Golden Time:Volume4 Prologue

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Status: Incomplete

6% completed (estimated)


Golden Time 4: Prologue


10 days has passed since that Wednesday.

240 hours.

Upon realizing, time has passed, so fast that it's already the second Friday since then. A soundless chill ran up to Banri’s back as he was heading to the Teacher’s Room while carrying his sport bag on his shoulder.

As the midwinter school was quietly crowded with dark chill, 19 hours has turned. The presence of other students was no longer found. All lights except the one on teacher's office was off, the green light that was illuminating the feet of a person who was walking in the corridor with his hallway slippers belongs to the emergency light.

Matching up with Banri’s walking tempo, the clubroom keys on his hand produced a “kacha kacha” ring. Green key and yellow key, it seems that the sound was produced from the clashing of two plastic tags that are attached to it. Not until now that this small sound was noticed.

After the verification the club’s apparatus was confirmed, everyone who was going back must return the clubroom keys to the person in charge at the teacher’s room, in the Track & Field club this is called Ootori, in which second year students are accordingly split into groups by turns. Until now Banri had done Ootori countless of times but, doing it alone was probably his first time.

Maybe, yes. It’s his first time.

In an instant Banri stopped his leg. Until now Linda went with him every time. Banri had gone with Linda when there is Ootori.

It’s been 10 days since that time. Days had passed just like that since Linda was ignored.

As his legs began to move again, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday marks a new week, Tuesday, 2nd Wednesday followed by Thursday, and then today Friday, he confirmed as he counted the days inside his head. As he was walking, he strongly reached out to his bag strap that was falling from his shoulder. He decided that from now, it would always be like this. He thought to himself again, but saying that to one’s self gave off a strange feeling of irritation.

Nothing was felt, Banri firmly shut his lip that had roughen up. He decided that he would become a gloomy and silent person. Alone, he resolutely lifted his head up.

Just like the way he is now, he would never hear Linda’s voice ever again, forever. Hayashita Nana is not involved.

After he knocked gently, he opened the door and went inside the teacher's office.

<~~6% Completed~~>

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