Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume27 Chapter3 1

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Unexpected Words.Part 1[edit]

Shimako-san let out a sigh.

"What's the matter? Weren't you able to meet with something-something Ami-san?"

Yumi asked, when she saw the figure enter the Rose Mansion and slump down on a chair in exhaustion.

By the time they'd opened the box of absentee's chance entries and determined who the winner of the white card was, there hadn't been much time left in the lunch break. So they decided that Shimako-san would pay a visit to the winner after school. That much, Yumi knew. Shimako-san had departed holding the application form of the successful candidate, with her cheeks slightly flushed. Almost like the bride-to-be after an arranged marriage interview.

It had been about two and a half hours since then. Shimako-san's actions suggested something had happened.

Since Shimako-san arrived at the Rose Mansion so much later than usual, Yumi had conjectured that her conversation with the other girl must have been going really well. But judging from her appearance, that seemed unlikely.

"It's Igawa Ami-san. And I was able to meet her, however."


" … it was a lot more trouble than I had expected."


As she parroted this word, Yumi thought, "In what way?" Was there some problem with Igawa Ami-san herself? Was there some kind of peripheral inconvenience, although nothing sprang to mind there. Or was there some incompatibility between her and Shimako-san?

"But I can't really explain what I mean all that well."

Shimako-san let out another sigh.

"Gah, you're taking so long. Just say it already."

Yoshino-san thumped the table a number of times, albeit softly.

"Just what did she do that's rubbed you the wrong way, Shimako-san?"

"I wouldn't say that she rubbed me the wrong way."

Right on cue, Shimako-san corrected Yoshino-san on this point. Beside her, Noriko-chan nodded in agreement. If Shimako-san hadn't said anything, she probably would have.

"So you were able to meet with this Igawa Ami-san then, Shimako-san?"

Yumi asked, seeking confirmation, and Shimako-san answered with, "Yeah."

"And the white card? Did you hand it over?"

"I did. She showed me her student notebook."

Just as they'd planned. Yumi didn't see how there could be any problem with things up to this point.

"Then I was going to talk to her about the schedule of things to come."

"You were going to?"

"She asked me not to come around to her classroom any more."


Nobody could believe their ears.

"Not to come around to her classroom? Then, what did she want? Is she going to see you in your classroom?"

Shimako-san shook her head.

"She proposed that we meet in a specific location at fixed intervals. Say, in front of a specific set of shelves in the library after school."

"What's up with that?"

Yoshino-san frowned. Yumi herself undoubtedly had a similar expression on her face.

"At any rate, it looks like she wants to avoid the public gaze. At least when she's with me."

However, since they had to plan the half-day date together, they had to meet. So the library, then. People at the library were generally caught up in their own affairs, so they probably wouldn't pay attention to everyone around them.

"In that case, couldn't she come to the Rose Mansion?"

Shimako-san's response was mumbled, as though she found it hard to get the words out.

"She said she didn't even want to come to tomorrow's explanatory meeting in the Rose Mansion."


Who did this first-year think she was? Anger was the appropriate response to such an arrogant attitude. But if she was supposed to be angry, why was Shimako-san so lethargic?

"Now I get it."

Yoshino-san said.

"I see why Shimako-san's so exhausted."

" … Yeah."

It was truly terrifying, the Igawa Ami-san virus. Compared to this, the contagion rate of influenza was no big deal. In the twinkling of an eye, it had spread to 100% of the population of the Rose Mansion. The symptoms were lethargy, sighing, and fatigue.

"Gokigenyou. Oh? What's wrong, everyone? You don't look well. Has the exhaustion from yesterday finally caught up with you?"

Mami-san cheerfully called out, after arriving a bit late, and seeing the lack of energy surrounding her in the Rose Mansion. But her enthusiasm was sure to be short lived. After hearing the story of Igawa Ami-san, Mami-san would surely display the same symptoms. The infection rate was 100%, after all.


"I see. Not much we can do about that, then."

Even after hearing the tale, Mami-san retained her energetic state.

"We haven't printed anything about the explanatory meeting in the Lillian Kawaraban, and even though she has refused to attend, we're not going to disqualify her just for that. At a minimum, all we require is a report on the date. That's the only non-negotiable requirement."

Just what you'd expect from the head of the newspaper club. Her experience arguing with teachers and various other students probably led her to the conclusion, "It takes all sorts to make a world," and she remained unperturbed.

"So, what to do?"

