Zero no Tsukaima:Volume5 Story3 - MTL

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The bell of San Rami‘s temple rang eleven o‘clock.

Saito was running towards a central plaza of the De Chikutonn street.

As to why he was running... well, that‘s because he was late for the date. When he elbowed his way through the mass of people, barely making to the central plaza, and saw the one who waited him pouting.


Seeing Saito, Louise, who was sitting at the fountain, puffed out her cheeks.

“What‘s up with you! You are late!”

“No...when I was about to leave I was caught by Scarron.”

“Just ignore him!”

“I can‘t, for the time being, he is my employer...“

Nagging Louise urged Saito. Aah, I should have saved my head and not came to the date if she is angry like this.

Louise was dressed for this occasion. She was embarrassed, because even though she looked gorgeous, her clothes were still not suitable for a noble… She was dressed in a recent trend, popular between town girls – black beret and black dress with a plunging neckline. The pendant, that Saito gave her, was hanging on her neck. In these clothes she really looked like a true town girl. As one would expect from a girl in her pubescence, it was hard for Louise to acquire a suiting dress in town.

Aah, when silent, she really looked pretty charming. With her arms folded and tilted chin… the young girl looked across the street intensively. Her pink-blond hair shined vividly in the rays of the sun. Her big hazel eyes were an obvious sign that she was from another world. Aah, his lovely master looked very cute right now, furiously tapping her feet.

“Hey, lets go! Before the play started.”

Louise said, still sounding little shy.

Saito nodded and started to walk. However, Louise remained standing.

“What is it?”

“Muu! Escort me properly!”


“Right. Hey!”

Louise pulled Saito's arm.


“Kuh?” and he looked dumbfounded at their united arms.

Holding hands! It made Saito very awkward. Though she had used his hands as pillows to sleep on lately, he still wasn’t used to them walking while holding hands in the middle of the town. Saito felt nervous. Then she stepped on his foot.


“During our Void day off you should lead me. Why won’t you say something? Uuuuh!”

Louise groaned.

“W-well, this is our Void day. H-how about going to the t-theater?”

Louise shook her head while sighing, and then pulled his arm dragging him after her.

“Muu! Useless escort! This way! Here!”

And so, walking in a way that it still wasn’t clear who escorted whom, the pair went down the streets of Tristain, bathing in the sunlight of the summer.

* * *

Well, as to why the couple went to see a play… 

Toady was the day of Rag and the inn was closed. “I want to go to the play” Louise said early in the morning, when she was having her breakfast (though it actually was a dinner, because they went to sleep late yesterday) with Saito in the attic.


“That’s right”

Louise muttered somewhat ashamedly.

“You like things like plays?

“I do not like it, but I want to see it.”

“See it?”

Louise nodded. When you think about it, she grew up in a different environment. Louise was strictly disciplined at home, so she probably never went to the town’s theater.

Thinking this way, Saito suddenly felt pity for Louise.

“All right, but why to see the play now?”

“Jessica told me that now there is a very popular play on stage.”

Louise is still a girl, after all and fashionable things attract her just like any other.


Louise for some reason insisted this to be a date.

“It doesn’t feel right just going there. The mood is important! Therefore let’s meet each other!”


“All right? Meet me in front of the fountain, in the central plaza.”


“Not bothersome. Hence, lets go to Royal Tanaijiiru Theater.”


And so, they met.

* * *


Royal Tanaijiiru Theater was indeed majestic. A splendid theater of gorgeous stonework. The lined up columns made it look like a temple.

Gentlemen and ladies fashionably dressed up gathered up in the theater.

Saito followed them as well.

After buying a surprisingly cheap ticket from the box office, Saito headed towards the seat. A thick curtain was dropped over the stage, and it was gloomy around it… indeed, Saito was getting excited by the mysterious atmosphere.

Seats were marked by the numbers and it was written on a ticket where one should sit, however agitated, Saito, without noticing, sat down in a different seat.

When he and Louise waited for the play to start, a nice looking middle-aged noble with beautiful silver hair tapped his shoulder.

“Listen, pal”


“This is the seat I have had reserved for some time ago. Isn’t your seat different?”

