate one of them.

In order to fulfill the will of Tabitha, Isabella had to initiate an immense task changing the mindset of the nobles of Gallia, to leave behind their archaic superstitions. Therefore, the first thing they had to do was to return one by one to their legitimate houses all those young people who had lived in the convent of Saint Margaret.

Tabitha was fully determined to do everything possible to rebirth Gallia into a nation of justice, but the first thing on her agenda was to support Saito and the others on their plans.

And yet, while having a big smile on her face, the joyous Sylphid told to Siesta:

“There is nothing to worry about! Onee-san does it because she wants to. Hey Onee-san, please do it like what we practiced?”

Tabitha nodded and then threw up the dishes in her hands, launching the roast beef into the air. Sylphid cried “Uwaa!” calling the attention of the puzzled spectators.

At that moment, Tabitha pulled out and waved her wand, as a result, the roast beef floating in the air had been cut into thin slices and then, together with the plates, they landed smoothly to its position on the table.

“Incredible! You did it! Onee-san!”

Sylphid started clapping while Tabitha, as usual, remained with her expressionless face.

Saito, excited by the spectacle, began to clap too.

“That was good! It was awesome!”

Hearing his praise, Tabitha cheeks flushed a little, and not knowing that she had been carried away for that moment, the next thing she did was to take a loaf of bread in her hands.

“More! More! More! A bread? So what are you planning to do with that!?”

Tabitha tossed up the elongated loaf of bread, and then waved her wand once more, the result: the finished bread was cut vertically, producing several thin strips of bread, which ended up landing on each of the glasses placed on the table.

“Why strips?” said Louise. In response, Sylphid began pouring cream on one of the cups on the table.

“To be able to eat them well.”

Sylphid began to taste one of those strips of bread, which have previously been covered at its tip with cream.

“Oooh ~ I understand.”

All those present admired what Tabitha did. At that moment, a load voice was heard from the doorway.

“What? Did they finally return?”

“Yes! Looks like they are here.”

Kirche and Colbert have said. They, by order of the royal government, were mandated to begin the maintainance of the Ostland. They have given an official notice that the Ostland will participate in the upcoming Crusade against the elves.

“We have installed some improvements, I will give the details of them later. Also, you will have more advantage when you pilot the plane for we have already installed the barrel of the tank.” Colbert said as he patted the shoulder of Saito.

Colbert had managed to successfully install the barrel of the tiger tank into Saito’s zero fighter.

Currently, the Ostland was anchored in a nearby lake, so Des Ornières had become, at least temporarily, its home port.

Afterwards, Kirche and Colbert joined them for dinner while Siesta rushed to fill their glasses with wine.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, let us celebrate the safe return of Saito and Miss Vallière!”

“Cheers!” Said in unison, raising their glasses up.

The cheerful conversation lasted for some time, until there was a time when Colbert, with a depressed voice, managed to ask:

“The royal government already made their decision, right?”

Saito replied, nodding his head.

“I see, then that means from now on we will be more busy.”

“So now what will your next job? Will you leave the mansion again?“, Siesta asked Saito as he showed a face that reflected his uncertainty.

“Do not tell me ... Does this have to do with the rumors about the incident of the floating mountains, which occurred in the Mountain of the Fire Dragon? It really surprised me, how is it possible that an entire mountain would rise up like that? Oh god! I should not say this, but... What the hell is happening to this world? No matter how I imagined it, it was something that should never have occurred."

Saito turned pale after hearing this. He did not want Siesta to be worried so much that’s why he never talked about the Crusade or the incident at the Gallia’s border to her. In order not to cause unnecessary panic, an order was decreed that the ‘incident’ will be kept in the utmost secrecy.

Maybe in that moment, Siesta had noticed the heavy atmosphere that began to build-up, so with a cheerful voice she tried to encourage everyone by saying:

“Well, whatever happens, even I can be calm ... because I'm sure that Saito and others will find a solution to any problem that comes their way, because until today, we have spent a lot of terrible things and problems, but still, it the end, all ends well in one way or another. And so I am convinced that this new problem will also be solved as well. Everything will be fine, that I can bet.”

Because of the words said by Siesta, it seemed that everyone present had resumed a new courage, and that was reflected in their expressions, which were seen as if thanking someone for having rescued.

“Although we expect a stormy task, this has not yet begun, so the only thing we have to do now is to have fun ... Do not you think so, Jean?”

That said, the next thing Kirche set out to do was smear the cream on Colbert’s head.

“Miss Zerbst, it seems that your favorite pastime is... putting the food on my head!”

Despite all that was happening, Tabitha, quietly as always, simply continued her dinner.

“Do not tell me you're not afraid?” Saito asked Tabitha, to which she replied:

“No... Because you're here.”

Saito, hearing those words, felt very happy. But, seeing that Louise was at his side, decided to get a big gulp from his glass of wine, then exhaling loudly: * Howaah *

From that moment, as if immersed in deep meditation, he stared at a point in space.

Could it be... Is it because of what happened that ‘night’? When thinking about this, the chest Louise came into his mind.

At that moment, the face of a myriad of people who he had known until now, began to emerge in Saito's head. Louise and Kirche, Guiche and the others, he could even see himself with his comrades in Ondine. In his mind arose even the faces of Tabitha and Isabella.

That is, even his friends who are not present, they are "here". Saito thought, being fully convinced.