
From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 23:23, 12 August 2013 by AsunaTheFlash (talk | contribs) (Hey there! I am AsunaTheFlash! Pleased to meet you *w*)
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Hello! My name is Asuna

Now what should I tell you guys about myself...

First thing, I am a highschool student, I love to draw manga, I sometimes do short animations and I have recently started here on Baka Tsuki. I find it a really awesome page, because it allows people who dont live in japan, and like light novels, to read about their favorite series.

My favorite series of light novels is Sword Art Online, followed by Toradora and Zero no Tsukaima.

Personally, I think im going to start off with translating sword art online, to my native language, spanish, since I have noticed that many volumes have still not been traduced.

If you would like to contact me, please do write an email to [email protected].

Hope we will all get allong very well!!!!

--AsunaTheFlash (talk) 16:23, 12 August 2013 (CDT)

Hola! Me llamo Asuna

Ahora, que les debería contar sobre mi ...

Primero que todo, estoy estudiando en bachillerato, me encanta dibujar manga, a veces hago animaciones cortas y hace poco comencé aquí en Baka Tsuki. Me parece que es una pagina genial, porque le permite a gente que no vive en Japón, y le gustan las novelas ligeras, enterarse de todo tipo de cosas sobre sus series favoritas.

Mi serie favorita es Sword Art Online, seguida de Toradora y Zero no Tsukaima.

En lo personal, creo que enpezare por traducir Sword Art Online a español, mi lengua nativa, desde que he notado que la mayoria de volumenes siguen sin traducir.

Si te gustaria contactarte con migo, no dudes en escribirme a [email protected]

Espero que nos llevemos muy bien!!!

--AsunaTheFlash (talk) 16:23, 12 August 2013 (CDT)