This being said, the number of the seat was confirmed. It was as the man said. Hastily Saito, being urged by Louise, stood up.

“Muu! You have no shame!”

Louise complained shaking her head. Searching for the seat, Saito asked Louise.

“What was the play again?”

“…Tristania’s Holiday”

“What’s the plot?”

“Princess of a certain country and the prince of a certain country come to Tristania secretly. The pair meet each other hiding their identities, however once they fall in love… they learn each other’s identities and separate. Sad story.”

Such story shared a great popularity among the young girls. And indeed, the theater was crowded with young women.

After he found the seat, with much effort, the curtain rose. The play started. Music played and… it sounded beautifully in the theater.


Louise watched the stage with absorbed interest.

Saito, who saw the Helkeginia’s play for the first time, at first, gazed at it attentively as well. However… he got tired soon.

The scenario wasn’t so bad – he thought. Yet, the actors were unskilled. Though Saito was not very interested in plays, he still saw various movies back on earth and saw some school plays as well.

Compared to that… these guys were ham actors. Occasionally the voice turned inside out and singing scenes were executed in tone-deaf manner. Was that really a royal opera?

Yet Louise was still deeply moved by it, laughing ‘Ha!’ and sighing weakly. Waa, I should just enjoy the play like them, Saito thought.

However… the play seemed to be still no good. He looked around yawning, watching the visitors. There seemed to be some well known faces of society there. However, only young women were intensively gazing at actors. Guess some things do not change even compared to Saito’s different world.

Saito became sleepy while watching.

Not being able to bare it anymore, he started to snore slightly.

Louise threw an angry look at a sleeping Saito.

Wh-what?! This fellow…though it is such a special play! I invited him!

For Louise this was a date. This should have been her memorable first date. Therefore she was so picky about such details as meeting, yet this familiar didn’t notice that.

More so, he didn't escort me!

Did not know where the theater was!

I had to buy the tickets!

Furthermore, he shamefully mixed the seats!

Moreover, he fell asleep!

Th-th-though she chose him to be her long-awaited first date companion, this familiar was reluctant to be his masters date! Reluctantly he chose to do so! Un-for-gi-va-ble! Louise restrained her feelings that she wanted to shout out and stared at Saito, who had started a journey to the dream land.

But… the play was long… and Louise has gotten tired in the course of the time too. The the sleepiness took over her and she slowly closed her eyelids.

It was not possible to endure after all and … she leant her head against Saito's shoulder… she started to watch another play in the dream land… Louise began to row the boat

* * *

There was one visitor who wasn’t looking at the play as well. It was the same middle-aged noble whose seat Saito took by mistake. He was sitting next to a merchant and was having a secret talk with him.

This talk content… was the things they heard from Tristain generals. The extremely secret Tristain’s military were the object of the gossips.

“F-fleet’s construction?”

The merchant asked.

“It will take half of a year at least.”

The noble answered.

There were more whispers throughout the talk… In exchanged for such secret information regarding Royal matters, the merchant passed a small bag to the noble. The noble peeked inside and saw it being tightly packed with golden coins.

The merchant whispered

“However… why contact each other in the theater?”

“What? To have a secret talk among the crowd of people. It is natural to tell a whispering story here. Therefore – a theater. If you would do that in a small room, one would get suspicious that you are plotting something not good.”

“Haha. I am sure that His Highness Emperor will be greatly interested in lord’s information. He might even give you a medal if you would come above the clouds.”

“This Albion’s person has a cold heart.”

“What, this whole land will be called by this name, sooner or later. Thank you for your cooperation.

Saying so, the merchant tried to stand up. The nobleman stopped him.

“What more?”

“Why don’t you act slowly. Wait till the last minute of the play.”

* * *

Tristain’s Royal palace stony floor echoed the sound of boots as a lone young woman knight walked. She had shortly cut blond hair and clear blue eyes. A protective chain hemp garment with the sheet metal parts wrapped around her body, in addition to a robe with a Lily coat of arms painted on it.

Yet there was no wand at her lower waist… but a long, thin sword.

Coming and going nobles mage bodyguards halted and stared at her surprised, as it was unusual to see a fencer in the royal palace.

