Rakuin no Monshou:Volume2 Chapter3

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20% completed (estimated)


Her Royal Highness’ Gladiator

Part 1

The following day and the day after that, Orba refused all invitations from Ineli and Rogue Saian.

He secluded himself in his room, where the work he did amounted to nothing.

He loitered alone in his room. The main section of his room was far larger than the quarters he had stayed in when he was a sword-slave. Several times larger. The balcony that extended from his room also served as a garden. But going there would allow himself to be seen and he wanted to avoid raising questions as to why he was not sick. That was why he walked within the room.

On the first day, and the second day as well, Orba walked around as if a beast prowling in search of game. Each passing second felt long. Even his meals were carried out in silence. And whenever some faint noise was made, he would immediately direct his eyes at the door, to find that it never opened. And by the second day, a shadow of impatience flared across his face. The sky outside the window was already dimming. Just as he had given hope, a lone messenger came running into the room.

He’s here.

Orba’s feet came to a halt. As Dinn began to call out to Orba, he caught sight of Orba’s visage and held his breath. His eyes tore straight up, and his lips turned upwards, to reveal his canine teeth. It was a terrifying appearance rivaling that of his mask.

With the information he received from the messenger, Orba handed down new orders. They would be deployed to the entrances of the palace and main buildings, and also throughout town serving as intermediary points, similar to information relay, and provide for two-way transmission of intelligence.

The location was two alleys down from the main road, in a ryotei[1] at the very end of a street lined up with brothels.

In short, Noue did not show up personally. The one Oubary dined with was his messenger. The location was a private room situated on the third floor. Any person in the store wishing to enter must, without exception, ring the bell and obtain permission. It was ideal for confidential talks.

Orba first had several sword-slaves infiltrate the store. Naturally, he had handed them money and prepared them in the appropriate attire. After drinking several cups of wine, they started an uproar at the set time. They even dragged the people in the store into the fight, though took care not to create a bigger commotion than necessary, and then immediately vacated the store. In that time, the light-footed gladiator Aison climbed over the fencings and walls and aligned against the balcony of the room Oubary was situated in. Aison was a born pirate from the northern Zongan seas and experienced in raising and lowering the mast.

He stealthily listened in on the middle of the conversation without making a sound. The meet lasted approximately thirty minutes. What Aison could catch was no more than the mere five minutes at the end. Still, there was some harvest. About the same time when the two finished their meet, Aison got off the balcony.

Roughly three hours since the first report from the messenger, Orba heard the report from Aison.

“—I see. Not a word of this to anyone.”

“I understand.”

Unaccustomed to the way he was spoken to, Orba called out once more to Aison, who was about to leave with the compensation money in his hands. “Sir?” he responded, turning around to find a gun pointed at him. Aison turned stiff.

“I’ll say this one more time, just to be clear. Not a word to anyone.”

“Y-Yes, sir.”

“No drinking during the festival. No leaving Solon. You don’t know where my eyes and my ears lie. In exchange, if you keep to it until the festival ends, I’ll give you the same amount of money as I did now.”

A joyful countenance formed across his pale face, and he responded, “Sir!”

“…..What’s this all about?”

Dinn said after Aison took his leave, his face also drained of color.

“Nothing is clear right now and anything is still possible.”

“B-But, this doesn’t make any sense. General Oubary is a general long serving Mephius. Besides, he doesn’t want peace with Garbera. The princess…couldn’t have possibly come here from the beginning with this purpose—but then…”

Dinn stuffed the plate of grapes into his mouth and spent some time chewing.

“I said nothing’s clear yet. We only have pieces of information after all.”

Even as Orba calmly said so, his heart raged turbulently.

The contents of the conversation Aison heard were as followed:

“The incident with Kaiser was truly fortunate. It appears to have spurred on Zaat’s incitement. But I would have never thought this situation would arrive so soon. Rather, because the matter with Kaiser exists, Noue will not have to work for his accomplishments, right?”

“It is as you say,” the messenger replied. “Lord Noue is steadily progressing with his preparations. Zaat Quark, and the throwing of burning wood in slave’s room as well, all proceedings are coming along.”

“And amongst the procedings, I should also be accounted for, am I not?”

“For the general’s cooperation…”

“That’s far enough. The thanking will come after everything has ended. It’s fine to leave the handling of the matter regarding Zaat to me, but the situation with the slaves worries me. That man called Pashir. We seem to have gained his cooperation, but he is participating in the gladiator tournament after all. Were he to lose his life, won’t this be for naught?”

“There is no need to worry. The burning wood is already smouldering within Mephius. As it were, we are at best no more than ventilation. Even supposing Pashir were to lose his life, the already bursting flames will not so easily be put out.”

