Kino no Tabi:Volume9 Prologue

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“In Sorrow · b” —Yearning · b—[edit]

Kino no Tabi v9 015.jpg

And then the man died.

In a corner of the square where several streets converge, the man lying face down stopped moving while his blood was soaking into the stone pavement.

Under the cloudy sky that forebodes snow, and in the cold air, the blood was emitting thin steam that was immediately disappearing.


Kino, who was wearing a coat with a turned-up collar, mixed with the crowd and watched from the distance.

Shortly, two people came out of the crowd pushing their way through. Probably his acquaintances, a young lady and an aged one, approached the dead man and leaned over his body.

They shook his body several times and called him by name, however they finally had no choice but to accept his death. After that they burst into tears.

The crowd was silent. Everyone took off their hats, placed it upon their chests and closed their eyes.

“What a pitiful sight. Let’s pray for his soul.”


Kino watched silently as they prayed for the repose of dead man’s soul.

“Hey, traveler— This is a ‘sorrowful country’, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, definitely.”

Answered Kino.