Mages saw a sword at her waist and the chain-mail that she wore, and started whispering among themselves.

“Fuun! Commoner woman!”

“She needs to have some grand permission to walk in palace dressed up like that… oh dear, different times!”

“Moreover, this woman is a Protestant! Giving Chevalier's title for such an harmful insect… I feel ashamed for our young majesty!”

Despite the impudent glances and rude talks about her, the young woman kept on walking straight, without sparing a single look at them.

At the end of the passage… she aims towards Henrietta’s office. She was stopped at the door by a magical guard member with a royal crest on his chest, not allowing her to visit her majesty.

“Her Majesty is in the middle of a conference right now. Come again later.”

The mage guard declared coldly, not even trying to hide his contempt for the woman knight.   “Please tell that Agnes came. I have a permission to visit Her Majesty anytime.”

The guard scowled. Then opened the door and disappeared in the office room. After that, he came back, granting Agnes the permission to enter the room.

When Agnes came into the office. Henrietta was in the middle of conference with Richmon from the High Court of Justice

What is the High Court of Justice? That’s the organization that rules the administration of justice in the kingdom. Whenever the privileged class disagrees… the judgement is brought in. They inspected literature works, operas or plays in theaters, or supervised commoner’s markets and frequently took care of conflicts within the monarchic government prefecture administration.

Henrietta who noticed Agnes, smiled with the edge of the lips, and told Richmon to break off the conference.

“But Your Highness…Rising taxes any further, will make commoners resentment grow. This will cause disorder. Other countries may use it against us.”

“It’s an emergency. Despite our citizen's poverty…”

“Construction of 50 warships! 20,000 mercenaries! 15,000 expanses on equipping lords army-men! Food expenses to feed officers and men and our allied forces! Where can you get so much money? Build of scout army etc., just give it up, please.”

“The Albion overthrow is now a national priority of Tristain.”

“But Your Majesty, though former Kings of Halkeginia with united forces attacked Albion on countless occasions… they were always defeated. Going into a campaign across the sky has more difficulties than one can imagine.”

Richmon declared, adding a hoity-toity gesture.

“I know. However I also know that finances minister reported that ‘The procurement of these war expenditures is not impossible’. Are you dissatisfied that you won’t be able to enjoy your former luxuries? As a matter of fact, I wonder how much you've saved since you started working?”

Henrietta said, sarcastically looking at the gorgeous clothes that Richmon was wearing.

“I myself prohibited imperial guard knights to wear the chain of silver that decorated the cane. To show an example to others. There are no nobles, commoners nor royal family members. We are united now, Richmon.”

Henrietta watched Richmon. He bowed his head.

“You got me with this. I know, Your Majesty. However, the council of High Court of Justice consist of many people and it is not possible that they would agree with this campaign. I would like you to acknowledge it as a reality.”

“We will reach consensus, with the cardinal’s and my own work. I have the confidence that we will be able to persuade the council.”

Richmon watched Henrietta, who declared this with dazzling eyes.

“…Something wrong?”

“No… I just admired.”


“That’s right. This Richmon, served ten years for Philip the Great, thirty years ago. By the time you were born, I knew about Your Majesty just more than Your Majesty yourself.”

“Oh, well”

“Though you might not remember, but the Emperor and Empress were really happy about Your Majesty’s birth! Though it was scary to lift your tiny body in one’s arms, I was still honored to rock and bath Your Majesty once or twice.”

“My mother said you served well.”

Henrietta said smiling.

“You are too kind. Just a while ago I was giving rude comments not thinking about the mother country.”

“You are a real patriot, I know that very well.”

“Anyway, I’ll say no more. Though Your Highness was such a crybaby before, she became a splendid woman now. There’s nothing for me to regret.”

“I am still…a crybaby. Please lend your power for the mother country, Richmon.”

Richmon bowed, asking for the permission to leave the room. Henrietta nodded.

Agnes, who stood next to the door, watched Richmon leave.

Finally Agnes turned to Henrietta, who sat in her chair, and kneeled down, bowing her head.

“Agnes Chevalier Do Milan, welcome.”

Looking up, Henrietta urged.

“Did you finish the investigation?”