"I'm sorry to bother you with this Shimako-san. But, for now, can you go along with Igawa Ami-sans's requests? If she doesn't want to stand out, we shouldn't push her into the limelight. She may well become accustomed to it, to the point where she'll be seen with you around school."


Shimako-san agreed.

"As for the explanatory meeting … I'll write up the details and you can give that to her. I'll make a copy for Tanuma Chisato-san and Matsudaira Touko-san too. Then we can change tomorrow's explanatory meeting to a purely optional one."

"Is that okay?"

"It's neither good nor bad. But it's about all we can do. If we try to be difficult, it'll just create more problems."

Compromise required both sides to give a little, and if this was what was required to get things done, then so be it. Everyone was busy, and there was no point sweating the small stuff.

"Which brings me to the schedule for the dates. Have the three of you come to a decision?"

"On that matter."

Yoshino-san raised her hand.

"If possible, can we have all three on the same day?"

Yumi exchanged glances with Shimako-san.

"That should be fine, but."


In Yumi's case, she hadn't even considered the possibility that they would be on different days. Why so? Because last year, Rei-sama and Shimako-san had had their dates on the same day, which just happened to coincide with the day that Yumi and Sachiko-sama went on a date unrelated to the treasure hunt. Consequently, she thought it only natural that they should all happen on the same day.

"Why, you ask? Isn't it obvious – to diffuse the efforts of the newspaper club in following us."

They heard the sound of someone clearing their throat, just towards the end of that statement. Turning to look, Mami-san was glaring at Yoshino-san with a frown on her face.

"This strategy meeting. Are you sure it wouldn't be better if I wasn't here?"

Indeed. As the current editor-in-chief of the Lillian Kawaraban, Mami-san could hold the title of Miss Newspaper Club.

"Ah. It doesn't matter if you hear it. Besides, it'd be more annoying if you found out about it later and there was some kind of mix-up. Watching the reaction, attempting to explain things, it would all be such a waste of time that I thought we'd just cut all of that out."

Nothing timid about Yoshino-san.

"I see."

Mami-san relented. It seemed it was hard for her to protest to the plan so boldly laid out in front of her. Last year's dates had all taken place near K Station, and the head of the newspaper club, Tsukiyama Minako-sama, had disguised herself and lurked in that area. Yoshino-san was silently saying that such behavior was not acceptable, and trying to stop it.

"Well then, how about we settle on Sunday week."

The coming Sunday would be too soon, not giving them enough time to work on the plan for the date. Just like that, the trio (Shimako-san, Yoshino-san and Yumi) decided on the day. Of course, they acknowledged that if this didn't suit their partners, then they'd have to change it.

"Mami-san, is that okay with you?"

Yoshino-san asked, and the response was an affirmative, "As you wish." Apparently, Mami-san could handle defiance as well.

"At any rate, what kind of person is this Igawa Ami?"

Noriko-chan asked, now that the conversation had reached a natural break, as she flicked the application form of the winner of the absentee's chance draw.

They were both first-years, but since they weren't in the same class or clubs, they had no point of contact. Was Noriko-chan's bad mood caused by indignation about how her beloved onee-sama was being manipulated, or because she found it hard to stomach the idea of her beloved onee-sama going on a date with someone else? It looked as though she'd been silently thinking about Igawa Ami-san during the entire time Yumi, Yoshino-san and Shimako-san had been deciding on the day of the dates.

"I wonder."

There was only one entry in the absentee's chance draw that said either, "In the car park," or, "Under a car," making Ami-san the closest entrant, by far. Despite that, she didn't want to be seen together with Shimako-san. She didn't even want to come to the Rose Mansion, because it would draw too much attention to her.

"Maybe she's a fan of Yumi-san or Yoshino-san … ?"

Mami-san offered.

"I considered that too, however."

Shimako-san continued with, "I don't think it's that," and Mami-san quickly took back her words.

"Right. Regardless of whose card she was initially aiming for, it's unlikely to be the cause of her obstinate desire to stay out of the limelight."

Suppose, purely for argument's sake, that this girl admired Yumi or Yoshino-san, and she wasn't happy with Shimako-san, then surely she would have been better off waiving her right when Shimako-san first came around and informed her of it. If she thought that going on a date with Shimako-san would bring her closer to the other Rose families, then surely she wouldn't have passed up the opportunity to come to the Rose Mansion.

"Even if she wants to stay out of the limelight, as soon as that report hits the Lillian Kawaraban, she's going to be outed."

Just what were these current first-years thinking? Mami-san, perhaps on account of being in the same second-year pine class as Yumi and Yoshino-san, also found herself grumbling about kids these days.