
From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 05:29, 6 September 2013 by Tsuchiura (talk | contribs)
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i'm quite new to wiki editing so it'll take me some time to get used to this :X apologies if i cause any format in errors!

I'll be translating from Chinese translations, though I have knowledge of Japanese (to a certain extent).

Age: 16

Gender: M

DOB: 12 Jan

Favorite series: Aria the Scarlet Ammo (it got killed off >:), Date A Live, Infinite Stratos

Other anime watched: BakaTest, Kampfer, SAO

Not touching: Accel World

Hobbies: Gaming, trainspotting (it's weird :X), sleeping

Location: Singapore

Currently watching: Shana, Chuunibyou

Plan to watch: Dangan Ronpa, Future Diary, Madoka (if I finally bother), IS2 (when it comes out), Railgun (the one with misaka mikoto)

Current projects

Date A Live: Volume 7, Chapter 6 (Nightmare, Reappear... according to the format of the actual title. Something tells me this looks wrong, but whatever >.<")

Some issues:

  1. I procrastinate too much.
  2. I'm crazy enough to do half a chapter's worth of translation in a week, apparently.
  3. Acrobatic Kurumi destroys minds.
  4. I procrastinate too much.

Other notes:

None, as of yet.


Chapter 6 completed by the end of the September holidays (11 Sept). Will be focusing on exams after. Might try and work on Chapter 7 and 8 then. [Current progress: 70%]



I'll occasionally place some of my ongoing TLs up there, as well as maybe some other thoughts of my own. :/