“Already in Mephius, hmm. You are exactly right. For this reason, the search will also determinedly be met within Mephius. Of course…so this was Noue’s aim. The sword-slaves are an unfortunate bunch. They are the same as children provoked by evil adults into fruitless opposition.”

Oubary stifled a laugh.

“After this, there will be nothing to trouble the general. Your cooperation in the concealment of the instigator has also left Lord Noue marveling at your bravery and ability to take action, General Oubary. I pray for a lasting relationship of camaraderie and trust amongst us that can cross beyond our countries.”

Hmph, Oubary snorted. Because his figure could not be seen, it was not possible to tell what emotions he held at the time.

“But what will you do with that princess of yours? If you move poorly her life will be in danger.”

“If only the princess were to escape ahead of time, Garbera’s involvement will be suspected. It is not a matter of moving poorly—that would just be how it ends up.”

Ho,” Oubary’s voiced quivered slightly.

It had been a short while. Then Oubary cleared his throat,

“—The hour is gone. Let us depart. To which banquet has Noue been invited this evening?”

“I believe it was called the Moonlight Palace. A great many envoys from numerous countries have been invited. If I remember correctly, Princess Vileena has also gone. Will the general also go there?”

“No, it’s the opposite. I would rather not meet some strange faces. I shall ascertain Zatt’s situation—”

He stood up from the seat and walked away from the room, preventing any more of the speech from being heard.

Orba played back the conversation he heard from Aison once more in his head.

His chest throbbed.

Oubary and Noue were scheming something outrageous during this festival. And to add, it was something big enough to shake the very core of the Mephius’ foundation—no doubt about it.

Oubary is selling out his country, and Noue who should be promoting peace, seems to be bringing trouble to Mephius.

He did not know what their common goal was. At the current phase, he could not even offer a guess, but two points were made clear in the conversation. The first was,

The princess’ life is in danger—“

Of course, the princess in this instance was Garbera’s third princess, Vileena Owell.

And the other point was related to the keyword, Pashir. The Pashir that Orba knew of was the gladiator who was the top contender for the championship. Oubary had also mentioned he was ‘participating in the tournament’, so there was no mistaking it.

The names of these two people, at first glance, appeared to have no connection; but, it was clearly evident that these two caught up in some plan that was even now, was steadily progressing.

If it were only something that would simply bring troubles to Mephius, Orba might have even found it interesting. He hated Mephius. If it meant burning the nobles in flames and causing them suffering agony, he would jump at the chance, even if by himself. However, if Oubary had to do with this, then it was a different matter. He would never go along with that bastard’s wishes even once.

And also…

The image of platinum hair crossed his mind. And with it, a pure, extremely honest irritation

Orba folded his arms as usual when deep in thought. Zaat, whom Oubary said he would go see. The Moonlight Palace, where Noue was said to have gone. Which one should he go for now. He was not going to bother with the pretense of directly asking questions. The information he held was too few. That was especially why he chose to meet him directly to try and shake him up.

“Dinn, prepare a change of clothes.”

“Are you going out now? Where to?”

“The Moonlight Palace,” Orba replied. He had for some reason said it in an embarrassed tone, having decided to go there.

“That place has a large amount of envoys present,” Dinn said, focusing on the task at hand. “Ummm, then formal attire suitable for a party…but if it’s the prince who would do nothing but show off about his first campaign, then a military donning outfit would be—”

“Get me a cuirass, sandals, and bangles as well.”

Orba picked up the object he hid when guests were present. It was the mask of the Iron Tiger.

Dressed in clothing fit for a gladiator, Orba headed towards the Moonlight Palace alone.

The Moonlight Palace. Its original name was ‘The Palace of Moonlight facing the Dragon’s Left Wing’. It was close to the Imperial Dragon Eye Shrine and contained one of the most magnificent gardens found in Mephius, and was more than often used to host large parties.

The guard at the gate saw Orba’s mask and bowed. He wasn’t a man with much of a prominent personality, but in accordance to the rules, performed an inspection for weapons and then granted him permission to enter.

No sooner than he had entered the garden, all the men and women called out to him. The name and appearance of the gladiator said to have defeated Ryucrown had become well-known. No sooner than he had entered the garden, all the men and women called out to him. The name and appearance of the gladiator said to have defeated Ryucrown had become well-known. The nobles had mostly hosted parties at their own homes and invited those they wanted to come.

It wasn’t that they had never foreseen encountering a savage person until now, but Orba had become the talk of the crowd. For all the hard work he put in as the prince’s body double, it was the least he could be rewarded.

As he headed further in, Orba came across the two princesses, Vileena and Ineli. He stared in wonder. The two seemed to be facing each other and chatting happily.

Translator's Notes and References

  1. A traditional Japanese restaurant, commonly used to hold discreet talks.

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