Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa:Volume 2 Prologue

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Status: Incomplete

In our town, Saegusa city, there is a large-scale festival held every year on the day of the Tanabata, the Saegusa festival.

Though I've said large-scale, I mean among us locals, not so large that becomes a national event...

Still, if you came and looked at this town recently, you would understand how loved this festival is by the local inhabitants.

For example, posters were hung all over the shopping district.

Another example, people were carrying the indispensable bamboo grass to hang the tanzaku[1] on.

After school.

Walking back home as the day comes to an end, I saw the town being dyed little by little in the festivals colors.


I turned around to a familiar sounding voice and saw a person I knew.

Perfectly aligned bangs in a princess cut and a ponytail swayed by the wind.

The distinctively well-formed face had diminutive features that had established their owner as the foremost idol of the school I was attending.

Kurose Kyoko. The kind of relationship I had with the owner of the voice that had suddenly called to me, was that of childhood friends since elementary school.

“Are you going back home, Haru?”

“Nope. I'll stop a bit by the bookstore in front of the station”.

“He―. What kind of book are you going to buy? Since it's Haru, of course, is it manga?”

“NO. It's past questions from the Center Test[2].”


She looked at me withe her eyes widened in surprise.

"Why, you ask... From next year on we'll be preparing for exams. I think it's time to start taking measures."

“...Could it be that you're thinking about taking the college entrance exam?”

References and Translation Notes

  1. Strips of paper, often colored, where people write wishes on.
  2. A national exam to enter college; specific colleges may ask for an additional test.

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