Then Agnes took out the letter out of her cleavage and gave it to Henrietta. The Queen took it and looked inside.

This was… Henrietta ordered to this female knight to investigate that ominous night events. The night where, abductor from Albion… revived Wales, sneaked into the royal palace following someone’s written plan.

“So the guide wasn’t alone guided…as I take”

“Exactly, he helped getting inside, pulled the bolt up, and could go unnoticed in royal palace as he was alone.”

“To hide, once the group that tried to entice me entered.”

Henrietta said with painful look in her eyes.

“Yes. In only five minutes, Your Majesty.”

“Once found out, he insisted that it was a coincidence. However, he could not explain from where he had the money…”

The man that was written there, was the one that she gave a position to herself, and assumed him to be faithful, but was bribed by the sum of…

“70,000 ecu… This amount of gold is higher than the total amount of his pension.”

“It is as you say.”

Kneeling down, Agnes agreed.

“Though we were able to capture the informant who worked for the money… The number of people going over to Albion’s side increased recently.”

“That employee…”

“I could not contact him yesterday. Perhaps, he sensed that he was found out.”

Henrietta sighed.

“Snake on one’s chest.”

“Reconquista’s nobles reach and hear beyond the national borders.”

“Might of money. A man with dreams turned into a man with gold lust. For the money… he tried to sell me and the country.”

Agnes kept silence. Henrietta gently put her hand on her shoulder.

“You did well. Thank you.”

Agnes watched the crest on the surcoat. Crest… lily, the sign of the Royal family.

“I dedicated myself to Your Majesty. Your Majesty gave me the family name and the position.”

“I cannot trust the people that use magic anymore. Except for a few old friends…”

Henrietta said in a sad voice.

“In Tarbes, nobles are similar to military. Therefore, this is what makes you a real noble.”

“You are too kind.”

Henrietta shook her head gently.

“You… had it tough in royal court, Agnes.”

“I was born the way I was born. And no sneers matter.”

“Though you are not noble by birth, you are a noble by soul. Foolish people.”

Agnes muttered a question.

“And what will you do about that man’s case?”

“Not enough evidences. It is hard to prove a crime.”

“Then…” Agnes continued in low voice.

“I am just newly established Queen… I will leave everything to the ‘Musketeer Corps’.”

After commander Wardes' betrayal, war of Tarbes and the recent annihilation of the Griffon corps, magic guard, that ought to protect the royalty, crumbled. The griffon corps are under the command of the Mantei Koa troops now, thus only one unit is still on duty.

To supplement the lack of guard, Henrietta newly established the ‘Musketeer Corps’ led by Agnes. As its name suggests, it uses new force of musket and sword, instead of magic. Because of mage shortage, only members are commoners… For the sake of Henrietta’s, who is a woman, personal safety the guard is also made of women.

Because it interferes to negotiate with other corps when the commander is not an aristocrat, Agnes was exceptionally awarded the noble title. She became a ‘Chevalier’ and the fictional family name was given.

Henrietta’s exception made the national military power increase due to numbers of joining commoners. Though, nobles were naturally repulsed by this idea, Henrietta suppressed it. Though it looked like the way they allied Germania, it was actually different. As, Henrietta, thanks to the kidnapping that deeply damaged her confidence… was unable to trust mages anymore.

“We are the way the royal court says – born without fineness. After all, it is impossible to become a noble.”

Henrietta shook her head.

“Who said that you are not a noble? You are a commander of the corps of the imperial guard knights that I myself admitted. The commander of imperial guards is different, as your position can only be rivaled to that of a field marshal.”

Agnes deeply bowed.

“Have the pride. Walk tall. ‘I am an aristocrat’ – tell that to yourself in front of the mirror. If you do so, you will gain the fineness eventually.”

“As you say.”

“You just follow our former plan and watch over the man’s actions. If we are correct, the criminals will surely expose themselves tomorrow.”

“We won’t let them go free?”

“Surely. I won’t forgive anyone who were related to that night’s incident…Countries… People… Everyone. Yes. “

Then Agnes deeply bowed and left the room.

She was eternally grateful to Henrietta. Not because of the position or family name... No, because she was given a chance for revenge.